very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 908 Dekang Real Estate

90 Dekang's production

"Ky. You're done. You can wait to die at home." Help Brother Ma before he got into the car. Those big men didn't forget to threaten.

"All that's it. Stop the ink. As soon as you little brother Ma is going to be destroyed. Yang Ming laughed indifferently.

The van went away in the dust. Everyone present was dumbfounded. I didn't expect Yang Ming to be so fierce. Unexpectedly, a pot of hot oil was poured on the top of Brother Ma's head.

"Yang Ming. You are hurt for a reason." Xia Xue frowned. He said to Yang Ming. Although I feel very happy for Yang Ming to protect her. But I don't agree with Yang Ming's approach.

"Hey. Don't worry. I won't cause you any trouble. I promise. They dare not call the police. Yang Ming said with a smile.

"This is the best. When the time comes. I won't open the back door for you." Xia Xue stared at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming doesn't matter. People like Brother Ma. It is impossible to call the police. Even if he wants to call the police. Neither does his boss. The demolition was obstructed and splashed with oil. If this matter is spread. That puts a lot of pressure on the demolition work. Maybe the relevant departments will supervise the demolition process. That's what's moldy of them.

So this mute only eats it in his stomach. Take revenge. It can only be private. Yang Ming is not worried that they will take revenge on Xia Xue. Even if they find Xia Xue. So what?

Give them a hundred courages and dare not make trouble with the police. That's an attack on the police. The boss of the demolition company can't do it.

"I'm sorry. Boss, your oil has been poured. How much is it? I'll pay you." Yang Ming turned around and said to the boss of the fried cake. What are you paying for? Young man. What you just did is gratifying. The fried cake owner quickly waved his hand and said, "I dare not have done it long ago if I hadn't been afraid of their revenge."

"It's not good. Yang Ming saw the sincerity of the boss of the fried cake. Obviously. It is common for people to be bullied by the demolition company.

"What's wrong? That's right. Young man, if you like fried cake, I'll pack it for you. It fell on just now. The fried cake always handed Yang Ming a bag of fried cake: "That's right. You guys go quickly. If they come back later. You are in trouble."

Yang Ming can't help it. I just took the fried cake. However. For the retaliation that can come. Yang Ming is not afraid. It's just Xia Xue around. It is impossible for Yang Ming to beat these people to death according to his own ideas. In that case, Xia Xue will definitely interfere.

Originally, Yang Ming wanted to take advantage of this reason to make trouble with this demolition company. They also asked them to estimate twice the price of Lin Zhiyun's house. But now it seems that we can only talk about it next time.

got into the car with Xia Xue. Slowly left the shantytown. Yang Ming sent Xia Xue to the door of the police station. Then he handed the fried cake in his hand to Xia Xue: "Take it. The heart of the fried cake owner.

"Humph. Don't mind either. You are the only one who can show your hero. Xia Xue took the fried cake. He said sternly, "Yang Ming. Don't make trouble all the time. Some things do not have to be solved by violence. Can't you think about the people around you when you do things? If you go to prison for intentional injury. How sad should Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun be?

"Aren't you sad?" 1(6)k novel wWw.^1(6)κ.n The first text version of Yang Ming looked at Xia Xue's anger. Tjoke.

"What's wrong with me? It's just that the meal ticket is gone." Xia Xue snorted. He turned around and walked to the police station. But after a few steps. But he turned around and said, "No. It's easy for me to find a meal ticket. How can it be so easily gone?" Yang Ming touched it. Tao. Are you really just a meal ticket? I really don't understand what Xia Xue thinks.

Yang Ming expected that there was nothing wrong. I really didn't call the police. On the 30th floor of a luxury building in Chengnan District, Songjiang City. A slightly fat middle-aged man is sitting in the boss's chair flirting with the sexy female secretary. There was a knock outside the door.

The middle-aged man put down the female secretary in his arms and then motioned her to open the door. I picked up a document on the table and read it

"Mr. Wei." The assistant to the general manager came in. Zhou Xiaoming, a middle-aged man's own cronies.

See Zhou Xiaoming. After the female secretary closed the door. He sat back in the arms of a middle-aged man called Mr. Wei.

Mr. Wei's name is Wei Dekang. He is the chairman and general manager of Dekangfang's Property Development Co., Ltd. The production industry in Songjiang is also a well-known number one. After years of development. Dekang's production has become the industry leader second only to Xin's production.

This time. The skin development of the household area. Wei Kang immediately got his own chance. The high-end residential area in the development zone next to the shantytown was developed by Xinheng's production. Now it has become a landmark building in Songjiang Rich District.

