very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 338 Hesitation, Regret

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 338. Hesitant, regretful, "That's right, have you seen her?" Yang Ming nodded. Naturally, he would not say anything about sending Zhang Bin to follow. That was a little too dirty.

"Well, I saw it two days ago, and I've always wanted to talk to you since then."

Zhao Ying said with a faint kindness, "Let's find a place to sit down. We can't stand here in this winter, can we? How cold it is!" Hey hey, that's right. Why don't we find a coffee shop or something?" Yang Ming suggested.

"Good, but you lead the way. I'm still a freshman, and I'm not very familiar with this area."

Zhao Ying, like a child, warped her feet and looked around and said.

"Let's go. I know one. All the students in the neighborhood go there."

Yang Ming said with a smile.

It is very cold on winter nights, and the climate in the north is already more than ten or twenty degrees below zero.

A cold wind blew, and Zhao Ying unconsciously shivered.

"Is it cold?" Yang Ming looked at Zhao Ying's down jacket and asked strangely, "You are wearing very thick clothes!" But there was no sweater inside. When you asked me to come out, I lay ** and was ready to go to bed. The sweater was taken to the dry cleaner downstairs of the dormitory for dry cleaning, so I had to wear a sweater and a down jacket.

Zhao Ying said with a wry smile.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Seeing Zhao Ying trembling, Yang Ming quickly took off his coat and wrapped it around Zhao Ying.

Yang Ming is already very tall, and the coat is very loose, so even if Zhao Ying wears a down jacket, it is easy to wrap her up.

"Then what do you do!" Zhao Ying asked worriedly when she saw that Yang Ming was only wearing a cashmere sweater inside.

"I? It's okay. I'm like a fire in winter!" Yang Ming laughed and said. He didn't think that there was another cold wind. Yang Ming was very strong, and he couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"You will be a poor talker.

There is still a fire, blow it out, right? When Zhao Ying saw Yang Ming's appearance, she said funnyly, "It's better to upload the clothes quickly!" Pull it down. I'm resistant to freezing. It's okay.

Yang Ming shook his head and said, "Let's go. Zhang Bin has a car. Let's drive his car.

is just ahead.

It's only two steps away!" All right!" Zhao Ying nodded and walked forward quickly with Yang Ming..

Although the weather is still cold, even if Yang Ming's coat is approved, Zhao Ying still feels very cold.

But her heart is hot! Yes, it's this long-lost feeling. Yang Ming cares about her.

Let the deliberately suppressed feelings in Zhao Ying's heart begin to loosen, and once it breaks out, it will be out of control.

Zhao Ying knew that if she said something first, Yang Ming would definitely respond to her. This is a woman's keen intuition! He still cares about himself, and.

He also cares about himself very much.

Just from his annoyance about King Kong and himself going shopping, it can be seen that Yang Ming absolutely has his own heart! However, Zhao Ying was confused again. What if Yang Ming responded to herself? Nowadays, there is no shortage of women around Yang Ming.

Will he still value himself as much as before? Besides, what will Chen Mengyan think? If she robbed her boyfriend with her own students, if it was Zhao Ying a year ago, she would definitely sneer or even laugh when she heard this kind of thing. What a ridiculous thing.

Did the teacher fall in love with the students? I'm writing a novel! However.

It really happened to me! Zhao Ying felt very bitter and failed.

The first failure.

You shouldn't fall in love with Yang Ming, but this matter can't be controlled by yourself. Sometimes, love comes so inexplicably.

Love is one of the most mysterious emotions. Many experts study love, but there are no particularly clear results.

It is very strange that one person will fall in love with another person.

So, Zhao Ying fell in love with Yang Ming, and there was nothing she could do.

However, Zhao Ying felt that the most failure was that the opportunity had appeared in front of her eyes, but she gave up! That night, at that moment, I and Yang Ming were in love. If it weren't for my hesitation and contradictions, I would have become Yang Ming's woman from that time.

However, there was no regret medicine. Zhao Ying shook her head and raised her head to find that Yang Ming had taken out the remote control of the car and opened the door of a car not far away.

