very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1038 The Dead

:8 dead

After listening to Yang Ming's words, Wang Xiaoyan suddenly sweated. With such brazen words, Yang Ming could say it, but it was not surprising to think about it carefully. When Yang Ming fought with her, he used such obscene moves.

The woman didn't seem to hear it. She continued to stab Yang Ming with a dagger, as if she would not stop until she achieved her goal.

Yang Ming suddenly had a headache. When dealing with such a person, he didn't eat oil and salt: "Don't force me to take action..."

The woman in black was still expressionless and attacked Yang Ming. Yang Ming had no choice. As soon as his hands came out, he suddenly grabbed the chest of the woman in black, and was suddenly grabbed by him and kneaded hard.

However, the woman in black seemed to be ignorant and did not feel that there was anything wrong. It seemed that Yang Ming was not her chest, but other parts of her body, just like her head.

"Do you want to say it or not?" Yang Ming strengthened his hand. Well, it seems to feel good, but it's a pity...

"Oced up, don't take advantage of it!" Wang Xiaoyan can't even see it. Yang Ming is a little too shameless, isn't he?

"Hey hey..." Yang Ming smiled dryly and let go of his hand. He was really speechless. This woman... should not be able to call her a woman. She is just a machine!

Yang Ming tried his best to distract the woman in black. It was best to let her appear in a state of trance and tension, and then her power would take advantage of it.

But unfortunately. No matter what obscene tricks you use. This woman is still not in a slow pace. Deal with it in an orderly manner.

"Damn it!" Yang Ming scolded secretly. He shouted, "The King Kong flirts with his legs!"

This is Yang Ming's best trick. But it is used on women. It's the first time. Yang Mingxin said. Kick your little sister. Let's see if you are still so calm.

With a bang. The crotch of the woman in black was kicked by Yang Ming. The woman in black immediately turned red. Naturally, it's not because of shyness. It's because she really hurts. The pain made her want to die.

The body of the woman in black also jumped on the ground with Yang Mingdi's foot. It can be imagined how strong Yang Ming is.

Although the woman in black is a cultivated dead man. It is no different from robots. But this doesn't mean that she won't hurt like a robot. The reason is very simple. She is a person. It's flesh and blood. No more thoughts. But there will also be consciousness!

The woman in black's face was like earth. She covered her crotch and squatted down. The bean-sized beads of sweat fell, gritted her teeth and gasped. However, there was no tension or hatred in her eyes, and she was still so flat, as calm as the lake.

Yang Ming scolded secretly, this ***, it's not done. I've been kicked by my little sister by myself, and I'm still so calm. It's really the best.

Although the current relationship between Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan can't be closer, Yang Ming doesn't want her to know everything about her, such as the secret skills that Fang Tian taught herself.

But now it seems that she won't say anything useful if she doesn't let this woman feel any extraordinary pain.

Wang Xiaoyan was secretly shocked behind Yang Ming. Yang Ming was really fierce. Fortunately, the last time she fought with herself, she only used one move to "grab the milk dragon's claw". If this trick "King Kong flirts the yin leg", then her little sister would not be kicked to break. Thinking about it, Wang Xiaoyan felt sweating

This Yang Ming is not an ordinary shameless, simply shameless to the extreme!

Yang Ming looked at the woman in black and smiled faintly. He didn't want to say anything more. He could only take action, otherwise he didn't want to get a little secret from the woman in black.

He gently hit a few acupuncture points on her body, but this was done with his back to Wang Xiaoyan. His body just blocked Wang Xiaoyan's sight, and even if Wang Xiaoyan appeared, Yang Ming also thought of a good idea, that is, he used poison.

The woman in black reacted and twisted around on the ground like a water snake. However, looking at her expression, you can imagine her pain, but unfortunately, although her expression was very painful, her eyes were still blank, and she did not ask for mercy, and she didn't even say a word.

Yang Ming sighed slightly. It was the first time he had met such an opponent. The power was invalid, and the acupuncture point was also invalid. It was just like a robot, which made him helpless.

"What's going on?" Seeing the woman in black struggling on the ground, Wang Xiaoyan also saw some clues and asked Yang Ming.

"This man is a trained dead man. He has no own thoughts and opinions, but only obeys the orders of his master." Yang Ming shook his head: "It seems almost impossible to find any clues from her."

Yang Ming reached out and untied the acupuncture point of the woman in black, and then said, "You can go."

