very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 270 Some people are happy and some people are sad

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing Beauty 270. Some people are happy and some are worried that Yang Ming feels that he is very happy and lucky. He can find a best woman like Xiao Qing. Although Xiao Qingming does not admit his relationship with him, Xiao Qing's words and behavior and care for him have long exceeded the friendship between normal brothers and sisters.

It can be said that two people are not lovers, but they are better than lovers, and even more coordinated than couples.

Because Xiao Qing only paid unilaterally, she didn't want Yang Ming to repay herself at all.

In the afternoon, the two played the entertainment facilities of Disneyland for a while. Although they played with many children, Xiao Qing and Yang Ming seemed to have returned to their childhood. Both of them were very happy to play.

Out of Disneyland, Yang Ming took out the memory card in the digital camera and put it away carefully. The photos in it could not be seen by outsiders, so Yang Ming had to be careful.

After collecting the memory card, Yang Ming bought a new memory card from a nearby digital store and stuffed it into the camera.

In this way, you won't be afraid of being accidentally seen by your godfather and godmother.

In fact, the previous photos are nothing. It only shows that Xiao Qing and Yang Ming's sister and brother are deeply in love, but the last few pictures are a little too much. Either Yang Ming is holding Xiao Qing or hugging Xiao Qing, and the other one is two people's face to face, which can't be seen by people.

Xiao Qing was secretly relieved to see Yang Ming acting so carefully.

Originally, she was afraid that Yang Ming was young and had no determination, so she exposed the matter between the two people.

Although even if this matter is made public, no one will do anything to them, Liu Weishan will be difficult to do.

The knife and the black rat caught the two people sent by Zhong Xiaotian to rob Yang Ming in a temporary stronghold by the sea and began their cruel interrogation.

"Bang!" A belt with water hit Brother Hei's body.

Brother Hei screamed in pain.

"Say, who are you two and why do you follow the goal?" The sharp knife asked viciously.

"I... I didn't follow!" Brother Hei grinned and said.

"I didn't follow? Damn it, you son of a bitch are not honest. Do you believe I will beat you to death? The black mouse jumped up directly.

gave Brother Hei a big mouth.

"All right, Black Mouse, leave this to me. Go and see the man!" The knife pointed to the corn on the ground over there and said.

The black rat nodded and walked behind the corn with a gloomy smile.

"What are you going to do? Don't come here!" The corn is afraid of this violent man.

"Fuck you!" The black mouse kicked the chicken-eyed fart from behind, so painful that the chicken-eyed body suddenly straightened and his face turned green.

"I said, I said.

I'll say everything, big brother.

Don't kick me!" Before the black rat asked him, the corn began to move.

"Fuck, corn, can't you fucking be tough?" Brother Black scolded.

For those who work in their industry, the most taboo is to say the name of the employer, so that no one will ask them to do business in the future! I didn't let you talk!" When Feng Dao saw that Brother Hei didn't say it when he should say it, and nonsense when he shouldn't say it, he was so angry.

waved his belt and hit Black Brother's head: "Fuck you, I'll beat you to death!" "Bang!", "Oh......" With a scream, one of Black Brother's eyeballs was pulled out.

Bloody on the ground, the corn saw it and almost didn't scare the urine out.

"It's up to you, why do you follow the target?" The knife raised the belt.

Although the corn didn't know why they called the man the target, they were too scared to hide it at all.

These two people are simply violent, more ruthless than those chainsaw killers! The corn dare not hide it.

Then he said, "Master Zhong Xiaotian hired us. He asked us to grab a guy... It's an iron ring in the hands of the target..." "What iron ring?" The black rat asked in a sze.

"That's the one he bought at the auction."

The corn said quickly.

"What's the use of him in that iron ring?" The black rat and the sharp knife are both inexplicable. Did Zhong Xiaotian actually hire someone to rob for a worthless thing? We don't know, maybe it's to please women..." The corn understands the nature of Zhong Xiaotian, so she guessed.

The sharp knife and the black mouse looked at each other.

Two people are of no use at all.

