very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 726 Foreign Tourists

"Yes, we are tourists from Europe to travel to Songjiang. There are ice lanterns here, which are beautiful and beautiful!" Ed explained with a smile, "Can you help us call the traffic fault handling department?"

"That's okay, but I have to take a look at your passports. I have to make sure that you didn't smuggle here. I don't want to cause trouble." Yang Ming said quietly.

"Yes, of course you can." Ed is not defensive. What Yang Ming said is also very reasonable, and the request is not too much. In the middle of the night, it is normal for two foreigners to be a little vigilant.

I didn't think much about it, so I handed my passport to Yang Ming. Yang Ming took a look. It was this man named Ed, 38 years old, Hungarian. Yang Ming returned his passport to Ed, recalling that he should have nothing to do with Hungarians. However, to be on the safe, he also said to Little Dolsk, "Show me your passport, too."

"Hey, brother, you're really careful!" Little Dolsk scooped out his passport and handed it to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming took Little Dowsk's passport, opened it, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

"Dollsk", this person's surname is "Dollsk"? Although this surname is rare, Yang Ming is not strange at all! She and Shu Ya just mentioned this person's name!

Yang Ming quietly looked at the appearance of little Dolsk. Indeed, there was a shadow of Dolsk on it. Could it be... Yang Ming's heart beat. This man is not Dolsk's son or relative, is he?

Why did this guy get to Songjiang? Obviously, although Dolsk's death is related to himself, little Dolsk has no reason to know. Shu Ya should not say it. Even if she wants to say it, she won't have a chance to say it.

Is it for Shuya? With this idea, Yang Ming probably figured out the crux of the matter. Shu Ya is a key figure. On the Alice, Dolsk tried to cheat on Shuya, and it was impossible for no one to know. With Dolsk's arrogant and domineering character, he is bound to directly expose his thoughts to his face.

So. Dolsk was killed after a conflict with Shuya... Although the two things don't seem to have much to do with each other, I'm afraid that people with the intention will associate it.

It looks like. This little Dolsk is not a fool. He can think of Shuya as a breakthrough. It's really not easy.

Since he has figured out the general situation, Yang Ming naturally doesn't need to continue to pretend with him. He casually put little Dolsk's passport in his pocket, and his face became cold.

"What are you doing?" Little Dolsk saw Yang Ming carrying his passport in his pocket, and he was a little puzzled: "That's my passport."

"People don't talk in secret, you think. I didn't sleep in the middle of the night and happened to pass by here?" Yang Ming said with some ridicule.

After listening to Yang Ming's words, Ed suddenly changed his expression and was secretly on guard. Little Dolsk still didn't understand what was going on. He said in astonishment, "Then what are you doing here?"

"Introduce me, I'm Shu Yadi's bodyguard." Yang Ming was sure that the two people were coming for Shu Ya, so he didn't hide his words: "Shall we find a place to talk?"

"You were in the car just now?" Ed listened to Yang Ming's words and did not dare to act rashly. Because he also saw that the people in charge of Shuya's safety in the hotel were not weak, and Yang Ming, as a personal bodyguard, must be much better than those people. Ed is not sure if he can handle Yang Ming.

"Nonsense. Otherwise, can I know that you have fallen into the ditch?" Yang Mingdi's English has also begun to become more and more fluent.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Ed asked.

"You can say so." Yang Ming said, "Say it, what's the matter with Shu Ya?"

"In fact, we are not malicious. I just want to ask Miss Shuya for some questions. Little Dolsk's eyes turned and said. Since Ed dares not take action rashly, it means that the water in Songjiang is deep. With the involvement of gangs, the matter is a little complicated.

"If you want to ask anything, you can tell me. I want you to convey it, but I'm afraid it's impossible for you to see Miss Shu." Yang Ming said lightly.

"You underestimate us too much, don't you?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Aide felt a little suffocated. He couldn't believe Yang Ming's depth and did not dare to take action rashly. This was enough to make him feel cowardly, so it was inevitable that he would be a little resentful at this moment.

"At least in Songjiang, you don't have any chance." Yang Ming said disdainfully.

"Are you a member of the local gangster in Songjiang?" Little Dolsk heard some clues.

"It can be said," Yang Ming nodded: "Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it, I'll tell you. Don't be crooked, or I can guarantee that you won't leave Songjiang alive.

Ed's face was a little uncertain. Yang Ming's words were really unpleasant, but Ed did not doubt the authenticity of these words. He doesn't know about the gangsters here, but in Europe, gangsters can indeed determine a person's life and death.

