very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 342 Big Sister

Volume II The era of chasing the United States 342. The eldest sister said, "That's him! He's over there!" Ge Xinyao pointed to the direction Yang Ming came and said loudly.

"Yes, that's him!" Wu Xinkai spit on the ground and waved his hand and said, "Brothers, it's that... force Yang!" Yang Ming was happy. He suddenly rushed to him with three gangster-like people. In order to change the usual Yang Ming to kick each of them early. What about pretending to be a ghost? Stand ahead, who do you want to scare to death? However, Yang Ming is in a good mood today, so he didn't abuse these three guys with no eyes. He just said impatiently, "Where are you from?" Don't stand in the way in front of me!" Are you forcing Yang?" One of the hoodlums asked.

"You are the one who is forced to raise it!" Yang Ming said angrily. Before he met, he asked him if he was "forced to raise" someone. Did this guy have a head puncture? Huh? Aren't you?" That gangster is a little puzzled. Did he recognize the wrong person? That's right. Didn't the boss say that he was "forced Yang"? Isn't he the one who beat him?" Get out of here, you're the one who forced me to raise you!" Yang Ming really wants to kick people.

"Five, big intestine, don't talk nonsense to him, it's this guy!" The gangster next to him had already realized what was going on, and only the gangster who asked the question had not understood it.

"Wait, what are you looking for me?" Yang Ming was a little puzzled when he saw these three gangsters.

"Fly, boy.

You're done, you know!" The gangster next to the big intestine pointed to Yang Ming and said, "You shouldn't have offended you, and you can't afford to offend local people all your life!" Who wants that person? It seems that he hasn't been born yet, right? Yang Ming said disdainfully.

Can't you afford to offend? Is there any mistake?" What are you talking about, boy? How dare you insult Brother Kai! Brothers, it's him!" The large intestine understood this time. Yang Ming was scolding Brother Kai, so he jumped out in a hurry.

"Fuck you, you're stupid!" Yang Ming slapped him, hit the face of the intestine, and let him turn around on the ground.

flew straight to three meters away, lying on the ground and couldn't move.

Yang Ming is really angry today, and he is still in a hurry to go downstairs to Chen Mengyan's dormitory.

These annoying guys are talking endlessly with themselves here. How can Yang Ming not be angry! Ah?" The other two gangsters saw that Yang Ming solved the large intestine as soon as he took action, and they also felt a little guilty. They immediately shouted back, "Brother Kai, Brother Hai, this boy is quite awesome!" Grass! There are so many of us, I'm afraid!" Wu Xinkai didn't think Yang Ming was so powerful. He was 1.88 meters taller than Yang Ming! It's you!" Yang Ming recognized Wu Xinkai, and then wrote mockingly, "Do you still want to be smashed?" Son of a man.

You were very cloudy yesterday, and you found a policeman to smash the scene with you!" Wu Xinkai gritted his teeth and said, "However, you are not so lucky today. Do you continue to find your local police friends?" If it hadn't been for her yesterday, do you think you could still stand here and talk to me? Yang Ming thought it was a little funny.

I don't know what's going on with this guy. Do you feel good about yourself here? If it hadn't been for Xia Xue's follow yesterday, he might have overturned the Didi Bar! Dare to treat Lin Zhiyun like this, that's looking for death! Yang Ming abandoned Wu Xinkai's thoughts yesterday.

Yes, at the moment I saw Lin Zhiyun fall to the ground in pain.

Yang Ming moved to kill.


It's useless to have a strong mouth. I'll give you a chance.

Let's fight one-on-one with me.

Wu Xinkai said eloquently.

"Get out of here, you bastard! One-on-one? You don't deserve it!" Yang Ming didn't wait for him to finish, but he kicked him in the stomach.

Yang Ming's foot strength is already very vicious, or he can't practice "Yang's flying legs".

Especially after kicking the tree for a while, it became extremely domineering.

The foot just now also used force, so Wu Xinkai flew directly backwards and lay on the ground with a bang. There were blood bubbles in his mouth and nose. Obviously, he was seriously injured.

Yang Ming also has it! He knew that no matter how he kicked Wu Xinkai, he would be fine.

Because he makes sense! Now it's different from yesterday. Yesterday in the bar, I was fighting, but today, I'm a gangster looking for trouble in the school! This is a social taboo! Yang Ming became a gangster to defend the safety of the school! Not only will the school protect itself, but others will also be inclined to themselves.

