very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 746 The Oolong of Sending Flowers

"You said, Zhao Ying is not a girl who lied to us, right?" Zhao Ying's mother, Wang Guifen, sitting on the plane, said to Zhao's father Zhao Daquan beside her.

"You are suspicious. Thank you for attending your third cousin's aunt's wedding. You have to go to Songjiang first, and then take a bus to Jingshan... Isn't this a toss... You know that my legs and feet are not very good..." Zhao Daquan complained.

"What do you know! I don't understand anything!" Wang Guifen stared and said, "Look, my third cousin's family is so poor?" Since my cousin got a date, the man has solved everything! My third cousin is a housewife. She doesn't want her to clean the toilet. What can she do? Now I have become a department manager! My cousin's uncle was originally a stall to sell breakfast. Look, in less than a year, he opened a restaurant!"

"Why do you compare this with others? It's not difficult for our family. Zhao Daquan said indifferently.

"Isn't it difficult? It's okay if it's not difficult?" Wang Guifen frowned and began to complain, "Although I couldn't be the school beauty in those years, I finally got the school. There are a lot of people chasing me. Why do I like you, an honest intellectual? How many days have I been blessed after getting a lifetime's death salary? Other women are at my age. They go out for beauty and fitness all day long. A few sisters drink tea and chat, but can I? Look at Li Xiaoyu. She was not as good-looking as me. How well is she maintained now? It's like being ten years worse than me!"

Zhao Daquan did not dare to refute Wang Guifen's nagging, which is also the place where he felt most sorry for his wife in his life. In those years, there were many people who pursued Wang Guifen, and they had a good impression on her. There are no thirty but fifty! But Zhao Daquan finally got the beauty back. In the love of that era, there was no benefit or no benefit. It's completely romantic, and Wang Guifen won't think much about it in the future.

But now, seeing that other people's families have private cars, going to hotels and resorts every now and now, Zhao Daquan is not happy. Although he is very indifferent to these things, he knows that Wang Guifen likes them. Whenever he talks about them with his colleagues and acquaintances in the community, he will always envy them for a long time when he comes home.

"Guifen... I'm sorry..." Except for I'm sorry. Zhao Daquan has nothing else to say.

"Forget it. Good or bad, my life is like this, but our Yingying is still small and growing up. Now I think that love is more important than bread, and I will feel it in the future. Love is in front of bread, what is it? Wang Guifen said, "Look at my cousin. He is not as beautiful as our family, and he has married a son of a large family..."

"She may not be happy... Your cousin also said that the boy often spends a lot of time outside..." Zhao Daquan shook his head: "How can this kind of marriage be reliable?"

"How do you know it's unreliable? How many men are careless? I still don't believe it. If you, Zhao Daquan, are rich, don't you have these crooked ideas? Wang Guifen hummed, "You say no now. You don't have money. When you have money, you won't think so!"

Although Zhao Daquan felt ashamed of Wang Guifen, he listened to Wang Guifen's words. I'm also a little annoyed: "According to what you said. Isn't it more money to let our daughter have a mistress?

"If there is a suitable one. That's also a way out!" Wang Guifen curled her lips.

No wonder Wang Guifen's idea is so extreme. At this age, he has suffered for most of his life. He cares about money every day, calculates carefully, and lives a really unhappy life. It's not unrestrained at all. She doesn't want Zhao Ying to repeat her mistakes again, and she also wants to be more comfortable for the rest of her life.

This third cousin had nothing to do with her, but a while ago, when she heard that her sister's pheasant had turned into a phoenix, Wang Guifen became enthusiastic.

Zhao Daquan's mouth moved, and finally sighed helplessly. He knew that Wang Guifen had suffered too much, and it was normal to have this idea.

"What do you think of Boss Liu's son in our community?" Wang Guifen turned her head to Zhao Daquan and said, "During the Spring Festival, our Yingying came back and asked Boss Liu's son Liu Shihao to see it, and he fell in love with him at a glance!"

"What is Liu Shihao? Donkeys and horses in society, do you dare to introduce this kind of person to our daughter? As soon as Zhao Daquan heard Wang Guifen's words, it became more and more outrageous. He couldn't help saying angrily, "That boy is not a good thing at first sight. He hangs with a group of little hooligans all day long, fighting and flirting with girls..."

"Young people, it's normal to behave perversely... It will be better in the future..." Wang Guifen said.

"Ok, it's not that the boy hasn't been married. He divorced in two months. Do you want to kill Yingying?" Zhao Daquan waved his hand.