"Okay, this is our contact information. Please transfer it to Miss Shu and ask her to call me when she is free." Ed hesitated for a moment and handed over a name card.

When Yang Ming took the famous card, Ed pretended to hold Yang Ming's hand inadvertently. Yang Ming is secretly funny. It seems that this love still doesn't give up and wants to test it.

Yang Ming didn't care either. Instead, he held Ed's hand and clasped Ed's hand like pliers. Ed's grip is already outstanding, but Yang Ming's hand is soaked in a secret prescription, which is far stronger than Ed's. Moreover, in the days of Yang Ming's training, one of the training was to let Yang Ming grab an iron pipe with one hand, hang his whole body in the air, and support the weight of his whole body with the grip of one hand.

Ed didn't expect that the gap between himself and Yang Ming was so big. He thought he could find some face, but he didn't expect it to be embarrassing. His face immediately turned red. Fortunately, he didn't see it very clearly at night.

As soon as Yang Ming let go, Ed quickly let go and said awkwardly, "I'm afraid I'll lose it. It's not easy to find this dark day."

Yang Ming nodded with a sneer and said nothing. It's not that he didn't want to explain these two guys directly here, but Yang Ming doesn't want to kill people in China. His foundation is here, and Yang Ming doesn't want to be suspected.

"I'll transfer the business card to you, but whether Shu Ya will contact you or not, that's not what I said." Yang Ming said lightly.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Ed said.

Yang Ming turned around and disappeared into the night. Little Dolsk said, "Why don't you leave him here?"

"I'm not an opponent." Ed shook his head.

"Really? Are you no match for him?" Little Dolsk felt a little incredible.

"Asian gangsters are not simple. They are really crouching tigers and hiding dragons." Ed sighed.

Little Dolsk was originally a gangster. Hearing Ed's words, he also looked solemn and nodded and said, "Then let's wait. If it really doesn't work, we'll make other plans."

"It can only be done like this. Yes, what should we do now?" Ed frowned and pointed to the car in the ditch.

"Ah? I forgot to ask him to help me call..." Little Dolsk said with a bitter face, "There are still passports..."

Yang Ming came to the parking spot just now, got into the car and drove home. When he got home, his parents had already rested. Yang Ming called home before and said that he would pick up a friend at the airport and let his parents go to bed first.

Since Yang Ming explained a little details, Yang's father and mother have also indulged a lot to Yang Ming and no longer look at him all day long like a child. He gave Yang Ming more time for himself.

Moreover, since my father became the chairman, he has been very busy and has no time to take care of Yang Ming's small things.

During this period, the smiles on his parents' faces have obviously increased a lot. Yang Dahai was in a high position, and there were obviously many more people who came to flatt him. Even the community director came to him, hoping that Yang's mother could return to the community to work, and promised to solve the problem of establishment as soon as possible.

After this period of experience, Yang Dahai was also much more tactful and directly refused the community director. Yang Dahai has discussed with his wife. If nothing happens, just go to the factory to help.

Anyway, Yang's mother was also laid off from the factory and is familiar with the factory. Although she returned to the community, she would not just be a cleaner as before. At least she was a regular employee, but how could she return to the factory?

Yang Dahai is now the chairman. If Yang's mother goes, will she not be praised by others? A good mood is better than anything else! In contrast, of course, it is better to go to the factory.

Yang Ming returned to the room and scooped out his mobile phone to be charged, but he saw an unread message on it. He opened it and found that it was sent by Lin Zhiyun. It was an hour ago. At that time, Yang Ming was busy leading Ed and Little Dowsk into the ditch. Maybe he didn't hear it.

"Yang Ming, I can't sleep." Lin Zhiyun only sent one, not too many. Maybe she was afraid that Yang Ming had already rested.

Although Yang Ming was not sure whether Lin Zhiyun was asleep, he still went back and said, "I just got home. Why can't I sleep?"

After sending the text message, Yang Ming took off his coat, was ready to pack up and go to bed. The message tone of the mobile phone rang again. It seems that Lin Zhiyun is not asleep, but has been waiting for her reply.

"I'm scared. Have you gone home?" Lin Zhiyun replied.

"I just got home, and Shu Ya's endorsement is basically settled. Why are you afraid? Yang Ming asked.

"Dos Chen Mengyan know about us? I'm afraid she will scold me." Lin Zhiyun replied.
