very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1018 Seduction Failure

It was confirmed that the call was from the right elder. Xia Bingying nodded to the assistant around him. The assistant immediately connected to the computer network and began to inquire where the phone came from.

After Xia Hail asked for instructions to go up to the peak, after a meeting and research, it was decided to send him a technical expert, that is, this assistant. Other personnel can ask the local police to cooperate in arresting the right elder.

"I... I'm not feeling well these days, so I didn't take any action. Tonight, I will definitely complete the task tonight!" Chen Afu said tremblingly.

Although Chen Afu's tone was a little abnormal, the right elder didn't care. He thought Chen Afu was afraid of him, so he sneered and said, "Okay, that's what you said. If you can't get a fresh body tonight, use you to practice my evil spirit!"

After saying that, he hung up.

"Where did you get the call?" Xia Bing asked his assistant.

"I can't find out that the other party is smart. He doesn't use landlines and mobile phones, but VoIP phones similar to SYPEE," the assistant shook his head and said.

"Can't you find the IP address used?" Summer hail doesn't give up.

"I found it, but it's a foreign IP: address. It must have used a proxy, and I don't know how many layers of proxy it has passed through." The assistant said helplessly.

Xia Hail saw his assistant and said so. Although unwilling. But there is nothing we can do. However. If the right elder was caught so easily. That's not the cunning behind-the-scenes manipulator!

also used the Mysterious Bureau to take action. The local police can take care of it. Before. Xia Bingying investigated the mobile phone number of the right elder in Chen Afu's mobile phone. Now it has also been transferred to an overseas mobile phone number after several transfers.

"Keep everything according to the plan." Xia Bingying nodded and ordered.

Order in the summer hail. The departments immediately started to operate. The police led the team to Xia Xue. I ambushed in a pre-set place early.

"Are you ready?" Xia Bingbing sat in the command car in the distance. The remote control controls everything outside.

"I'm ready." A reply came from the walkie-talkie.

"Ready for action!" Xia Bingbing ordered.

A large truck slowly started and came to the predetermined place. The truck driver was disguised by the police and came to the designated place. The truck suddenly hit the isolation belt near the intersection.

Because the speed and orientation of the impact have been budgeted for a long time, the driver has not been injured, but the outside of the truck looks very damaged.

The driver pierced the blood bag that had been prepared for a long time, sprayed it on himself at the moment the car hit, and then fell motionless on the steering wheel, as if he were a dead man.

All of this is simulated according to the real situation, and I dare not neglect it at all. God knows if the right elder will notice that the demonstration is very real at every step.

At this time, Chen Afu appeared and crept to the place where the truck was in trouble. He pretended to look into the cab, looked around for a long time, then picked up the phone and dialed the right elder's phone number.

"Hello, Elder, I'm Chen Afu!" Chen Afu said in a low voice.

"How are you? Has the task been completed?" The right elder's voice asked without any sense of color.

"En just did it together, at the intersection of XXX Road and XXX Avenue!" Chen Afu said quickly.

"I got it." The right elder sneered twice: "You picked up your life!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Afu breathed a sigh of relief. He had completed the task and was scared to death. Chen Afu turned around and returned to Xia Hail's car in the distance.

"Okay, I've finished the task. Can you fulfill what you promised me before?" Chen Afu said with a sigh of relief.

"As long as you cooperate with us to do research, we can spare you to die, but you will be imprisoned for the rest of your life." Xia Bingbing said.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Afu didn't care: "If you don't hand me over to the right elder, you can do anything. Even if you die, just give me a good time."

Xia Bingying nodded and did not pay attention to Chen Afu, but looked at the scene of the car accident attentively, waiting for the appearance of the right elder.

Time slipped away minute by minute. In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed like this, but there was still no one coming. Xia Bingying suddenly became a little anxious and asked Chen Afu, "Every time you call, how long will it take for him to appear?"

"I don't know about this either. After I finished my work, I left immediately. How dare I stay in the scene? I was caught by the police, and I was not arrested!" Chen Afu said.

After hearing this, Xia Hail said nothing more. He knew that Chen Afu could not deceive him, so

What Fu is saying now is also the truth, and he doesn't know when the right elder is.