"Let's get in the car, Sister Ying."

Yang Ming was very gentlemanly and helped Zhao Ying open the door of the co-pilot. After letting Zhao Ying sit in, he returned to the cab.

"Is this the car that Zhang Bin bought?" Zhao Ying looked at the interior of the car and then asked.

"Yes, I bought land with him. This car is okay."

Yang Ming said, "In domestic cars, it's a good place."

"I didn't see that Zhang Bin was quite rich."

Zhao Ying said with a smile.

"It's okay, but this boy doesn't have as much money as me now."

In front of the woman he liked, Yang Ming unconsciously showed off a little.

"You? Did you win the prize? Zhao Ying was stunned and asked.

"Sister Ying, do you look down on me so much? Can't I make money by myself except for winning the lottery? Yang Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Fortunately, Zhao Ying did not question whether he had money or not, but directly guessed the coming from of the money.

"No, I know that Zhang Bin's family conditions are good."

Zhao Ying explained, "I remember that your family doesn't seem to be rich, right?" That's right, but after I went to college, I made a lot of money, at least it's no problem to raise you.

Yang Ming laughed and said.

"Ah?" Zhao Ying's face suddenly turned red. Does he want to "nive me"? What does it mean? Seeing Zhao Ying like this, Yang Ming knew that his words were a little ambiguous. He smiled and said, "I mean, my brother is raising his sister, that's it..." "Ah... I know..." Zhao Ying's face turned redder.

These days, sister-brother love is not absent, and there are too many, so Yang Ming's words are getting darker and darker.

Fortunately, the coffee house Yang Ming mentioned arrived soon. Yang Ming stopped the car and then said to Zhao Ying, "This is it."

"Six College Student Cafe" is a feature near Songjiang University of Technology. Most of the students who study here have visited here. They are very popular. Many couples come here to fall in love.

Of course, the biggest reason is that the price here is cheap, there is no minimum consumption, and the atmosphere of the couple's booth is also very warm, which undoubtedly attracts many guests.

"Why is this called six college student coffee houses? Is the name so strange?" Zhao Ying pointed to the signboard of the coffee shop and asked.

"Ha ha, I was also quite strange at the beginning. Later, someone explained to me that the reason why it was called to keep a college student coffee house here was that this coffee house was founded by six college students who graduated from our school at that time."

Yang Ming explained with a smile, "These six college students are in the same dormitory. They didn't find a good job after graduation, so several people discussed it and simply opened this coffee shop. Six people worked as bosses and waiters, and they opened their business like this.

Because they also came from their school days, know what style students like now, and understand their consumption level, so the positioning of this coffee shop is very accurate, and the business is very prosperous until now.

It's been four or five years, right?" So that's it. There are such interesting legends!" After hearing this, Zhao Ying sighed, "These six students are also quite business-minded."

"Yes, in fact, it's the same in any industry. As long as you grasp the gap in the industry, you will definitely succeed."

Yang Ming also nodded and thought it was true.

He is like this now. Isn't he going to find a vacancy in the jewelry industry? He walked into the coffee shop with Zhao Ying, and the waiter who received them was one of the six college student bosses: "Where do you want to sit?" Are there still couple booths?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yes, I'll take you there."

One of the bosses said.

One of the bosses took Yang Ming and Zhao Ying to a double couple card seat inside. This card seat is very interesting. It is a bench that can seat two people, a small table in front of it, and there are no seats on the opposite side.

In this way, it also saves a lot of space and allows the coffee house to accommodate more guests.

Moreover, there is a curtain on the edge of each card seat, so that couples are not afraid of being seen by others.

Yang Ming has never been here, but I heard Zhang Bin say it last time.

The atmosphere in the booth is very good. There are some dim yellow lights, which makes the cold winter day full of warmth.

"What do you two want?" One of the bosses asked.

"What do you have? It's our first time here.

Yang Ming asked one of the bosses.

Today's first update, if you don't have it for a while, don't wait.

The old fish went to sleep and was a little dizzy.

But if you think of the plot when you go to bed, you may jump up and update another chapter.