It's just a mistake that hinders the action of his group.

But the knife and the black rat are angry when they think of it.

If it hadn't been for these two people, they wouldn't have lost their goals! So it doesn't matter whether it's three or seven or twenty-one.

Since it has no value, there is no need to save their lives, so he vented his anger on these two people and killed Brother Hei and the corn.

"How to deal with the body?" The knife wiped away the blood stains on the ground.

The black rat said faintly.

They are all killers, and they have no special feeling about killing individuals.

(The so-called "Sink into the Huangpu River to feed the fish!" is a sentence in the movie, which means to kill people and throw them into the river.

Lao Yu was really seen in a movie, where a group of bosses always like to say this in order to imitate Xu Wenqiang.

Lao Yu thought it was interesting and quoted it in the book. In fact, it was just a cold joke.

It doesn't mean that you have to throw it into the Huangpu River.

This sentence was also said in Chapter 14 before.

) So, three bodies floated near the Star Ferry Pier in Hong Kong early this morning.

According to police investigation, all three of them are underworld elements and have died before falling into the sea. The police suspect that the matter is related to the feud between the gangsters, and the matter is under further investigation... Zhong Xiaotian was shocked after seeing the news on TV. Isn't this the corn and black brother he hired yesterday? Why was it killed? Could it be that that person is a cruel person from the mainland? Are there powerful bodyguards around? But who is the other dead one named Erlingzi? Zhong Xiaotian didn't know, so he guessed that it might have nothing to do with Yang Ming. Maybe the conflict between the two groups led to the death of the three people.

But soon Zhong Xiaotian got another shocking news! Last night, in the Blue Seat Bar, a young man from the mainland clashed with Er Lengzi! It's also from the mainland, which makes Zhong Xiaotian's nerves immediately tighten! If these two things are linked... Zhong Xiaotian can't imagine! Did you offend a cruel person? Zhong Xiaotian couldn't help but be afraid. He was so scared that he didn't dare to go out these days to avoid being retaliated.

Of course, Yang Ming simply didn't know that there was such a person.

There is another person who is upset these two days, which is Shu Ya.

Shu Ya thought that the person who bought her iron ring would take something to find her like other rich people who please little stars.

But after the ring was sold, no one came to Shuya, except Zhong Xiaotian.

Shu Ya was very confused. Since this person didn't want to please himself, he spent 400,000 dollars to buy a useless iron ring. What on earth is this person going to do? This is what Shu Ya can't understand.

She also wants to try to find the person who bought the ring, but the auction house has regulations that the identity of the buyer cannot be announced, so even if he knows Zhong Changsheng, the chairman of Huizhong Auction Group, he can't get the information.

So there is nothing she can do. Shu Ya can only wait for the rabbit to do it.

Coming out of Disneyland, Yang Ming and Xiao Qing visited the commercial streets of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is a shopping paradise. There are many brands, and many brands of clothes are much cheaper than those in the mainland, so people like to come to Hong Kong for shopping.

There are many commercial streets in Hong Kong. Yang Ming and Xiao Qing also stopped a taxi and asked the driver to take them to the most famous commercial street in Hong Kong. The driver directly recommended Causeway Bay! It combines the luxury of Paris, the elegance of Milan, the classics of London and the simple style of New York, which is the famous Causeway Bay in Hong Kong.

Causeway Bay is the most famous fashion clothing shopping paradise in Hong Kong. As the third most expensive rental location in the world, it is second only to Fifth Avenue in New York and Champs Elysees in Paris, France.

The high density of famous brands in Causeway Bay makes the air full of the capital aroma of famous brands.

In Carver and Sogo Department Store in Times Square, many top brands have branches here, and some brands even have specialty stores in both places.

Of course, more importantly, the most expensive and cheapest things can be found in this place.

Sure enough, like the last taxi driver, this driver is also out of the way.

This makes Yang Ming have to admire the importance the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region attaches to tourism. It seems that many taxi companies have had professional training in this field.

Xiao Qing is going to buy a few clothes, and Yang Ming is also going to buy some gifts for his relatives and friends.