very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 136 The First Bucket of Gold

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 136. Zhang Bin, the first bucket of gold, suddenly told Zhou Jiajia that his name was "Yang Ming"! Yang Ming is going to leave completely! Zhang Bin, aren't you hurting me? How could Zhou Jiajia not know Yang Ming? Yang Ming's forehead continued to look at the chat record with sweat. Zhang Bin continued to ask Zhou Jiajia's real name. Zhou Jiajia actually said that her name was Su Ya! Unfortunately, Zhang Bin didn't know Su Ya at all, and Yang Ming didn't mention it to him.

So Zhang Bin praised there: Good name! After that, Zhou Jiajia's attitude towards Zhang Bin was obviously different, much more enthusiastic than before.

When Zhang Bin asked for the ** video, Zhou Jiajia did not refuse.

Yang Ming is a little strange about what kind of medicine is sold in Zhou Jiajia's gourd.

She won't forget who Yang Ming is, will she? Judging from her answer "Su Ya", she didn't forget it.

But what puzzled Yang Ming was that Zhou Jiaming knew that he hated her very much and still played ** video with him? Aren't you afraid of ruining her? And it's still the case that I know I'm Yang Ming! Yang Ming was a little confused.

Zhang Bin's online name is "Dabin". It's understandable for her to shout "Brother Bin" that day, but she still calls her Brother Bin when she knows that she is Yang Ming. Isn't this a little inexplicable? But who knows what Zhou Jiajia thinks? What she likes to think is none of her business! The most urgent thing now is that Yang Ming is going to be angry! Zhang Bin, your uncle, come here!" Yang Ming shouted.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Bin came over inexplicably.

"What are you doing? Look at yourself, who asked you to chat with others in my name? Yang Ming pointed to the computer screen and said angrily.

"Hey, what's the point?"

Zhang Bin is a little embarrassed.

"Damn it, you're too dirty!" Yang Ming wants to attack.

But Zhang Bin is his own buddy, because there is no need to fall out about this kind of thing.

"I'm sorry, boss.

At that time, I told her your name in a hurry..." Zhang Bin scratched his scalp.

In fact, this matter is also quite normal. Yang Ming thought that he once met a dinosaur girl on the Internet. The other party kept asking for his name, and Yang Ming casually called "Zhang Bin".

Yang Ming waved his hand to turn off the chat record, then pulled the charming baby into the blacklist and said to Zhang Bin, "Don't contact this person again in the future."

"I'm not going to contact her if you don't tell me. This coquettish woman was so promiscuous at noon yesterday. When I chat with her in the evening, she will ignore me."

Zhang Bin said angrily, "I want to video chat with her again.

I was scolded by her! Damn it, bitch!" Yang Ming didn't know what was going on, and he didn't bother to think about it. Zhou Jiajia did whatever she wanted, and it had nothing to do with him.

I just don't want Zhang Bin to have anything to do with her in his own name.

For lunch today, Zhang Bin asked for two cold noodles, a plate of shredded tofu with red oil, and a plate of beef with soy sauce.

After taking a bite, Yang Ming praised that the taste was so authentic.

"Zhang Bin.

The restaurant downstairs of your house is good!" Yang Ming said while eating.

"Of course, we can't feel anything when ordering. If you eat downstairs, you may not have a place to eat!" Zhang Bin said, "Isn't there any delicious snack bar near your home?" As you know, it turns out that I don't have any spare money. How can I eat in a restaurant? I'll go back and look for it in a couple of days. It should be there!" There is no need for Yang Ming and Zhang Bin to hide. After three years of classmates, who doesn't know who! Zhang Bin didn't make fun of Yang Ming: "Ha, you have become a big deal this time.

I can't say that I want you to invite me in the future!" There's no need to say. That's right. You have to pay me the money for learning to drive first.

I'll take out the bank card and return it to you later.

After Yang Ming came back from the trip, he put his bank card in the drawer.

He doesn't need this thing for the time being, so he didn't take it with him.

"Of course, no problem. How much is it? I guess my father will give it to you."

Zhang Bin said indifferently.

In the afternoon, Zhang Jiefang's driver came to pick up the two of them and came to the Flying Fish Driving School with them.

