very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 770 Take you to meet someone

"What are you going to do?" Chen Mengyan feels that there are some things that need to be faced after all. Only by daring to face them can she win the most favorable conditions for her.

"Take one step at a time..." Shu Ya sighed and said, "But don't worry, I won't do anything wrong to you."

Chen Mengyan nodded silently. Through several contacts, Chen Mengyan felt that Shu Ya was not the kind of domineering person. She said such words, and Chen Mengyan did not think that Shu Ya would deceive her.

"Do you need it? Shall I talk to him for you?" Chen Mengyan sometimes does things that are detrimental to her own interests on impulse, but she is willing.

"Thank you, but I want to talk to him in person." Shu Ya hesitated and said.

"Well, then I won't get mixed up." Chen Mengyan nodded and suddenly remembered something, so she said, "Zhou Jiajia, do you remember?"

"Zhou Jiajia?" Shu Ya was stunned, and then said suspiciously, "Of course I remember, what's wrong with her?"

"If she is also Yang Ming's girlfriend now, will you be angry?" Chen Mengyan suddenly felt that the kindness and resentment between Zhou Jiajia, Yang Ming and Shu Ya should be solved by Shu Ya, but she made a decision without authorization. I don't know if it will make Shu Ya feel uncomfortable.

"She? And Yang Ming?" Shu Ya was a little surprised. She never thought that Zhou Jiajia would become Yang Ming's girlfriend. Moreover, in these meetings, she had already met Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun, but she did not see Yang Ming bring out Zhou Jiajia.

"Yes, it's her." Chen Mengyan said affirmatively.

"But. Why have I never seen Yang Ming take her out? Shu Ya asked strangely.

"Because... she can't get out..." That's it. Chen Mengyan sighed sadly.

"Can't get out? What do you mean?" Shu Ya didn't understand.

"She was injured..." Chen Mengyan said, "Let's go. I'll take you to see her. I'll tell you in detail on the way."

Although Shu Ya doesn't hate Zhou Jiajia very much. But I definitely can't say that I have a good impression. Although Zhou Jiajia complained because she also liked Yang Ming. But this practice. Shuya was hurt a lot.

So. At this moment, Chen Mengyan proposed to see Zhou Jiajia. Shu Ya couldn't help but hesitate. After all, the meeting between two people may bring a lot of embarrassment.

Seeing that Shu Ya was a little hesitant, Chen Mengyan probably understood with a slight hesitation: "She is injured and hasn't woken up yet. It's okay to go and have a look."

"Ah!" Shu Ya was shocked: "Injured. Haven't woken up yet? Then..."

"She blocked a shot for Yang Ming for Yang Ming's injury." Chen Mengyan originally wanted to say it while walking, but seeing that there seemed to be some estrangement between Shu Ya and Zhou Jiajia, she simply said it first.

"Block the gun for Yang Ming!" Shu Ya never expected that Zhou Jiajia would sacrifice her life for Yang Ming! Although she asked herself that she could do it, Shu Ya felt that at least she had a pure relationship with Yang Ming, and Zhou Jiajia. But there is nothing.

"Yes, on the way to the hospital for rescue, Yang Ming promised her to be her boyfriend and take care of her for the rest of her life." Chen Mengyan's voice was a little bitter when she said this. She was not jealous of Zhou Jiajia, but moved!

When Shu Ya heard this, her expression also became solemn. In the years since she left, a lot of things have happened around Yang Ming. None of this is what she knows!

"Can you tell me more about it? What's going on?" Shu Ya is a little eager to understand what happened to Yang Ming over the years.

"Okay... Let's talk about it as we walk." Chen Mengyan found a waiter, settled the bill, and then walked out of the cafe with Shu Ya.

"Do you have a car? I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to take a taxi in your current identity, right? Chen Mengyan was afraid that others would recognize Shu Ya.

"Yes, wait a minute. I'll call the driver." Shu Ya came here. Although it was very inconvenient to bring the car, the driver could take it with him. In the hotel here, just rent a car in case of emergency.

Shu Ya made a phone call. Soon after, a middle-aged man in his forties came out of heaven and earth. He came to Shu Ya and Chen Mengyan.

"Miss Shu, do you want to go out?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Yes. Uncle Tao, please give us a look. Shu Ya said.

"Miss Shu. Do you need to call a bodyguard with you? The middle-aged man known as Uncle Tao asked.

"Then I don't need it. I'll do some personal matters." Shu Ya said.

"Okay." Although Uncle Tao is old, he is not old-fashioned. He knows that everyone has some personal affairs, so he didn't say anything more.

Anyway, if you drive a hotel car, who would know that the big star Shu Ya is sitting in it?

Shuya and her party rented a Hummer in the hotel. In fact, it was rented, and there was no charge. Because heaven and earth and famous entertainment are a family, both of which are Yang Ming's industries.

