very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 949 Why don't you agree?

Wang Xiaoyan bit her lips and looked at Yang Ming warily! Wang Xiaoyan wanted to teach Yang Ming a lesson before, but now, the situation has changed a lot. Not only did she not teach Yang Ming a lesson, but she was in danger of being bullied by him.

Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan secretly looked at the man in front of her, who made her feel very dangerous. That little gangster-like smiling face, he cheated himself!

Thinking of the previous rock climbing, Yang Mingli's skills, Wang Xiaoyan began to regret. Where can a gangster have this? I really underestimate him!

However, Wang Xiaoyan didn't understand again. Since Yang Ming's skills were so powerful, he was injured when he was with Zhao Ying before, only dealing with two gangsters robbers. Zhao Ying also helped him wipe the medicine. Wang Xiaoyan's memory of this matter is very deep.

Wang Xiaoyan is confident that if she changes herself, within five more moves, so that the two gangsters will die. With Yang Ming's current skills, it is estimated that he said more about both moves, and it is likely to kill two birds with one stone.

Then why is he? Is it a deliberate hidden strength? Or what other reason?

Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan felt very curious. What she didn't expect was that there was such a powerful master around her. It's just that when Yang Ming faced Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan had an unnatural feeling of déjà vu. It seemed that she had met him at any time, but she had no impression...

"In the car." After Yang Ming pressed the door with the remote control, he said to Wang Xiaoyan, "Don't force me to do it. Although I don't mind your resistance, the more you resist, the more rude I will be."

In the face of Yang Ming's naked power, Wang Xiaoyan secretly hated it in her heart. She calculated everything, but she didn't expect that Yang Ming was still a hidden master! No wonder his men have been folded into this guy's men several times. I thought they were useless, but now it seems that Yang Ming is really not simple.

Looking at Yang Ming's cold eyes, Wang Xiaoyan knew that today's behavior had completely angered this man. He let go of himself before. There must be something important to do. But he has ruined his good deeds. No wonder he is so excited.

"Let's talk about it. "Oy" Wang Xiaoyan tried to make the final struggle.

"After you become my woman. Let's talk about other places. Yang Ming's voice was still cold and unmoved at all.

Wang Xiaoyan is a little discouraged. Obviously, Yang Ming will not let her go. Wang Xiaoyan quietly reached out and touched her pocket. It's not the time to be forced. She can't use a gun in China.

The previous lipstick pistol. I gave a guy named "Liu Lei" to Macao. After returning to Songjiang. Wang Xiaoyan got another one through special channels.

"What are you touching?" Yang Ming glanced at Wang Xiaoyan. He said coldly.

"Nothing," Wang Xiaoyan tried her best to look calm.

"Oh, are you looking for this?" Yang Ming had an extra lipstick pistol in his hand and was rushing to Wang Xiaoyan.

"You--how did you get it--" Wang Xiaoyan was shocked and reached out to touch her pocket, but she was disappointed to find that the lipstick gun in her pocket was gone.

"I found it when I was pressing you under me just now." Yang Ming played with the lipstick gun in his hand: "It's very exquisite, but it's a pity that only two bullets can be put in."

When Yang Ming was in Macao, he knew that this girl had a gun. How could he not take precautions early? Just now, when Wang Xiaoyan was pressed under his body, Yang Ming took the lipstick pistol out of Wang Xiaoyan's pocket.

"Who the hell are you!" Wang Xiaoyan found that she was really a big mistake! She really underestimated Yang Ming's ability.

"I said, after you become my woman, I will tell you if you behave well." Yang Ming said impatiently, "Hurry up and challenge my patience. I don't mind doing something disgusting after I beat you to death."

Yang Ming easily fiddled with a few lipstick guns in his hand and said evilly.

Wang Xiaoyan heard a while of creeps, and she could naturally think of what Yang Ming said about the "disgusting thing".

"Okay, let's not talk. Let's get in the car." Yang Ming opened the co-pilot's door for Wang Xiaoyan.

Wang Xiaoyan gritted her teeth and finally walked towards Yang Ming's car. Now she has no choice. She looked at Yang Ming's smiling but demon-like face without thinking about what Yang Ming said was just a joke.

Of course, Yang Ming was indeed just a joke, but it's a pity that Wang Xiaoyan made a mistake. Yang Ming has no major shortcomings, but he is a little soft-hearted, especially for girls.

