very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 899 Case Analysis

"Wait a minute." Xia Xue said to Yang Ming, "I'm about to get off work."

Yang Ming nodded and took your head. What can he do? Now that the original big words have been said, you can't refuse, right?

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Yang Ming to see Vice Captain Li, who had met in the hospital before, bringing several criminal policemen to hand over the shift.

"Xiaoxia, thank you for your hard work!" After Vice Captain Li got on the car, he nodded to Xia Xue: "You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Although Xia Xue is already the deputy captain, because Xia Xue is relatively young, she casually calls Xia Xue Xiaoxia like Vice Captain Li, which sounds kind.

"Brother Li, my friend is here. Let's have dinner together later." Xia Xue pointed to Yang Ming and smiled.

"Ha ha, let's go quickly. It's getting late. We have all finished eating. Vice Captain Li took a look at Yang Ming and was a little puzzled. Last time he met Yang Ming in the hospital. Yang Ming came with Team Chen's family. He seemed to be the boyfriend of Team Chen's daughter. How could he get together with Xia Xue? However, he was strange, and he didn't think much about it. Maybe he had something to talk about. Years of criminal investigation have made him develop the idea that it is useless to doubt without evidence.

It rained Iveco with Xia Xue. A gust of cold wind hit, and Xia Xue couldn't help but feel cold. On winter nights in Songjiang, it was very cold, icy and snowy. This northern city is probably one of the coldest cities in the country.

"Where's your car?" Xia Xue looked around. Except for a few standard police cars in the police force, the other official vehicles were also the police force, and he did not see Yang Ming's car.

"This is not. It's parked over there!" Yang Ming pointed to the east wind cargo parked on the roadside not far away and said.

"Ah?!" Xia Xue was stunned. He was stunned. Looking at the super-large mega truck incredulously. He looked at Yang Ming again: "You're not telling the truth, are you? Is that the car your place?

"It's my place. How about it? Isn't it cool enough?" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"You're not watching Transformers go crazy, are you? Get an Optimus Prime to drive..." Xia Xue was a little speechless. I don't know where Yang Ming got such a car.

"Help my friend run a long distance. Send some goods." Yang Ming no longer teases Xia Xue. Instead, he said it truthfully.

"So that's it." Xia Xue suddenly realized and nodded: "But you can also toss around. Also deliver the goods to the delivery person.

"There's nothing I can do. I can't get rid of it." Naturally, Yang Ming would not tell Xia Xue the details of the company's dispute, so he just said it in a general way.

"I haven't taken this car yet. I just have a try." Xia Xue volunteered to sit in the cab.

"I said, can you drive this car with your driver's license?" Yang Ming is a little worried.

"Cut, Miss I'm the deputy captain of criminal investigation. Who dares to intercept me?" Xia Xue patted her chest and said proudly, "However, you underestimate me too much. As a criminal police officer, we must drive any car. In times of crisis, sometimes one more skill will have a glimmer of life!"

Yang Mingxin said, is it just you? Isn't it the same for us as killers? Of course, Yang Ming didn't dare to say this to Xia Xue. His relationship with this girl is not too strong. What if he turns around and catches himself in?

Xia Xue moved the car, and the truck slowly drove forward. It seemed that Xia Xue's technology was really good.

"This car is quite easy to drive, and the steering wheel is powered." Xia Xue said.

"Xia Xue, you're not a traffic policeman. You shouldn't be responsible for what happened just now, right?" Now there are only him and Xia Xue left, and Yang Ming doesn't have to hide his words.

Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming's words, but she hesitated a little. About the case, she can't disclose it to Yang Ming, but how can she feel that there is a life-and-death relationship between her and Yang Ming? What's more, Yang Ming also helped her solve a big smuggling case.

"Ha ha, you don't have to hide it from me. I was also present on the day Uncle Chen's accident. I can guess this." Yang Ming saw Xia Xue hesitating, so he said with a smile.

"Forget it, since you know it, I don't have to hide it from you." Xia Xue remembered that Yang Ming also knew something about the case before. Later, when he dealt with another car accident, Yang Ming was also present, so even if he wanted to hide it from Yang Ming, he couldn't hide it: "It's that case..."

"Why, it's getting so serious now?" Yang Ming saw that Xia Xue had begun to print leaflets, which means that the crime rate has reached a large number.

