very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 123 Meet an Old Man in Another Country

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 123. Meet the old man in his hometown:. Today is the day to fly back to Songjiang. Yang Ming got up very early. He looked at Lan Ling, who was sleeping like a kitten beside him, patted her on the back and shouted, "Lan Ling, get up quickly. Let's catch the plane today!" Catch a plane?" Lan Ling asked in a daze. Although he usually got up earlier than Yang Ming, it was only three o'clock in the morning. It was the most sleepy time: "Can't you sleep a little longer?" OK, you can fly back by yourself then. I'll go first!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"I'm up."

Lan Ling sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Yang Ming was a little funny: "Go wash your face and brush your teeth, and go to bed when you get on the plane."

"Oh, good."

Lan Ling slept without clothes, so he walked to the bathroom naked.

In front of Yang Ming, there is nothing to avoid.

Yang Ming had a kind of impulse to hold Lan Ling back to **, fiercely... but time was tight, so he could only think about it.

After simply packing his luggage, Yang Ming glanced at the whole room with his perspective eyes. He was afraid that something was missing in the corner.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped in a corner, and Yang Ming couldn't help frowning... Lan Ling packed himself up, and Yang Ming went to wash his face and brush his teeth. After everything was ready, Yang Ming carried his luggage and went out of the room with Lan Ling.

Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang lived in the same room this time. With the lesson of the last time, they didn't find a young lady to kill Zhang Jiefang.

It happened that Zhang Bin and the others also came out. The four of them left the room, and there was a waiter to check the facilities in the room.

Yang Ming carefully looked at the waiter who came to clean his room and remembered his appearance in his heart.

There is nothing to say all the way.

But Lan Ling's residence in Songjiang has become a problem. You can't lead her directly from home, can you? Although she and she already have a husband and wife, things should always be gradual.

You have to let your parents accept it little by little.

It seems that I can only find a house for Lan Ling first, and then find a way to convince my parents later.

Originally, Yang Ming's parents were going to pick them up at the airport, but because Lan Ling was there, it was difficult to explain, so Yang Ming told his parents not to come, and there was a driver from Zhang Jiefang to take them back.

In order to arrange Lan Ling, Yang Ming called his parents when he arrived in Songjiang and told them that he would go to Zhang Bin's house first and then go back in the evening.

Anyway, Yang's father and mother have to go to work, so they don't care.

In the afternoon, Yang Ming took Lan Ling and Zhang Bin to a housing agency.

"Who rents a house?" Songjiang's housing agency has not yet formed that kind of chain business model.

It's all a small private business.

And most of the operators are middle-aged aunts.

The aunt in front of her looked at the very intimate man and woman in front of her with a suspicious face.


Yang Ming pointed to Lan Ling: "Sometimes I also go to live."

"What's the relationship between you two?" Aunts prefer to meddle in other people's business.

"Friends and girlfriends."

Yang Ming replied.

"Friends and girlfriends? Are you an adult?" The aunt curled her lips.

"You are checking the place of household registration!" Zhang Bin beside him was a little impatient: "Are you doing business or not? If we don't do it, we'll go to someone else's house!" Hey, don't go," Auntie just has nothing to do. Of course she has to do business: "Do you have an ID card?" She has to make sure whether the three children are here to make trouble.


Yang Ming didn't want to talk too much with her, so he explained to himself, "We are students of Songjiang University.

My girlfriend's family is out of town. She wants to rent a house nearby to accompany me. Please help me see if there is a suitable one!" The agent aunt heard that she was a student.

Immediately relieved.

She is afraid of renting to some social idle people, and then the homeowner will come to the agency to settle accounts with her.

"Wait, I'll check it for you."

The agent aunt took out a broken book and checked it: "What standard land do you want? How much is it?" One house and two rooms are fine, preferably a house after 2,000 years. It doesn't matter whether it's decorated or not. As long as the environment is good.

Yang Ming didn't know much about this aspect, but told the agent his requirements.

"Well, there are three places that meet your requirements, and the houses are all after 2000.

There is a Huafu community at the back door of Songgong University, and two are family buildings of employees of Songgong University.

