very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 146 Setting up

Volume 1 The first appearance of power 146. Set up a bureau, "Believe, believe, how can you not believe!" The bald man nodded twice and said, "Brother Yang, you are cruel. If you want to kill us, why don't we play? You have a lot of adults, don't care about us..." The green-haired gangster was also scared. I didn't expect that what Zhang Bin said was to find Yang Ming! Who is Yang Ming? That's the one who doesn't want to fight. Indeed, it's okay for the green-haired gangster to scare the students and bully the old man, but it's really a little scared to meet Yang Ming! Yang Ming originally wanted to teach them a lesson, but after thinking about it, buddy, I seem to have promised Chen Mengyan not to cause trouble. Forget it, let you go today! So he let go of the green-haired gangster and waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Zhang Bin, Chen Afu, including Wang Zhitao, all looked at Yang Ming with surprise. Unexpectedly, the four gangsters who were just now were sent away by Yang Ming in an instant! Especially the leader, Yang Ming stuffed the jujube cake and didn't even dare to fart! Although Zhang Bin and Yang Ming had a good relationship, they only got better after entering high school. They didn't know each other at all when they were in junior high school.

Although he knew that Yang Ming spoke very well among the bad students in the school, he did not know that Yang Ming was also a deterrent to the hoodlums in society! Zhang Bin is very lucky to have made a friend like Yang Ming. Now that I think about it, if it hadn't been Yang Ming just now, he really couldn't get off the stage. He was lightly slapped by the green hair. It would be bad to lose face in front of Zhao Sisi.

What's more shocking is Wang Zhitao! The last time Zhang Yuliang's incident can be said to be a coincidence, but this time, these gangsters are obviously very afraid of Yang Ming! What does this mean? It means that Yang Ming still has a little position in the road! Wang Zhitao actually thought too much.

But it's no wonder that he thinks so. Who makes things so coincidental! Wang Zhitao knew that it was impossible to confront Yang Ming, so if he wanted to deal with Yang Ming, he had to play some tricks.

But playing tricks... Wang Zhitao thought of Chen Mengyan's father Chen Fei again.

I'm afraid I'm in the game before Yang Ming is over! I'm really afraid of wolves and tigers.

As a last resort, Wang Zhitao had to put up with it first.

But this does not prevent him from hindering Yang Ming.

Although I can't do anything to you for the time being.

But I can make some tricks to disgust you! What Wang Zhitao didn't know was that Yang Ming and he were the same idea! If Yang Ming knew that Wang Zhitao had nothing to do with himself, he didn't know if he would laugh twice.

Someone may have called Mr. Li. At this time, Mr. Li also rushed over and saw Yang Ming and Zhang Bin asking, "What's going on? Why did you make trouble with off-campus personnel?" It's okay, Mr. Li. It's a misunderstanding.

Yang Ming said faintly.


is a bloody case caused by jujube cake.

Chen Afu was the only one who was beaten, so he was a little unhappy.

"Eh?" Mr. Li was stunned: "What bloody case?" Wang Zhitao stared at Chen Afu.

said, "Chen Afu is having fun, Mr. Li, it's really all right. That group of people have left.

Thanks to Yang Ming, he persuaded them in time.

Wang Zhitao is the monitor and speaks more convincingly.

Although Mr. Li doesn't know how Yang Ming persuaded, after all, she is only the nominal head teacher now, and the students have graduated.

It's not good to manage too much.

"Yang Ming, are you all right?" Chen Mengyan asked with concern.

"Sister-in-law, what you said is unfair. I'm a victim. Why don't you ask me?" Zhang Bin said with a wry smile.

"I should have been a little late just now, and you will feel good if you were slapped by that green fan."

Yang Ming looked at Zhang Bin with great contempt. The meaning was obvious. Do you still care about Chen Mengyan? Isn't there Zhao Sisi?

Several people chatted a little more. After dinner, they organized to play by the reservoir in the afternoon.

The reservoir belongs to a protected area and cannot swim casually, but because the person in charge of the reservoir is Mr. Li's original student, an exception allows everyone to fish by the water.

Catch a local fish for dinner.