Now. The shantytown and the open area are far away from each other. It is only a few hundred meters apart. Believe that you just need to operate. You can make a second one

Come on.

So. Wei Dekang took this opportunity very seriously. If it really succeeds. Then the strength of our own company will make a qualitative leap. You can compete with Xinheng's production for higher capital.

Otherwise, I have been overwhelmed by Heng's production in the past few years. This makes Wei Dekang very unhappy.

"What's the matter?" Wei Dekang raised his head. He looked at his cronie Zhou Xiaoming.

"Mr. Wei. There's something wrong with the madman. Zhou Xiaoming said with a solemn expression.

"Ma lunatic? What's the matter?" Wei Dekang heard that it was a horse lunatic. Suddenly, I breathed a sigh of relief. What can happen to a madman? At most, it's just beating a person. So he asked, "Who did you hit again this time?" Mr. Wei. It's not him who hit him. Someone else beat him. I splashed him with a pan of oil. His face is burnt now. I'm lying in the First People's Hospital.

" Zhou|- said.

"What?" Wei Dekang wrinkled. He cursed in his heart. This horse madman. It will cause trouble for yourself at this jitsu. The matter of demolition has not been understood yet. He was beaten. However, after all, Wei Dekang has been in power for a long time. There is a proper city government: "What's going on?"

"It's like this. The madman took his men to the shantytown to register for demolition. Zhou Xiaoming told Wei De about the recovery of the matter.

"Damn it." Wei Dekang doesn't live anymore. He scolded viciously, "Is there water in his head? What are you going to do to provoke those diners? You deserve to be beaten. It's better to beat him to death."

Wei Dekang is so angry. This guy. It's a good reason to really fight with the demolished residents. But what do you call a diner at a roadside stall? Does it have something to do with you?

Look." Zhou Xiaoming said to Wei Dekang.

"Revenge is up to them. But don't make things bigger. Don't call the police. Otherwise, it will be troublesome for the news to spread. Wei Dekang said, "Those reporters. The white can also be said to be black. At that time, it will be said that we were beaten because of the violent demolition. If it causes closure, it will be troublesome.

"Yes. I know." Zhou Xiaoming nodded and said, "I'm going to inform Ma Madman. Tell them to keep a low profile if they want to do it. What's going on? Don't get involved in the company."

"Um. That's what it means." Wei Dekang said, "This horse madman. It really doesn't make people worry. That's it. Xiao Ming. Move to the company. I will be in charge from today. Let the madman take care of his illness.

"Okay. Mr. Wei." Zhou Xiaoming was overjoyed. Demolition is a big job. The horse madman used to be Wei Dekang's driver. He is also a closer person to Wei Dekang. At the beginning. Wei Dekang asked the horse madman to be responsible for the demolition. Zhou Xiaoming is still a little uncomfortable. It's all right now. The fat finally fell on his own head.

In the room of the First People's Hospital of the City. The horse madman's face was covered with gauze. Fortunately, the oil is not very hot. Otherwise, I guess I'm dead now.

He already knows what Mr. Wei means. The power of the demolition company has fallen on Zhou Xiaoming. The horse lunatic is unwilling. But there is nothing we can do. I hate Yang Ming very much. I don't want to smash him into ten thousand pieces.

Not only do you disfigure yourself. And he also cut off his own way of making money.

"Brother Ma. This matter can be just like this. I found that guy. Let's kill him." The horse madman's men said viciously.

They all eat with horse lunatics. It cut off the horse madman's way of making money. It is equivalent to cutting off their financial path.

That's what the madman Ma thinks in his heart. But now I'm like this. Even if you want revenge. It can't be done in a while. And his face was wrapped in a veil. It's hard to talk. You can't even discuss something.

... Yang Ming sent the car back to Yang Heavy Industry. I came to my uncle's office. Tell him the good news. Unexpectedly, the uncle stood up first. He said with a smile, "Daming. Or you. I can't think about it. How did you deal with the three mechanical people?

"Eh?" Yang Ming was a little surprised: "Uncle. How do you know? I haven't told you yet, have I?"

"Haha. Today's newspaper has been published. Sankun Machinery declared bankruptcy yesterday afternoon. Yang Dashan laughed cheerfully: "Daming. How on earth did you do it?"

"It's nothing. It's just to scare them." Naturally, Yang Ming can't say too much: "Don't tell my father about this. I don't want him to worry."

"Don't worry. I'll keep it a secret for you." Yang Da is in a happy mood. I didn't expect that the heart disease that had been bothered for so long was so easily solved by Yang...

2 will be presented as scheduled. The third update will be updated at about 0 o'clock. Summon the recommended ticket for the renewal of the monthly ticket.