"Um, I've had three more births in the past few days." Xia Xue nodded and asked strangely, "Don't you know? Haven't you heard the rumors in the mouth of the people of Songjiang now?

"I've been away for a few days, so I don't know much about what happened during this period." Yang Ming shook his head: "These three car accidents were all because the driver saw the ghost?"

"So you've gone out!" Xia Xue

In this way, I thought that Yang Ming had delivered goods to others for a few days, so he continued to say, "It's not all. There was a car accident, and two people survived. They are all tourists from other places to Songjiang. According to them, that night, they got lost on the path and could not turn left and right. Suddenly, there was a fork in front of them, which went straight to the main road, so the driver drove along the fork. Unexpectedly, the car suddenly hit something, and the passengers on the bus were in a coma. When we arrived, there was no fork in the road at all, but a stone wall. Their car had been deformed. Fortunately, they were all tourists from other places. They were not familiar with the road and did not dare to drive too fast. Otherwise, a car of people would probably be over... But when we arrived, the driver had disappeared!"

"Ghost hitting the wall?" Yang Ming was stunned and blurted out. But after saying that, he felt unscientific, so he said, "It's not an illusion caused by the people in the car, is it?"

"Illusion..." Xia Xue said this and couldn't help frowning: "But we immediately conducted an alcohol test on the two survived afterwards, and there was no reaction, that is to say, the two people were in a state of situation at that time, and even if one person had hallucinations, it was impossible for everyone in the car. I have hallucinations! All three of them, including the driver, clearly saw that there was a road ahead!"

"Well, you said the driver disappeared? You didn't abandon the car and run away, did you? Speaking of the driver, Yang Ming immediately asked strangely.

"Run?" Xia Xue couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "If you run away, it's okay... Judging from the extent of our on-site survey and the distortion of the cab, the driver is bound to die. The other two passengers narrowly escaped because they sat in the back row!

But there is a river of blood in the driver's seat, and there are broken visceral fragments on the wiper controller. That is to say, the wiper controller is inserted into the driver's body. In this case, can the driver still live? Even if you are alive, can you abandon the car and run away?"

"Ah?" Yang Ming was obviously shocked after hearing Xia Xue's words, and then said, "So you mean that someone took the body away?"

"It should be like this..." Xia Xue nodded: "After many meetings to discuss and analyze, we decided to combine this case with the previous haunted case. Although we don't know how the suspect used to confuse the eyes of the passengers in the car, there are similarities in the methods of committing the crime.

Moreover, the rapid merger was also due to the loss of the driver's body. This is the same as another traffic case. When we felt the scene of the accident, the driver in the car also disappeared strangely, and based on the degree of deformation of the car body at that time, the driver was also mortal.

"Is this man still stealing the body?" Yang Ming feels that things are getting more and more complicated. What's the use of stealing corpses?

"It should be like this." Xia Xue sighed: "At first, we were committing a crime by a smuggled organization of human organs, but later it was soon eliminated. Although the body of the person who died in a car accident was fresh, the organ damage was also the most serious. This organ could not have any value. Moreover, the reason for denying this speculation is that the other two passengers in the car were just in a coma and did not suffer any major damage. If this tissue map is a human organ, they can completely kill the two passengers and take their organs, but they didn't. He only needed the body.

Yang Ming nodded thoughtfully, as if he had caught some clues, but because of Xia Xue's words, Yang Ming felt ethereal.

Originally, Yang Ming suddenly thought of Chen Afu before. This pervert who likes to pretend to be scary. If it is simply pretending to be scary, Chen Afu may do it, but after scaring people to death, it seems that Chen Afu can't do it. Chen Afu's current job seems to be a hotel waiter. He wants The body is useless, not to mention that the process of carrying the body is easy to be seen.

"Listen to what you mean, that is to say, isn't the body lost every time?" Yang Ming asked.

"That's right, but even so, it can still be merged, because the situation that the body was not lost was after the accident, and soon someone reported that we rushed to the scene, and the other cases of the loss of the body were reported long after the incident, and we rushed there." Xia Xue said, "So we determined that the body was not lost before because the suspect had no time to commit the crime."

"That is to say, the person who committed the crime did not carry the body immediately after the crime?" After hearing this, Yang Ming suddenly asked, "Isn't it a case done by one person?" Are there two groups of people who stole the body and pretended to be ghosts before?