very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 844 There is another high man

4 There are high people

Although the watermelon head is very arrogant, it is not stupid. Bullying people is also specially bullying. I saw such a circle in the store. Now Yang Ming's table looks easy to bully.

Neither of them is so fierce. It should be a softer species. Especially looking at Wang Xiaoyan's dress. It seems to be a tourist here. I'm thinking about how to get the two of them away. The girl beside him was a little impatient: "Hurry up. I'm starving to death. Don't you always say that you are the boss of this street? Why can't such a small thing be done?

The watermelon head was provoked by his girlfriend. I'm also a little anxious. He pointed to Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan's table and said, "Let's sit there."

said. He took his girlfriend to Yang Ming's table. He patted Yang Ming's table with his hand and said, "Oy, all right. Don't. What if you haven't eaten anything? Get out of the way."

Yang Ming raised his eyes and took a look. He said faintly, "We haven't finished eating. Even if it's finished. Maybe I need something else."

It needs to be changed to flat. Yang Ming - just fanned a big-eared melon seed. Does this little bastard dare to fight with himself? But today, Yang Gang killed someone with an attitude that he didn't want to cause trouble. I just put up with it. He replied in a peaceful tone.

But what I didn't expect. Yang Ming doesn't want to cause trouble. However, the watermelon head is unwilling to calm down. He stared and said, "Your grandma's. I'll give you face and talk. If you don't give me face, I'll just carry it out for you. Don't look at grandpa, who I am.

"My grandfather died a long time ago. Don't be afraid of bad luck. You continue to pretend." Yang Ming doesn't want to make trouble. I just put up with it and didn't do it. But do you want to take advantage of Yang Ming's words? There is no door.

"Honey. He scolded you." Non-mainstream girls are also a good cake. I'm afraid that things won't make a big deal. There was a little fire in the already open atmosphere.

The watermelon head was disgraced after hearing it. Just a moment. A mouthful of phlegm spit in Wang Xiaoyan's bowl and scolded, "|Spicy next door. I'll give you a second to get out of here. Otherwise, I will kill you."

Wang Xiaoyan was interested in it. He was spit out in a bowl by the head of melon. It was so disgusting. It was disgusting. I almost spit out what I had eaten before.

It is obviously impossible to continue to eat like this. Wang Xiaoyan almost lost her temper. How did she know that Yang Ming didn't want to provoke her son? She thought it was just two gangsters. Yang Ming can cook him with one finger. Look at Yang Ming killing people. I also know that Yang Ming is a fierce master. But he didn't expect that Yang Ming was spit by the watermelon head.

How can Wang Xiaoyan think as much as Yang Ming? At this moment. I picked up the bowl of rice noodles directly from the table. With a "sw-off". A bowl of rice noodles with thick phlegm in the soup was attached to the head of the watermelon head.

This river powder is hot. It was poured on the head of the watermelon head. He couldn't do it all of a sudden. I screamed like a ghost. I began to dance. It looks ferocious and horrible.

At this time, the old man of the shop also noticed the fight here and ran over. I saw that the watermelon head had changed like this. He was immediately shocked: "Brother Kong."

"Brother, you son of a B." The watermelon head scolded, "I abandoned this pair of men and women today."

"Oh. How did you offend Brother Kong? Hurry up and make amends to Brother Kong." The boss doesn't want to make a big deal. He quickly winned at Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan: "You are tourists, right? Brother Kong is the old man on this street. You can't afford it."

Although Yang Ming doesn't want to make trouble. But she is not afraid of making amends to a scoundrel. Wang Xiaoyan, who simply can't even think about it, doesn't have that idea. I want to continue to teach this guy named Kong a lesson.

"Imonement? Hey, it's late." The watermelon head took out a dagger from the waist of his trousers: "I'll give you blood today." He said like Yang Ming stabbed me.

Now that things have come to this point. Yang Ming has nothing to worry about. Just take up the stool under you. It was buckled on the watermelon head from top to bottom. Then he suddenly put his foot on the waist of the watermelon. The watermelon head was kicked over. He said disdainfully, "You still pretend to be me like this. I'll give you a second, too. It won't disappear now. You don't have to disappear."

Don't talk about those murderous hands. In terms of fighting. The watermelon head is no match for Yang Ming. The nickname of "Yang Madman" was not casually called out. It was a fight.

A gangster at the level of watermelon head. Compared with today's two bodyguards practicing kung fu. It's like a sky. One down.

There is also a stool on the upper body of the watermelon head. Both hands are tied inside. It's even difficult to get up. But he understands it now. I met a hard hand.

