very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 157 Cold-eyed Bystanders

Volume 2 The era of chasing the United States 157. Cold-eyed bystanders

"I don't know where Mr. Yang is?" Guo Jianchao raised his glass and asked.

"I?" Yang Ming smiled and said, "Ha ha, unemployed."

Yang Ming has read some online novels, in which many of the protagonists will say that they are unemployed when others ask him what he is doing, which not only seems unpredictable, but once the lie is exposed, there will be no embarrassment. Because I was unemployed, and I didn't lie to you!

"My cousin just went to college this year. Ha ha, how can there be so many successful people?" Yang Li suddenly interrupted. Yang Li was very calm when she saw Yang Ming's performance, and she was a little angry. She pulled him here to create a negative effect. How could she really make him pretend to be Sun Jie's boyfriend and deceive everyone? So Yang Li couldn't help revealing the sky.

Yang Ming frowned and said, you are too anxious. I still want to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. Even so, I won't serve you!

Sun Jie also looked at Yang Li very doubtfully. If you say so, won't you help with everything?

And Guo Jianchao looked happy and looked a little confused.

"Ah? Ha ha, I was just playing. When I saw that Mr. Yang was also surnamed Yang, I casually called him cousin. Yang Li pretended to be a gaffe and quickly defended herself. In fact, it is getting darker and darker.

"Hmm." Yang Ming snorted coldly, unbuttoned his shirt casually, revealing the strong chest muscles inside, leaned back carelessly, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, with the image of a social ruffian: "Ok, cousin, I know you look down on people like us, but Sun Jie and I really love each other. Of. She didn't say anything, so you don't have to worry about the sky, do you?

With that, Yang Ming held a cigarette in one hand and put his arm around Sun Jie's shoulder with the other hand. Thanks to the scene of touching the thigh in the car just now, Sun Jie is not so repulsive to Yang Ming's physical harassment. He didn't show any fw, and smiled charmingly at everyone. He looks very happy.

Yang Li was stupid, Guo Jianchao was also stupid, and President Hua and Vice President Liao were also stupid. They are usually relatively hierarchical people. When did they meet a rough gangster like Yang Ming? When they saw him look like an ancient and confused man, everyone felt strange in their hearts.

These people are at least culturally qualified. I am very disdainful of Yang Ming's identity. But because Sun Jie was present, there was not much irony. The sense of contempt in Mr. Hua's eyes is even heavier.

Who is the gangster? He thinks that he is the underworld after seeing the gangster for a few days. In fact, he is the garbage at the bottom of the society!

Originally, Guo Jianchao thought that Yang Ming was just temporarily caught, but now he sees Yang Ming's ruffian face and strong muscles. It's obvious that he's a real fool. Even if you pretend to be a boyfriend, you have to catch a similar one, right? So it's impossible to say that Yang Ming is really Sun Jie's boyfriend!

Guo Jianchao, who was still hopeful, was beaten back to the bottom in an instant. Yang Li didn't know. I was originally engaged in destruction, but I didn't do it, but there are some signs that it has come true.

Yang Ming turned out to be a gangster, so he talked about the words one by one. Although Guo Jianchao didn't dare to say anything on the surface, he was angry in his heart. The vice president of the Xiongfeng Group could not compare with a little gangster?

Looking at Yang Ming's face, Guo Jianchao was so angry that he didn't hit him. If it hadn't been for Mr. Hua's win-eyes, I'm afraid Guo Jianchao would have been sarcastic.

Although Vice President Liao has been maintaining the atmosphere on the table, Guo Jianchao's interest is not very high, so the banquet has not reached **.

And Yang Ming, no matter what he had and what to eat, he filled his stomach. Anyway, he is not the one who loses him. What others are willing to think.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Mr. Hua stood up and secretly gave Guo Jianchao a wink.

Guo Jianchao immediately became commeaning, and also stood up and said, "It just so happens that I'll go. Let's go together."

There was a slight sneer at the corners of Yang Ming's mouth. Their little action had long aroused Yang Ming's vigilance, so Yang Ming always looked in one direction.

In the bathroom.

"I'm so angry, Brother Hua, do you think that gangster is really Sun Jie's boyfriend?" Guo Jianchao gritted his teeth and said.

