very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 465 First Arrived in the East China Sea

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 465. Although Yang Ming's sports car can run faster when he first arrives in the East China Sea, he can't speed up because it is estimated to shock them.

Besides, there is a speed limit on the highway, and Yang Ming can't do it even if he wants to.

Lin Changqing's mobile phone was also turned off, and now there is no contact information. Yang Ming's only way to find him is to find Dafa Hotel according to the address provided by Chen Yueping.

This is a very secluded alley. Yang Ming found such a place after several inquirequire.

dilapidated bungalows, mountain garbage stations, perhaps every city has such a dilapidated and barren side, even in the Donghai, the capital of the province.

Looking at the three cars driving into the alley, people on the roadside widened their eyes in surprise, especially Yang Ming, a sports car that can only be seen on TV, surprised these people who rarely see cars in the alley.

Dafa Hotel, the name is very rich, but it doesn't look like making a fortune at all.

A very dilapidated two-section building with a plaque with lost color on it, with the words "Dafa Hotel" written on it, and "Travel Hotel" was later modified and painted with paint. The original word was "Reservation House".

Maybe the owner of this hotel wants to keep up with the times, but the environment of this place is like this, and it can't be high-end.

"Is there a man named Lin Changqing living here?" Yang Ming walked into the hotel and asked a sleepy middle-aged woman sitting at the service desk.

"Lin Changqing?" The middle-aged woman glanced at the record registration form beside her. The only few residents on it did not have this name, so she said, "There is no such person."

"Oh? That's not right."

Yang Ming was stunned: "It's really here. Is there only one Dafa Hotel here?" What do you think of my facade?

Can you open a branch? The middle-aged woman shook her head and curled her lips and said, "Do you two want to stay? The hourly room is very cheap. Of course, you can also give you a discount if it takes a long time. There is a closed-circuit TV in the room, which is suitable for flirting between your couples..." "Wow?" Lin Zhiyun was a little stunned when she heard the middle-aged woman's words. She raised her slightly red face and looked at Yang Ming shyly: "What should I do? Dad is not here..." "I don't know. It should not be wrong..." Yang Ming shook his head and then continued to say to the middle-aged woman, "It doesn't matter Take a break..." "Oh? That's good.

20 rooms per hour, 50 per day.

Do you want to live?" As soon as the middle-aged woman heard that Yang Ming wanted to stay in the store, she immediately came to her mind: "If you stay for more days, you can get a discount.

And don't need the place of ID card registration..." Don't need ID card registration? Yang Ming suddenly remembered something! Yes, this is not a big hotel, it's just a small hotel. The management of this kind of hotel is very loose. Since you don't need an ID card, many people who come here to stay are basically registered with a fake name.

The owner of this store also uses this to attract some young men and women to open rooms... And Lin Zhiyun's father, Lin Changqing, is now avoiding debts.

So it's likely to use a fake name... Think of it here.

Yang Ming couldn't help but have an eye.

The reason why he said he wanted to stay in the store just now was to talk to the boss's wife.

At a glance, this boss's wife is the kind of woman who is very profit-serving.

Before Yang Ming said that she would stay in the hotel, she had a drowsy expression and talked about staying in the hotel.

I immediately came to my spirit.

"Well, I'll stay for a day first."

Yang Ming took out 100 yuan and handed it to the middle-aged woman.

"Um, I'll charge you 100 yuan first, and I'll pay you when I check out."

The boss's wife said.

"Good, no problem."

Yang Ming nodded and said, "Madam, let me ask you something."

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it?" The boss's wife's attitude is very good this time, and she is happy after paying the money.

"Well, a friend of mine called me and said that he also lives here. Let's come to him... But you just said that he didn't live here. Let me describe him for you."

Yang Ming said.

"Oced, tell me, a lot of people here don't register..." The boss's wife nodded: "For example, if you live in the store, I didn't even register my name."

Yang Ming Khan, this hotel let her open the ground, and she is not afraid to live in the murderer! However, this is not what Yang Ming can worry about, so Yang Ming described Lin Changqing's appearance.

