very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 043 Why is it him!

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 043. Why is it him! With Yang Ming's joining, the other party's people were quickly settled.

Of course, the arrogant brother was not spared in the end. When he was about to say a few harsh words on the scene, Yang Ming stepped on his face, and the guy suddenly fainted.

Let's not talk about the wound of the lumbar spine. First of all, it can be seen with his eyes. He pointed to Brother De, who was in a coma on the ground and the bridge of his nose collapsed. He said to Yang Ming with admiration, "Brother, no, Brother Yang, I'm convinced. You are really No wonder the old dick was killed by you!" It was not until this time that Yang Ming was really convinced! This "Brother Yang" is much more sincere than the original hypocritical flattery! Many of the prisoners present were also figures on the road. When he heard that Ji Shuisheng was killed by Yang Ming, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The eyes looking at Yang Ming were a little in awe.

"The discipline is coming!" I don't know who shouted, and the people present immediately stood neatly and made way.

"What's going on? Who are the people fighting? Zhang Guanjiao came over with a baton and asked with a black face.

Yang Ming and Bao Sanli, Qi Wenrui and Zhai Lei stood up.

"What's your name?" Zhang asked. He asked.

"Yang Ming."

"Rampant Sanli."

"Qi Wenrui."

"Zhai Lei."

Yang Ming? Zhang Zhexin said that he turned out to be Yang Ming! Captain Chen Fei also asked me to take care of you, but I didn't expect you to take care of you! It turned out that Chen Fei thought Yang Ming, a young man, was good. He was afraid that he would enter the detention center and be bullied by other prisoners, so he deliberately said hello to his old classmate Zhang Zing.

"What's going on?" Zhang Guan's face softened a little.

If the person who was beaten today is Yang Ming, he will be blamed by his old classmates! Report, when Yu Xiangde saw that Yang Ming was a newcomer, he came to look for trouble. We were all the same number, so we fought with them!" Bao Sanli said.

Looking for trouble? Yang Ming was stunned. Just now, it was the one named Yu Xiangde who fought with Zhai Lei. These people came to help. How did he become bullying himself? Don't you lie with your eyes open! There are so many people present. Don't you ask as soon as you ask? Just as Yang Ming wanted to speak, he squeezed his eyes at him.

Yang Ming had to shut up again.

After listening, Zhang Guan nodded and believed seven or eight points in his heart. It has become a practice for old prisoners to bully new prisoners, and there is no need for any special cause! So I didn't doubt it at all: "Do you guys talk about it, is that the case?" Zhang discipline asked the other prisoners.

"I'm not sure. That's probably the case, right?" The prisoners shook their heads one after another.

Yang Ming was a little confused. No wonder his face was not red and his heart did not beat when he lied just now. It turned out that it was impossible to wear a gang! How did he know that the prisoners here were all about their own business. Who would come out to testify if they had nothing to do? Especially when they saw that Yang Ming was so cruel just now, they were afraid that he would revenge on himself afterwards.

Zhang Wenjiao also knew that these witnesses were basically the types of unknown, so he didn't delve into it any more. He just said to several discipline behind him, "Let's see if these people are seriously injured. Some of them are sent to the infirmary for dressing. If there is nothing to do, they will be locked in the closed room Unexpectedly, Yang Ming and Bao Sanli had nothing to do, so they were sent back to the number.

"Brother Bao, what did you say just now that Yu Xiangde bullied me?" Yang Ming asked with some doubts.

"Hey hey, Brother Yang, you just came here. You don't know the rules here. If it's because of grabbing seats, then both of us are responsible, and they bully the newcomers to find trouble, which is completely their responsibility! Otherwise, we will all have to go to confinement tonight!" The violent Sanli explained.

"Then aren't you afraid that those people will sue us after they wake up?" Yang Ming asked.

"They can't. It's a loss for them! In the detention center, prisoners solve problems with their own strength. Whoever makes a small report will be looked down upon by all prisoners! Unless Yu Xiangde doesn't want to fool around, otherwise he can't do such a shameful thing!" He laughed and said with a smile.

Yang Ming also smiled. It turns out that there is such a rule here! It seems that Yu Xiangde should be unlucky! When he went to the canteen for breakfast the next day, where Yang Ming went, everyone around him consciously made way.

Yang Ming is like the jailer in the movie.

In the past, in this detention center, it was led by two groups of Yu Xiangde and Bao Sanli. Usually, they also did not violate the river water. Who knew that Yu Xiangde took any gun medicine yesterday and took action against the Bao Sanli people.

But it doesn't matter. It completely breaks this balance.

Now everyone in the detention center knows that there is a new cruel man named Yang Ming in the trumpet of Bao Sanli, and subconsciously regards him as the boss of the detention center.

Since yesterday's incident, the name of Yang Ming has also become Brother Yang, not to mention Qi Wenrui and Zhai Lei.

........................Songjiang City Police Station.

"Officer Xia, I... I don't want to see that man anymore..." Lin Zhiyun shook her head.

"No, before we submit the case to the court, you must confirm the identity of the suspect in the last step!" Xia Xue said.

"However, even if I went, I couldn't recognize him. At that time, he... At that time, I was so scared that I didn't dare to open my eyes. Later, I fainted..." Lin Zhiyun said.

"It doesn't matter. This is the procedure. You have to go through it again. According to your case, the criminal suspect was arrested by us on the spot when he committed the crime, so even if you can't recognize him, the court can still convict him!" Xia Xue explained.

So, Lin Zhiyun, accompanied by Xia Xue and Chen Fei, came to the Songjiang City Police Detention Center.

"Yang Ming! Come out for a moment!" Zhang Zong opened the door of the horn and said to Yang Ming.

After that, Yang Ming was taken to a room separated by glass. The glass was one-way. Yang Ming could be seen on the other side, but Yang Ming could not see the other side of the mirror.

Yang Ming also heard from Bao Sanli before that as long as he is led out and identified, it will not be far from the time to appear in court.

Yang Ming actually hopes that this day will come earlier. Instead of staying here, it's better to go to prison.

Going to prison is one day less, but here is a waste of time, which is not included in the sentence at all.

"Why is it him?" When Lin Zhiyun saw Yang Ming opposite the glass, she couldn't help screaming!