very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 577 Are you sick?

Volume 2 The era of chasing the United States 577. Are you sick [1/1 page] However, Yang Ming reacted relatively quickly. Xia Xue just caught a glimpse, and he surrounded the bath towel around himself.

It seems that this killer's skills are still very useful in case you need it from time to time! Yang Ming's eyes stared and scolded Xia Xue angrily, "Don't you know to knock on the door? You are a hooligan, do you know?" Yang Ming..." Xia Xue didn't hear what Yang Ming said at all. Her eyes were full of confusion. She unconsciously called Yang Ming's name and leaned over to Yang Ming... "Damn, what are you doing?" Yang Ming was shocked and a little stunned by Xia Xue's movements.

"I... I... hug me... I..." Xia Xue was a little incoherent. Although she felt that her behavior was very inappropriate in her heart, her body was completely out of control... Originally, she wanted to wake up in the bathroom, but she didn't expect to see Yang Ming standing there naked to take a shower. Xia Xue was stunned. , and the desire in the body has become more exuberant... Now, there is an impulse to do those things on TV with Yang Ming... "Are you sick!" Yang Ming is completely sober now, otherwise he really can't grasp the ** in front of him! Yang Ming shook his head. Xia Xue, obviously watched too much on TV and went crazy.

"I... I'm so hot... I can't do it..." Xia Xue said as she began to take off her clothes. It was hot in the room. She had already taken off her coat when she was eating just now. At this moment, it was a cashmere shirt.

It was easily taken off by Xia Xue, and directly exposed the movement of Yang Ming on his back inside. He ***.

Isn't this Xia Xue made a mistake by himself?! Looking at Xia Xue's convex and concave body, Yang Ming really wanted to push her down on the spot.

However, Yang Ming is still more rational than impulsive.

After a long period of hard training, Yang Ming's will is much stronger than before, and he will not be easily **.

"All that, stop it!" Yang Ming resisted his inner impulse and roared at Xia Xue, hoping to scare Xia Xue.

"It's so hot..." Xia Xue didn't know it and was not moved by Yang Ming's roar at all.

While continuing to tear his clothes, he suddenly grabbed Yang Ming's right hand and pressed it on his chest... Xia Xue was completely subconscious. I just saw on TV that the heroine had done so.

Subconsciously, he made the same action... Yang Ming was terrred and suddenly excited all over his body. However, the fullness and softness in his hand made Yang Ming a little reluctant to leave... Although Yang Ming has tried to control his emotions, he really couldn't stand the ** in front of him... Touch It shouldn't be a big deal, right? This is what Xia Xue took the initiative to ask for.

She has nothing to do with herself... Xia Xue is still not satisfied, so she reached out to grab Yang Ming's bath towel! Yang Ming was enjoying the comfort. He suddenly felt cold under his body, and the bath towel had been pulled to the ground by Xia Xue! Ah!" Xia Xue shouted coquettishly and stretched out her hand to continue to grab... Although Yang Ming was also lusted by Xia Xue, there was only one thought in his mind at this moment. Xia Xue resolutely can't push it. If he pushes it, something big will happen! Chen Fei's men, are they so easy to push the ground? Good boy, dragon's cave.

If you don't stop Xia Xue now, it will really be doomed! Thinking of this, Yang Ming didn't care about the feeling in his hand. He grabbed Xia Xue's neck, dragged her into the bathroom, and turned the shower in the direction of cold water.

pointed the nozzle at Xia Xue and poured it... "Ah... Ah... Ah sneeze..." Xia Xue was suddenly drenched by cold water.

I sneezed.

"Yang Ming... What are you going to do..." Xia Xue exclaimed, "Cold, cold..." Yang Ming didn't care about that much.

She continued to press Xia Xue's head and let her keep being hit by the cold shower.

"Let go of me... Yang Ming, I'm going to kill you... You want to freeze me to death!" Xia Xue seems to be completely awake and has regained her hot temper in the past.

Yang Ming was relieved and let Xia Xue go, secretly saying that it was dangerous.

"Ah!" Xia Xue looked up and saw Yang Ming naked. She suddenly exclaimed, "What...what are you going to do?" What am I doing?" Yang Ming was a little puzzled by Xia Xue.

