very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 814 Stewardess

In addition to calling Chen Mengyan, Yang Ming called Lin Zhiyun again. Lin Zhiyun did not ask so much, but just told Yang Ming to be careful all the way.

This is Yang Ming's second official trip. The first time is to go to Yunnan, and this is the second time to go to Macao. As for the time when he went out with Fang Tian, it was relatively secretive and could not be exposed.

Just let Bao Sanli send himself to the airport, and Yang Ming boarded the plane to Macau alone.

If he had sat in the first class of the plane a year ago, Yang Ming would have been very excited. After all, this luxurious behavior was simply out of reach of Yang Ming at that time.

But now? Yang Ming closed his eyes slightly, and all of this has become common and commonplace. Yang Ming couldn't help recalling his previous life, with some nostalgia and emotion.

If possible, Yang Ming still wants to return to the original plain life, accompanied by beautiful women, with countless money to squander.

In fact, Yang Ming himself does not have the intention to dominate the underworld. He is not interested in these things. At the right time, he will throw away all this and live a life in a paradise.

"Sir, do you need a drink?" A crisp and pleasant voice came, interrupting Yang Ming's emotional thoughts.

Yang Ming opened his eyes and looked up. He saw a girl in a stewardess uniform standing beside him, pushing a cart of drinks.

The girl's eyes are very big and her appearance is also very sweet, especially in this stewardess uniform, which makes people feel a little immeated. Rao Yang Ming couldn't help but be stunned for a moment before saying, "Beer."

"Good ground. "Mr. The stewardess picked up a can of Songjiang specialty canned beer from the car and handed it to Yang Ming. He said sweetly.

The reason why Yang Ming chose beer. It's because I remember the past. Have a drink. Please pay your own sling.

That's a little sweet sound. It makes Yang Ming even more involuntary. However, Yang Ming also knows that now is not the time to mess with the grass. So after taking over the beer. I just said thank you indifferently.

Huang Lele looked at the handsome young man in front of him who seemed to be full of heart. I think it's a little strange. Huang Lele is very confident in his appearance. Normally, men will look at her more. But the man in front of him didn't look at her at all.

But it's strange. Naturally, Huang Lele will not be angry about this. First-class guests are generally of extraordinary origin. They have high vision. It's normal to look down on yourself.

"Hey? I said you bitch. He fucking saw that the handsome man asked you for wine. Just give it. I don't care if you want it or not?" One sounded not so pleasantly. First-class guests all looked sideways at Huang Lele.

Huang Lele frowned, but her good professional quality immediately calmed her down. She smiled and said, "Sir, you have drunk three cans of beer. According to the regulations, you can't drink any more, otherwise you will be in danger of getting drunk..."

"Regulations? Who stipulated it? Do you set it or your mother's? The man who spoke said carelessly, "I think you're probably rippled, aren't you?"

There was a trace of anger on Huang Lele's face, but this man really talked about Huang Lele's heart. It was true that Huang Lele had a good impression on Yang Ming. But there is no such ripplement of spring.

"Sir, this is the airline's regulation. I hope you will abide by it, otherwise we have the right to ask you off the plane." What Huang Lele said was still very polite, but there was a trace of severity in his words.

"Please get off the plane? Hey, how can you invite me down in the sky? It's okay if you can land once for me!" The man laughed disapprovingly.

Yang Ming raised his head impatiently, looked at the stewardess, and then at a man sitting behind him. The man looks like a hemp pole, and his face is red, which shows that he has drunk too much.

"You, no more ink, I'll throw it down for you directly." Yang Ming's words were very plain, but they were full of threats.

"Ha, boy, you are distressed. Do you want a hero to save the beauty?" The man stared and said, "You are still a little young. If you know each other, just stay honest. Don't make trouble for yourself!"

As soon as the man finished his words, there were two big men staring at Yang Ming beside him and behind him. Obviously, he was with this man. However, these two people can't get into Yang Ming's eyes at all. It's the same with or without.

Yang Ming suddenly picked up the canned beer on the table and smashed it at the hemp man, "? Is the barium bag closed? What are the four crabs from the eunuch? What?? Are you happy and rebellious? Also? Table? After all, he stole the four weapons of the temple to raise the silkworm?? The four of the writings of the doctor's appearance??

"Your mother is looking for death!" Without waiting for the man's order, the two big men beside him pulled off their seat belts and stood up to come and teach Yang Ming a lesson.

