very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 494 Conspiracy

Volume 2 The era of chasing the United States 494. Conspiracy, "Don't regret if you don't open the door..." Yang Ming sneered, "I don't know if this door can be kicked open?" Open it for him!" The lady said with a blue face.

"Ha ha, don't worry, Zhou Jiajia... I don't like her very much... You're more annoying than her..." Yang Ming said viciously.

Originally, it was not so annoying for Zhou Jiajia and Yang Ming. Now in the relationship, it's good to be a friend, but now a Zhou Jiajia's mother inexplicably comes out to scorn herself and slander herself for having an affair with her daughter, which makes Yang Ming very unhappy! Who is I? Collect the rags? Do you want a bad girl like Zhou Jiajia? Even if I want it, Su Ya can't do it! Therefore, Yang Ming decided to draw a line with this little bad girl after going back... Yang Ming is not going to be inexplicably wronged again.

This feeling is really weird! If he and Zhou Jiajia really have something to do, Yang Ming will admit it. In that case, at least he is his mother-in-law. Whether he counts himself or despises himself, he can't say more! But what's the matter now! Yang Ming was depressed for a while.

Yang Ming is depressed, and Zhou Jiajia's mother is also depressed. What does this boy mean? Why do you speak so much? Is it possible that he doesn't want to climb high? However, in any case, Zhou's mother felt that she had to find a mother-in-law for her daughter as soon as possible, otherwise, the boy still had a chance... Wang Zhitao felt uncomfortable when he saw Zhou Jiajia looking at Yang Ming's eyes today.

After returning to the dormitory, the more you think about it, the more it is not a taste... What's good about Yang Ming? Why do you always hurt yourself? However, Wang Zhitao can't help it. Now he really can't find any way to retaliate against Yang Ming. Moreover, Wang Xifan recently warned Wang Zhitao to keep a low profile. He didn't even let him drive the Honda Accord out, saying that it was close to the top.

Wang Xifan's side.

In the past few days, it can be said that Huang Youcai was found by the police to understand the situation. Why did he find Huang Youcai? In fact, what the police noticed was Huang Youcai's accident. In fact, the accident really had nothing to do with the smuggled car, so Huang Youcai did not reveal any flaw, no I was confused in a few words, and I didn't know anything else.

However, Huang Youcai didn't say anything.

Su can't guarantee it.

Because Huang Youcai's forefoot was just taken away by the police, Su roughly called Wang Xifan, and he was in a mess.

He was afraid that the police would come to him, and he kept persuading Wang Xifan to turn himself in.

Wang Xifan is so angry that I don't panic. What are you panicking about? But after all, he is his brother-in-law, and Wang Xifan can't say anything.

But Wang Xifan didn't say anything.

Huang Youcai was a little worried.

"Mr. Wang, Su's mouth is too unreliable."

As soon as Huang Youcai came out of the bureau, he began to conspire with Wang Xifan.

"How to say it?" Wang Xifan is also a little guilty.

"I don't have anything. I haven't seen any scene? After entering, he said what he should have said, and there was nothing to say, but Su roughly couldn't guarantee it!" Huang Youcai said, "If he goes in and coerce Gary, who knows if he can spit out all our affairs."

"Damn, I'm really a little worried about what you said.

If I had known, I wouldn't have let this boy know so many things.

Wang Xifan scolded, "So what should I do now?" What should I do? Humph, it's actually very simple..." Huang Youcai smiled.

"Let him run away?" Wang Xifan hesitated for a moment and said, "It's hard to say on my wife's side... Besides, now the police are so strict, can he run away?" Mr. Wang, sometimes your heart is too soft..." Huang Youcai shook his head: "What time is it now? Still thinking about others? It's a big crime for us to commit a crime of smuggling now. If we catch it, we will lose our heads!" So... shall I talk to him?" Wang Xifan thought for a moment and said, "Why not?

Let's go to Su's place.

Why don't you persuade him to run away?" OK, let's go.

Give him some money from the finance department.

Huang Youcai reminded.

"That's right, you can do it, from the financial expenditure of 100,000 yuan."

Wang Xifan said.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, I'll do it now."

