very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 890 Lin MM's Idea

890 Lin MM's idea has been doubtful. Yang Ming was naturally anxious to rush to the company to find out what was going on. But when Mr. Li passed the California beef noodle king downstairs of the company. Thinking that Zhiyun hasn't eaten yet. I went in and ordered two bowls of beef noodles and a few side dishes. I carried it into the company.

The company's security guards all know Yang Ming. Seeing Yang Ming, I quickly wanted to say hello. But it was stopped by Yang Ming waving his hand. He asked in a low voice, "Is Vice President Lin in the company?"

"Um. I'm here." The security guard also replied in a low voice. Although I don't know why Yang Ming whispered. But since Yang Ming whispered, he also whispered. These days. Does she go back late every day? Yang Ming asked.

"Yes. It's too much to leave every day. Bao--, the head replied.

"Is she alone?" After Yang Ming asked this question. I don't think it's necessary. I don't have to doubt Lin Zhiyun's person at all. Let's talk about it. Even if she dates other men, she can't choose to be in the company. And. Lin Zhiyun is not that kind of person.

But before the previous incident between Sun Jie and Xiao Qing. Yang Ming thought about it evilly. Isn't it possible that MM also has this hobby to have a lily relationship with a female employee? Yes. The best partner is Chen Yan. That would be great. Of course. This is obviously impossible. Yang Ming just YY casually.

It seems. Lin Zhiyun is probably doing something to prevent himself from knowing. But it's a very important thing to her.

"Um. Vice President Zhao goes first every day. Its staff are also almost back and forth. The security guard answered truthfully.

"Good. Then you can continue to stick to it. Thank you for your hard work. The safety of the company is up to you. Yang Ming patted the security guard on the shoulder. He said with a smile.

The security guard nodded excitedly. Sometimes just a word of care makes them feel it. Their jobs are very meaningful. Not ignored by others.

Yang Ming went upstairs and walked to the door of Lin Zhiyun's vice president's office.

Because it used to be a whole house here. The manager's room and conference room are all partitions. So the partition does not use walls. It's made of glass. In this way, it is also convenient for the general manager to supervise employees at any time.

So. Yang Ming stood outside and could see the situation in the room directly. In fact, it was not glass. With Yang Ming's ability, it's not a big deal to see through.

Lin Zhiyun sat down at her desk. There is a thick pile of books in front of him. There is a notebook in front of me. At this moment, she is recording something on it.

Yang Ming frowned at this small treasure company. Do you have so many things to deal with every day? Do you have to finish your shift even when you get off work? Why didn't Zhao Sisi and other employees stay together?

You won't see Lin Zhiyun being bullied. Have you pushed the worker to her alone? But it's a little unlikely to think about it. First, Zhao Sisi can't do this. Second, even if there is a job, it will be assigned to the following employees. Don't do it without Lin Zhiyun's life.

Yang Ming carefully opened the glass door. He crept to Lin Zhiyun with meat noodles. He crept to Lin Zhiyun. It's the easiest thing for Yang Ming, a professional killer, not to make a sound.

But. It may also be that Zhiyun is too involved. Although Yang Ming tried his best not to make any sound, he blocked the light of the fluorescent lamp when walking. Causing changes in light and shadow in the house. If Lin Zhiyun is careful, she will definitely notice it. But Lin Zhiyun didn't feel it at all. Zhiyun. " Yang Ming bent down. He whispered in Lin Zhiyun's ear.

"Ah." Lin Zhiyun was shocked that the pen that was writing in her hand was not firmly on the table: "Yang Ming? Why are you here?"

Lin Zhiyun finished. I just thought about what I had just written on the table, so I closed the notebook in a panic. I just want to collect the things on the table.

"What did you write?" Actually. When Yang Ming stood behind Lin Zhiyun just now. I have roughly seen the contents of the book.

"no. Nothing. This book is reprinted 1 (6) K Literature Network www. (1)$6.” Lin Zhiyun blushed. He said in a panic.

"Hehe. Actually, you don't say it. I also saw it just now. Ming smiled and took the book that Lin Zhiyun was going to hide. Lin Zhiyun is a little discouraged and a little shy. He lowered his head and didn't stop Yang Ming's action. Just sitting stupidly in a chair.

Yang Ming gently opened the notebook. Start from the first page. It is written above. But it's all about the operation of the company. But the records are very detailed. Just like a diary. Every day. What did others say? Lin Zhiyun recorded it in detail.

Of course. Lin Zhiyun's records are all words of others who have construction opinions and important suggestions for the company.

"Zh Yun. You record these. What does it mean?" I'm a little puzzled. I don't know what Lin Zhiyun records these things every day.

