very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 721 Night Detective Shuya

Volume 2 The Age of Chasing Beauty 721. Night Detective Shu Ya [1/1 page] looked over and didn't find Shu Ya's phone number. Obviously, he didn't care at that time.

\\\\ Now when I use it, I'm in a hurry.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I'll find Shu Ya later to see if this can be done."

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Lin Zhiyun said happily, "If there is Shu Ya's endorsement, then we are not afraid of Yun's."

"Thank you for what I do? The company is mine."

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Then I'll go back first. Don't forget to take another pill before going to bed."

"Ouch!" Lin Zhiyun was so ashamed that she stamped her feet and said, "Stop talking, I remember."

"Yes, help me ask your uncle when you have time. The more detailed the matter between him and He Lulu, the better."

Yang Ming thought for a moment and said to Lin Zhiyun, "But don't let him notice anything."

"What's the matter? Why?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Lin Zhiyun frowned suspiciously.

"I can't say it, but I think there is something wrong with He Lulu and her father He Zhibo."

Yang Ming said.

"Well, I'll try."

Lin Zhiyun doesn't ask any more questions.

Out of Lin Zhiyun's house, Yang Ming looked at his watch and smiled bitterly. It was already past three o'clock in the morning. Isn't it inappropriate to go to Shu Ya at this time? But there's nothing we can do. Time is tight. The day after tomorrow is Shuya's concert, and it's Valentine's Day in a few days. If we don't finalize the matter as soon as possible, we won't be able to shoot commercials or something.

Yang Ming came to heaven and earth in a golden cup of bread.

I am responsible for meeting Yang Ming safely at the door.

Immediately said hello, "Brother Yang!" These people.

are all specially selected.

They all know Yang Ming.

"Has Miss Shuya had a rest?" Yang Ming asked.

"Brother Yang.

Wait a minute.

A little brother took out the walkie-talkie.

said a few words to the inside.

Then he said to Yang Ming, "The brothers upstairs said.

The light is still on in Shuya's room.


I'll go up and have a look.

Yang Ming nodded.

walked into heaven and earth.

The same location.

is a different mood.

Yang Ming looked at the decoration in heaven and earth.

I can't help thinking about it.

If you come here again with Lin Zhiyun.

What kind of situation will

be? Now heaven and earth have been regulated under the famous banner, that is, Yang Ming's own industry.

\\\\ Yang Ming entered the elevator, but no one stopped him.

to the top level.

On the floor where Shu Ya is located, Yang Ming walked out of the elevator.

Seeing that the elevator door was opened, the little brother in charge of safety immediately became alert and stared at the elevator exit nervously. When he saw Yang Ming coming out, and there was no one else behind him, he was relieved.

"Brother Yang, Miss Shu's room is 2206."

One of the younger brothers said.

Yang Ming nodded, indicating that he knew.

get up and walk in the direction of 2206.

When I came to the door of the room, I saw a faint light coming from the room.

But Yang Ming is not sure whether Shu Ya has a rest or not, and some people are sleeping.

Always forget to turn off the lights.

In accordance with the principle of caution, Yang Ming looked inside with his power, but just to make sure what Shu Ya was doing, there was no other intention to peep.

The room is the kind of presidential suite, and the agent Miss Xu sleeps in the guest room outside the room.

I'm lying down at this moment. I don't know if I'm asleep with my eyes closed.

But Shu Ya didn't sleep. At this moment, she was sitting at the head of the bed and netting with her notebook.

After confirming that Shu Ya did not rest, Yang Ming was relieved.

I rang the doorbell at the door of the room.

This doorbell is divided into an inner doorbell and an outer doorbell, so as not to disturb other people.

Yang Ming rang the doorbell in the inner room. The sound insulation effect of the presidential suite was still very good, and Yang Ming could not hear the bell.

However, Shu Ya obviously heard it. She looked up with some doubts, subconsciously glanced at the video doorbell intercom system, and then looked at the time on the computer.

frowned and reached out to connect the intercom system.

Shu Ya is a little annoyed. Who will disturb herself so late? Normally, the waiter will not ring the doorbell at this time, and outsiders say that the security guard who is responsible for safety outside can't let him come so late and do this.

What came into Shuya's eyes was the face that made her miss and restless.

Shu Ya was a little excited, so late.

What is he doing here? Dating yourself? This idea came to my mind.

Shu Ya couldn't help squeezing her little fist and knocking on her head. What kind of mess did she think about? How is that possible?

Yang Ming has a girlfriend now, and he has a good relationship.

Besides, if Yang Ming wants to develop something with her, there should be a lot of opportunities. He doesn't have to come here in the middle of the night.

However, even so, Shu Ya was still very excited, and even her voice changed a little: "Yang, Ming?" It's me, Shuya, are you asleep? I won't bother you, right?" Although Yang Ming saw Shu Ya's expression, he didn't take it seriously.

