very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 819 Killing Two Killers

Yang Ming held the magazine in his hand. Look at the secret words above. The essentials of never. At this time. The waiter came over with coffee. I saw Yang Ming reading the advertisement in DM magazine over and over again. So he smiled and said, "Mr. Everything you see is meaningless..."

"Meaningless?" Yang Ming was stunned.

"Yes. It is available in every issue. They are all rich and have nowhere to spend. It is published by people who like to show their personality. The purpose is to tease others..." The waiter gently put the coffee in front of Yang Ming and said.

"Oh?" Yang Ming raised his head suspiciously: - Is there any period? Is it all published by the same person?

"Then I don't know. However, Ben thought it was a prank made by a boring guy. Sir, you are a tourist here, aren't you? It's normal not to know these. The waiter continued to explain.

"Are there any magazines in the previous issues?" Yang Ming took out a tip of 100 yuan. I gave it to the waiter.

"Yes. Sir. Please wait a moment. I'll show it to you." The waiter received a tip. Immediately open your eyebrows and smile. Hurry up and help Yang Ming get the magazine.

Walk by the way. While thinking. The hobbies of the rich are really different. They spend advertising money to publish some useless garbage. Some people here still spend tips to find those previous publications to check!

But it has nothing to do with him. How happy the guests are. He does what he does. Come to the utility room of the coffee shop. The waiter's previous issue of the DM magazine was turned out. I took one. I got Yang Ming's coffee table: "Sir. It's all here. It has been published since the 3rd of this year.

Yang Ming looked at the magazine handed over by the waiter. There are about six or seven books. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "Thank you"

"It doesn't matter. If you need anything else, I'll do it at any time. The waiter said respectfully and then retreated.

DM magazines are different from ordinary journals. The release time is not fixed. It is an industry magazine published by some media advertising companies and is not publicly sold. It's just free for guests to read in bars, coffee shops, barber shops and so on.

Yang Ming has no deciphered dictionary at hand. So it's just from the literal of these messy words. You can't see anything. It's totally bullshit. { Ten thousand ^ volume ^ book ^ house-Www. Provide the latest chapter reading}

Yang Ming doesn't believe that someone will be so bored. Spend money to publish something inexplicable. It just so that he met and naturally wanted to find out what was going on.

Yang Ming took out his mobile phone. Take a picture of all the text in a magazine after returning to the hotel. Study it carefully.

The waiter saw Yang Ming pick up the machine and take a picture. I can't help but be a little funny. There are really all kinds of people! But I didn't interfere with him. What does this have to do with him?

The photo is ready. Yang Ming put the neat codes of those magazines aside. Put the coffee money on the table. Then get up and get ready to leave. But I met a familiar person face to face.

"Brother Yang Ming!" A young man was pushing open the door of the coffee shop and walked in. I saw Yang Ming. He greeted with surprise and joy.

"Eh?" Yang Ming didn't want to meet acquaintances in Macau. As soon as I looked up, I saw Huang Rongjin, who actually met in Songjiang: "Brother Huang?"

"How did you come to the door"" Huang Rongjin wondered how Yang Ming appeared here. It seems that Yang Ming was still in Songjiang the day before yesterday "

"Hehe. Didn't I participate in Shuya's concert in Macao..." Yang Ming didn't lie to him. This was also one of the purposes of Yang Ming's trip.

"Oh? I didn't expect that you were also a fan of Shu Ya..." Huang Rongjin said in surprise, "It's the same as my friend Ji Xiaohe. The concert in Songjiang has just ended. He just took me to fly to Macau again.

"So you also came to the concert!" Yang Ming suddenly nodded.'s

"It's not all about a lot of my family's property. I'm sorry to trouble you in Songjiang, but it's good to get here. It's also my plate. If you need anything, just ask. Huang Rongjin patted his chest to make sure.

"Not yet. I'm really in trouble. I won't be polite to you." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"That's natural. You're welcome. I just look down on me." Rong Jin also smiled and said, "I have an appointment with more guests today, so I won't be with you. How long will you stay here?

"It's hard to say. But it should stay for a few days. Yang Ming is also sure.

"I'm going to have a small party at my house next Saturday. If you are free, come here. Let's have a good talk about it then." Saying it. Huang Rongjin took out an invitation from his small handbag and gave it to Yang Ming.

"Okay. If I don't leave, I will definitely go." Yang Ming took over the Cambodia. His impression of Huang Rongjin is also good. So it's good to make such a friend.