Lin Zhiyun squeezed her lips. Didn't say anything. Keep your head down. It's like making a mistake.

Yang Ming doesn't know Lin

. I quickly put aside the beef noodles I bought. Then Zhiyun hugged from behind: "Zhrut. What's wrong with you?"

"I. Am I stupid?" Lin Zhiyun lowered her head feebly. He said softly.

"Stupid? What do you mean? Who said you were stupid? How can you be stupid?" Yang Ming asked with some surprise, "Did someone say you?" Tell me. I beat him. Next time you see him, you will never know him.

"Hehe." After Lin Zhiyun listened to Yang Ming's words. Finally, I couldn't help laughing. I'm in a much better mood. He shook his head and said, "No. No one said. It's my own feeling. I seem to be quite stupid."

"Why do you say that? Yang Ming frowned. I don't know how Lin Zhiyun had such an idea.

Anyway, there is no way to understand. And. Lin Zhiyun knew that these things could not be hidden from Yang Ming after all. So I made a lot of determination. He said what was on his mind: "Yang Ming. I find myself really stupid. Matters about public operation. I don't know anything at all. Look at the employees below who are skillfully connected to the business. Provide advice for the operation of the company. I feel good about myself. I'm still the deputy manager. But I can't do anything. I can't do anything well. Even Zhao Sisi can't compare with him. At least Zhao Sisi is responsible for the company's publicity. But I can't help at all.

Although everyone respectfully calls me Vice President Lin. But I think so. I'm like an idle person. So. So I just work after work. I will tell everyone about it. There are also some business contact skills that have been recorded. I'm afraid I'll forget it after a long time. So I stick to the record every day at the first shift. Then summarize these.

Yang Ming listened to Lin Zhiyun's explanation. Suddenly, it was a little obvious. I don't know what to say. I want to put Lin Zhiyun in the position of vice president at the beginning. I didn't think so much at all. I just think she is my own woman. You should have your own business. But I didn't expect to put so much pressure on Lin Zhiyun.

Now I think about it. It seems that I am too careful. Lin Zhiyun is just a 19-year-old freshman. How can we bear such a heavy burden?

"Then these books on business management. Do you also use learning after work? Yang Ming pointed to the thick textbook on business management written by Philip Kotler on the table and asked.

"Um." Lin Zhiyun nodded gently.

"Hey." Yang Ming couldn't help but be angry and funny: "Zh Yun. Actually. As a manager of a company. As long as you take it all, you don't need anything. Just like the owner of a restaurant. It may not be stir-fried. This is a truth."

"That's different. I don't know how to cook. But he must understand the process of cooking, the required materials and costs. I know I don't understand the manufacture of jewelry. But you must understand the operation of the company. This is a truth." After hearing this, Lin Zhi retorted with vibrant retort.

After listening to it, Yang Ming. But I was a little surprised. I didn't expect Lin Zhiyun to be able to tell these truths. That's an explanation. She has indeed made progress. Otherwise, it is impossible to say these well-founded words. OK. You're right, but you can't recharge because you have to study hard. And you are tired, aren't you? In this way, I should feel sad." Yang Ming pinched Lin Zhiyun's face and smiled, "You see, you have lost weight."

"You boys. Don't you like to lose some weight? Lin Zhiyun said something that had been depressing for a long time. I also feel much better. The most important thing is that Yang Ming did not laugh at her. He also opened a sentence. This made Lin Zhiyun feel better. He also joked a few words with Yang Ming.

Yang Ming was stunned. He was stunned and said, "Is this also the difference between you and the company?" Yes. Today, Xiaotao of the company talked about business with customers. I said it when I was joking. I just recalled taking notes. I just remembered it. Lin Zhiyun nodded with some embarrassment.

"Ha. Don't learn well." Yang Ming reached out and nodded Lin Zhiyun's forehead: "I like plump girls. | You can only feel it when you touch it. Saying it. Yang Ming stretched out his hand to Lin Zhiyun's chest.

"I hate it. Stop it. This is the office'. He is the vice president. How bad it is to let others see it. Lin Zhiyun was shocked. He quickly plucked Yang Ming's hand.

"Isn't this night? There is no one." Yang Ming smiled. Suddenly, he patted his forehead. He exclaimed, "That's right. I just talked. I bought beef noodles. If you don't eat it, it will be soft. It's not tending."

Yang Ming quickly opened his face in the disposable lunch box. Then arrange the dishes. He handed the chopsticks to Lin Zhiyun: "Wow. It smells so good. It happened that I didn't eat either. Let's eat together."