very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 565 Conflicting Summer Snow

Volume II The Age of Chasing the United States 565. Contradictory Xia Xue [1/1 page] "The matter has come to this point. It's not the time for our mother-in-law. If we don't take action, once she find out something, let's wait for it to be over!" Huang Youcai said.

"Well, let's control her first. As for the matter of killing her, let's take a look... After all, this is not a small matter. She is roughly different from Su!" Wang Xifan said with a moment of thought.

"Okay, then arrest her first."

Huang Youcai said, "Anyway, she has been suspended now. Even if she disappears for a period of time, others will only think that she has been distracted and there will be no doubt."

"Good, do this matter carefully and don't reveal your identity."

Wang Xifan ordered, "If we are fine in the end, let her go."

So don't show your face when operating.

"I understand. Don't worry, Mr. Wang!" Huang Youcai nodded.

The prescription for soaking hands and feet was not found in Fang Tian's residence, but unexpectedly, a similar prescription was found in Lan Ling's medical skills.

As for the effect, Yang Ming is not clear, but Lan Ling will not lie to himself, and it must not be much worse.

So Yang Ming went to the nearby prescription and grabbed 234 pairs of medicine according to the medicinal herbs on the prescription, which was just enough for 39 people to use for six days. According to the prescription, it was a course of treatment.

After six days, another pair of prescriptions will be replaced, which is very similar to Yang Ming's situation at that time.

Yang Ming sent the traditional Chinese medicine to Li Qiang, told them how to use it, and checked everyone's progress by the way.

These people have a very good foundation and good physical fitness, so it doesn't seem difficult to practice Professor Yang Ming's things.

Generally speaking.

Yang Ming is still very satisfied with everyone's performance.

told Li Qiang to take everyone out of the training.

Yang Ming also corrected some irregular movements of these people.

Killing is killing. There is nothing to talk about. No matter how good the dance is, it can't be fatal with one blow, that's useless.

To Yang Ming's surprise, Wu Ming's mouth was still very hard. He gritted his teeth and said nothing every day, except for eating and sleeping.

Just stay quietly, but live a comfortable life.

But since he refused to say it, Yang Ming did not force it. Others now know that behind him is an organization called Black Widow.

After that day, Yang Ming asked Hou Shock and Bao Sanli to investigate the organization, but they had never heard of it.

No wonder.

Black Widow is a relatively old-fashioned killer organization, and it is impossible to hear about rookies such as Bao Sanli and Hou Shock.

Only old people like Guo Jinbiao have heard of it.

However, in this information age where the Internet is prevalent, Yang Ming's information source is not only limited to the side of Bao Sanli.

Yang Ming is also constantly searching for the keyword "black widow" through the Internet.

Of course, most Black Widow's entry websites obviously have nothing to do with Wu Ming's back. For example, Black Widow is the name of a poisonous spider.

And in some novels, the code name Black Widow has also appeared.

These have been filtered out by Yang Ming.

Finally, in the corner of a small forum, Yang Ming found a post that wanted to hire a murderer! The responder provided a website for him to find a black widow's organization.

Yang Ming trembled and clicked into the website.

Yes, maybe this is what you are looking for! The website is very simple, and the whole interface is black. There is a question on the option: "King of Heaven and Earth Tiger", and then there is a blank space for visitors to enter the answer.

Yang Ming casually entered a "Baota Town River Demon", and the result of the website prompted: "The answer is wrong, your IP has been locked by the system."

Yang Ming refreshed again.

The website can no longer be accessed.

The prompt "This page cannot be displayed" appears, it seems.

My IP has been restricted.

However, it is precisely because of this that Yang Ming is more and more interested in this website. This website is absolutely unusual! If it is an ordinary website, even if the answer is wrong, it will not block the guest I address, and the purpose of this website is probably to prevent someone from cracking the answer of the website violently.

