very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 575 Account Book

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing the United States 575. The account book is good [1/1 page]

"What's going on?" Wang Zhitao wondered. I don't know. Why did Yang Ming suddenly stop? Huang Youcai is also a little puzzled.

Just now, Wang Zhitao was feeling good. When he heard Xia Xue shouting "hooligan", he was so happy, but suddenly, Yang Ming seemed to find out his conscience and stopped!

"Damn it, how can this boy be so patient!" Wang Zhitao gritted his teeth angrily: "It's about to enter the most critical topic. This boy can still hold back. It seems that your medicine is not effective!"

Huang Youcai also has a black face and is very angry. Yang Ming is too ashamed of his face! This is the first time for me to show my plan in front of my future master. I feel good about myself, and this is what happened!

No, you can't let the future young master flatter yourself! Huang Youcai frowned and thought about the new strategy: "Yes!"

Huang Youcai patted his thigh and shouted suddenly.

"What's the matter? Do you have any other good plans?" Wang Zhitao asked quickly.

"I came up with a good idea!" Huang Youcai said, "Isn't there a TV in their room!"

"What's this?" Wang Zhitao asked back.

"This TV is connected to our control room. We can control the TV and broadcast programs at any time." Huang Youcai explained.

"What does this have to do with that?" Wang Zhitao wondered, "Uncle Huang. Can you say it directly?"

"Let's play a life film for Yang Ming! It's not easy!" Huang Youcai said, "Since he can hold back now, let's light another fire!" Give him some excitement and see if he can hold back!"

"Wow! That's amazing!" After hearing this, Wang Zhitao said, "Then hurry up!"

"I'll arrange someone to do it!" Huang Youcai nodded and immediately found a subordinate: "Go now, buy me some life film immediately!"

"Life film?" This subordinate is more simple and I don't know what it means.

"It's just a piece of hair!" Huang Youcai explained.

"The rough edge?" My men still don't understand.

"Damn it, it's porn!" Wang Zhitao roared impatiently, "Se (sai three sound) disc, do you understand this time?"

"I see, I see. I'm going to do it!" The men nodded quickly.

"Take something fierce! What kind of Mutolan, Hongyin and so on!" Wang Zhitao added.

"Okay, I know!" The men said.

Ten minutes later, the large LCD TV in Yang Ming's room suddenly turned on by itself and began to play the program.

Yang Ming smoked in the bathroom, but he didn't pay attention to the situation outside.

But Xia Xue, crying and crying, suddenly heard a strange moan in the room, which was a little inexplicable!

"What's the sound?" Xia Xue turned her head strangely. But as soon as his eyes fell on the TV, he suddenly blushed!

On TV, a naked woman is touching herself! Xia Xue quickly lowered her head! What's going on? Why did the TV suddenly turn on?

Yes, it must be Yang Ming! This hooligan! Xia Xue ran to the TV in three steps and wanted to turn off the TV, but she had no choice but to find that the TV was installed in the wall, and there was no switch outside at all!

Then the possibility of Yang Ming being bad can be ruled out! But how do you turn on the TV?

Although Xia Xue is looking for the switch back and forth. But the eyes inevitably see the picture of the TV! Why is the woman on this TV so shameless?

Xia Xue cursed in her heart. However, after scolding, the TV program is still on.

Although Xia Xue belongs to the kind of girl with big nerves. But it is impossible not to understand men and women, especially in the criminal police industry. When it comes to some cases, I know more than other girls!

However, I just know what's going on, and I haven't actually seen the real thing, let alone experience it in person!

So, Xia Xue now, although she thinks that the things on TV are vulgar. But I couldn't help looking up curiously.

At this time. A ** went into battle, and the woman on the TV screamed comfortably. Xia Xue suddenly felt that her mouth was dry.

Phoh! Don't be ashamed! Xia Xue scolded in her heart. It's a disgrace to the people of the world to do such a thing and shamelessly make a movie!

I don't know why, Xia Xue suddenly remembered Yang Ming's wonderful feeling of touching herself just now... Is it, this is the so-called feeling...

