very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 667 Little Dolsk

This person is Dolsk's son, Dolsk.

Dolsk died, but he didn't feel anything about it. What his father was like? Little Dolsk was very clear that he was a big villain. He usually had more enemies. Who knows who killed him if he didn't like him! But what little Dolsk cares is that his father's savings in the Swiss bank are missing! Yes, that's more than 30 billion euros! For various reasons, little Dolsk did not inherit his father's business, but was the leader of a casino.

But obviously it's not a good bird, but it's not as eye-catching as drug dealers.

This is also what Dolsk means, because if something really happens, it's up to you, and your son can't have an accident.

Because gambling is legal in their city.

So after getting the news that his father had been killed, Little Dolsk's first reaction was not to investigate how his father died, but to quickly find his father's account in the Swiss bank in the safe of his father's study.

The safe in the father's study is a fingerprint verification situation. If it is forcibly removed, the self-destruct device will be activated.

^^^^ When it was set up at that time, the safe only recognized the fingerprints of the father and son.

Little Dolsk is an only son, and he is not worried about someone and robbing property, so he didn't ask about the money he had at home before. This was the first time to start the safe.

Following the steps my father told himself, little Dolsk opened the safe.

In the safe, there are some valuable jewelry and a Swiss bank account opening certificate, as well as some scattered capital accounts.

Little Dolsk didn't care about those scattered capital accounts. There was a lot of loose money in it, and the amount was not much.

Together, there are more than 100 million euros, and most of them are still in the Swiss bank.

The local account of the Swiss Bank is an anonymous account. The reason why it is deposited anonymously is that Dolsk is also afraid that one day he will have an accident and be dug out by Interpol.

And the anonymous account will not have this trouble. As long as you have the account and password, anyone can operate it, but if you can't know the account and password, no one can touch the penny in it! Although little Dolsk doesn't know how much money he has in his father's anonymous account, he won't be less.

\\\\\\\\\\\\Little Dolsk dialed the Swiss Bank.

According to the voice prompt inside, he entered the account and password, and the result surprised him that there were only 138 euros in the account! Little Dolsk was shocked and hurriedly called the customer service line of Swiss Bank to ask if there was something wrong with the system! After the service staff verified the account number and password of Little Dolsk, the service staff told Little Dolsk.

There is a sum of money in the account, which has been transferred out a few days ago! And the date and time of the transfer was before and after his father Dolsk was killed! Little Dolsk was immediately stunned and quickly asked about the where the money was going, but unfortunately, what he found was only another anonymous account, and he could not know the information of the account.

Of course, Little Dolsk was not stupid. He immediately contacted the time and thought of a terrible fact, that is, the murderer who killed his father.

While killing people, he transferred the money from his father's account! Little Dolsk is crazy. That's more than 30 billion euros.

He has found the detailed amount from the transfer record.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Therefore, little Dolsk had to start investigating the murder of his father.

However, he unfortunately found that his investigation hit a wall everywhere! The local police refused to disclose any information to themselves on the grounds that the case was kept secret until it was detected.

And the attitude of the staff on the Alice is even worse, and they are not themselves at all! When he mentioned the Dolsk Land, the staff looked contemptuously.

My father has a bad reputation! However, little Dolsk still heard something from his father's friends before his death.

When his father was killed, there was only one Hong Kong star named Shu Ya who had a grudge against his father. His father wanted to play with her, but he was rejected. At that time, both groups were very unhappy.

Soon after that, my father was killed.


Little Dolsk did not believe that Shuya could kill his father.

She doesn't have that ability either.

Yingji of the Tomorrow Group and several of his men also died with his father, and only she and her father Shu Haikuo got on the boat with Shu Ya.

Little Doelsk studied the information of Shuya and Shu Haikuo in detail.

^^^^ I feel that the suspicion of these two people is not big, and it is impossible to have any intersection with their father. Europe and Asia are far away, and my father's business is only in Europe. It has not yet developed into Asia, and the cooperation with Eagle Temple is just an attempt.

There is no past between Shu Haikuo and Shu Ya and her father. The conflicts and contradictions on the ship are also temporary, and it is just a simple quarrel. Little Dowsk does not think that Shu Ya will kill her father later, so Shu Ya is naturally excluded.

However, after excluding Shuya, Little Dowsk fell into a dead end. The whole ship was full of tycoons and celebrities. Although many people do not like their father, there is no conflict of interest. Who has such a great hatred with his father? Is it... an outsider? Thinking of this, Little Dolsk seemed to have caught something. Yes, the people on the ship are all tycoons and celebrities, and the possibility of killing is not very high, especially on the Alice. Everyone knows the background of the owner of the ship Alice. Once the matter is exposed, his trouble will be endless.

^^^^ Even if the police don't investigate, Alice won't let go of the trouble-r! The Alice has always been known for its safety and peace. How can Ms. Alice tolerate other people's destruction? In particular, little Dolsk also vaguely knows some of Alice's background and rumors, and it is impossible for others on the ship not to know! In this way, your own speculation becomes possible! The time when his father was killed happened to be the time when the Alice docked on Henry Island. What if someone sneaked into the ship during this period of time of the ship to assassinate? This is not impossible! Thinking of this, little Dowsk began to have a headache. If that's the case, it would be really troublesome to investigate! The scope is too wide, and the mobility of people on Henry Island is relatively large. Although Henry Island is not a public island, anyone who wants to come to the island has to register, but the servants and bodyguards of the rich just follow their masters to make a brief registration to enter the island! If the killer is mixed in the servant team of a tycoon and a famous person, there is really no way to check it! The clues are interrupted, and little Dolsk is worried about these things every day! However, just as little Dolsk was helpless and was drinking in the bar to relieve his worries, he heard an important clue! Do you know that guy Dolsk? A man who looked quite identifiable whispered to one of his companions.

"Do you mean Ersk? Isn't that the big drug lord who died on the Alice a while ago!" The man's companion asked, "What, do you know him well?" By the way, didn't you also attend the Alice's party!" Me? Of course I don't know him!" The man tilted his mouth and said, "A good party, I expected to know more celebrities, because of this guy's death, the party was forced to end! ***..." It seems that Dolsk's reputation is not good. Little Dolsk's face suddenly turned red with anger, but he was not angry, because his investigation during this period also saw that his father was very unpopular, and there were too many people scolding him! It's not as good as the one in front of him, and little Dolsk also wants to see if he can hear some useful information from this man! It turned out that his decision was correct, because what did he really hear... "Ha, if you die, it has something to do with us?" The man's companion raised his glass and said, "Come on, cheers, ignore him!" That's right, cheers!" The man also raised his glass and said, "This fucking bird man deserves it. Who made him so arrogant!" Oh?" The man's companion drank all the wine in his hand, and then asked strangely, "Is he arrogant with you? Have you been bullied by him?" Bullying is not to mention, but his arrogance is too arrogant!" The man scolded, "It's not good to see him!" I went back to my room to rest, and I saw a group of people in black holding an oriental woman. I kindly asked what was going on. As a result, the group of people in black said to me that they were doing things for Dolsk and told me not to mind my own business!" Isn't it? Do you dare to arrest people on the Alice? He is a little too bold!" The man's companion was surprised.

I'm not feeling well these two days. I made an appointment for a physical examination on the 4th, and it may stop for one day.

I didn't go to QQ much. I didn't have time to reply to what my brother in the group asked me. I just saw it.

I'm not in a good state. I'm tired after writing for a while these two days, so I went straight to bed.