very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 056 Joint Examination of Four Schools

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 056. The first large-scale mock examination of the fourth-school joint examination in the third year of senior high school kicked off.

This is just the beginning, and then the district simulation, municipal simulation and provincial simulation will come one after another.

If it is not an abnormal performance, students with a total score of less than 400 in this exam will basically have to work harder, otherwise they will not even pass the junior college entrance examination.

This exam is completely carried out in accordance with the model of the college entrance examination. Each person has a desk, the mouth of the desk is arranged in the opposite direction, and everything related to the examination should be placed in front of the podium.

The current situation makes Yang Ming very excited. If the cheating is successful this time, it will be very easy in the college entrance examination! The first subject is the Chinese examination, and the things that need to be self-played are very limited. Yang Ming's schoolbag on the podium contains a Xinhua dictionary and a high school Chinese examination points, which basically covers the knowledge of the whole high school Chinese! Yang Mingke easily found the answer in this book with the content on the test paper! As for the reading comprehension later, Yang Ming referred to the answers of most people in the examination room and came up with a comprehensive answer.

Because there are strangers in this examination room, Yang Ming doesn't know what their level is, so he just came to brainstorm.

In terms of composition, Yang Ming can't copy others. This time, the title is "A magical day". There are too many magical things that happen to Yang Ming, but they can't be written. Otherwise, the teacher must think that he is a psychopath and make up myths in the composition.

There was nothing he could do. Yang Ming had to casually compile a more positive article. Anyway, bullshit is Yang Ming's strength.

The second subject is the math exam. Yang Ming did not prepare any cheating books in his schoolbag, and he was not going to copy others. In that case, he would be so sorry for Zhao Ying! When he got the test paper, Yang Ming was almost shocked! The person who came up with this question is too lazy, isn't he? This test paper is almost no different from last year's test paper answered by Yang Ming yesterday. The choice of filling in the blanks has hardly changed, and the big question has only changed a few numbers! It was originally Yang Ming's strength, but now Yang Ming's answer is easier, and it will be finished soon.

However, in terms of the big question, Yang Ming still deliberately missed a few steps, otherwise the score of 150 points would be too exaggerated! The third subject is English. Although Yang Ming has learned a lot these days, he is not as good as mathematics, so Yang Ming directly used the cheating method. Anyway, the textbook and the English-Chinese dictionary are in the schoolbag, and there is also a grammar book. Yang Ming can read it with his eyes at any time.

There is no need to copy others in English at all. Almost all the questions on the paper can be found in textbooks and dictionaries. For questions involving grammar, you can quickly find similar usages in the grammar collection.

So there is only listening. Yang Ming referred to other people's answers, but he doesn't believe in someone. He still uses a brainstorming method and refers to the answers of more than 20 people. If he chooses more A, it is A, and more B is B. If this is still the wrong answer, then Yang Ming can only recognize it.

The next day's physics, chemistry and biology are unified into a test paper for the examination, which is the so-called X in 3+X, which is different from the previous liberal arts questions. There are many questions. Yang Ming copied some conceptual questions according to the textbook, and the remaining questions need to be calculated.

Yang Ming first wrote what he can do, and then he still carried out his brainstorming method. If he can't copy one person, then copy a group of people. Yang Ming first looked at the final result of their big question, picked out the people with the most results first, and then found a few. Copy the neatest person who wrote the steps.

Of course, Yang Ming also made appropriate changes in the format, otherwise it will be difficult to explain if there is a similar volume.

Handing in the test paper, Yang Ming felt much more relaxed! Is it easy? I thought it was a challenging job, but I didn't expect it to be done so easily! Yang Ming shook his head and walked out of the classroom. It seems that it is not a problem to get a good grade this time.

When he went downstairs, Yang Ming saw Chen Mengyan coming from afar from the corridor on the second floor, so he greeted her: "Mengyan, how was the exam?" It's Yang Ming. It scared me!" Chen Mengyan raised her head and said, "Why are you shouting so loudly? It seems that you are in a good mood! You must have did well in the exam, right?" It's okay. You know me. In the past, I couldn't avoid exams, but I've been working hard for a while, and you're tirelessly urging me. On the contrary, I'm looking forward to it. I want to see what level I have mastered!" Yang Ming said half-truthfully, "What about you?" Me? I'm not the same as before. As you know, it's very difficult to advance one or two!" Chen Mengyan shook her head.

Yang Ming also knows that if the last one is willing to work hard, it is possible to advance ten or twenty, but it will be difficult for the top ten students to make another breakthrough, because everyone is a good student and works very hard, and no one will relax at all.

Chen Mengyan is now the first in the class, about ten in the whole school year, and it is basically the same in several major exams.

"Ha ha, in fact, you don't have to worry about anything. Even if you are the first in the school year, what can you do? With your current grades, it's no problem to apply for any university!" Yang Ming is telling the truth. In previous years, the top 30 of the fourth middle school were the seedlings of key universities.

"It's true that I'm a girl, and I can't catch up with your boys' logical thinking in science! You are a good example. I have worked hard for three years, and you have only studied for a month, and your math scores are almost better than mine!" Chen Mengyan said quietly, "I'm very jealous!" Huh? I don't mean to discriminate against your gender. Besides, no matter how well I learn, it's also your credit!" Yang Ming Khan.

"Ha ha, I lied to you!" Chen Mengyan made a face and smiled at Yang Ming and said, "If I'm really jealous, can I seriously urge you to study every day!" Ha, I knew you were good to me!" Yang Ming said with great disgret.

"What? Damn you, what are you talking about? I'm good to you. I'm just doing my duty as a study committee member! Don't learn from peacocks!" Chen Mengyan said.

"Learn from the peacock? Why should I learn from it? Yang Ming is very inexplicable. Do I look like a bird?" The peacock opens its screen, and it is sentimental!" Chen Mengyan laughed and said.

"Ah? Then I'm a male peacock, and you're a female peacock!" Why?" I opened the screen to attract the female peacock!" Go to hell!"