very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 744 See you again

Before Yang Ming was sure of Chen Dazhuang's true intention. Let's look at him coldly first.

See that Chen Mengyan didn't say anything. Chen Dazhuang thought she also doubted her identity. He was even more angry with Yang Ming beside him. Just now. Because of Yang Ming's doubts. Chen Dazhuang was very angry. This is our family affair. Is it none of your business?

But. After all, people are under the eaves now. I have to bow my head. He said patiently, "Meng Yan. You don't doubt your cousin, do you? Here is my ID card. And that year. When your father and your mother got married. The photos taken when I went back to my hometown. Look. This is me... This photo is not fake, is it?"

After Chen Mengyan read the release book. I no longer doubt Chen Dazhuang's identity. When she saw her parents' wedding photos. It is even more certain that the person in front of him is the second cousin who is in prison.

Chen Mengyan breathed a sigh of relief. Then he asked, "Second cousin. Are you looking for my father?"

"'s the same for anyone. I can come to you..." Chen Dazhuang nodded quickly.

"Looking for me? What are you looking for me for?" Chen Mengyan is a little puzzled. When I was more than one year old. The second cousin was sentenced. There has been no contact since then. If you want to find your father. That's still possible. But find yourself. It seems unlikely, right?

"That... I just got out of prison. There is no place to go. I don't have any money..." Chen Dazhuang's original position in the company was not low. He also belongs to all kinds of people. Otherwise, it is impossible to come into contact with so much money. But. With the passage of time in prison. The whole person has no original sharpness and arrogance. Although he still has some backbone. But in order to survive. I also had to bow my head to my niece.

I did it for a long time. Yang Ming finally understood. The one in front of me is here to borrow money! Suddenly, he said unhappily, "You just got out of prison. You should go home. Uncle Chen and aunt are not here... You'd better come back another day."

Yang Ming knows that Chen Mengyan is not the kind of person who likes to refuse others. So this villain can only be done by him. However, Yang Ming is not humane. The key question is. Things haven't been figured out yet. Chen Fei lay in the hospital again. What's wrong with Chen Mengyan borrowing money by herself?

Chen Mengyan actually wants to refuse. After all, the one in front of him is his nominal cousin. But there is basically no blood relationship. My parents came from Chen's village. Almost all the people in the village there are surnamed Chen. We need to talk about relatives. You can get a little bit from door to door. I don't know where Chen Dazhuang came from.

"You..." Chen Dazhuang was a little angry. I wanted to say what this has to do with you. But he resisted and didn't say it. If it hadn't been to the end of the mountain. Chen Dazhuang can't come to borrow money. It was difficult to calm down my mood. Chen Dazhuang said kindly, "My mother-in-law and I are divorced. I took my child with another man... I don't have much to go now... cousin. You can borrow some money from your second cousin. In the future, the second cousin found a job. I will definitely give it back to you..."

"This..." Chen Mengyan is very kind. It's so pitiful to hear what Chen Dazhuang said. He immediately moved his compassion.

Yang Ming also frowned. This man doesn't seem to be lying. Judging from his tone and expression. Chen Dazhuang seemed to have no choice but to do so.

"How much do you want?" Yang Ming asked.

"Ah?" Chen Dazhuang was stunned. Just now, Yang Ming was strongly opposed to giving him money. Now Yang Ming asked him how much he wanted. This made Chen Dazhuang a little unresponsive. It took a long time to say, "Three...three hundred... okay?"

Chen Dazhuang was released from prison on the first day. I didn't find it until I came out. The outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Especially prices. It is much more expensive than before. It turned out to be a bowl of bean curd jelly. I want two yuan now. The three pancakes that used to cost 50 cents are now 80 cents.

So. The minimum standard for Chen Dazhuang's meal has become three yuan. It costs about ten yuan a day. Chen Dazhuang calculated it. Even if you sleep at the railway station or the passenger terminal every night. It costs about 300 yuan to eat a month.

Three hundred? Yang Ming was stunned. I thought he would open his mouth. It costs tens of thousands of yuan. I didn't expect it to cost only three hundred. It seems that there is nothing we can do about it. Then I will come to borrow money.

Yang Ming took out his wallet. I counted a thousand yuan from it. He handed it to Chen Dazhuang and said, "Take it. Rent a cheaper house. Then find a job to do it.

Chen Dazhuang looked at the money handed over by Yang Ming. Stayed for a time. I didn't expect my cousin's boyfriend to be so generous. It's a thousand yuan! You should know that it was because of 20,000 yuan. I was sentenced to ten years. Be able to come out early. It's better to work in it. The result of the reduced sentence. Of course. There is also the reason for Chen Fei's face. With the rise of Chen Fei's position. The prison also took care of Chen Dazhuang.

"Thank you. Thank you..." Chen Dazhuang said hurriedly.