If Wang Xiaoyan and Lihua cried unreasonablely at this time, Yang Ming would really be at a loss. He couldn't help but let her go!

However, Wang Xiaoyan is considered from her own perspective. Wang Xiaoyan is a killer, and Yang Ming

Come on, he is a terrible opponent! How many times have you told Yang Ming and Yang Ming to let her go so easily?

Wang Xiaoyan thought it was impossible. Although Wang Xiaoyan also thinks more seriously about girls' chastity, she can't do without it. She has been trained and taught to be a killer since she was a child. As a killer, the most important thing is to save her life. Face and humiliation are nothing. Only by keeping your life can you take revenge and carry out new tasks.

So, at this moment, there is no way to resist, then bear it. The difference in thought has caused the current situation. Originally, Yang Ming thought that he was just a soft persimmon that he could knead, but now it seems that he has become a soft persimmon.

When Yang Ming saw Wang Xiaoyan get into the car, he also followed the main driver's position, and then put down all the two seats in the front row.

"There is no room for peace?" Wang Xiaoyan made the final struggle.

"If you can't afford to lose, don't want it." Yang Ming said faintly, "Let me teach you a lesson today."

Wang Xiaoyan wanted to resist, but she was not pregnant. Yang Ming could restrain her again before she resisted. And this practice of repeatedly angering Yang Ming is obviously unwise. In that case, God knows what Yang Ming will do.

Just like he did just now, it is unknown to kill himself.

Yang Ming was annoyed that Wang Xiaoyan, a little girl, was not light or heavy. He wanted to teach himself a lesson and destroy his own good deeds. He was born from the side of courage, and he directly held Wang Xiaoyan in his arms.

Let you ** Laozi, let you take a shower in the villa, let you not wear a bra, let you bet to be my lover, and let you get what you want now.

Yang Ming began to take off Wang Xiaoyan's clothes, but the space in the carriage was relatively narrow, which made it not easy to take off.

Wang Xiaoyan was powerless, so she was simply willing to gamble and lose: "Yang Ming, I can be your lover, but for four years at most."

Thinking that in four years, she would become a victim of interests, Wang Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel a little sad. Some people don't understand why fathers attach so much importance to fame and fortune. Is it just because he doesn't have a son? Don't you want your family to decline in your own generation?

What's the point of competing for the number one in the nihilistic killer world? Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyan's stubbornness came up again. Yes, why did she maintain her chastity for a husband who can't see and can't meet?

What if you do it with Yang Ming? If the future husband dislikes himself because of this, it will be better. He will not have to marry him, but he will be relieved!

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyan also thought about it, so she said to Yang Ming that she had been a lover for four years.

As for whether she wants to retaliate against Yang Ming after four years, she hasn't figured it out yet. At least in terms of her current skills, it is impossible to retaliate.

"Eh?" Yang Ming was caught off guard by Wang Xiaoyan's sudden change: "Did you agree?"

"Yes, why don't you agree?" Wang Xiaoyan thought about it, and naturally the knot in her heart was untied: "May you lose the bet, come on."

Anyway, she has to take this step in the end. Wang Xiaoyan doesn't believe that she can meet love in her life, so instead of having sex with a stranger, it's better to take advantage of Yang Ming first.

This time it's Yang Ming's turn to be late. If Wang Xiaoyan resists and takes the opportunity to sneak up on himself, Yang Ming will certainly not hesitate to roughly tear off her clothes and then forcibly give her to XX. But now... it can't be forced. Yang Ming suddenly felt a little discouraged.

"What are you waiting for? Don't tell me you don't dare!" Wang Xiaoyan figured it out, so she no longer avoided it. Seeing Yang Ming hesitating, Wang Xiaoyan was a little unhappy.

"Dare you dare? Who said I didn't dare?" Yang Ming said with a stare.

"Then come on, don't tell me you won't." Wang Xiaoyan sneered contemptuously. It turned out that this guy was fierce and indecisive.

"No? Who said I wouldn't?" Yang Ming is really a little confused now. Did this girl take the wrong medicine?

"Since you can, why don't you come? Can't you?" Wang Xiaoyan said sarcastically. As a killer, Wang Xiaoyan has naturally learned the physiological structure of the human body and has an understanding of some ** and reactions of men. Therefore, although she feels a little blushing when she says these words, she is not too awkward.

"No way?!" Yang Ming was suddenly anxious. Which man wants to be told that he can't do it, especially Yang Ming, a man with strong male chauvinism, is even more harsh.