Xia Xue was dizzy. Isn't it? Is that the feeling she was greedy just now? So what's the difference between this and the woman on TV?

However, this idea was only for a moment, and it was immediately diluted by curiosity and tension. Xia Xue couldn't take her eyes off the TV, and her breathing became very short. The shell teeth bit his lower lip tightly, and he was very nervous all over.

As the men and women on TV continue to change their postures, the range of movements becomes more and more exaggerated, and Xia Xue is also getting more and more nervous.

Xia Xue felt that her body was about to burn, exhaling hot air. What's wrong with her?

Although the sound of the TV outside was not very loud, Yang Ming didn't hear it at first, but later, the woman's voice on the TV became louder and louder, and it was impossible for Yang Ming to hear it!

Hearing the strange voice, Yang Ming was very embarrassed. He said to himself that it was not that Xia Xue, a stupid girl, couldn't help touching herself, right? But this call is a little exaggerated, isn't it?

I couldn't help but be curious. Yang Ming still looked into the room with perspective, but he didn't expect that Xia Xue was lying in front of the TV, looking at the top blockbuster without blinking!

Dizzy! Yang Ming almost didn't stand still and fell down! Isn't this too funny? Just now, I solemnly said that I was a hooligan and cried so much, but now I'm so excited to watch the blockbuster!

Yang Ming originally wanted to go out to make fun of Xia Xue immediately, but on second thought, he had just provoked her, and now he went out to break her good deeds. If she made trouble unreasonablely, it would be difficult to do!

It's better to let her watch it for a while. When she is in a good mood, what she just happened is not a big deal! Thinking of this, Yang Ming gave up the idea of going out immediately, simply opened the water in the bathroom and was ready to take a shower and wake up!

I was so impulsive just now that I almost caused a big disaster! So Yang Ming is going to take a shower to keep his brain awake. Don't do anything stupid!

Zhou Jiajia looked at the time. It is estimated that Wang Xifan can't go back tonight, and Wang Zhitao's mother is not here during this period. Zhou Jiajia still wondered why she hadn't seen Wang Zhitao's mother.

It turned out that after Wang Xifan killed Su roughly, he was afraid that Wang Zhitao's mother would see something, so he found an excuse to tell her that the police were tracking Su roughly, which might implicate him and let her go back to her mother's house to live for a while, keep a distance from him and avoid the limelight.

(I did ignore the matter of the Queen Mother. Lao Yu caught a cold a few days ago and his mind was not very smart. I just read a book friend's reminder, and then I remembered it. So I would like to add a sentence here, as long as you understand!)

Zhou Jiajia crept to Wang Xifan's study. She first moved Wang Xifan's computer host off the desk, then took out a hot air gun from her own toolkit, connected it to the power supply, and baked it with the warranty sticker on it.

This is a good way for Zhou Jiajia to find on the Internet. It is said that many profiteers JS use this trick to open some fragile disposable stickers of goods!

After heating, the glue on the fragile seal becomes much softer and can be completely torn off.

Zhou Jiajia carefully removed the fragile sticker, with a smile on her face, which was really complete! There is no damage at all. After carefully putting the fragile seal, Zhou Jiajia took out a screwdriver, disassembled the chassis of the host, then unplugged the data cable on the hard disk inside, and directly connected a data cable brought by herself.

Opening the notebook, Zhou Jiajia excitedly began to search for the data in Wang Xifan's hard disk.

Sure enough, in a hidden folder on disk D, this simple method of hiding files is a piece of cake for Zhou Jiajia!

Under the folder, Zhou Jiajia found two EXCEL documents, one is called "Purchase Accounts" and the other is "Sales Details".

With excitement, Zhou Jiajia opened the document! Sure enough! Seeing the above item, Zhou Jiajia's breathing became short!

That's it. This is Wang Xifan's smuggled account book! Zhou Jiajia did not dare to delay and quickly sent the two documents to the mailbox designated by Chen Fei. After that, Zhou Jiajia hurriedly began to clean up the mess.

However, at this time, downstairs, there was the sound of opening the door with the key... Serializing |