Of course, this is the premise of calling the police, but Yang Ming thinks that it is impossible for these people to call the police at all.

So I'm even more fearless.

Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao are dumbfounded. Isn't this too strong? Two moves to balance the two people, and both of them make the other party lose the ability to fight back! Ge Xinyao regretted it a little. Why is Lin Zhiyun's boyfriend so awesome? I haven't heard of it before. He can't take revenge on himself in the future, can he? Bi Hai was even more surprised, but what he thought was whether he could bring Yang Ming over, so that his strength would be greatly increased.

As for Wu Xinkai, it's up to him.

"What? Do you also want to fight one-on-one? Yang Ming glanced contemptuously at Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao.

"" How dares Bi Hai fight one-on-one? Yang Ming may not win a group fight. How can he still fight one-on-one? Isn't that looking for death?" Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this is Wu Xinkai's idea, I don't agree.

But I'm his subordinate, so I can only follow him.

"Listen to your tone, it seems that you didn't treat him as your boss?" Yang Ming said mockingly.

"He doesn't deserve to be my boss!" Bi Hai has decided to fall out with Wu Xinkai. There is no need to offend Yang Ming because of him, so he speaks unscrupulously.

However, the two gangsters who were not knocked down by Yang Ming looked at the strategist beside Brother Kai in surprise. Is he going to betray Brother Kai? Does it seem that you have a big internal conflict? Yang Ming snorted coldly, "Since you were forced, let's keep you.

However, you take care of your own woman. I haven't beaten a woman for a long time. I don't mind to make an exception.

"Yang Ming... Brother, I will never think of Lin Zhiyun again..." Ge Xinyao immediately nodded like a pecked rice.

"However, brother, I have something to remind you that although Wu Xinkai is almost over, he is from Brother Bao. If Brother Bao knows that you beat him, he will definitely not give up!" Wu Xinkai couldn't get up for a few months, so Bi Hai simply said it bluntly. He had the intention to attract Yang Ming, so he said, "But I will try my best to interrove for you, because I'm optimistic about you!" Brother Leopard? Which leopard brother?" Yang Ming smiled and asked faintly, "Are you violent?" Dude, do you know Brother Leopard? Bi Hai was shocked and asked quickly.

He doesn't think Yang Ming deliberately scared him, because the people who know Brother Bao's real name are only people in the gang, and outsiders will definitely not know so clearly.

"Hehe, you can go back and talk to Bao Sanli. It's Yang Ming who beat his Wu Xinkai like this."

Yang Ming said indifferently.

Bi Haixin said, I don't need to say anything about this today. Someone will definitely say it to Brother Bao, but since Yang Ming is so calm, does he have something to do with Brother Bao? I just wanted to attract Yang Ming's heart, but it instantly turned into a flattish! Yes, Bi Hai is this kind of villain. As long as it's good for him, he pretends to be a grandson! Brother Yang, do you seem to know Brother Bao very well? Bi Hai asked tentatively.

"It's okay. I've squatted in a number."

Yang Ming glanced at Bi Hai and said.

In my heart, it seems that this guy is a talent. I don't know how his character is. If it's not so rebellious, he can use it.

" Hiss..." Bi Hai took a breath of cold air! Although he is a gangster, he hasn't squatted down yet. Has the college student in front of him actually gone in? However, looking at his cruel tricks just now, he really looks like a cruel character. Is it good now? Those gangsters who followed him immediately changed their eyes when they looked at Yang Ming, and they became respectful in an instant. That's the friend of the ultimate boss. How can these gangsters be shaken? Brother Yang, I'm sorry about this today. I, Bi Hai, have apologized to you!" With that, Bi Hai gave Yang Ming a deep respect, and then said to Ge Xinyao, "Don't you call me Brother Yang!" Brother Yang!" Ge Xinyao was convinced this time. The person in front of her is indeed a cruel person!" Don't bully Lin Zhiyun anymore. Her kind-heartedness does not mean that I am easy to talk to.

Think about the consequences for yourself.

Yang Ming glanced at Ge Xinyao and warned.

"No way, Brother Yang, don't worry! Starting from today, Lin Zhiyun... My sister-in-law is my eldest sister! I just followed her!" Ge Xinyao hurriedly promised.