"It's hard to say, maybe, maybe not. But it's more likely that it's not. Mr. Hua analyzed: "What is Sun Jie's identity? How can she find a gangster to be a boyfriend? And that person is Yang Li's cousin, that is to say, he is three years younger than Sun Jie. Do you think it's OK"

"Yes, that's good. I don't think it's possible either." After listening to Mr. Hua's analysis, Guo Jianchao was slightly confident: "Well, do you still want to do the plan we talked about before?"

"What's the matter, brother, are you afraid?" Mr. Hua laughed.

"Afraid? What am I afraid of? Are you afraid of that gangster? Guo Jianchao sneered.

"Of course, it's not that gangster. I'm talking about Sun Jie's family background." Mr. Hua shook his head.

This was said to Guo Jianchao's heart, and he was immediately silent. But then it became fierce: "Isn't that the case with women? As long as you make her cool in **, are you afraid that she won't follow you!"

"Ha ha, that's right." Mr. Hua said with a smile, "Then I will congratulate your brother on becoming the son-in-law of the Sun family soon!"

"Hahahaha! Brother Hua, don't worry, if I have that day, I will never forget Mr. Hua's kindness. Guo Jianchao is usually not such a crazy person, but today's thing is his weakness, so he didn't notice Mr. Hua's expression at all.

"Why do we two still say this! Brother, take good care of you!" Although Mr. Hua was laughing, there was a trace of chill in his eyes.

"That medicine... won't be detected, will it?" After laughing, Guo Jianchao suddenly asked with some uneas in his mind.

"Of course not. The latest technology in the United States has been investigated by the FBI.

"Oh! Well, I'll go back first. You'll enter the house later, otherwise it will arouse their suspicion. Guo Jianchao said happily.

Looking at Guo Jianchao's distant back, Mr. Hua sneered and said, "American technology? I bought it for 50 yuan in roadside sex care, but the FBI can't find it out. +:. It can be tested in any hospital. Boy, if you have a handle in my hands in the future, are you afraid that you will be disobedient?

In the lilac private room.

"Yang Ming, what's your attitude? Have you forgotten what I told you before?" Yang Li whispered.

"I'm like this now, isn't that what you think?" Yang Ming sneered.

"Look, I didn't complain to my second uncle." Yang Li threatened.

"Okay, then I'll tell my uncle about you forcing me to pretend to be Sun Jie's boyfriend." Yang Ming smiled.

"You!" Yang Li was about to say something more when the door of the private room was pushed, and Guo Jianchao came in with a smile.

Yang Li and Sun Jie are both very strange. This guy was still sad when he went out, and he often laughed when he came back? Guo Jianchao took off a bottle of red wine from the wine rack behind him and said, "Why can't the atmosphere of today's banquet come up? Sun Jie, why don't you change some red wine?"

"If you don't want to die, you'd better not drink it." Yang Ming faintly reminded Sun Jie.

"Dead? What do you mean?" Sun Jie was stunned.

Yang Ming frowned. Why is this woman's understanding so poor? However, Yang Ming can't directly say the scene he "seeed" just now, can he? Fortunately, he was more clever and said casually, "What kind of wine did you drink when you drove here?"

Seeing Yang Ming frown, Sun Jie's competitive psychology began to be strange again. She whispered, "It's okay. It's okay to have a glass of red wine." The tone is a little sarcastic, which means like saying: Are you afraid of death?

When Yang Ming saw that Sun Jie regarded his kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, he was not angry. Damn, I'm doing it for your own good. If you are willing to drink it, then drink it. If something happens then, don't blame me for not reminding you.

Guo Jianchao took two new goblers from the cabinet, one to Yang Li and the other to Sun Jie. However, the bottom of Sun Jie's cup was inadvertently sprinkled with transparent powder by Guo Jianchao. The light in the box was already dim, and it could not be seen at all if it was not carefully. What's more, Guo Jianchao directly filled up the wine, so Sun Jie did not find the festival at all.

It was Yang Ming who looked at all this coldly. Looking back on the last sentence that Mr. Hua said to himself just now.

A glass of red wine is really nothing to Sun Jie. She is already very drunk. There is no woman who can't drink in the mall!

Guo Jianchao was very happy to see Sun Jie put the empty wine glass on the table: "That's all for today. Let's go to sing later. Mr. Hua has booked a private room. When he comes back, we will go there - here - Mr. Hua is back!"