The watermelon head is also a fighting hand. Does the other party have any effort? He can feel it at once. Yang Ming's fighting posture

It's all easy to use and not to panic. This kind of person often fights at first glance | Unlike those who have never fought. In addition to working hard, you have to work hard.

I don't speak at the moment. With the help of his girlfriend, he quickly left the cow shop.

Wang Xiaoyan didn't even worry about Ming at all. The gangster dared to provoke two professional killers. I'm so tired of living. In terms of fighting. Individuals are all the ancestors of the fight.

Yang Ming pulled another chair from the side. Sit down. It's up. He shouted to the shopkeeper who stood aside and was stunned: "Boss. Two more bowls of rice noodles, please. Well, let's try the coffee flavor this time.

"Ah." Then the boss suddenly recovered from the shock. Look at the direction in which the watermelon head has disappeared. He hurriedly said to Yang Ming and Xiao Yan, "Young man. Do you know who was the person who just hit?

"Didn't you say that. What the boss of this street?" Yang said with a so-called smile.

"Since you know. How dare you mess with him? The boss's eyes widened: "You'd better go quickly. In case he brings someone over later. You can't leave.

This group of people is not ordinary*. They are hooligans. What's the matter? Murder and arson are common in their eyes.

Killing and arson? Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan looked at each other. They couldn't help saying that the gangsters killed people and set fire. That really flattered them. Compared with what Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan did. That's a small one. It doesn't count on anything.

"Boss. Don't pay attention to him'|. In broad daylight. Do they dare to gather in a crowd to fight?" Yang Ming smiled and said, "Let's serve us two bowls of rice noodles."

"Oh." Niu | The shop owner Yang Ming didn't listen. There is nothing we can do. I thought Yang Ming was a fledgeling boy. I don't know that society is dangerous. He shook his head. I'm going to prepare rice noodles.

"Why didn't you do it before? Why don't you just throw him out?" After the boss left. Wang Xiaoyan whispered to Yang Ming: "That's good. It's disgusting."

"Little princess. Just make trouble for you." Yang Ming said helplessly, "Do you know who we are now?"

"Ah." Only then did Wang Xiaoyan realize it. The two seem to be in a state of murder and escape. He immediately lowered his head with embarrassment: "I'm sorry. I forgot."

"Forget it. Let's leave after eating. Yang Ming thought about it. It doesn't matter. My current appearance has changed. And Wang Xiaoyan definitely did not enter Macao through normal procedures. So you don't have to worry so much.

Wang Xiaoyan nodded obediently this time. She also knows. This time, it's all up to Yang Ming to get out. Otherwise, you will be doomed.

In a short time. Two bowls of hot coffee noodles were served. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan finished eating quickly. Then I settled the bill for the boss. Yang Ming wants to give the boss four bowls of money. But the boss insisted on only taking two bowls. After all, the unhappiness that just happened was in him. He also has a certain responsibility. So those two are exempted from the order.

After leaving the door. Yang Ming stopped a taxi. The two are still in the back seat side by side. Yang Ming told the driver. The two of them want Xinhua Mall.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan just left. A gray-white van creaked and stopped at the door of the Lao Wuji Niu | store. The head of the watermelon jumped down first. He held a bright machete in his hand. Followed by four or five strong young men. What you have in your hand is either an iron bar or a knife.

The watermelon head swaggered into the cow shop. I glanced inside the store. However, the figures of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan were not found. I frowned. Damn it. It's not that the two of them have run away, right?

"Boss? What about the dog man and woman just now? The melon head said to the boss who was holding the cow | river rice.

"Brother Kong. They left a long time ago. The shopkeeper said cautiously.

"Gone? When was it?" The watermelon head asked depressedly.

"It can take five minutes to walk." It is clear that they can't walk for more than two or three minutes. But the cow | the store owner deliberately said five points'. Let's say one more.

"Five minutes? Damn it. It runs very fast. He's like a fucking rabbit." As soon as I heard the watermelon head, I knew that I couldn't catch up. You can go a long way in five minutes.

"Brother Kong. You and your brother have two bowls of rice noodles. It's my treat. The boss said with a smile.

"Feat a fart." The head of the watermelon shook his hand. He took himself out of the cow shop. I wanted to bring someone to teach the man and woman a lesson just now. But let him run away.

But. I can't think of watermelon. He went back this time. It's like stepping into the threshold of prison. If you don't have the idea of coming back to make trouble. Maybe you can still avoid the disaster. But now. Yang Ming didn't bother him. But there are others waiting for him.