In the middle of the night, someone rang the doorbell. Who should be nervous? Oh... I haven't slept yet. Wait a minute, I'll open the door for you."

Shu Ya casually closed the notebook in front of her, then jumped down from **, put on her slippers and walked to the door.

Shu Ya just curled up in the quilt, and Yang Ming was not the kind of voyeur, so it was impossible to see through Shu Ya's quilt.

However, at this moment, Shu Ya came together and saw it clearly.

Shuya did not wear a coat, but only a loose nightgown.

However, Shu Ya did not change her clothes and came over directly, which surprised Yang Ming slightly.

You know, Shu Ya has always been a very healthy and conservative image in front of the media. In the middle of the night, how can she open the door to a strange man so casually? Although it's not very strange, maybe Shu Ya is a little afraid of herself, but she doesn't have to do this, right? Yang Ming really wants to make a wrong. Shu Ya has never been afraid of him. For Shu Ya, Shu Ya will not be afraid if Yang Ming kills people or something else.

When passing outside, Shu Ya secretly took a look at Xu Li, who had fallen asleep. She blushed slightly and crept to the door with some guilty heart, and carefully opened the door for fear that she would wake up.

It's like an affair.

It makes Shuya's heart, which has not been excited for many years, become extremely nervous.

The feeling of heartbeat... I don't know how many years it hasn't appeared on me, but now it's back.

Opening the door, Shu Ya raised her eyebrows beautifully and reached out to make a silent gesture: "Shh... Xu Li fell asleep.

Don't wake her up."

Xu Li? Yang Ming didn't pay attention to the name of Shu Ya's economic man. He remembered that it seemed to be called Miss Xu. I think it must be.

Yang Ming nodded and smiled understandingly.

In his heart, the big star is actually just an ordinary girl. At that moment, Yang Ming even had the feeling that Shu Ya was just the sister next door.

A trace of excitement flashed in Shu Ya's bright eyes, and she was slightly pleased with Yang Ming and her tacit understanding.

"Come with me..." Shu Ya waved to Yang Ming.

said very softly.

The expression is indescribably naughty.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly. Why do you think that the two of them are like children's house? Isn't she afraid to kill her by herself? This is called leading the wolf into the house.

Don't she understands this truth? At this moment, Yang Ming even had a feeling of returning to his childhood. In those years... it seemed that Su Ya always spoke to herself in this tone.

Yang Ming lost his mind for a short time, but as a killer, this was absolutely impossible. He quickly adjusted his mood, only to see that Shu Ya had turned around and was crept inward.

Yang Ming also subconsciously learned from Shu Ya and moved forward slowly.

The two of them are like big wolves who are going to do bad things in cartoons.

When the two entered the room, Shu Ya quickly closed the door of the room, and then locked it back, and then patted her chest with lingering fear: "If Xu Li knows, you will definitely give me a lesson..." Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded by Shu Ya's tough behavior.

Close the door? Reverse lock? Why do you always feel a little scary? However, it seems that this kind of thing should be done by men, right? But after hearing Shu Ya's words.

Yang Ming knew that he was wrong, and Shu Ya was just avoiding Xu Li.

Just now, Xu Li, who was still asleep, opened her eyes at the moment Shu Ya closed the door, and she could not see any sleepiness at all.

Xu Li took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. After a long time, the other party answered: "Is it Xiao Xu? Call me so late.

Is there anything important?" Sorry.

Mr. Shu, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Xu Li said apologetically, "But there is something important.

I would like to ask you for instructions.

"What's the matter?" Shu Haikuo asked.

"Just now, Yang Ming came to find Miss Shu, and Miss Shu took him into the room."

Xu Li said, "It's so late, I'm afraid... I'm not sure, so please tell me how to do it."

"Oh?" Shu Haikuo fell into silence and said after a while, "Don't you see it?"

"Okay..." Although Xu Li was very confused about Shu Haikuo's attitude, she must listen to what Shu Haikuo said.

On the surface, she is Shu Ya's economic man, but in fact, she is employed by Shu Haikuo and always monitors Shu Ya's movements and reports to him.

Intuitively, Xu Li feels that Yang Ming and the Shu family seem to have something to do with each other for a long time, which can be seen from the attitude of Shu Haikuo and Shu Ya.

Shu Ya has never been so kind to any man, let alone let him enter the room in the middle of the night.

And Shu Haikuo's attitude is also very strange.

On the first day of coming to Songjiang, Xu Li told Shu Haikuo about all kinds of abnormality when she saw Yang Ming. If she knew that those princes harassed Shu Ya in normal times, he would definitely be furious, but this time, he kept silent.

Xu Li doesn't ask much about the specific reason, and this is not what she should ask.
