very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 683 Good friends, good sisters

Volume II The Age of Chasing Beauty 683. Good friend, good sister [1/1 page] After hearing this, Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan quickly stood up and flashed aside and asked the doctor to check.

The doctor said some data that Yang Ming didn't understand and let the nurse on the side record it, and then said to Yang Ming and others, "Okay, it's okay.

Call us again if you have something to do.

"Wait, doctor, how's she doing?" Yang Ming asked quickly.

"The patient's condition is very stable, and his heartbeat and brain are normal."

The doctor said.

"So, when will she wake up?" Chen Mengyan asked.

"Are you?" The doctor doesn't know Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia, and he doesn't know their identity. If it's not the patient's relatives, he can't say too much.

"I'm Jiajia's good friend. He... is Jiajia's boyfriend."

Chen Mengyan hesitated and said.

After listening to Chen Mengyan's words, Yang Ming was stunned and looked at Chen Mengyan with some puzzledness, but Chen Mengyan winked at Yang Ming. Yang Ming had to put the question in his heart first.

"Oh, come with me!" The doctor nodded and walked to the reception room next door.

Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan followed the doctor and entered the reception room. The doctor said, "There is no problem with the patient's body now, but it's not easy to wake up."

"So...what can I do?" Yang Ming asked.

"The solution... How to put it, it can't be solved in medicine now. Can you wake up?

It's up to the patient himself!" The doctor said.

"See the patient himself? What do you mean?" Yang Ming didn't understand what the doctor said.

"That is to say, the patient wants to wake up.

Then she can wake up.

The doctor explained, "Now I analyze that the patient should have any knots or regrets.

When she is awake, it may not matter, but now, she is likely to lock herself in this door of her heart and refuse to come out..." "You mean, she has something on her mind? If.

If she can untie her knot or make up for her regret, will she wake up? Chen Mengyan hesitated and asked.

"You can say so, but it's not absolute.

I can only say that there is such a chance! Because there are many similar precedents in medicine.

The doctor continued: "So I suggest that more people familiar with the patient should come to talk with her, maybe.

Who knows what knot she has.

"So that's it... Then thank you!" A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Mengyan's eyes and she quickly thanked the doctor.

"Ha ha, you're welcome. This is what I should do."

The doctor smiled and said, "Whether the patient can wake up or not depends on you! You are her good friend. He is her boyfriend. You should talk more with patients.

It should be beneficial.

After seeing off the doctor, Yang Ming turned around and was about to go back to the ward, but was stopped by Chen Mengyan.

"Mengyan? What are you doing?" Yang Ming felt that Chen Mengyan's behavior today was really strange: "That's right.

Why did you say I was Zhou Jiajia's boyfriend just now?" The patient's information is generally confidential! How can a doctor tell outsiders casually? Chen Mengyan said, "If I don't say that you are Jiajia's boyfriend, how can he tell me!" Yang Ming nodded. So that's it. What Chen Mengyan said was also the truth. Even if the patient's information didn't need to be kept secret, you can't tell anyone! Let's go in and talk to Jiajia... The doctor was right. Maybe that sentence reached Zhou Jiajia's heart, and she might wake up.

Yang Ming said.

"Wait!" Chen Mengyan pulled Yang Ming for a night.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming is strange.

Turn your head and look at Chen Mengyan: "What else?" I... want to drink water.

Go and buy some for me."

Chen Mengyan hesitated and said.

"Isn't there mineral water in the ward? Shall I get you a cup?" Yang Ming pointed to the water dispenser and said inexplicably.

"I want to drink... well, honey green tea.

Go and buy this for me!" Chen Mengyan said.

"Honey green tea?" Yang Ming shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, you stay here for a while, and I'll go downstairs to buy it for you."

"Well... Go quickly... by the way, green tea has a prize now. After you buy it, open it in the grocery store first to see if there is a prize. Maybe you can win another bottle!" Chen Mengyan found a reason to delay the time.

"Okay..." Yang Ming went out, but he couldn't figure it out. Chen Mengyan's behavior today was really weird, and her tone just now obviously seemed to drive her away.

