very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 327 The Underworld Fights for Heroes

Volume II The Age of Chasing Beauty 327. "This is the news from the insider around Xiangde."

Bao Sanli took a document and handed it to Hou and said, "This person looks very tricky!" Hou Shock took the document from Bao Sanli's hand indifferently, and then began to slowly look through it.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and win every battle.

Although Hou Zhenquan disdains such things as underground black fists, it is undeniable that these people do have extraordinary strength! Feng Sibiao, the pillar of the southern V city hell boxing ring, has played 162 different games since his debut, all of which have won, and there is no record of failure so far.

Feng Sibiao is 1.83 meters tall and weighs 78 kilograms. He is good at attacking with straight punches.

The strength is very amazing. The opponent he has played with is often hit by his straight fist and falls directly to the ground.

Some even died on the spot.

Feng Sibiao doesn't like to play tricks. He often solves the battle with a few punches. Even if he meets a difficult opponent, he still maintains his routine and goes straight until the opponent lies down.

There is so much information, and it is not very detailed, but from the last article, Hou Shock also saw something else, that is, Feng Sibiao's fighting ability is also very strong, otherwise it is impossible to still use his own attack method under the enemy's attack.

Another point is that Feng Sibiao doesn't seem to be good at using his feet! Then, your breakthrough point is your feet! This is the key to winning. Normally, no matter who he is, his legs are often longer than his arms. Hou Shock's height is almost the same as Feng Sibiao's, so his legs will definitely be longer than Feng Sibiao's arms! Therefore, Hou Shock decided to start with this breakthrough and find a way to find this fwark of Feng Sibiao! It's just that this information doesn't seem to be very useful? These materials.

It can be completely judged by feeling on the field.

It's better to have some other information, such as the video of Feng Sibiao's boxing, but Hou Shock also knows.

This is impossible.

The underground boxing ring in China is different from that in foreign countries. Underground boxing ring is not common in China, so the message transmission is also blocked, especially during the game, video recording is not allowed, so it is unrealistic to have this information.

He casually threw the information on the table, and Hou shocked moved his cervical spine indifferently.

"How's it going, Brother Hou? Are you sure to kill him?" The violent Sanli asked nervously.

After all, this battle is related to your future! It's not good to say.

Hou shocked shook his head and said faintly, "This information is basically of no substantial use, just based on what is written above.

I can't judge the opponent's level at all! There are some very general words on the ground, such as good at straight boxing and very powerful. How much is this power? What is the specific value of the weight of his fist? None of this is clearly written."

"Then I'll find someone to investigate?" Bao Sanli also knows some knowledge in this regard, and knows that Hou Shock is the truth.

Such information alone is of no use at all.

"No, I guess these things are kept secret, and no one will know.

If you want to investigate, you can only go to the underground boxing ring in V City in the south. Only there can you get first-hand information, but it's obviously too late!" Hou shocked shook his head and said, "But it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

I can deal with him!" Brother Hou, you have bothered so much!" Bao Sanli quickly said, "I'm really going to bother you this time!" It's all for the boss. Don't bother me.

Hou shocked waved his hand and said, "Remember in the future, there is no troublesome relationship between us. Everything is for the boss."

"I understand!" The violent Sanli said quickly.

Before the game.

Hou Shock made a phone call to Yang Ming.

"Brother Yang, do you think my decision is very reckless?" Although Yang Ming also agreed with this way of winning or losing, Hou shook his decision without Yang Ming's consent.

"No, Marquis.

Don't forget what you used to do.

If you can't even handle this black boxer, then I can only despise you!" Yang Ming said lightly.


I will try my best."

Hou shocked smiled and said, "However, I have fought with the black boxers in the underground boxing field abroad, and they are really strong!" What's the result?" Yang Ming asked directly.

"I won."

Hou replied shockingly.

"That's enough. What else is there to worry about?" Yang Ming asked rhetorical.

"No, Brother Yang, if I really won't come, I will take care of my mother for me."

Hou shocked and said with a pause.

"Marquis, don't say such dejected words! I don't like to listen!" Yang Ming ordered, "Be careful. If you really can't do it, you will admit defeat. If you don't have the territory, you can grab it again. If you lose your life, who will help me grab the territory?" OK, I got it."

Hou shocked and said solemnly.

Yang Ming has confidence in Hou Shock. It's a joke that the special forces have retreated, and they can't get a black boxing in the underground boxing ring? That's really useless! A car repair factory in Songjiang City is the temporary stronghold of Brother Snake, and a life-and-death duel is about to begin.

In this game, the winning party is destined to become the hegemon of the underworld in Xinjiang City, and the losing party will keep its promise, evacuate Songjiang, and never step back here! Sun Santai, once a person who dominated the underworld in Songjiang, is older than Hu San's seniority. He is 62 years old this year, but he washed his hands relatively early. Since then, he has been doing business in Donghai City. It is said that he has a very close relationship with the "Red Cross", the largest gang in Donghai City, so The reputation is very high! This time, he was jointly invited by Yu Xiangde and Bao Sanli to be the notary of this competition.

With him, Bao Sanli and Yu Xiangde, no matter how enmity they have, they can only meet each other peacefully! Of course, this is also the result that the two want most at present, and Sun Santai has played a balancing role! With Sun Santai present, Yu Xiangde and Bao Sanli, no one dared not follow the rules! Who is this? Although he has quit the underworld, he has a close relationship with the Red Cross Society in the East China Sea, unless Xiang De and Bao Sanli don't want to live! It was almost time. The host whispered a word to the notary Sun Santai. Seeing that Sun Santai nodded, he picked up the microphone and coughed and announced loudly, "The underworld competition in Songjiang City is now starting.

Mr. Feng Sibiao represents the north side of Xiangde City! Please ask Mr. Feng Sibiao to come out!" In a burst of applause from Xiang De's younger brother, Feng Sibiao shook his arm and walked to the middle of the venue and began to move his body.

"The one representing the south side of the city is Mr. Hou Shock. Next, Mr. Hou Shock is invited to appear!" The host continued to announce.

Hou Shock, as the responding party, also quickly walked into the field. Without Feng Sibiao's ruffian, Hou Shock seemed to be in the middle of the middle! However, although Hou Shou is about the same height as Feng Sibiao, there are obviously some differences in posture. Feng Sibiao is very big and round, while Hou Shou is a little thin and capable.

However, in this way, people who don't understand will think that Hou Zhen's strength is weaker, and Yu Xiangde's younger brother began to cheer.

However, Bao Sanli's men have no special ideas, because they have been familiar with the new second head of the period. They all know that this second head is very capable and safe to do things! It's not clear whether they can fight, but since the second master dares to come out to fight, he must be sure!" Next, let me announce the rules of the game! This rule was formulated after consultation with both parties! The rule of this competition is that all equipment such as knives, sticks and sticks shall not be used in the competition. Both sides must fight with bare hands. The only weapons you can use are the gloves in your hands and rubber shoes under your feet! In addition, there are no rules. One party can't get up or take the initiative to admit defeat before the game is over! All right, do you understand?" The host said.

Hou Shock and Feng Sibiao nodded at the same time.

"Do you two contestants have anything else to say?" The host asked at the end.

"Do you know what other people call me?" Feng Sibiao said lightly, "People who know me, they all call me the King of Fighters! Because I have never lost!" As an old-time underground black boxer, Feng Sibiao knows how to cause psychological pressure to the other party.

"Ha ha, you play black boxing, so have you ever heard of a man named John Clark?" Hou Shock did not take Feng Sibiao's words seriously at all, because what he said, Hou Shock had read the information before!