very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 978 This is unfair

Wang Xiaoyan grabbed the bullet case and began to carefully study the batch number traces on it. After studying it for a long time, there was nothing strange. Sure enough, it was the bullet she fired at the beginning.

"How did you find it?" Wang Xiaoyan was very curious. Although Yang Ming found the bullet, she still didn't believe it, because after all, the truth was in front of her. It was hard to see the road, let alone find this small bullet shell.

"Actually, when you first shot, I locked the trajectory of the bullet, so I can calculate the approximate position of the bullet landing." Yang Ming said as if it were true or false.

"Really?" Although Wang Xiaoyan is a little fox, she doesn't believe it at all! After all, Yang Ming, like her, is also a killer, a very powerful killer. Although it sounds a little shocking to lock the trajectory of bullets, it is not impossible.

"It was true at that time. How can I look for it? If you search a little bit, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Yang Ming spread out his hands and explained.

Wang Xiaoyan nodded and couldn't help but believe it. However, this bet seemed to have taken a big advantage, but in fact, she had suffered a big loss. She a little too blindly underestimated Yang Ming's strength and always put him and herself on the same level. She felt that it would be very difficult to find a bullet, so Yang Ming should be the same, but she didn't consider that Yang Ming was much more professional than her.

"You are so good, what kind of reaction training do you do?" Wang Xiaoyan was a little angry because she lost the bet, and her tone was not very good: "I said, you didn't mean to make such an excuse for reaction training. You want to bet with me, do you?"

No wonder Wang Xiaoyan thinks so. What will she do for Yang Ming's reaction test when he has nothing to do tonight?

"It's just a matter of chance." Yang Ming laughed dryly and said, in fact, it was indeed the same.

Wang Xiaoyan looked at Yang's thief. Just angry. He simply didn't say much to him. Go in the direction of the car.

"I'm freezing to death!" Wang Xiaoyan got into the car. It warmed up the wind.

"Where are you going now? Go to your headquarters? Yang Ming also got into the car. Put the gear on the driving gear.

"I can tell you how to get there." Wang Xiaoyan nodded. She nodded. Let go of the previous things first. I really don't understand why this guy thinks so dirty. There are so many dirty thoughts in my mind. Don't you take your lover seriously? Why didn't he go to Chen Mengyan?

Yang Ming didn't expect it. Wang Xiaoyan's headquarters is actually located in a shantytown! Although it is on the east side of the shantytown. It is far away from Fang Tian and Lin Zhiyun's house. But it's a coincidence!

The two killers are so close to the ground!

"Why is the headquarters here? It seems to be quite remote here. Yang Ming looked around and said. It's full of paths, and the car can't get in, so it can only park on the roadside outside.

"Isn't it good to be remote? Where there are many people, there are many fish and dragons, and it is not good to be seen by people. At night, there are almost no people." Wang Xiaoyan said.

"That's not true. I just think that we are such a shabby place as the new organization and the new atmosphere, and it's not so comfortable." Yang Ming explained.

"It will be demolished soon, and we will make plans then." Wang Xiaoyan said that she didn't care much.

While talking, the two came to a small door. Wang Xiaoyan knocked on the door, in a certain order of priority. After a while, a voice came out: "Who are you looking for?"

"It's me, open the door." Wang Xiaoyan said softly.

The small door opened and a young man saw Wang Xiaoyan and said respectfully, "Ling."

Wang Xiaoyan nodded and walked into the small door. Yang Ming was stopped by the young man behind: "Ling, this is..."

"Let him in. He is a new member of the organization and my partner." Wang Xiaoyan said.

After hearing this, the young man stopped stopping him, let Yang Ming in, and then quickly closed the small door.

The yard was not big, but it was very clean and neat. After Wang Xiaoyan, Yang Ming walked to the main hall.

In the main hall, which was originally whispering, became silent as Wang Xiaoyan came in.

Yang Ming followed Wang Xiaoyan in. Under the doubtful eyes of everyone, he sat on the throne.

That was Wang Xiaoyan's position. Before she could sit down, she was done by Yang Ming. She couldn't help but be a little angry and stared at Yang Ming, but Yang Ming smiled and whispered, "Why don't you sit on my lap?"

Wang Xiaoyan had no choice but to stand aside.

"How presumptuous! Who are you! How dare you sit in the leading position? At this time, a brother in the organization stood up and pointed to Yang Ming with great dissatisfaction.