The Hummer cockpit is separated from the box in the back, so Shu Ya and Chen Mengyan are talking in the back, and Uncle Tao in front can't hear it.

So, Chen Mengyan gave the things between Zhou Jiajia and Yang Ming to Shu Ya one by one. Naturally, it includes Zhou Jiajia's remorse for Shu Ya and Yang Ming, and also contains the girl's infatuation.

Listening to such a sad and touching love story, Shu Ya, who doesn't have much good impression on Zhou Jiajia, can't help but be moved at this moment! Yes, although from the perspective of her own interests, Zhou Jiajia hurt herself and Yang Ming, Zhou Jiajia is also pursuing her own love! This is understandable! Moreover, in the era when love is hazy for life, how many people can do things that are not naive?

Shu Ya nodded and was shocked that she no longer had any prejudice against Zhou Jiajia. After all, if you change your perspective and say that you are Zhou Jiajia, you may do the same.

"So...the doctor said when did she wake up?" Shu Ya asked a little gloomy.

"I don't know, and the doctor can't say it well." Chen Mengyan shook her head and said, "Actually, she is really pitiful..."

"You don't have to say it, I understand." Shu Ya waved her hand.

Chen Mengyan didn't say anything more. Since Shu Ya did not object, it means that she also acquiesced to this matter.

I don't know why Chen Mengyan feels that she seems to have changed a little? Originally, this kind of thing should be up to me at home. I was Yang Ming's justifying girlfriend, but because of Shu Ya's appearance, I began to care about Shu Ya's opinion.

According to Chen Mengyan's meaning, the car was parked in the hospital of the First People's Hospital. Although the new house has been cleaned up, Chen Mengyan is afraid that the decoration materials inside will still have an impact on Zhou Jiajia's health, so she plans to talk about it for a few more days.

A familiar person took Shu Ya to Zhou Jiajia's ward. She happened to see Aunt Li, the special nurse in charge of taking care of Zhou Jiajia, pushing out the door and holding some garbage ready to throw it away.

"Aunt Li!" Chen Mengyan called.

"Oh? Mengyan, are you here?" Aunt Li immediately smiled, because she knew that the person in front of her was the one who really paid her.

"Um, Aunt Li, I brought my friend to see Jiajia. How is she?" Chen Mengyan asked with a smile.

"It's okay, you know... That's her situation now..." Aunt Li said sadly, "Go ahead, I'll throw away the garbage."

"Okay." Chen Mengyan nodded and went into the ward with Shu Ya.

The environment in the ward is very good, which makes people feel pleasant and bright, but at this moment, Chen Mengyan and Shu Ya are not in a good mood at all.

"Zhou Jiajia?" Shu Ya looked at the disease **, the thin and pale-faced girl who didn't dare to confirm it. It's still the same, but it's more beautiful at this moment.

Even if Zhou Jiajia is sick in bed, she is still very beautiful. Shu Ya can't help but be a little jealous of Yang Ming! Shu Ya, who was extremely confident in her appearance, was inevitably a little sour when she saw the beautiful women around Yang Ming.

Not to mention Zhou Jiajia, Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun are all first-class beauties, not inferior to themselves. Especially Chen Mengyan, if you dress up a little, you can become a star.

"Did you see it?" Chen Mengyan said helplessly, "Zhou Jiajia is like this now. She may be sick all her life!"

In an instant, all the unhappiness in Shu Ya's heart disappeared. Yes, what's the use of caring about a patient? What's more, who can make it clear about children in those years?

The two of them stayed quietly in the ward for a while. It was not until Aunt Li came back that Chen Mengyan stood up and said, "Let's go back. It's getting late. Don't affect Aunt Li and Jiajia's rest."

"Um," Shu Ya nodded, looked at Zhou Jiajia again, and then left here with Chen Mengyan.

On the way back, Shu Ya was very silent. Former rivals and classmates will be sick forever in the future?

"Is it possible to wake up?" Shu Ya was a little concerned about Zhou Jiajia.

"Yes, the doctor said that Zhou Jiajia may have something wrong and blocked herself. Yang Ming and I tried many times, but we couldn't untie her knot." Chen Mengyan smiled bitterly and said, "The key problem is that Yang Ming and I don't know what her heart knot is, and there is no way to take the right medicine."

"That's it..." Shu Ya nodded: "As long as there is hope. Anyway, there is plenty of time, and you can try it slowly."

"Yes, Yang Ming and I bought a villa. We plan to pick up Shu Ya after school starts and spend more time with her when we have nothing to do. Maybe there will be a miracle." Chen Mengyan said.

"This is good..." Shu Ya's heart suddenly moved, as if she vaguely guessed what Zhou Jiajia's so-called heart knot was, but she was not sure...

Chen Mengyan is also very depressed now. She didn't notice Shu Ya's strangeness and continued to say, "That's right..."