The qualification of Flying Fish Driving School is not old. It is in 2000. Although it is a second-class driving school, the facilities inside are very perfect, with a closed cement driving range and a simulated examination environment.

Zhang Bin has learned about these on the Internet, but after seeing them with his own eyes, he can rest assured here.

Some people say that a driving school is nothing more than a driver's license, but Yang Ming thinks it's good to learn more.

Yang Ming here thought it was very good. After discussing with Zhang Bin, the two handled the tuition fee of 2980, and submitted the photo and ID card photocopying procedures.

Sure enough, as Zhang Bin said, Zhang Jiefang had already prepared the money for learning and asked the driver to hand it over to them.

Since it is the intention of the elders, it is not easy for Yang Ming to refuse.

What's more, if you insist on paying by yourself, it will be difficult for the driver to do it.

On the first day of class, it is mainly to receive training on theoretical knowledge.

There are many instructors in the Flying Fish Driving School, which are basically one-on-one, so people like Yang Ming and others are generally on-demand.

Anyway, many cars are large, until the church.

Among the jade stones that Yang Ming gambled back from Yunnan this time, there are many very good colors.

Jade is very strange. Jade with poor texture can often be sold at a good price through fine polishing and carving, but jade of good quality, if polished and carved, will often devalue its own value.

The reason is very simple. If the level of the sculptor can't go up, the jade will be carved blind.

Therefore, the jade with good color is often no longer processed after rough polishing. Such jade can be sold directly to those who really know jade, or customize the carving content according to the wishes of the real buyer.

In Yang Ming's batch of jade, there are at least three or four pieces of this kind of excellent jade, and Zhang Jiefang's batch also has one or two pieces, and Zhang Jiefang only took pictures of these jade and deposited them in the bank.

The remaining color is not ideal, so it is processed into a number of jade pendants, bracelets and other handicrafts according to the plan.

But this kind of medium-color and processed jewelry is exactly the best-selling. Although the profit is not particularly large, the delivery is very fast.

Coupled with the tailor-made service, many people can book their favorite patterns here in advance, so after this batch of jade was put on the shelves, half of them were sold out.

Zhang Jiefang felt very guilty because he lost Yang Ming's jade, so when selling, he could sell Yang Ming's jade first. Anyway, Yang Ming's jade was not very much, and it was almost sold soon.

Even these medium jades have sold back more than 260,000 yuan.

Zhang Jiefang didn't plan to take the manual fee and handling fee. This time, he completely helped Yang Ming. Besides, Zhang Jiefang was not short of money.

Compared with Yang Ming's jade, Zhang Jiefang's gambling is one grade worse.

Yang Ming sold these for more than 200,000 yuan. The amount of jade in Zhang Jiefang is more than ten times that of Yang Ming, but it can only be sold for about 200,000 yuan.

Because there is too much rotten jade in it, even if it is processed, it can't be upgraded. Let Zhang Jiefang directly deal with it for ten yuan and give it to those downstream small jade merchants.

That is to say, Zhang Jiefang's tossed from Liang Jinya this time, eliminating the cost of 100,000 yuan, not including manual transportation, and only earned more than 200,000 yuan (this is the result of Yang Ming's choice of giving him two pieces of good jade at that time). Without the two pieces of good jade in the bank, this trip would Therefore, gambling on jade is not so easy to make money. Ordinary people can't make much money by gambling on jade.

While thinking of this, Zhang Jiefang had to sigh that Yang Ming's fate was so lucky! Ten thousand yuan immediately doubled 26 times, not to mention the best jade and the four good jade.

Yang Ming has been learning to drive with Zhang Bin in the driving school these days. He goes out early and comes back late every day, but he looks like a migrant worker, so Yang Ming's parents have no doubts.

Especially when I saw Zhang Jiefang's driver driving him back, there was no doubt.

And at Lan Ling's place, Yang Ming tried to spend time with her as often as possible.

Although Lan Ling is very pestering, she also knows that Yang Ming has her own things. Every time she lingers, she expects Yang Ming to stay, but she has never said it.

Zhang Jiefang transferred the part of the goods that had been sold to Yang Ming's bank card by bank. So far, Yang Ming is also a small family, at least among students of the same age.

Who said that there are rich children everywhere in college? That's a YY novel! Like Yang Ming, hundreds of thousands, even if they are very rich!