Theoretically, reservoirs are privately contracted. Fishing is charged, and there are also special fishing areas. Fishing is not allowed in other places, but because of Mr. Li's relationship, these students are not restricted.

Of course, the premise is that you can't take the fish away. You can only give it to the restaurant in the reservoir to help cook. If you catch too much, you have to put it back.

Yang Ming and the four of them also took the fishing rod and found a place to catch fish.

Fishing is a careful job. Many people lost their patience after fishing for a while and sat on the grass next to the reservoir and played cards.

"Yang Ming, can't you play a game?" Wang Zhitao came over and patted Yang Ming on the shoulder and said, "Did you say fish?" No, this fish is very smart and not so easy to get hooked.

Yang Ming was also bored. Seeing Wang Zhitao calling him, he immediately showed a happy expression: "What are you playing with?" Fight the landlord, Jack or the Northeast Tractor (Little Stud), anything is fine.

Wang Zhitao said, "Will you come?" OK, let's play for a while!" Yang Ming was not very interested in playing cards, but how could he let Wang Zhitao down, so he looked very interested.

"Let's play Jack, it's faster."

Wang Zhitao proposed.

"All right, the one who wins the poker?" Yang Ming asked.

"Whatever, you can win anything. Anyway, it's just for fun."

Wang Zhitao said.

So, Wang Zhitao found a deck of playing cards and called Bi Yuntao, Wang Zhitao and Chen Afu. The five of them started to play.

Jack's full name is BlackJack, also known as Blackjack or Bigger. It is a very common poker game.

The gameplay is very simple. Several people take turns to take the cards, and whoever has the closest card to the blackjack or equal to two points will win.

It will be "explosive" after 21 o'clock.

There is a banker in the real Black Jack, but Yang Ming's small game ignores the banker.

Yang Ming knew Wang Zhitao's idea before, so he began to play cards silently.

In the first two, Yang Ming actually won. Wang Zhitao and others were either "explosive", or the cards were too small to continue to take the cards.

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, Yang Ming saw the cards of the four people clearly. One Wang Zhitao took two 10s, which was also a big card, but he continued to take the card.: So he was lucky enough to get A, so he "exploded" it.

And so is Bi Yuntao. Obviously, he took an 8 and a 3, but he didn't dare to continue to take the obvious pretishment. How can Yang Ming not see it? It's just that I didn't say it.

"It's boring!" An Quantao threw the card on the ground and said, "I lost again!" That's right, Yang Ming's luck is so good!" Chen Afu quickly continued, "Why don't we play something with a lot of lottery? If you have a thought like this, you can also play ** a little!" That's right! I agree, what do you think? An Quantao said in favor of it.

"I think it's okay, monitor, Yang Ming, what do you think?" Bi Yuntao also expressed his point of view.

"Isn't this... good?" Yang Ming deliberately said weakly, "Aren't we gambling?" It shouldn't matter, right? We are all adults," Wang Zhitao deliberately hesitated and said, "I think it's okay if you don't play too much!" Yes, Yang Ming, the class leader has made a message. At least you have to give face, right? Chen Afu said, "You're not afraid of losing money, are you?" Well, that's all right! How old are we playing?" Yang Ming nodded reluctantly as a difficult reason.

"How about not capping one at a time?" An Quantao said.

"A piece?" Yang Mingxin said, Shit, can't you say more? However, he nodded nervously: "Oly."

Seeing Yang Ming's consent, Wang Zhitao and the three of them looked happy. Hey hey, there is nothing difficult for men to gamble. Since you have made this start, I'm not afraid that you won't play big games for a while! Without playing two games, Yang Ming understood Wang Zhitao's thoughts. They haven't started to act yet, and they are still trapping themselves.

Yang Ming won several more, and in a short time, he got more than 30 yuan.

After Chen Afu "exploded", he threw away the card and complained, "This piece is so boring that I'm not interested!" So how big do you think it is to play? Bi Yuntao said.

"Ten yuan, right? How's it going?" Chen Afu suggested.

The current situation is obviously that Yang Ming's family is winning money, so Chen Afu is not afraid that Yang Ming will disagree. There is no one who doesn't want to win more after winning money! Unfortunately, the person in front of him is Yang Ming!