very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 870 What is the God of Gambling

0What is the God of Gambling

Yang Ming played this game, which almost scared Wang Mei and Zhang Bin! I'm afraid this kind of gambling is rare in any casino. Including Huang Lele, they were a little surprised.

"Yang Ming, what are you doing? Are you sure you can win? Huang Lele asked Yang Ming in a low voice.

"That's probably." Yang Ming said vaguely. Because he can't use a positive tone, otherwise, it will be difficult to explain. In order to divert Huang Lele's attention, Yang Ming pulled her over and let her sit in her arms.

Now Yang Ming is very much like a bold gambler on TV, holding a beautiful woman and throwing a lot of money.

"Sir, do you think... Is such a big chip going upstairs to play? There are too many people here, which will affect other people's entertainment." The foreman came over and said respectfully.

"Don't say so much. It's useless. I've already bet. How can it be stipulated that I can't play downstairs?" Yang Ming said impatiently, "Don't you dare to open it?"

After listening to Yang Ming's words, the foreman manager was a little helpless. Indeed, there is no rule that people can't play downstairs. So he winned at the dealer and said, "You open it."

When the dealer saw that the foreman had agreed, he opened the bowl cover tremblingly, one, one, three, five o'clock. It's really the same as what Yang Ming saw before.

Changing the number of the dice when opening the bowl is only available on the TV. In reality, it is almost impossible to do it unless with the help of high-tech means. But once it is found out, the credibility of the casino will fall to the bottom, and it may even go bankrupt, so no casino will risk playing with these things.

The dealer's face suddenly changed. Although the foreman was also shocked. However, it did not show too many mood swings. He just said, "Sir. You won."

The crowd suddenly burst into bursts of cheers. I won 50 million at once. They all looked at Yang Ming with envy. But what they see is only immediate benefit. I never thought about it. If Yang Ming loses, he will. This 100 million yuan is going to be wasted.

"Oh. Go on." Yang Ming took over the winning chip slowly. He said to the dealer who shook the dice.

The dealer looked at the foreman with some embarrassment. The foreman nodded to him. The dealer continued to shake the dice: "Okay. Buy it and leave it."

The dealer put the bowl on the table. He shouted to the gamblers in all directions. But the voice obviously trembled a little.

Two, two, five. Nine o'clock. Small. Yang Ming took a look at the bowl cover of the dice in the mainland. He threw the 150 million chips he had just got on the small ground.

The dealer opened the bowl cover, and obviously Yang Ming won again. The 22,000 chips came into Yang Ming's hands. The foreman looked at this quietly. This kind of thing of bet is basically unskilled, and it is entirely up to luck. The points of the dice in the ear listening bowl mask are completely fabricated. In reality, such people do not exist.

Therefore, as long as Yang Ming continues to stay, there will always be one that will be destroyed and compensated at once. So, the foreman manager didn't panic much. He didn't believe it. Yang Ming didn't lose.

However, in fact, Yang Ming does not lose at all. Whether it is a big bet or a small bet, the final result is that Yang Ming wins.

Seeing that the chips on Yang Ming's table were going to exceed one billion, the foreman couldn't stand. He walked to the dealer and whispered to him. Then the dealer nodded and left in a hurry.

"Well, it's time for the dealer to get off work just now. I'll replace him first. The dealer who changed shifts hasn't come yet." The foreman said to everyone that he was actually talking to Yang Ming.

Because since Yang Ming began to bet, no one has followed him to bet, but gathered around here to watch the fun.

Yang Ming smiled disdainfully and naturally understood what was going on. What's more, Yang Ming could read lip language. No matter how low the foreman's voice was, Yang Ming could hear it clearly.

The foreman manager has realized that Yang Ming's luck has gone too much, so he has to fight in person. Maybe this foreman has something special about the way of shaking the dice.

Yang Ming has heard of the skill of shaking the dice. As long as you practice diligently, you can basically master it, and finally achieve the result of the number you want to shake. But once the bowl buckle is dropped, it can't be changed. All the skills are done in the air.

"Whatever it is, then you can do it." Yang Ming glanced at the foreman and said indifferently.

The foreman's ability to control the dice has reached a very high level. Although he is not as comfortable as Yu's complacent, he will rarely make mistakes if he concentrates. Otherwise, he would not have been able to sit in the position of foreman.