"What can I do about divorce? Didn't that woman get more than a million yuan for the loss of youth?" Wang Guifen curled her lips and said, "Moreover, this time, Boss Liu said that as long as our Yingying nod, we will buy a house for Yingying, and then buy a car, and write Yingying's name! When you come back to L City, you can still work in his company. You don't have to do anything. It's no problem to get more than 100,000 yuan a year!"

"Have you lost your money?" Zhao Daquan finally couldn't listen any more. He stared and shouted.

"You can stand it, can't you? Well, can you buy me a car? It doesn't have to be too good. Tens of thousands of yuan is fine. I want to be more comfortable for the rest of my life!" Wang Guifen showed no weakness.

Zhao Daquan pouted... In the end, he didn't say anything, so he had to lower his head and sigh.

Although Zhao Ying said that she had a boyfriend, Wang Guifen did not see it with her own eyes and never believed it. The most important thing is that she wanted to see what the boyfriend's family background was. If not, she had to say anything about Zhao Ying pulling back and went on a blind date with Liu Shihao, Boss Liu's son.

"Sister Ying, do you want to borrow Yang Ming for use?" Chen Mengyan smiled and said, "No problem, I'll send it to you in a minute."

"Well, thank you so much..." Zhao Ying didn't know how to speak, but she didn't expect Chen Mengyan to agree so happily and said gratefully. Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with it!

Zhao Ying knows her mother's snobbish eyes very well and doesn't know how to deal with it. Seeing that Chen Mengyan had no objection, she was relieved and dealt with what was in front of her first.

Originally, she knew that her mother and father were going to the wedding, but she didn't expect to make a detour to Songjiang first! Obviously, there is a direct flight to Jingshan, but you have to take the East China Sea first, and then take a bus to Jingshan.

Yang Ming listened to Chen Mengyan's words and was a little helpless. Why was it not a taste, so he pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "I'm not a thing. Why did you borrow me?"

"Yes, you're not a thing..." Chen Mengyan said with a smile.

"..." Yang Ming was stunned and then knew that he had been thrown by the pit he dug. When did Chen Mengyan become so eloquent?

"But don't fake it this time!" Chen Mengyan obviously has learned something from Lin Zhiyun.

Yang Ming smiled awkwardly, but Chen Mengyan had already opened the door and jumped out of the car: "I'll go back first. I don't need to see you off. Go find Sister Ying. Don't make her worry."

Yang Ming nodded and saw Chen Mengyan enter the door of the unit. Then he kept tracking her with the power to open the door with the key before starting the car and leaving. Since the last time Chen Dazhuang happened, Yang Ming has become cautious.

Chen Fei's position is very easy to offend people. Therefore, Yang Ming was afraid that someone would retaliate against Chen Fei and attacked Chen Mengyan.

"Manager, I received two bouquets of roses today." The secretary walked into Sun Jie's office with roses in his hand, and then said, "Shall you throw away the card and then arrange the flowers?"

"Eh?" Sun Jie was stunned, then smiled at the corners of her mouth and said to her secretary, "Show me the card."

"Okay." Although the secretary was a little surprised why the manager read the card today, but he didn't say anything and took out the card and handed it to Sun Jie.

Sun Jie first looked at the signature on the top card, and then threw the card into the shredder beside her. He picked up the following card again. There was no signature on the card, but Sun Jie had already guessed who sent it. Looking at the words on the card, she couldn't help smiling: "This guy, I don't know where he copied it..."

shook his head and wanted to throw away the card, but he hesitated for a moment and put it in the drawer.

The secretary looked at Sun Jie with a smile on his face and wondered that he had never seen the manager be so happy when he received the flowers. It's usually very indifferent. Who sent this flower? It's just that there is no signature on it, and the secretary can only use his imagination... At the same time, Wang Xiaoyan held a large bouquet of roses angrily, gritted her teeth and looked at the sweet words written on the card in the flower, and couldn't wait to bite the bouquet of flowers.

"What on earth does Yang Ming want to do? It's not over yet?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at the signature on the card and was angry.

It turned out that you still knew that you didn't leave your name, but now you have begun to sign your name, and you have done it more unscrupulously... Wang Xiaoyan wanted to throw away the card, but after thinking about it for a long time, she decided to keep it and show it to Zhao Ying as evidence.

As for the bouquet of roses, it was casually thrown aside by Wang Xiaoyan. Wang Xiaoyan is used to sending flowers every morning, and there is no need to be angry with the people who send flowers.

Moreover, it is not necessary for these people who have worked hard to send flowers for them. Wang Xiaoyan wanted to refuse to accept it, but she thought that if she didn't sign for it, the flower deliveryman would have to sign for it even if he ran away in vain.

There are many characters who have appeared in the past few days. Chen Dazhuang, Zhao Ying's parents, and her third cousin. Have readers guessed the role and connection of these characters?