At this time, several air attendants rushed over. It turned out that Huang Lele quickly informed the flight attendant in the chaos.

"What's going on? What are you two going to do?" A flight attendant went over and pressed the two ready-moving big men back


Seeing the police coming, Ma Jian and the two big men did not dare to make any more trouble, but Ma Jian said to Yang Ming, "He smashed me with beer!"

"Is that so?" The flight attendant turned his head and looked at Yang Ming.

"He drank too much, and he probably had hallucinations, right?" Yang Ming said innocently, "Why did I hit him when I had nothing to do?"

Just now, when Huang Lele hid and used the in-flight intercom system to tell the police, although Yang Ming could not hear what she said, he could see it. Huang Lele just said that someone in the first class had drunk too much and was making trouble, but he did not say that Yang Ming had a conflict with the man.

Seeing that Yang Ming did not admit it and didn't know whether it was true or not, the policeman turned around and asked a first-class passenger beside him: "Did he hit the passenger over there with a beer can just now?"

The passenger sat very close to the hemp pole man. Along the way, the hemp pole man chatted with the people around him that his mouth was not clean, which made him very upset, so he simply said, "I didn't see anyone hit him, but he began to drink as soon as he got on the plane and drank a lot."

"You ***..." As soon as the man was about to scold the nonsense passenger, he was stopped by the police.

"You take him to the infirmary and give him some sobering medicine!" The leading policeman said to another policeman beside him.

Although the man didn't want to, he was forcibly pulled away. Most of the passengers in the first class had some opinions about the hemp pole man, so no one spoke for him.

The hemp pole man was pulled away, and the two big men wanted to go with him, but they hesitated for a moment and still didn't keep up. Both of them stared at Yang Ming with hateful eyes, but Yang Ming didn't care.

The beer was smashed. Yang Ming smiled bitterly and continued to close his eyes.

"Sir..." The stewardess's voice sounded beside Yang Ming again: "Would you like to get another can of beer for you?"

Yang Ming didn't open his eyes, but waved his hand and said, "No need."

"Thank you just now. My name is Huang Lele. If you need anything, you can call me at any time." Huang Lele continued.

This time, Yang Ming didn't even wave his hand, but said "en" gently.

Huang Lele is a little annoyed with Yang Ming's attitude. Who is this? Talking to you, but you don't even raise your eyelids? It seems that you are helping me, but I am actually helping you, okay?

If I hadn't notified the police in time, why didn't the two people next to the man beat you to death?

He wanted to say something else, but Yang Ming didn't raise his head and didn't earn money. Huang Lele had no choice but to walk away.

Yang Ming didn't open his eyes, which didn't mean that he couldn't see what was going on outside. After Huang Lele left, Yang Ming sighed. If I hadn't had too much love debt, it would have been good to gossip with this beautiful sister.

After a while, the man came back, but his face was not so red. He thought that the anti-alcohol medicine had worked. When he walked to Yang Ming, the man said viciously, "Kid, wait for me! Let's wait and see!"

Most of the man's drunkenness woke up, and he didn't dare to make trouble on the plane. But it's not too late to get off the plane and deal with him again.

Huang Lele gritted his teeth and returned to the work cabin angrily. Several stewardesses saw Huang Lele, but laughed and said, "Ah, Princess Chen also has time to be moved?"

"I...what's the matter with my heart?" Huang Lele was shocked and stammered.

"Hey hey, who knows," the speaker is a girl named Wang Mei. These girls all fly the same plane, so they have a good relationship with each other, and the joke is the most direct: "My name is Huang Lele. If you need anything, you can call me at any time..."

Wang Lele repeated what Huang Lele had just said, but his tone turned into a delicate voice.

" eavesdropping?" Huang Lele was shocked, but then said, "I'm right. We were supposed to serve passengers."

"Why didn't I see you tell others what your name is?" Another stewardess, Liu Xiaoran, also joked, "I remember a passenger asked you what your name was before, but you told him your number. What's wrong today?"

"I... I won't tell him, and he can also see it on my name." Huang Lele argued.

"What do you need... Does it also include physiological needs?" The speaker is Chen Yu, who is also the only married girl among them, so she is naturally bold.

Huang Lele's words attracted the group attack of the sisters.

Fortunately, these people had something to do, and they dispersed after a few words. Huang Lele had nothing to do with Yang Ming, but when he was told by his sisters, he involuntarily began to pay attention to Yang Ming.