The reason why Yang Ming wants to let her go is that he wants to follow her with his power to see where she will go.

But I didn't think of it. At the moment when Yang Ming untied the acupuncture point of the woman in black, the woman in black suddenly

Hit the floor, there was a loud noise, and the woman in black burst to death. Mobile phone access:. ㄧбxS.CoM

Yang Ming secretly scolded unlucky, what is this and what! Fortunately, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan are both killers, and there are not so many taboos about the dead. If it were other girls' homes, I guess the house would not dare to return.

Wang Xiaoyan was a little stunned. She had never encountered such a scene. Today, she not only saw the legendary dead man, but also committed suicide in front of her.

"Yang Ming... What kind of person is this? How did he come here?" Although Wang Xiaoyan is a killer, when she encounters these unknown things, she instinctively wants to find a support.

"I don't know who it is now.

" Yang Ming said helplessly, "She didn't say a word from beginning to end. I don't even know whether she came for you or me. But one thing is for sure, the person behind her must not be simple..."

Wang Xiaoyan nodded slightly. Indeed, Yang Ming was right. She was in a mess if she cared just now. Now think about it, from the time Yang Ming fight with this woman in black to her suicide, the woman in black did not say anything.

"Forget it, let's not think about her. Let's see if she has anything to prove her identity." Yang Ming said, so he squatted down and carefully searched for the woman in black.

Unfortunately, only a dagger was found from her. It seems that she carried three daggers with her, and there was nothing else.

In the end, Yang Ming's eyes fell on the small bag behind the woman in black, picked it up, and first took a look at the things inside with his power. It didn't matter. Yang Ming was shocked. What was actually a detonator in the bag!

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yang Ming's expression stagnant, Wang Xiaoyan asked strangely.

Yang Ming opened the small bag, then pointed to what was inside and said, "We almost finished together."

"Detonator?" Wang Xiaoyan naturally knew what was in the bag, and her face suddenly changed: "You mean, she wants to release the detonator and blow us up?"

"That's about it." Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that the two of us have escaped the disaster."

Wang Xiaoyan is a little silent. The person who came today is absolutely extraordinary. At least the heavyweight opponent of his own family will train such a dead man.

Yang Ming collected the body of the woman in black and sprinkled a little powder from Fang Tian for himself. The body of the woman in black turned into a stream of smoke and disappeared in an instant.

"Comb powder?" Wang Xiaoyan asked with some surprise.

"Um." Yang Ming nodded..

Wang Xiaoyan also knew that there were some strange powder in the world, so she didn't think it was too strange. Since Yang Ming didn't want to say more, she didn't ask more.

"Do you have any enemies?" Yang Ming pondered for a while and asked.

Wang Xiaoyan shook her head. Since just now, she has been thinking about this question, but she didn't think of any answer. It is still possible to say that your family has offended someone, but you...

However, my identity is confidential, almost no one knows about it, and only a few people close to the family know about it. Wang Xiaoyan can't figure out what the identity of this woman in black is...

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. The soldiers will block the water and cover it. If he comes one, I will kill one. I don't believe that this training dead man is like a running water production line. How much it takes!" In order to make Wang Xiaoyan feel relieved, Yang Ming said with a smile indifferently.

Although Yang Ming doesn't know how this dead man was trained, he doesn't think there will be many things. If there are more, he can't stand the group beatings by just by sending a team!

Indeed, Yang Ming's guess was not wrong. The training of dead soldiers was quite complicated and difficult. The boss adopted ten orphans, but only three of them passed the training in the end. One of them is Xiao Ai, the other is Xiao Zi, who is also the boss's **, and the other is a boy named Xiao La.

The other seven people either died under the pressure of training or had their own ideas to betray him, and the boss had to kill them with his own hands.

In the van, the boss and the young man were waiting for Xiao Ai's news, but they hadn't seen Xiao Ai come back for a long time.

The boss's expression began to become nervous. Maybe Xiao Ai failed.

These three people are his trump cards. He doesn't want to use it easily. If it hadn't been for the young people's advice, the boss wouldn't have let Xiao Ai act in person.

An hour later, the boss sighed sadly: "Xiao Ai won't come back for so long..."

"Failed?" The young man has no sympathy for Xiao Ai. In his eyes, Xiao Ai is a machine and a tool to perform tasks.

"It should be like this." The boss nodded regretfully and said sadly, "Let's go back. It seems that Yang Ming is not so easy to kill."