very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 934 Say Your Purpose

"The business is naturally about you. Xia Bingying smiled, then changed a very comfortable posture and crossed his legs: "I've told you my identity. Don't you want to take the initiative to tell us?"

About me? Yang Ming was suddenly shocked. Obviously, the mysterious incident investigation bureau should have nothing to do with him, and Yang Ming doesn't think he is involved in any mysterious incident.

What shocked Yang Ming was the ambiguous relationship between him and Xia Xue. This guy is Xia Xue's eldest brother. He won't ask him to blame him, will he? Do you still want to take the initiative to explain?

However, Yang Ming would never admit that there was an affair between himself and Xia Xue, so he pretended to be inexplicable and asked, "Xia... Xia investigator, I think it's the first time we've met, right? I don't think I have anything to say to you. It seems that we can't get along with each other at all, right?

"Ha ha, Yang Ming," Xia Bingying smiled softly after listening to Yang Ming's words: "We don't talk to each other. Since I have found you, I naturally know something about you. Well, since you don't want to say it, let's take a look at something first.

After saying that, Xia Bingying took out an MP4 player from his pocket, then turned on the power, selected one of the video files, clicked the play button, and put it on the table. Both of them could see the content on the screen.

In the player, Yang Ming appeared at Donghai International Airport.


In the video, after Yang Ming passed the security channel, he stood aside and looked left and right. After a while, Yang Ming quickly walked to a nearby security staff and said, "Hey! If I take a fruit knife, you can confiscate it for me. The man in front of me has a much longer knife in his bag than mine. Why don't you confiscate him?

Then. The security staff asked Yang Ming, "How do you know that there is a knife in his bag?"

Yang Ming said, "Don't worry about how I know the ground. What's wrong? Are you guilty? You are with him, aren't you?"

"Are you sure he has a knife in his bag?" The security inspector asked, "You know. It is possible to pay legal responsibility for lying at the airport!"

"I'm sure." In the picture. Yang Ming nodded with great certainty.

later. The security inspector re-examined the men's luggage with sunglasses pointed out by Yang Ming. The result. A lead umbrella was found at the bottom of his travel bag. There is a knife in the umbrella...


Seeing this, Yang Ming's face obviously became ugly. Yang Ming didn't expect that something he inadvertently did at the airport at that time would fall into the eyes of people with intentions.

Has your own power been discovered? Yang Ming's heart suddenly became ups and downs. This is his biggest secret, but now it has been discovered. How can he not be stunned?

However, Yang Ming is no longer the previous Yang Ming. After becoming a killer, Yang Ming's psychological quality has also improved a lot, and he will not show his timidity after watching a video.

Yang Ming secretly said that he was still too immature before. At that time, he had just acquired the power, and he was worried that there was no place to use it, but he fell behind because of such a small thing.

"Investigator Xia, what do you mean by showing me this video?" Yang Ming's face showed a confused expression: "Isn't this the video of last summer when I did a security check at Donghai International Airport before I went to Yunnan? Why are you showing me this?"

"Yang Ming, in fact, you and I both know in our hearts, don't you want to admit something?" Xia Bingying still looks like a smile, which makes people feel that he needs to be beaten. If he hadn't known that this guy was Chen Fei's friend and Xia Xue's eldest brother, Yang Ming would have turned around and left even if he hadn't beat him up, and wouldn't have talked to him here at all.

The power can be said to be a very mysterious thing. If you say you have it, you have it, and if you say you don't have it. This autonomy is completely in your own hands. Even if Yang Ming doesn't admit it, Xia Hail will only doubt it.

At this moment, Yang Ming also understood why Xia Bingying came to him. His mysterious investigation bureau may also investigate some things about special functions.

"With all due respect, Investigator Xia, I really don't understand what you mean. You showed me a video I used to at the airport. What on earth are you trying to say?" Yang Ming said faintly, and there was no special change in the expression on his face.

Xia Bingying secretly said in his heart that he really underestimated Yang Ming. This man's city government seemed to be deeper than himself. He thought that after taking out this video, Yang Ming would recognize the ground directly. Now it seems that it is not enough not to add any more material.

