very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 132 Enemy Encounter

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 132. The enemy accidentally met Yang Ming and glanced at the bag in front of him and found that the emerald inside was still there, and the seal was not passive, so he was relieved.

Nowadays, some transportation companies are also very reassuring and often steal their clients' goods.

However, they don't have Yang Ming's ability to measure this bag of stones, and it's useless to steal it.

After lifting this bag of stones, Zhang Jiefang specially found two workers to polish the stones.

"I'll polish it myself!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Of course, so it's fun!" Zhang Jiefang asked the workers to find a set of tools for Yang Ming.

At this time, a bag of stones had been poured out. Yang Ming pretended to be very casual and picked up the emerald stone.

"I'll help you, too."

Zhang Bin also picked up a stone and held it in his hand. Anyway, he was fine.

Zhang Jiefang also found a chair and sat aside with a smile and chatted with the two: "Zhang Bin, you can't drive yet. In two days, you and Yang Ming will find a driving school to learn."

"Dad, is it over if you teach me? What kind of driving school do you want to sign up for!" Zhang Bin asked.

"Go, I'm so busy, how can I have time to teach you? Besides, I'm not from a professional class, and I haven't learned it systematically. There is no problem to drive an automatic car, and the hand gear is over. How can I teach you!" Zhang Jiefang refused directly: "Besides, how good the driving school is, and Yang Ming will accompany you."

" OK, then you can buy me a car after I finish learning?" Zhang Bin nodded.

"If you get the book, I'll take you to buy it."

Zhang Jiefang is not perfunctory. He has decided to buy a car for Zhang Bin.

"That's a deal!" Zhang Bin said happily, "Yang Ming, shall we sign up tomorrow?" Tomorrow? Let's go."

Yang Ming thought about it, and it will be a matter of time before he buy a car in the future.

So it's better to take the driver's license test with Zhang Bin.

"Yang Ming, the one in your hand..." Zhang Jiefang inadvertently glanced at the hairy stone that had been polished in Yang Ming's hand: "Emerald! Yang Ming, did you actually open another piece of jade?" Huh? Is this emerald? Yang Ming pretended not to know what he looked like.

I was so shocked that the sandpaper in my hand fell to the ground.

"Emerald! And the texture is no worse than the previous one!" Zhang Jiefang's eyes widened and his mouth widened.

"Damn it, boss! Aren't you?" Zhang Bin was also shocked: "Did you get a ring that can improve your luck? Why are you so lucky!" How do I know?"

Yang Ming smiled innocently and said, "There is such a good thing!" Zhang Jiefang took the jade in Yang Ming's hand, carefully checked it, and said, "It is preliminarily estimated that the value of this jade is about 2 million, which is much better than your original one."

In fact, Yang Ming has known it for a long time, and he is not very surprised.

However, the superficial kung fu still had to be done, so he said in surprise, "Well, I didn't expect to be blessed by misfortune.

In this way, the previous piece of jade is nothing.

"That's what I said, but Uncle Zhang will still lose your jade money."

Zhang Jiefang said.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly and went back and forth. The purpose of his words was to make Zhang Jiefang feel at ease.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jiefang raised this question again.

This time, Zhang Jiefang was very careful. After knowing that Yang Ming had an emerald in his hand, he quickly brought a password box.

put it in, and then drove Yang Ming and Zhang Bin to the safe of the bank in person and went through the deposit procedures.

At present, the bank is still the safest place in terms of the security system.

And the other sacks of stones have also been simply polished, and no emerald appears again.

But there are really a lot of good jade, which made Zhang Jiefang amazed. He also went to gamble on stones and picked them together. The value of this bag of stones in Yang Mingdi was about to catch up with the overall value of all his jade.

Zhang Jiefang valued these jades.

is worth about 300,000 yuan. If it is made into handicrafts and accessories, it will be more valuable.

These things are valuable together, but the monomer is worthless.

So it is directly stored in the underground vault of Zhang Jiefang.

