very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 522 Liu Anhua Mingyouyi Village

Volume 2 The era of chasing the United States 522. Liu Anhuaming and another village, so Yang Ming refused Wu Zhongjie in a few words and told him that he had something to do and was busy.

Wu Zhongjie was not happy, saying that if Yang Ming did not fulfill what he promised him, he would call Lin Zhiyun to complain.

Yang Ming was happy. He directly handed the phone to Lin Zhiyun beside him, and Wu Zhongjie complained.

Wu Zhongjie really had no move this time, and he also knew that Yang Ming really had something to do, so he had to give up.

No, today he came to his father's company again, and he studied the hiring of Yang Ming as a tutor.

However, Wu Zhongjie's father, Wu Fugui, was very busy today. After listening to Wu Zhongjie's words, he waved his hand, asked his secretary to deposit 50,000 yuan in his card, and then said, "The money is here. Go and find it yourself."

"I don't want any money. That's what you do for me?" Wu Zhongjie looked a little unhappy.

"I'm so busy this day, isn't it to save a family business for you in the future?" Wu Fugui said impatiently, "Oced up, you can play by yourself."

"That's what you said. Next time I take the first place in the class, don't be angry."

Wu Zhongjie said calmly.

"What's wrong with you child?" Wu Fugui frowned: "I can't find the person you asked me to find. I'm busy all day. How can I have time to find the people you mentioned!" Although Wu Fugui loves his son very much, he does not care about him, but materially.

What does your son want to buy, as long as one sentence, you can buy it for any amount of money! How much does it cost? Don't hesitate to give it! Tens of thousands of thousands won't frown, but now that his son asks him to do a very troublesome thing, he is a little impatient.

It's not that he hasn't inquired before.

The secretary found several tutoring centers, but he didn't contact the college student named Yang Ming.

In his opinion, what's the difference?

If you can't find this, just change to another person. Can't you hire a good tutor if you spend money?" OK, don't regret it!" Wu Zhongjie was angry for a while. As soon as he saw himself, he knew how to give himself money. In addition, he asked about his academic performance, and he didn't say anything about his other private life.

"This child!" Wu Fugui shook his head, but didn't take it seriously.

In his opinion.

Giving more money to your son usually is to care about him.

Wu Zhongjie ran out of his father's office angrily... Yang Ming and Zhang Bin came to the headquarters of Xinheng Real Estate Company.

was directly stopped by the lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me, both of you.

Who are you looking for? Although the question is polite, it is very serious, and there is a sense of depression of a big company.

But who hasn't seen Yang Ming? There is no timidity in front of the world's top killer king.

Don't talk about a receptionist.

But Zhang Bin was different. Seeing that people asked such formal words, he suddenly hesitated.

"Hello, we are here to buy a house."

Yang Ming said slowly.

"Buy a house? Sorry, sir, we don't sell houses directly here. There are sales offices in each real estate.

If you like which real estate.

I will tell you the phone number of the sales office.

The receptionist said.

"We don't want that kind of commercial house, but want to buy a market house."

Yang Ming explained.

"Commerthical services are also sold together at the sales office.

Where do you like the commercial service? The receptionist asked.

"It's not the land. The place we like is a market house in the commercial street. It used to be your company's land sales office, but now it's empty. I want to buy it."

Yang Ming shook his head and said.

"Do you want to buy a sales office?" The receptionist looked at Yang Ming strangely and then said, "I really haven't met this matter. Please wait a moment. I'll ask our supervisor to confirm."

Yang Ming nodded to the building, and the receptionist began to call.

After a while, the receptionist said, "Wait a minute, and the staff of our sales department will come to interview you in a moment.

You can have a rest on the sofa over there first.

Not long after, a tall and thin man came out of the elevator, and then said a few words to the receptionist, and then went straight to Yang Ming's side.

"Hin, I'm the deputy manager of the sales department, and my surname is Wang."

The tall and thin man introduced himself.

Yang Ming quickly stood up and shook hands with him, and then the two sat side by side on the sofa at the reception at the door.