However, according to common sense, the right elder should appear here as soon as possible, right? The slower it is, the greater the danger. Because it is impossible for a car to pass by on a certain section of the road. As long as there is a car passing by and you see an accident, you will call the police and the police will arrive as soon as possible. In that case, won't the right elder have a chance?

There is nothing wrong with the summer hail! The right elder did get here as soon as possible after receiving the phone call! However, after he arrived here, he did not do anything, nor did he appear near the scene of the car accident.

The right elder sneered twice and said disdainfully, "Can you catch me with a group of losers? It's really too much! Don't think that if you catch Chen Afu, you can lead me out! It's so naive! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

As soon as the right elder came here, there were two reasons why he was abnormal. ( Handheld reading 1 6 k . c n)

The first point is that he is a person who uses demigo, just like Zhang, who has an extremely keen sense of smell for other people who use demigo. Chen Afu is also half a person who uses demigo, and it is personally passed down by the right elder.

So, as soon as the right elder came around here, he noticed the breath of Chen Afu! Chen Afu is still around here and hasn't left!

With this, the right elder becomes more cautious. Second, the evil on his body has a strong sense of the person who has just died! At this moment, there is no abnormality in his body, that is to say, there is no body in the truck at all! It's a living person pretending to be!

For these two reasons, the right elder arrived immediately. This is a scam! Chen Afu was caught by the police and wanted to lure himself out!

It's so easy to be fooled that the right elder can't sit in a big deal. He looked at the nearby terrain coldly, and the right elder quickly found the people ambushed nearby.

Look, Chen Afu is going to give up. Elder Right sighed and felt a little upset. He didn't know which person in the police was so capable that he could catch Chen Afu!

Destroyed: It's a big deal for yourself. Let yourself know that you won't forgive this person! The right elder thought viciously.

However, the most important thing now is to get out of here. He hasn't practiced his evil deeds, and his body is still flesh and blood. He is still very afraid of the hot weapons of the police.

No matter how strong you are, you will probably be shot into a sieve when you go out. But it doesn't matter. When you practice your evil, you won't be afraid. At that time, don't you let yourself do whatever you want?

Thinking of this, the right elder suppressed the anger in his heart and disappeared into the night in an instant.

On the side of Xia Hail, I have been waiting for more than an hour, but I haven't seen the figure of the right elder. Suddenly, I was a little anxious, and an ominous foreboding came to my mind!

Is it possible that your plan has been insighted by the other party? Xia Binghail suddenly broke out of a cold sweat. It's not impossible, it's very possible! The right elder is very human and evil. Many things can't be measured by common sense. Therefore, if the right elder shows his own plan, it is really possible!

However, summer hail can't give up before it is completely desperate. Although he also understood in his heart that the hope was getting more and more vague, and it was estimated that the right elder would not come, but until the last moment, Xia Bingying still insisted.

The sky was slightly white. I don't know how long it took, and the summer hail finally disappointed. It's almost dawn, and the right elder really won't come this time!

It hinders the traffic here. When it's commuting time, it should affect the normal passage. Xia Bingying had no choice but to order the people under his opponent, "Withdraw, don't wait!"

Xia Bingying also knew in his heart that the right elder must have noticed his plan. Although he didn't know how he sensed it, failure was a failure. And with this failure, it will be even more difficult to lure him out next time!

It can be said that there is almost no hope! However, this is not the only unsolved case of the Mystery Investigation Bureau, and this kind of case cannot be examined with common sense.

"Brother, just give up like this?" Xia Xue got on the command car of Xia Hail, looked at the somewhat decadent Xia Hail, and asked urgently.

"What else?" Xia Bingying smiled bitterly and said, "It is already very difficult to catch Chen Afu. If it hadn't been for Yang Ming's participation, I don't think he would have been able to catch him!" He is just an insignificant pawn, so difficult that the energy of the boss behind him can be imagined!"

Xia Xue was also excited just now. Now after listening to Xia Bingying's words, there was also a burst of silence. Yes, Chen Afu alone has made people panic. After investigating for so long, there is no result. If it hadn't been for Yang Ming, I guess Chen Afu would still be at large now!