very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 213 Farewell

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 213. Parting: " People who are hit by this kind of deth... The ability in that aspect will be improved... If you need more, you will become more..." Lan Ling said with a red face.

"Gag?" Yang Ming was hostricked by Lan Ling's words, didn't he? Is there any improvement in this regard? That's a good thing! I said how my ability has improved a lot recently. I thought it was because of strengthening exercise and kicking the big tree every morning, but I didn't expect it to be caused by my heart! What's the matter? Hey hey, in the end, don't you also enjoy it!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

But I thought to myself, it seems that the great goal of my three wives and four concubines is expected to be achieved! Yang Ming is a very realistic person and never idealizes life.

Although I occasionally read some YY novels, I also yearn for the life of the hero in the novel.

But yearning for home, Yang Ming doesn't think it's easy for a man to have many wives.

First of all, the coexistence of all wives is a big problem. Nowadays, each girl is very independent. Who is stupid enough to share their husbands with others? Of course, except for the little three and the little four raised by the golden wallet.

Yang Ming doesn't want such a relationship either.

He believes that when men and women are together, feelings are the key, and women can have fun when they fall in love with themselves.

Secondly, it is the harmony of **.

There are many women in a man. Naturally, it is impossible to have everything. Everyone takes good care of them.

Even if everyone takes good care of them, Yang Ming will run around among his wives every day.

There is a good saying that men are cows and women are land. There is no cultivated land, only exhausted cattle; the more the cow ploughs, the thinner they become.

The more the land is cultivated, the more mature it is; a good fire costs carbon, a good woman costs a man, men want sexual happiness, and more should have a life.

So cherish life and stay away from your wives and concubines.

Yang Ming doesn't want to grow old and become a soft-footed shrimp.

It seems that this heart has solved a crucial problem now? Ha! Originally, I thought this was fucking, but I didn't expect it to be a good thing!" But... you didn't understand..." Lan Ling shook his head: "You didn't find that... Is it difficult for me to satisfy you now... In the end, I can only barely deal with it..." Is it because of this that the little Lori allowed herself to hook up with another wife to come back? Uh-huh! It's very possible to see the situation... "What's your expression?" Is it true..." Lan Ling looked at Yang Ming's strange expression.

It's a little inexplicable.

"It's okay, you keep talking..." Yang Ming said quickly.

"Actually, this is the effect of this heart... It is actually very evil, and it has hit this kind of heart.

That ability will be improved, so that it is naturally difficult for a woman to meet his needs, so.

He had to find other women... Grandma said that many men are animals who like the new and hate the old. When they have a new love, they forget their old love.

And at this time, the heart will attack..." Lan Ling explained.

Yang Ming was shocked and said, "No way? According to what you said.

Isn't this heartworm specially harmful to others? It's not used to punish a heartless man at all. This is forcing a man to be heartless!" Uh-huh..." Lan Ling nodded gently: "You can say so... So, I'm sorry, Yang Ming.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

I didn't know the truth before..." "Forget it.

It's nothing..." Yang Ming waved his hand and said secretly.

Fortunately, I am the kind of person who likes the new and never gets tired of the old. With a new generation of good men who love the old love more! It's just that, isn't your mother hurting you?" In fact, my mother's life is very tragic..." Lan Ling shook his head and sighed, "In those years, my mother saw that my father was addicted to gambling and was disappointed in him.

That's why I asked a high-in-law to teach her the method of magor.

She wanted to use this to punish her father, but in the end she still couldn't do it. In her heart, she actually loved her father.

Grandma said that this is the tragedy of our women.

Obviously, I hated a person very much, but in the end, I found that I couldn't let go of him.

Although my mother loves her father, she has lost confidence in men, so she doesn't want me to follow her old path and bury her heart on me..." "What?" Yang Ming was stunned and said angrily, "How could you do this, mother? Didn't she hurt you by doing this? How can it be harmful to the mother of her own child! Has she ever thought that if you find true love in the future, but it is caused by this heart... Then didn't she hurt you with her own hands?" Yang Ming, don't talk about mom... It's also a little extreme. It's a little extreme..." Lan Ling shook his head, "But God let me meet you! Otherwise, there is God's will in the dark!" That's right. There are not many good men in the new century like me who never get tired of the new and never get tired of the old!" Yang Ming nodded with a big word.