"Hello, Manager Wang, the front desk of your company should have said it just now, right? We are interested in buying a sales office of your company.

Yang Ming said bluntly.

"Um, can you tell me more about it? Where do you want to buy the sales office?" Deputy Manager Wang nodded and asked.

"What we are looking for is the sales office on the commercial street, the one on the second floor."

Yang Ming said.

"That place, I know."

Deputy Manager Wang frowned and said, "There is no plan to sell this sales office, and the location of that shop should be of other uses in our company."

"Well..." Yang Ming couldn't help but be a little disappointed, but he was not ready to sell it, and he couldn't force others to sell it, right?" Why don't you two leave your phone number first? I'll contact you after asking for instructions.

Deputy Manager Wang said again.

As soon as Yang Ming heard Deputy Manager Wang's tone, he knew that things seemed to be unreliable. He let himself leave his contact information, just politely.

Hope is close to slim.

"Deputy Manager Wang, why don't you ask for instructions now? We are really sincere enough to buy it, and the price is negotiable.

Yang Ming also really favors the position of that store. The price doesn't matter. After all, it's a one-time investment.

"All right..." Deputy Manager Wang hesitated for a moment. He also knew that if that place was really sold, the price would definitely be tens of millions, and his own commission was absolutely indispensable.

So, Deputy Manager Wang directly called his boss, the sales manager, but the sales manager could not make the decision, so he called the chairman of Xinheng again.

After a while of the secretary's transfer, Deputy Manager Wang contacted the chairman of the company.

"Wu Dong, I'm Xiao Wang from the sales department..." Deputy Manager Wang said.

"Um, what's the matter?" Wu Fugui asked bluntly.

"Well, there is a customer who wants to buy our sales office on the commercial street. Shall we sell it?" Deputy Manager Wang asked for instructions.

"Sales office?" Wu Fugui frowned: "That hasn't been priced yet, right? Even if you sell it, you have to go through a meeting and discussion.

Besides, isn't there another real estate for sale near there next year? It can't be sold first.

"Oh, I see.

Wu Dong.

Deputy Manager Wang gave up the inquiry when he saw that the chairman had no intention to sell it for the time being.

Although I saw a large amount of money drift away in front of my eyes, there was nothing I could do.

After hanging up the phone, Deputy Manager Wang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I've kept you waiting for a long time. Our chairman has no intention to sell for the time being..." "Okay, I'm sorry to bother you."

Yang Ming nodded and knew that it was useless to talk more to this deputy manager Wang.

He is a small person who can't change the decisions of the upper class at all.

Yang Ming is now thinking about whether he should let Hou Shock go to the activity? But now Yang Ming wants to do legitimate business and doesn't want to use some abnormal dark tricks.

If it's just a lesbian relationship, it should be okay. If it's coercion and inducement, it's not necessary.

Yang Ming and Zhang Bin were thinking of leaving, but they suddenly heard a familiar voice behind them: "Brother Yang..." Yang Ming turned around and saw Wu Zhongjie's depressed face but couldn't hide his surprise running to him: "Brother Yang, why are you here?" I'll do something, but it's you. Why are you here? Yang Ming asked strangely.

"Don't mention it..." Wu Zhongjie shook his head: "Come on, Brother Yang, what are you going to do? Is there anything I can do to help?" Ha ha, I just like a commercial house, which is the industry of this Xinheng real estate, but they don't seem to have a plan to sell it.

Yang Ming shook his head with a smile and said, "What's the use of asking so much?" Where is it located? Let me ask you."

Wu Zhongjie asked carelessly.

Yang Ming didn't care, but the deputy manager Wang over there had already widened his eyes and was full of surprise. Naturally, he knew Wu Zhongjie's identity, but he didn't expect Yang Ming and Wu Zhongjie actually knew each other, and it seemed that the relationship was very good! That's strange. Why didn't Yang Ming mention the son who knew the chairman himself before? However, he also knew that there was no place for him to interrupt now, just watching respectfully.

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