Huang Rongjin made an appointment with several important households of the Huang family today to talk about business. So I can't spend more time with Yang Ming. Originally, Huang Rongjin was not responsible for the mall

. But I have no choice but to be too busy in Singapore. Coincidentally came to the door. This responsibility also falls on me. What's more, he still has some of his shares in the company. You can't ignore it.

Huang Rongjin's character naturally does not like to be in power. This is also an important reason why their brothers can be in harmony. Huang Rongjin's eldest brother, Huang Rongtian, is a fanatical person who controls the overall situation of business. And he was also happy to see his brother like this now. Otherwise, both brothers will be in charge of the company. When there is a difference of opinion. It is difficult for the people below to decide who to listen to. In this way, the company will collapse sooner or later.

And now. Huang Rongjin just took shares and dividends. The operation of the company is controlled by his brother Huang Rongtian. On the contrary, the Huang family's business is getting bigger and bigger. Of course. Huang Rongjin may not care at all.

Farewell to Huang Rongjin. Yang Ming immediately returned to the hotel. Enter a set of photos taken today into the computer. Then I opened my network hard disk. There are many useful electronic tools that Fang Tian gave him. Some dictionaries of secret words are also saved on it.

Yang Ming downloaded the dictionary. Then compare the text on the photo. It was translated one by one.

Result. Yang Ming was shocked by the translated content! This is actually a message of rewarding hired people to kill people!

Information from the first three issues of the magazine. It's all the same news. A reward of 10 million Portuguese coins (door yuan) is offered to kill a person. And the fourth phase is miscellaneous. After this message. There is another message. The content of the message is also very simple. There are only four "take-over tasks" translated.

It seems. No one responded to the first three periods. It was published until the fourth issue. Someone posted the same password in the same place. | I got the task of killing people.

Of course. If it weren't for a professional like Yang Ming. No one can understand this messy text at all. Even if the fourth issue has a few more words than the third issue. No one will think of anything.

Sure enough. Starting from the fifth phase. The text in each issue of the magazine is different. It seems that these two people have begun to communicate in this kind of language. In the fifth issue. It should be the news published by the employer. He left information and information about killing people.

The name of the person to be killed is Zheng Shaopeng. He is the chief dealer and senior consultant of Warwick Casino in Macau. He is also a celebrity in the gambling industry. As for the murder of him, it was not mentioned in the message. But these are not important either.

Yang Ming is not the kind of person with a full sense of justice. And it is a killer in itself. It is impossible for Yang Ming to destroy the business of his peers. And this Zheng Shaopeng is definitely not a good bird. Usually the person in his position. I don't know how many people have been cheated.

So. Zheng Shaopeng's life. It has nothing to do with Yang Ming. What made Yang Ming curious. This ployer actually uses a special password dictionary for killers!

This surprised Yang Ming. Ordinary people will never use these secret words. But this person can do it! You can see a person who knows about the killer industry. At least I have friends who are killers.

But. If that's the case. So why is it necessary to advertise to hire killers?

This is the party that aroused Yang Ming's suspicion! Now that there is doubt. Naturally, Yang Ming did not dare to delay. Put what you have seen and heard. And analyze all the phone calls to tell Fang Tian.

After all, ginger is still old and spicy. Yang Ming's experience as a killer is still very bad. It can't be compared with Fang Tian. โ˜… The update is fast, and the novel is complete โ˜… Fang Tian listened to Yang Ming's narration. But I didn't say much. He just asked, "What kind of password did he use?"

"Password 99 in the dictionary." Yang said.

"No. 99? Are you sure?" Fang Tianben also has an indifferent attitude that has nothing to do with him. At this moment, I heard Yang Ming say it was the 99th password. I immediately fell in love with it.

"That's right. It's the ninety-nine password. What's wrong?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

"The 99th password is not the password for the killer world!" Fang Tian suddenly said anxiously, "That's the password created by the butterfly family!"

"Butterfly family?" Naturally, Yang Ming is familiar with this. He trained in Europe. It was carried out in the butterfly family.

"Now try to find out who published this message. That's where the matter has progressed. I'm going to contact my friend. Things may not be that simple!" Fang Tian said with a moment of meditation.

Although Yang Ming didn't know what the mystery was. But when I heard that this password is not a circulating password. I also think it's definitely not that simple...

Yang Ming's coffee shop is not far away. The window of a limited-edition Ferrari slowly opened. A thin man threw out the cigarette butts in his hand. There was a sneer on his lips: "I can't do it well. You can kill two birds with one stone this time.