"I'm not shy!" Lan Ling snorted coldly, "If it hadn't been for this heartworm, do you think I would have indulged you so much?" Ha ha..." Yang Ming was so happy that he was happy. What does it mean to be blessed by misfortune? I am a typical example! Looking back on my life experience, many things are blessed by misfortune. I entered the detention center, but I knew Fang Tian, the king of killers! Ha, my God, give me more trouble! Yang Ming couldn't help starting to YY again. Without Yang Ming YY, Chen Mengyan didn't know how she stumbled back to the dormitory. As soon as she entered the dormitory, she fell on her bed... "When will you leave?" As the sky gradually cleared, Yang Ming had to face the problem that Lan Ling was about to leave.

"In the morning... Grandma will come to pick me up."

Lan Ling said sadly.

"Shall I see you off?" Yang Ming asked.

"No... I'm afraid I'll give up..." Lan Ling shook his head.

"It's still early. Let's get some sleep. We didn't sleep all night last night."

Yang Ming hugged Lan Ling tightly.

"Um, you sleep with me in your arms."

Lan Ling drilled into Yang Ming's arms again.

The high-intensity and strenuous exercise just now made Yang Ming a little tired and confused. Yang Ming gradually fell asleep... When he woke up, he found that there was no Lan Ling beside him... I don't know when Lan Ling had quietly left.

At the pillow, there is only one piece of letter paper, which I think it was left by Lan Ling.

Yang Ming slowly opened the letter paper, and there were obvious traces of tears on it, and some of them had not even dried up completely.

It seems that Lan Ling has not left for a long time.

But Yang Ming is not going out to look for it.

Because that doesn't make any sense, Lan Ling has serious things to do when she goes back with her grandmother this time, and it's not easy for Yang Ming to interfere.

He can't interfere. After all, reason is better than anything else.

"Husband: Most of all, I didn't call you that, but in my heart, I have already regarded you as my husband.

Looking at your sleeping smiling face, I can't bear to wake you up.

I'm leaving. Don't miss me too much. I'll be back soon.

Ling Ling only hopes that you will not forget me during the period when I leave.

Love you, Ling Ling.

The letter is very short, but the words are full of Lan Ling's deep affection.

Yang Ming carefully put away the letter and got up from **.

Lan Ling didn't take away most of the things he bought in Songjiang, but just took some clothes with him.

But the notebook was taken away by Lan Ling, and Yang Ming smiled faintly.

It seems that this little Lori will definitely contact herself.

Before, Yang Ming had applied for a QO for Lan Ling.

After simply cleaning up the room, Yang Ming locked the door and left here.

It seems that I can't come here for a while.

Although he got up a little late today, Yang Ming still refused to give up exercising, but today's time is a little shorter.

After breakfast in the canteen, he returned to the dormitory and saw Tian Donghua brushing his teeth, so he asked, "Where's Zhang Bin?" Oh, you two have the opposite sex and have no humanity. Let me guard the empty room alone!" Tian Donghua threw a resentful look at Yang Ming.

"My day."

Yang Ming saw a burst of evil: "You boy, isn't it easy to find a girl? Isn't there a young lady in Jinhai's bath not far from the school?" Ouch! Bitch is ruthless and unrighteous. I yearn for you and Zhang Bin to find such a good girlfriend.

Tian Donghua sighed, "Is it because I'm so unnoided by girls?" You play the computer in the dormitory all day. Who can pay attention to you!" Yang Ming laughed and scolded, "It's been so long since school started. How many classes have you taken?" That's right. Let's go. I'll go to class with you.

Tian Donghua said.

"Damn it, you're a sophomore. What's with my freshman?" Yang Ming was stunned.