very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1023 Killer Group Training Plan

023 Killer Group Training

"Wei Shao. Speaking of Yang Ming. It suddenly occurred to me. Can you talk to him? How about asking him to help you kill Zou Ruoguang? Sister Gu came up with an idea and said, "I think he is so tough. Shouldn't it be enough to kill Zou Ruoguang? And he and Zou Ruoguang also have hatred. You just need to make a lot of profits. I guess he can help you."

"Yes!" Wei Jin patted his thigh and said, "Sister. You are right. This person can cooperate!"

Yang Ming. He was born a violent maniac. He is a good fighter in his bones. Last time, he and Zou Ruoguang were beaten to death by him. Wei Jin doesn't hate Yang Ming very much. After all, it was before I pretended to be myself. The strength is not as good as people. You deserve to be hit.

And | Yang Ming seems to have a lot of dark forces to do with it. This kind of person. It's better for him to not mess with Wei Jin. However. We have to deal with Zou Ruoguang. It's okay to cooperate

Now. Money has become something out of the body for Jin. Even if you have more money. What he and Sister Gu can enjoy is always limited. It doesn't cost too much money. It doesn't matter if it's enough to cure the disease and use it at ordinary times.

Think of this. Wei Jin decided. Have a good talk with Yang Ming sometime. Make a lot of profits. Let's see if Yang Ming can help him kill Zou Ruoguang.


Yang Ming recorded Chen Dazhuang's mobile phone number in \'. Chen Mengyan didn't pay attention either. I picked up my mobile phone from the coffee table. I put it in my pocket.

At this time. Aunt Li is also ready. Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan went to the restaurant for dinner together.

From the evening to the next day. Two people except for going to the toilet. Almost no one left the room again. Chen Mengyan also cooperated with Yang Ming. Both of them cherish this hard-won two-person world.

At night. Chen's mother called. Let Chen Mengyan go home for two days. Although Chen Mengyan was reluctant to give up, she also knew that she was about to start school and didn't have much time at home. Besides, I have been out for a few days. Method. Chen Mengyan only apologized to Yang Ming and said, "When school starts, you can often live here. Now I'm really going home."

Yang also knows the situation of Chen Mengyan. After all, I am still a student now. If you brazenly tell Chen Fei that the two of them are living. That definitely won't work, so no one is clear now. Uncle Chen knows it well. Yang Ming also knew it in his heart. It's just to open one eye and close the other.

sent Chen Mengyan home. Yang Ming drove back to the Huashang community. When passing through Zhao Ying's building. Yang Ming couldn't help lifting it up. Look up. I want to go up and sit down. In the end, I gave up.

It's been three days. Zhao Ying should have found the secret of a memory tree, right? Why haven't you replied to yourself yet? This makes Ming very anxious. But there is nothing we can do.

Yang Ming wants to ask. But I don't know how to open it. I had no choice but to give up.

But. Zhao Ying couldn't go there, but Wang Xiaoyan's house went casually. Make the car good. Yang Ming rang the doorbell of Wang Xiaoyan's house carelessly.

After a while, Wang Xiaoyan ran out. Yang Ming just wanted to say something. Wang Xiaoyan, who heard it, said in a low voice, "Sister Ying is here. You mess around."

"What!?" Yang Mington was shocked. Shit, isn't it? Zhao actually came to her? It seems that it's really a bad time to come here. Yang Ming wanted to avoid it. So he said, "Then I... go first?"

"You'd better not go. You ring the doorbell. Sister Ying has heard it. No one came in. My sister will be more suspicious. Let's talk about it. There is a monitor in the room. Maybe she has seen you now. Wang Xiaoyan said.

"Okay. Then go in." Yang Ming nodded.. Go into Yan's villa.

"Yang Ming?" Zhao Ying saw Yang Ming come in. Slightly stunned. My heart smelled sour. Is Yang Ming here to find Wang Xiaoyan?

"Ha. Sister Ying.. You are indeed here!" Yang Ming said with a shameless face and heart, "I went to your house just now. I found that you don't. I came here with the idea of giving it a try. As a result, Wang Xiaoyan said that you were there!"

"Ah!" Zhao Ying was a little happy after hearing this. Did Yang Ming come to find himself? Didn't you come to Wang Xiaoyan on a special occasion? So he blushed and said, "I haven't seen Xiaoyan for a long time. Say sweet words. What are you doing here?" Ha. I'm not thinking. Do you want to go to your house for a meal... In that case. Then I'll go. You guys keep talking..." Yang Ming said. He turned around and was ready to leave: "Don't bother me."

Wang Xiaoyan said in her heart. This family is really thick-skinned. If you tell a lie, your face won't turn red and your heart won't beat. Open your mouth and come. It's really a talent.