"This man..." The boss's wife fell into meditation: "When you said that, I have a little impression. It seems to be a man living on the second floor, in his forties... I don't know what the exact name is, and he didn't register. I don't know if it's the Lin Changqing you are looking for

Lin Changqing just came back from eating a bowl of noodles from outside. Before entering the door of the hotel, he faintly heard that someone seemed to be talking about him.

After hearing this, Lin Changqing was immediately shocked. He quickly stopped and did not dare to go in again. He lay on the edge of the door and looked inside carefully.

When he saw that Lin Zhiyun and Yang Ming were coming, he was relieved and pushed the door and walked in.

"Zh Yun, Yang Ming, why are you here?" Lin Changqing asked.

"Wow! That's him. He's the one you're looking for, right? The boss's wife knew that the two groups knew each other, but she didn't forget to sell her personal feelings.

"Uncle Lin, is your room upstairs? We also opened a room. Let's go up and talk about it.

Yang Ming knew that this was not a place to talk, so he said.


Lin Changqing nodded: "Let's go up and talk about it."

Yang Ming thanked the boss's wife and went upstairs with Lin Changqing and Lin Zhiyun. Yang Ming's room and Lin Changqing's room were diagonally opposite the door, which was quite close.

Yang Ming first took a look at his room. The environment was not bad. The outside of the hotel looked bad. The inside was clean and clean, but the TV was obviously antique.

It doesn't matter if Hou shocked them. It's the same wherever they live. They also opened a few rooms, which made the boss's wife dizzy with joy, and so much business came all of a sudden.

Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun came to Lin Changqing's room and closed the door before asking, "Uncle Lin, I heard from Aunt Chen that you were in trouble. What's going on?" Ouch!" Lin Changqing sighed and then said, "This matter has to be said from the beginning..." It turned out that the hotel where Lin Changqing used to work was closed because of the disturbance of the violence and Yu Xiangde's fight.

Lin Changqing was naturally laid off.

Not long after, one of Lin Changqing's original workers found Lin Changqing and said that he had a good job to introduce to him.

This worker is trading with a boss in the East China Sea. I heard that the monthly income is more than 10,000 yuan.

Lin Changqing was moved as soon as he heard it and quickly rushed to the East China Sea. Under the introduction of his worker, he joined a company called Renyi Trading and became a sales manager.

Although there is no basic salary, and the commission is very low, which is five-thousandths of the business volume, the company's trade volume is very large, all of which are hundreds of millions of businesses.

Because of the absolute price advantage, Lin Changqing, a newcomer, also easily won two large businesses of more than 100,000 yuan. He made great achievements and got more than 1,000 achievements.

Moreover, we have also established a good cooperative relationship with these two trading companies.

A few days ago, Lin Changqing and the two companies signed two more orders of more than one million yuan. Because it was the second cooperation, everything went well.

The other party also paid a 20% deposit in accordance with the requirements of the contract.

Lin Changqing is very excited. If these two businesses are completed, he can get more than 10,000 yuan.

But the good times didn't last long. Just when the two companies urged the goods, Lin Changqing was stunned to find that his boss had disappeared... At that time, the two companies didn't care about this. They found Lin Changqing and asked him for the goods... If it was out of stock, the money would be refunded, otherwise they would be sued

Lin Changqing was so scared that he quickly found this small hotel and hid first. He didn't know what to do.

"Uncle Lin, where is the contract you signed? Do you have a copy?" After listening to Chen Changqing's narration, Yang Ming's heart sank slightly. This was obviously a typical example of a leather bag company. He cheated once and cheated the salesman below.

"Contract? Yes, I have a backup of every contract here. Just a moment, I'll show you!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Lin Changqing quickly took out a contract from a briefcase of ** and gave it to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming didn't look at anything else. He just glanced at Party A, and his heart sank! What Party A wrote on it was not the name of the benevolent company, but the name of his "Lin Changqing"! Looking at the contract, Yang Ming's mood is even heavier! Although Yang Ming is not a legal expert, he can roughly understand the terms written in the contract! None of them are aimed at benevolent companies! On the contrary, it's all for individuals. What if it's all personal breaches the contract...