Yang Ming glanced at him, glanced at the people in the hall, and actually saw three familiar figures, one

Wu Ming, who was released from Bao Sanli, and there are two of them, the Hong Kong mouse and the sharp knife.

"You haven't said anything yet. What are you?" Yang Ming stared at him. As soon as I came, I wanted to give him a blow?

The brother was so angry that he snorted coldly, "Get up quickly, or I won't be polite!"

"Oh, well, it seems that I'm going to explain. In the future, the Black Widow Killer Group will be renamed the Black Butterfly Killer Group. As for why it is called the Black Butterfly Killer Group, it is because... hiss..." Yang Ming took a deep breath and felt that his back seemed to be clamped by a crab clip. As Xiao Yan was staring at herself angrily. Yang Ming continued with a smile and said, "You don't have to know why. What you need to know is that I will be your leader in the future..."

Yang Ming continued to talk endlessly, but Wang Xiaoyan clamped him with his hand as a crab clip in the back. Wang Xiaoyan whispered, "If you continue to fool around again, the previous bet will not count!"

doesn't count? Yang Mingyi, does this Wang Xiao Niu mean that it still counts now? Thinking of this, Yang Ming's heart suddenly became lively, and the front of the conversation also turned, "Uh... Of course, I'm your deputy leader, and your leader is still her. Next, I'll give her the position!"

Wang Xiaoyan was angry and funny. Yang Ming was helpless. Seeing Yang Ming give up his seat for her, she was a little embarrassed. She shook her head and said, "Sit down."

"Ring, what's going on?" The previous brother saw that Wang Xiaoyan did not refute Yang Ming's words, so he was more aggressive. It was just a little strange. How did this deputy leader come from?

"Golden Bull, don't be impatient first, listen." Wang Xiaoyan put away the previous smile on her face and put on a serious expression. The people in the hall immediately did not dare to say anything more. The one named Taurus also sat back and listened carefully to Wang Xiaoyan's words.

"Yang Ming, the new killer in this organization, I believe that several brothers have already interacted with him. I won't say more about his skills. He is better than me!" Wang Xiaoyan said lightly, "Wu Ming, black rat, blade."

The three of them immediately stood up. For Yang Ming, they had a fight in person, so they naturally didn't care about Ling's words and nodded one after another. However, others have not had a fight with Yang Ming, so they don't think so.

"In the future, Yang Ming will also be one of your leaders. When you are away, you should all listen to his arrangement." Wang Xiaoyan told everyone.

"Recoll, we all admire you very much, but Yang Ming, we haven't handed it over. If we want to be our deputy leader, we should also show it to our brothers?" The Taurus was talking again, and he said a little unconvincedly.

In terms of skills, although Taurus is not as good as Wang Xiaoyan, it is also at the top in the Black Widow Killer Group, more powerful than Wu Ming and Black Rat, so he will naturally not be convinced.

"Golden Bull!" Obviously, Wang Xiaoyan repeatedly asked him and was a little dissatisfied. If Yang Ming was not around, it would be a big deal, but with Yang Ming by his side, Wang Xiaoyan suddenly felt a little ashamed and made Yang Ming laugh.

"It doesn't matter." Yang Ming stood up with a smile, waved his hand to Wang Xiaoyan, and then said to Jinniu, "Jinniu brothers, right? Tell me, what's the matter with both hands?"

"If you can beat me, our brothers will be convinced of you!" Taurus said.

"You? A group of brothers? Can you represent others? Yang Ming said with a smile.

But I also guessed in my heart that this Taurus is the most powerful of these people.

Taurus hesitated for a moment and looked at everyone. Seeing that everyone nodded one after another, he said, "Everyone has no objection."

"Okay, then what do you think, how to compare?" Yang Ming knows that these people are much better than ordinary people, and some pride is inevitable. If they are new here, if they don't show it, although these people will be pressured by Wang Xiaoyan and obey on the surface, they will definitely not accept it, so it's better to let them obey, which will save trouble in the future.

"There is no rule, until whoever loses." Taurus said.

"Isn't that good? This kind of protracted war is bullshit for killers! Who will continue to kill you after you can't die?" Yang Ming shook his head: "Well, you attack me ten times. As long as you attack me once, even if I lose, on the contrary, you lose."

"Ten times!" Everyone was shocked after hearing this. Can't they fail to hit these ten times at a time?

And Taurus also thought so, so he said, "It's not fair!"