Yang Ming broke the network, dialed the connection after a while, and changed an IP address. This time he can log in to that website. The problem is still "the king covers the tiger". Yang Ming did not dare to fill in randomly this time, but looked for some clues on the web page.

Intuitively, if this kind of website really belongs to a killer organization, it is impossible not to develop new customers. If it is blocked so tightly like him, it will not be very profitable to rely on old customers alone.

Who has nothing to do and wants to kill people all day long! However, Yang Ming is not very proficient in hacking technology. Although he majored in computer in college, he also learned a lot of hacking knowledge from the side, but after all, he is not a professional, just a little about one or two. It is impossible for him to crack such a difficult website.

Therefore, after Yang Ming felt that he had no hope of cracking, he put aside the website collection.

He is not prepared to answer to the question of the artificial experiment, because it is not necessary at all. The probability of trying out the password is less than that of a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

Moreover, even if Yang Ming's ADSL dial-up Internet access can be changed to IP, frequent experiments will inevitably attract the attention of people behind the website.

It is still possible to accidentally crash into this website once or twice, and it is a little doubtful to crack him persistently.

In the evening, Xia Xue still asked Yang Ming to meet at the Blue Fish Bar.

It can be seen that Xia Xue is very excited today. As soon as Yang Ming came, Xia Xue told Yang Ming everything she had done today.

Yang Ming frowned when he heard it: "Did you go to Wang Xifan? Did you find him directly like this?" Yeah, what's the matter?" Xia Xue asked rhetorical.

"What's the matter? When you ask him those questions, it's obvious to announce to him that you have begun to doubt them. Aren't you asking for trouble?" Yang Ming said with some complaints.

"What about this?" Xia Xue was puzzled.

"How about it? It's not that you don't know who Wang Xifan is. Why did Su roughly disappear? I think it is very likely that he has been silenced by Wang Xifan! You went to his company today to make such a scene. What if this guy is cruel and unfavorable to you? Don't forget, Comrade Xia Xue, you are suspended! If you disappear at this moment, who will care about you? Yang Ming said with some hatred, "Can you do things without going through your brain? You think you are a policeman. You are very powerful, but in the eyes of others, you are just a weak woman!" Ha ha, you say this!" Instead of being afraid, Xia Xue laughed, which made Yang Ming a little puzzled.

"What's wrong with you? What's so funny about this?" Yang Mingqi said.

"Actually, I did it on purpose! I just want Wang Xifan to jump over the wall! If they really want to do something to me, doesn't it just mean that they feel guilty? Then they must really have a problem, otherwise they won't feel guilty!" Xia Xue said, "I'm leading the snake out of the hole!" Oh?" Yang Ming didn't expect that Xia Xue, a seemingly neurotic girl, had such a scheming side: "So that's it! However, to be honest, your plan is good, but it's too dangerous to implement. You have handed in all the guns now. What do you take to touch others?" I don't think Wang Xifan would have killed me so boldly, would he? After all, I'm a policeman. If he kills me, it will be a big deal for him!" Xia Xue said.

"Xia Xue, Xia Xue, what do you want me to say about you?" Yang Ming shook his head helplessly: "If the person who killed Su roughly is Wang Xifan, and the mastermind of smuggling is also him, do you think he is still a small matter? Anyway, it's a death. It's better to take a risk to kill you. Maybe you can save your life!" Ah!" Xia Xue obviously didn't think of this. After listening to Yang Ming's analysis, she couldn't help but be a little silly: "You mean, Wang Xifan is really likely to kill me? I thought Wang Xifan would send me money and buy me..." "Do you think you are more likely to be bribed? Is Wang Xifan a fool? Yang Ming rolled his eyes and said, "Miss, I think you'd better not walk around the street these days. I don't want you to become a corpse next time I see you!" ..." Although Xia Xue was dissatisfied with what Yang Ming said, she was speechless to refute. Indeed, she is still immature. It's too simple to think about problems. She always idealizes things. In fact, it's not like that at all |