"What are you doing naked... What are you going to do?" Xia Xue stared at Yang Ming with a red face.

"What am I doing naked? Didn't you do it?" Yang Ming said angrily, "Silly girl, you don't have amnesia, do you? What should I do to you? Is there any mistake? What are you going to do to me?" Xia Xue was scolded by Yang Ming and immediately woke up. She was not unconscious just now, so what she had done before suddenly appeared in front of her. She was immediately ashamed. She lowered her head and dared not look at Yang Ming again... Just now, she actually looked at Yang Ming**... It's really shameful. Thinking of this, Xia Xue hates it I have to find a seam to get in.

Although Yang Ming was angry enough by Xia Xue, after all, he was also lustful just now. He took advantage of Xia Xue for a while, and it was not easy to say anything more.

Besides, I don't wear anything now, and it's not like that to stay in the bath with Xia Xue, so I sighed and said, "Forget it, that's all about you playing hooligans to me. I spanked you before, and now you... Anyway, you offset each other..." "Oh..." Xia Xue mechanically Nodding, although he felt unconvinced, he couldn't say anything about the origin of geography.

But I always feel that Yang Ming has taken advantage of it! He is a big man. What's wrong with him? It's like what's wrong with him! Yang Ming quickly left the bath room before Xia Xue thought about it. He didn't want to have too much to do with Xia Xue now! Xia Xue became Yang Ming's role just now. In the bathroom, she was too ashamed to come out to face Yang Ming... Yang Ming took a look at the top blockbuster that was still being staged in the hall, scolded shamelessly, thought of the strangeness after drinking before, and faintly sensed something.

Isn't Wang Zhitao trying to hurt himself again? XX policewoman, hum, Wang Zhitao is more insidious this time than last time! If you are full of determination, otherwise you will really be harmed by him! Has Wang Zhitao come over? Yang Ming raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the monitoring room. Sure enough, he saw Wang Zhitao sitting beside Huang Youcai with an insidious face and listening carefully to the movement in his room! Yang Ming doesn't pretend now. It should be the last time to solve it, right? Now that the Lord has arrived, there is no need to stay here! It's time! Yang Ming kicked the LCD TV on the wall directly, and then picked up a can of beer on the ground and smashed it on the monitor.

With a loud bang, the listener was declared scrapped.

At the same time, Wang Zhitao suddenly covered his ears in the monitoring room and screamed. He was almost deaf by Yang Ming.

"What's going on?" Wang Zhitao rubbed the buzzing eardrums and scolded angrily, "What the hell?" It seems that... Yang Ming destroyed the monitor..." Huang Youcai explained.

"Damn it, it's not that these two people have already done it, right? Did you accidentally break the monitor? Wang Zhitao tried to think about things on the evil side.

"It's also possible... It's also possible..." Huang Youcai echoed.

"Find someone to have a look!" Wang Zhitao ordered.

"Yes..." Huang Youcai just wanted to call someone, but he saw that the door of the monitoring room was not opened! Wang Xifan came in with Zhou Jiajia! Mr. Wang..." "Jiajia..." Huang Youcai and Wang Zhitao called at the same time.

After listening to Wang Zhitao's words, Wang Xifan couldn't help sighing. As a son, there was nothing else, but he was too infatuated. This woman betrayed him so much that he still cares about her so much! It seems that it is really necessary to bring Zhou Jiajia today to let her son see her true face! Dad, why did you tie up Zhou Jiajia? Wang Zhitao was shocked: "Let go of her quickly. What are you doing!" Zhitao, don't move! Stand there for me!" Wang Xifan immediately stopped his son.

"Ah?" Wang Zhitao was stunned and looked at his serious father in front of him. He was a little at a loss! Have you told me everything about Dad, right? Wang Xifan glanced at his son and asked faintly.

On the way, he has figured it out, so he can let it go and look down on everything.

"Say... But Uncle Huang said, isn't it not necessarily a matter?" Wang Zhitao didn't understand why his father suddenly asked this. His thoughts are all on Zhou Jiajia now.