This time, the foreman manager tried his best to throw out three, three, four. Ten o'clock, the largest number in the small middle. He is a little pregnant now

Can you hear the points of the dice clearly, but you don't believe it, because someone has ever heard the number of the dice.

Yang Ming took a look at the sweaty foreman manager, then looked at the points in the bowl cover, and casually pushed more than 1 billion chips directly to a small position.

The foreman manager was shocked, wasn't he? Is there such a coincidence? He frowned, forced his scalp to open the bowl cover, and announced the news of Yang Ming's victory.

In the casino, the crowd cheered again! This man is simply a general who wins. With so many, he has never lost. Zhang Bin can't speak now. That's right. He finally understood Yang Ming's previous words and let you see what the God of Gambling is...

Yu is not in the casino. Only the foreman manager is the highest in the skill of shaking dice. At this moment, he can't get away Yang Ming. When he enters the casino, he is a guest. If you want to get him away, aren't you driving out of the guests? In this case, he really can't make the decision.

Just now, I asked the dealer to inform Wang Dianxue, the general manager of the casino.

At this moment, Wang Dianxue is sitting on the big leather chair in the general manager's office, drinking the coffee in his hand.

His mood today is very smooth. He has been looking forward to this day for a long time. Finally, Yu proudly felt that his strength could surpass Zheng Shaopeng, and Wang Dianxue let him go to Warwick Casino to play.

Today's result is foreseeable, that is, Warwick Casino will close in the next month. With this month's buffer time, it's difficult for my Nancheng casino to do it!

The opponent who has been competing with himself for many years is going to fall like this. Wang Dianxue is not to mention how happy he is. At this time, I heard a knock outside the door and asked briskly, "Who is it? Please come in."

The dealer carefully pushed open the door and said, "Mr. Wang, I'm the dealer on the first floor. There is a master in the casino..."

"Master? What kind of master?" Wang Dianxue was stunned and asked.

"A man downstairs took 100 million yuan of chips to bet on the size. As a result, he won many times in a row. When I was there, he had won more than 1 billion yuan. Now he has changed the money foreman. I will come up to inform you quickly." The dealer told Wang Dianxue the details of what happened downstairs.

"What? 100 million yuan, won more than 1 billion? Wang Dianxue's eyes widened after listening! You should know that the daily profit of the casino is only between 10 million and 15 million. A person downstairs actually won more than 1 billion yuan at once, so the profit of half a year is lost like this?

"When I was there, I had already won these. Now I don't know if the foreman can beat him..." The dealer explained with a bitter face.

"He put it all in every time?" Wang Dianxue was worthy of being a courageous person, and soon woke up from the shock.

"Yes, every time I put all the benefits in." The dealer said.

"In that case, if he loses, he will lose all of them?" Wang Dianxue said.

"It's like this, but the problem is that he hasn't lost once..." The dealer said.

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look!" Wang Dianxue frowned and said to himself, what's going on today? Why did someone come to kick his own field when he just sent someone to play someone else's field? And it seems that the person who comes to kick his field is a top master.

With the secretary, he followed the dealer downstairs and came to the casino lobby. At a glance, he saw a crowd full of onlookers around the gambling-sized table.

"Do you know that person?" Wang Dianxue saw Yang Ming sitting there at a glance, but he was so faceless that he had never seen him before. If this person is in the gambling industry, there is no reason not to know him. Is it possible that the master found from other casinos specially came to pick his own venue? Or is it just a master of running alone, coming here to make a fortune?

Of course, if it's the second kind, it's easy to do. Call him directly into the office, threaten and threaten him, and give him a large amount of money. If it's the first one, it's not easy to do.

"I don't know, there is no such person in the gambling industry in Macao, and it is not another consultant!" Wang Dianxue's secretarial skills are first-class. After seeing Yang Ming, he shook his head.

Wang Dianxue nodded silently to show that he knew, but he was thinking about how to deal with this matter. He just glanced at the table casually and was shocked. The chips on Yang Ming's table were actually tens of billions!

If I export this time, my profits for several years will be gone, and my efforts will be in vain! However, since Yang Ming made a full bet every time, there is still room for manoeuvre!

After a moment of hesitation, Wang Dianxue smiled fiercely and said to the secretary beside him, "Go and tell the foreman Qian to play a leopard for him."