"We can help you once. I can't help you for a lifetime. In the future. You have to rely on yourself." Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "I'm not in a hurry to pay back this money. The current policy is much better than before. You can do some small business. Where to set up a stall in the night market..."

"Good. I will try my best. Don't cause trouble to others..." Chen Dazhuang nodded heavily. I didn't expect Yang Ming to be very old. It makes sense to say something. The previous bad impression. It also dissipated.

After Chen Dazhuang left. Chen Mengyan took out the key and opened the door again. Then he went into the house with Yang Ming.

"Yang Ming. Don't talk to my mother about this now. In the event that she won't be distracted by other things. Chen Mengyan hesitated for a while before saying.

She didn't know whether she and Yang Ming borrowed Chen Dazhuang's money or not. So I don't want to talk to my family for the time being.

"This kind of small thing. It doesn't matter." Yang Ming smiled. I don't care about the thousand yuan. The most important thing is that Chen Dazhuang can take the right path in the future. I thought. Chen Dazhuang's affairs passed like this. But I didn't expect it. After some time. See you again.

"Uh..." Chen Mengyan nodded. Look at the empty house. A little silence.

"Then I'll go back first. Have a good rest. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning..." Yang Ming looked at the time. It's not early either. So he said.

"Ah..." Chen Mengyan stood up. Looking at Yang Ming, "Can you... not go?"

"Don't leave?" Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengyan. Is it? What is the hint of the signal? However. Such a thing happened at Chen Mengyan's house. Does she have anything else in mind?

I saw Yang Ming's ambiguous eyes. Chen Mengyan blushed and explained, "That's... just accompany me... Don't think about it &m;m;..."

"Hehe. I didn't think about it." Yang Ming shook his head. He said in a straight face.

Xia Xue is driving the car. Look at the co-pilot seat. Xiao Zhao, who still looks pale. He sighed helplessly. Xia Xue doesn't believe in ghosts. But Xiao Zhao did not graduate from the police academy. Just a driver in charge of driving.

"Little Zhao. What you see should not be a ghost. It's that someone is deliberately pretending to be a ghost. Xia Xue comforted.

"Sister Xia. Although I also advised myself not to think about it. But the situation at that time was really scary!" Xiao Zhao took a breath and said, "That man's brain is half gone..."

Xiao Zhao will describe in detail what he saw that thing looked like. Even if Xia Xue is bold. I also heard goose bumps all over my body. I was about to open my mouth to persuade again. But the mobile phone remembered it again.

Take a look at the call above. It's the trumpet of the Police Pass. It should be someone from the internal system.

"Hey. I'm Xia Xue from the criminal investigation team. Xia Xue answered the phone.

"Summer team. I'm Zhao Dongxing from the Chengxi Detachment of the Traffic Police Force!" The person on the other side of the phone said.

"Team Zhao. What can I do for you?" Xia Xue asked.

"City West Shatong Road. There was a traffic accident..." Zhao Dongxing said.

"Traffic accident? Team Zheng. Why did you tell me this? Xia Xue is responsible for criminal investigation and not for traffic.

"The situation is a little strange. It's a little similar to the car accident of Team Chen just now..." Zhao Dongxing said hesitantly, "According to a taxi driver in the back. He saw the ghost... I think this should be a criminal case..."

"What!" Xia Xue was shocked. He hurriedly said, "Wait for me. I'll be right there. Shatong Road, isn't it?

Hang up the phone. Xia Xue quickly turned the front of the car. Drive to Shatin Road in the west of the city. And Xiao Zhao's expression in the car was also a little excited: "Sister Xia. You see. I'm not lying..."

At night. It's quiet in the car. So what Zhao Dongxing said just now. Xiao Zhao also heard it clearly.

Xia Xue nodded. The look became a little solemn. If. The same was caused by the car accident over there. Then this crime is really rampant. I just committed a crime in the south of the city. He ran to the west of the city to commit a crime again.

The scene of the car accident has been quarantined. And the witness taxi driver. He was not allowed to leave for the time being.

The scene was very miserable. A heavy truck fell into the ditch by the roadside. The driver died on the spot. Behind the truck is a taxi. The taxi driver's reaction was quite sensitive. I just escaped the disaster.

According to the taxi driver. He saw a ghost at that time. Xia Xue found the taxi driver. I asked about the situation at that time in detail. The result. The image of the ghost described by the taxi driver. It's exactly the same as what Xiao Zhao saw!

can be seen from this. Xiao Zhao did not hallucinate. But what do you really see...

Xia Xue can't make a decision herself. I called Director Wang directly...

Yang Ming hugged Chen Mengyan. The little ** in her room.

"Before. Why do you want to go back to heaven and earth? Yang Ming knew that Chen Mengyan was not asleep. Suddenly, he asked.