Huang Youcai replied, but he sneered in his heart. I'm afraid how to get the money back early! Humph, Su roughly, you don't have that blessing to enjoy it anymore! Out of Wang Xifan's office, Huang Youcai controlled the automatic wheelchair and went to the finance department.

Wang Xifan has already called, so Huang Youcai went directly and got 100,000 yuan.

After getting the money, Huang Youcai called Wang Xifan, and Wang Xifan had already gone downstairs first.

The fewer people know about this, the better, so Wang Xifan drove in person without any driver.

In the elevator, Huang Youcai called Su roughly... Humph, people are floating in the world, and sometimes it's not cruel! Mr. Wang's heart is still not dark enough!" Hello, Su roughly? I'm Huang Youcai..." Huang Youcai answered the phone seriously.

"Oh? Talented brother, how are you? I heard that you just released it in the bureau?" Su asked nervously.

"Well, I'm out..." Huang Youcai said in a low tone, "The situation is not very good. The police have already understood part of the situation..." "Can we have something to do?" Su was most concerned about himself, but it was not easy to ask directly, so he asked himself and Huang Youcai if they were all right. If Huang Youcai was fine, then he definitely couldn't have anything to do.

"It's not very optimistic. Those cars are sold from your hands. I guess something will really happen at that time, and Mr. Wang will push them all on your head!" Huang Youcai said in a serious tone, "So, you have to be careful!" Huh? No way? He is my brother-in-law. He can't hurt me, can he? Su asked in a stonguly.

"Hmm, brother-in-law?" Huang Youcai sneered and said, "This is going to be a disaster. If he doesn't push it to you, he will lose his head!" The husband and wife were originally the same bird in the forest, and they flew separately in the face of the disaster! You haven't heard of this, have you?" This..." Su was already timid. Hearing Huang Youcai's scare, he was immediately scared: "Brother Youcai, what should I do? I'm scared! Then I'm not dead, am I?" Ouch! Don't talk about you, I can't protect myself! Losing the car is the coach, this is the unchanging truth... It's pitiful for both of us..." Huang Youcai said sadly.

"So... does that mean it's hopeless?" Su was so anxious that his voice was full of crying.

"This is not hopeless... There is a way... But I can't tell you now..." Huang Youcai hesitated.

"Talented brother! Brother, if you have any good words, you have to tell my brother that you can't die!" Su roughly said quickly, "We are both grasshoppers on the same rope now. Brother You are talented, you can't leave me alone!" It's not that I don't care about you, but the relationship between you and Mr. Wang... My brother-in-law... I dare not say..." Huang Youcai continued to hang Su's appetite.

"Damn ***, you're going to push me out. What's your brother-in-law? My brother-in-law is a big piece of shit!" Su cursed in a hurry.

"This... is to see if you dare to destroy the marriage with righteousness!" Huang Youcai pondered for a long time before saying this.

"The great righteousness destroys relatives? What do you mean?" Su's IQ still didn't react.

"Let's go to the police station and turn ourselves in!" Huang Youcai said.

"Shou-in? Is that okay? Isn't that going to die?" Su was roughly stunned.

"What do you want to die? What is our crime? We are an errand, not the mastermind behind the scenes. If we turn ourselves in, we are just an accomplice. If we tell Mr. Wang's affairs again, we will be called to take the crime and make contributions, and then act as a stained witness when we go to court. Then we will definitely have a light sentence!" Huang Youcai continued to inspitate, "At that time, I may be sentenced to a suspended sentence or something!" Really?" After hearing this, Su was surprised and said, "You said that not only can't we die, but we may also be sentenced to probation?" Nonsense, smuggling is not for the two of us. Why are we sentenced to death? Huang Youcai stared and said.

"You're right, that's a good idea!" Su said happily, "Then let's turn ourselves in now?" Well, listen to me now. When I called you, I used an encrypted channel. Your mobile phone is not high-end and does not have this function..." Huang Youcai said nonsense, "Don't call again. Mr. Wang has monitored your phone number with your family, you know!" I know... I won't fight..." Su roughly said quickly.

"Um, Mr. Wang is cruel, as you know."

Huang Youcai said, "If you let him know that you have this idea, then you are finished..." Serializing | Jump to