Zhang Bin was not interested in the jewelry industry, but when he saw Yang Ming's 10,000 yuan, it instantly turned into more than 2.3 million yuan.

was also deeply shocked by the huge profits of this industry! Compared with Yang Ming's stones, Zhang Jiefang prefers to see his son like this now.

Only when you have an interest in an industry can you run the industry well.

Out of Zhang Jiefang's company, Yang Ming instantly increased his money by more than 2 million yuan.

But these are now "fixed" assets and have not yet turned into money, so Yang Ming is still an egg.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Bin, Yang Ming took a taxi to Lan Ling's residence. Because there was no pass, Yang Ming told the guard that he wanted to find Liu Weishan. After confirmation, he let Yang Ming enter the community.

This kind of management makes Yang Ming very reassured. Now the local society is very complicated. Lan Ling, a little girl, lives here by herself. It is hard to guarantee that she will not be targeted by some people in the society. Now that the security of the community is so strict, Yang Ming does not have to worry that Lan Ling will meet bad people.

To be honest, in addition to being a little worried about this matter, Yang Ming still loves Lan Ling, a little girl, from an emotional point of view.

Most men have more or less Loli control and royal sister control.

After having a girlfriend of the same age as themselves, they are still eager to meet another woman with younger teeth or more mature women.

Yang Ming is this kind of person.

Since Su Ya left, Yang Ming's concept of love has changed.

As long as you like it, you are happy, it's none of your business! It can be said that Wu Chiren and Zhou Jiajia have turned Yang Ming into a unique person in terms of emotions.

He feels that it's not a shame or shame to have several girlfriends at the same time. That's my ability, and it's useless for you to envy! Of course, this is just an imagination.

Yang Ming, an ordinary girl, really doesn't like it.

Yang Ming thought that his feelings for Lan Ling were absolutely true, but he did not want Lan Ling to bind himself to him.

That heartworm made him very unhappy.

Just thinking about it, Yang Ming suddenly heard a familiar voice! Dad, do you think Professor Li can help me get into the school? It's Wang Zhitao's voice.

Yang Ming is standing near the parking space as soon as he enters the community, because through a wall, Yang Ming can't see the people over there.

But Yang Ming has a power and can easily see the opposite side of the wall.

Wang Zhitao over there was frowning and talking to a middle-aged man with a very majestic Chinese face.

"It should be about the same. Professor Li is the teacher of your mother and I, and he also read the transcript of your previous school examination. This college entrance examination can be said to be abnormal."

The middle-aged man said, "Professor Li is still very prestigious in school. Even if your grades are low, he can let you study in the XX College of the joint school."

"But the graduation certificate of XX College is different from the regular one!" Wang Zhitao is a little reluctant.

"Cons content, you only scored 200 points, and the admission score line of XX College is still the same!" The middle-aged man said, "If it hadn't been for Professor Li's response, I guess you wouldn't even be able to enter the XX students!" Don't look at your father calling for wind and rain in the mall, but I can't get involved in college admission at all! Moreover, your score is so low that you haven't even reached the care score line of internal family members. This result is already very good! Besides, didn't you come to pick up my class after graduation? Just learn some knowledge in college. When you graduate, you will be the general manager of the company. Who depends on your academic qualifications? After listening to this, Wang Zhitao smiled and thought that his father was right. What else do you think about his own business? Study hard after college and try not to cause me any more trouble.

It's time for you to learn a lesson from this matter. Don't be so reckless in the future. You have to plan to do everything later. For example, if you want to mess with your classmates, you should think of a perfect solution. Look at what rubbish idea you and Zhang Biao are thinking about, which is coquettish and delay The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "This is especially true when you do business in the future, either hidden or fatal!" The conversation between the two made Yang Ming hear it clearly. He ***, Wang Zhitao's father is even more insidious. It seems that he should be careful in the future.

Yang Ming was about to leave when he saw a Mercedes-Benz car beside him, which was the one in Wang Zhitao's house! The reason why Yang Ming can recognize it is that Zhang Biao drove the car to school to pick up Wang Zhitao several times.

The license plate is easy to remember, and the last number is hehe, aren't you willing to overshadow me? I'll also let you two have a good time! Yang Mingyin smiled twice and made up his mind.