The intermediary aunt said, "The Washington community is relatively expensive, and the house is from last year.

The area is relatively large, rice.

The employee's family building is 99 years old.

One place is from 2002, the area is about the same, meters, it was renovated in 1999, and it was not installed in 2002.

"How much is the rent?" Yang Mingde's employee's family building is good.

"The monthly rent of the employees' family buildings is 800,: Dao.

"Can the rent be cheaper?" Yang Ming asked.

"The house in the Washington community can be negotiated, and the employee's family building is the lowest price."

The agent's aunt said, "If you think it's appropriate, I'll contact the owner to see the house."

Yang Ming and Zhang Bin studied it and asked Lan Ling's opinion. They all felt that the employee's family building was good. After all, most of the people living there were school teachers, and there were no people in the society, which was safer.

"Let's take a look at the house in the employee's family building!" Yang Ming said.

"Yes, I'll talk to you about the agency fee first. Once you decide to rent it, you and the owner will pay me 10% of the monthly rent as the agency fee."

The agent's aunt said.

10% is 80 yuan, which is more reasonable. Yang Ming nodded and said, "No problem."

"I remind you that you can't have private contact with the owner for a while!" The agent's aunt said, "For insurance, you give me a deposit of 50 yuan first, otherwise if you bypass me, how can I make money!" Yang Ming thought that this was indeed the case. Then he looked at the business license on the wall and thought that this person should not be a liar, so he took out 50 yuan and gave it to the agent aunt.

The agent's aunt issued him a deposit receipt and contacted the owner.

"One of the homeowners went out, and now only the one that was renovated in 1999 has been put down the phone, and the agent asked.

"Yes, when will you see the house?" The decoration is better, Yang Ming doesn't care.

"It's okay now."

The intermediary aunt said, "The owner is a professor of Songjiang University of Technology. The house is divided by the unit, but he still has one, and this one is free."

The intermediary aunt is a small business. She runs it alone, locks the door directly, and takes Yang Ming and others to see the house.

See Zhang Bin's Chrysler 300C outside the door, a good car, and still rent a house? However, she immediately stopped. I guess she subconsciously regarded Yang Ming and Zhang Bin as the brother of a rich family. Lan Ling was a woman who was raised by Yang Ming behind his family's back.

Zhang Bin didn't know what the intermediary aunt thought, so he explained, "My father's company's car is not ours."

Such an explanation made the intermediary aunt's idea more firm. Looking at Yang Ming and Lan Ling all the way, they were very suspicious, and even doubted whether Lan Ling's ID card was forged? She doesn't look like she's seventeen years old! The family area of Songjiang University of Technology is in the campus. After Yang Ming lives in the school, it will be very convenient to find Lan Ling.

Because the school is built for its own employees, the environment here is very good. There are special cleaning personnel, and you have to use a pass to get in and out.

If you come to visit friends, the security room will call the owner for verification, so the idle personnel can't get in at all.

Now Yang Ming can't get in. They stand at the gate of the family area, waiting for the owner to pick them up.

About ten minutes later, a Volkswagen Golf parked at the gate of the community and an old man in his fifties got out of the car. The agent's aunt hurriedly greeted him: "Professor Liu, I have brought all the people to see the house."

"Well, let's go to see the house now...Huh?" Professor Liu couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Yang Ming.

And Yang Ming was very surprised when he saw Professor Liu get out of the car at the beginning! This person is Liu Weishan, whom he met in Tengchong a while ago! Mr. Liu, why is it you? Yang Ming said with great joy.

Zhang Jiefang has told Yang Ming about Liu Weishan's identity, so Yang Ming respects him very much.

"You are..." Liu Weishan just felt that Yang Ming was familiar, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

Yang Ming was stunned. It turned out that Liu Weishan did not recognize himself just now, and he couldn't help but be slightly disappointed. However, he immediately thought that Liu Weishan was so famous that he would definitely contact many people every day. It was normal that he could not remember himself, a person who had only one chance.

"Yes! I remember that you are the young man I met at Tengchong Xinhua Bookstore!" Liu Weishan touched his forehead and suddenly said.