Yang Ming came justly. It's also known as the right way to leave. On the contrary, Zhao Ying was very embarrassed. After Yang Ming left, he said, "Yan Yan. Yang Ming is such a person. It's careless. Don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"I and him

I can't afford it." Wang Xiaoyan said angrily, "I just moved here. He doesn't know where to find the engineering team. 24-hour jingle decoration. I can't even have a good rest. I hate not to kill him to relieve my hatred! If it weren't for your son. I won't forgive him for a long time.


"Yang Ming. It's careless, but there's no bad idea. Zhao Ying quickly explained to Yang Ming, "Just be more tolerant. However. I think you have a good relationship with him now?

"What should I do if I don't get along well? They are all neighbors. Look up and don't look down. Don't you want to quarrel with a straight face all day? Wang Xiaoyan smiled and said, "Let's talk about it later. It's all one learning. I didn't pursue him anymore.

"Hehe. That's right. Yan Yan.'an. Are you used to living here alone? Zhao Ying looked at Wang Xiaoyan's empty villa and asked.

"Let's do it. Otherwise. Sister Ying, are you moving here to live together? Wang Xiaoyan suggested with a smile.

"Good. However. I'm afraid you'll cause trouble. If I come. Yang Ming will be more diligent when he comes to you. You didn't like the bustle. It's better not to affect you." Zhao Ying said, "Anyway, we live nearby. You can come to the door in two steps.

Wang Xiaoyan said in her heart. If you don't come. Won't Yang come? No, you can't say that to Zhao Ying. Just put it in your heart

The two talked for a while. Zhao Ying just left. When passing by Yang Ming's villa. Zhao Ying hesitated for a moment. I just left quickly.

Yang Ming stood at the window. Look at Zhao Ying's figure. Sigh slightly. It's so close today. It was almost revealed. Zhao Yingxian's attitude was not very clear. If you add a Wang Xiaoyan in the middle. I guess Zhao Ying will hesitate even more. Maybe it is possible to refuse yourself again.

Wait for Zhao Ying to completely disappear into the line. Yang Mingcai came out of the villa again. There was no knock on the door this time. Instead, it's directly from your own yard. He jumped into Wang Xiaoyan's yard.

The two have just fallen. As soon as he looked up, he saw Wang Xiao pinching his waist. Standing in the yard with a sneer.

"Why are you... here?" Yang Ming is like being caught as a thief. Suddenly, it was a little embarrassing.

"My own yard. Where can't I?" Wang Xiaoyan curled her lips and said, "It's you. This eaves walk through the wall. What's the merit?"

"Ha. Yeah. You said, too. Let's be killers. You must exercise your skills regularly. Otherwise, it will be born..." Yang Ming smiled dryly.

"Ghosts believe in you." Wang Xiaoyan glanced at Yang Ming blankly: "What's the matter? | Has Mengyan left? You are boring alone. Just think of looking for me?"

Yang Ming was told the central thing by Wang Xiaoyan. Suddenly, I was embarrassed. However. Naturally, I won't admit it: "That's it. Didn't you say it above? I want to train the people in our group. I'm here to discuss this with you this time.

Wang Xiaoyan heard that it was about the hand group. Suddenly, I became interested. He nodded and said with a straight look, "Come in and talk."

Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. My heart said. Wang Xiao Niu's weakness is obvious. In the future, when she squeezes herself. Let's talk to her about the future development of the killer group. Ha. That's a good idea.

I entered the villa. Wang brought the bottle for Yang Ming. Then I sat in the sand. It looks like listening attentively.

"Little Yanyan. I'm going to take the hand group there in a minute. Things should be early rather than late. Naturally, the sooner the better. Yang Ming said, "In this way. Our killer team can get on track as soon as possible.

"Yang Ming. Is the training you mentioned useful? Do you want to ** these people in person? Wang Xiaoyan asked.

"In person? Of course, I don't have that much time. But I will find someone to train them. Yang Ming said, "Actually. These people are with each other. What is missing is a tacit understanding of cooperation. Take them out alone. The skills are not bad. But it is combined together. It's just a little short. Except for having a fixed partner. Just find two people to work together. I guess it's worse than them coming out alone! So. What I want to train is also their tacit understanding of mutual cooperation. This way. They are not qualified for many tasks alone. It can be completed by multiple people.

Wang Xiaoyan nodded after hearing this. What Yang Ming said is very reasonable. It is impossible to improve everyone's strength in a short time. However. But it's just like what Yang Ming said. It can improve the ability of collective cooperation. Well cooperated. In many cases, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

"Good. I agree with this," Wang Xiaoyan said with appreciation: "I didn't think about it before. You're right. A task that can't be completed by one person. It can be done by multi-person collaboration!"

"There is another one. It's the way to take over the task from the Black Widow Killer Group. This also needs to be changed..." Yang Ming continued.