Xia Hail casually turned off the MP4~ dispenser on the table, then took out a document from the briefcase he carried with him and handed it to Yang Ming: "I won't read it. You can see for yourself."

Yang Ming

With a tone, it seems that this guy really has a trick! But think about it, it belongs to the mysterious investigation bureau, so if he wants to investigate himself, he will naturally make some efforts. It is impossible to find himself with just a video.

Yang Ming took the document and looked through it in his hand. This is a police case file. The case involved in it was the time he lost the jade land in Yunnan, and in the following document, it was the information that he and Liu Weishan auctioned jade carvings together at the Hong Kong auction...

It seems that this summer hail really takes a lot of effort on me! What makes Yang Ming even more unnatural is that on the last page of the document, there is a record of his whole gambling in Macao Nancheng Casino a few days ago!

"With all due respect, Yang Ming, do you think that just picking a few stones can pick out the best jade that others can't get in batches of stones? And it's still three yuan at a time. What do you think the probability is? Xia Bingying shrugged his shoulders and continued, "And gambling. I personally envy you very much. Do you think your luck is too good? I also have a video of the whole process of gambling in Macao's South City Casino. Do you want to see it again? ...Oh, I forgot to tell you before that you still have a lover named Huang Lele..."

"Enough!" Yang Ming threw the document on the table and coldly interrupted Xia Bingying's words. Now, in the face of so much evidence, even if Yang Ming doesn't want to admit it, he can't do it.

"Is it? This evidence is enough. I still have something I haven't taken out..." Xia Bingying deliberately pretended not to understand Yang Ming's anger.

"What on earth do you want? Tell me about your purpose." Since the other party has some of his information, Yang Ming doesn't want to beat around the bush or blindly deny it, because it's useless at all, it's better to go straight to the point.

"Well, before I say my purpose, I'd better introduce the nature of my work." Xia Bingying put away his previous expression and turned into a serious look: "I belong to the Mystery Investigation Bureau. This is a very special organization. You have never heard of it, and it is normal, because this organization is usually very low-key. The people who work here are also very special. Even if the bureau knows this organization, it will cooperate to do a good job of confidentiality.

The Mysterious Incident Investigation Bureau, as the name implies, is responsible for the investigation of some mysterious, unscientific and incredible events that are at least unexplained by the current scientific level. For example, aliens, UFOs, souls, ghosts, special functions, etc. are all within the scope of our responsibility. It can be said that our investigation bureau can manage a lot of things, and the authority is also very large and free, so the personnel of this institution can only join after strict assessment and testing. Moreover, I don't hide it from you, I recruited some talented people to deal with some very special things.

In fact, you don't have to be surprised. Not only us, but many other countries have such institutions. For example, I believe you should have seen the famous movie "The X-Files", right? They are institutions similar to ours.

Yang Ming nodded. When he mentioned "The X-Files", he still knew it. It was a very famous science fiction film, which talked about some investigations of supernatural phenomena. Originally, he thought it was just a fiction, but he didn't expect that there was such a similar institution.

However, this summer hail has said so much. You don't want to investigate yourself, do you? Or is there any other purpose?

"Well, I have finished telling you the nature of my work. I believe you should understand why I came to you." Xia Bingying said, "As long as it is related to supernatural things, we will record it and make a careful analysis. We have no other explanation for your situation except a supernatural explanation."

Yang Ming smiled and did not deny it. He also knew that it was useless to deny it. Among other things, let's take the recent trip to Macau as an example. In the Nancheng Casino, what he did was completely beyond common sense, and he was simply invincible in the East.

"Well, you talk about the purpose of finding me first, and then I will decide whether I want to cooperate with you." Yang Ming nodded and said to Xia Bingying.

"Yes." Xia Bingying was relieved to see that Yang Ming was willing to cooperate, because Xia Bingying had also met some people with unique skills before that, but these people were often arrogant and strange, and it was difficult to cooperate. Basically, it took Xia Bingying a lot of effort to tell them to speak, and Yang Ming was relatively normal. But it is also the weirdest of these people!