When Chen Mengyan saw Yang Ming out of the ward, she crept back to Zhou Jiajia's room.

Sitting next to Zhou Jiajia, he took Zhou Jiajia's hand and was a little nervous.

However, when she saw Zhou Jiajia's closed eyes and bloodless face, Chen Mengyan gritted her teeth and looked very firm.

"Zhou Jiajia, I'm Chen Mengyan... Can you hear me?" Chen Mengyan looked at Zhou Jiajia and said softly.

"Jiajia, if you can hear me, then listen to me..." Chen Mengyan hesitated and said, "I know you love Yang Ming. You can see that you can make such a great sacrifice for him.

Jiajia, to be honest, I didn't have a good impression of you at first, but now, I'm really moved... If you don't mind, I think we can become good friends..." Seeing that Zhou Jiajia still had no reaction, Chen Mengyan was a little anxious: "Jiajia, can you hear me... ...I mean, it's the kind of very good friend...good sister...Do you know what I mean?" When Chen Mengyan said this, she only felt that her heart was about to jump out. After saying that, she looked at Zhou Jiajia nervously. However, unfortunately, Zhou Jiajia's face was still very calm... "Oh!" Chen Mengyan sighed and was a little at a loss.

Originally, after she had just heard what the doctor said, she had a bold idea in her heart, because she felt that Zhou Jiajia's heart knot was likely to be Yang Ming, or herself.

As long as she and Yang Ming accept her, will she be able to wake up? Therefore, Chen Mengyan gritted her teeth and said what she had just said.

If she can't say anything in front of Yang Ming, she can only kick Yang Ming away and then make friends with Zhou Jiajia.

However, Chen Mengyan did not expect to succeed once. Now that she has made up her mind to accept Zhou Jiajia, she has let go. If she has time in the future, she will come to accompany her more, talk with her, chat with her, and talk more topics related to Yang Ming, which should have a certain effect.

Zhou Jiajia did not respond, but one person was shocked.

This person is Yang Ming.

Yang Ming just suspected that Chen Mengyan was hiding something from him, so after he went out, he found a place to hide and looked through the situation in the ward.

When she "watched" what Chen Mengyan said, she was suddenly excited and surprised.

Excited, Chen Mengyan took the initiative to accept another girl. Surprisingly, Zhou Jiajia had such a great personality charm! Even Chen Mengyan, who has the personality of a little vinegar jar, was infected by her.

However, it seems that things are moving in a good direction.

Chen Mengyan can take the initiative to accept Zhou Jiajia, which shows that her character is also changing imperceptibly.

Although he still has a lot of complaints about Lin Zhiyun and Lan Ling, he will really get along with each other for a long time in the future. With Lin Zhiyun's indisputable personality and Lan Ling's cuteness, he should be recognized by Chen Mengyan.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming couldn't help but feel a little happy.

But happiness is only temporary. When Yang Ming saw that Zhou Jiajia did not react because of what Chen Mengyan said, Yang Ming's heart sank again! Indeed, if Zhou Jiajia has any knots, it should be her relationship with herself and whether Chen Mengyan can accept her.

But now it seems that it is not.

Yang Ming shook his head and went downstairs to buy green tea for Chen Mengyan.

Not to mention that this green tea really won the prize. I tore off the label and said "one more bottle" on the back.

After Yang Ming directly exchanged the reward, he returned to the ward with all his heart.

Chen Mengyan has returned to normal at this time. Yang Ming handed over a bottle of green tea and said, "Sure enough, you won another bottle."

"Ah?" Chen Mengyan didn't expect it to be so coincidental. She said it casually, and Yang Ming really won the prize.

But then he said to himself, "Look, you have won the lottery. The winning rate is quite high."

"Um, I spent the money of one bottle to buy two bottles. It's really good."

Yang Ming said.

" By the way, why don't you see if there is a prize in the bottle that won the prize?" Chen Mengyan saw that the green tea in Yang Ming's hand did not tear off the label, so she asked.

Yang Ming was stunned, and then smiled bitterly and said, "I forgot..." Yang Ming was worried just now. How could he think so much about it?
