very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1046 Sisters Talk

Charles stood up with some embarrassment and raised his hands to show his innocence: "I'm just saying... I'll go, I'll leave immediately."

"I won't send it." Yang Ming said lightly.

Charles was a little depressed, and he was actually afraid of an ordinary young man... However, Yang Ming seemed to know his identity, which made him feel restless.

After Charles left, Yang Ming complained helplessly, "This guy is really inexplicable."

"Yes... But I don't know how he knows me? It's really strange." Zhou Jiajia frowned and asked, "What's his name?" Charles?"

"Um, Charles is a racing driver, known as the car god." Yang Ming said, "What's the matter? You computer genius, don't plan to go back to the human flesh after you go back, right?

"I have this plan." Zhou Jiajia smiled and said, "This guy is really annoying. He knows my identity. If I don't know his identity, I will suffer too much."

Yang Ming didn't care either. He didn't think that Zhou Jia Canon had found Charles's real identity. After all, it was impossible for Charles to disclose the information related to his real identity to anyone and the media, so it is estimated that there is only some information about him as a racing driver that can be found on the Internet.

After that, they were not disturbed again. The three of them had a pleasant meal. After dinner, Yang Ming settled the bill and went out of the hot pot restaurant with Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun.

Tomorrow is the day of school, so the three of them have to go back to clean up as soon as possible. Zhou Jiajia is easy to say that after the injury, Yang Ming has bought all the things she can use in the school one by one and put them in the villa. Lin Zhiyun left a lot of things at home, so Yang Ming had to send Lin Zhiyun back first.

After arriving at the shantytown, Yang made it clear that he accidentally found that in the original office location of the shantytown, several simple houses were set up with the slogan "Temporary Office of the Demolition Company" hanging on it.

Yang Ming was stunned at that time. He thought, why was the demolition company still there? Then he realized that something was wrong, because Yang Ming obviously found that there were more residents in the community here than when the horse madman was there before, and everyone had more or less smiles on their faces.

After a closer look, you will know that the original signboard of the demolition company has been changed to fame. It suddenly occurred to me that Dekang Real Estate has belonged to their own name. No wonder these residents will become enthusiastic. Yang Ming mentioned this matter to Bao Sanli before. The demolition fee should be sufficient. Don't be as harsh as Dekang before. These residents will be benefited and naturally happy.

Lin Zhiyun didn't go home for a few days, and she didn't know that so many big things had happened. Looking at the neighbors coming here in a hurry to go through the demolition procedures, she thought it was the demolition company that gave an ultimatum to the residents here, and she couldn't help sighing.

Over the years, violent demolitions have occurred frequently, and the previous attitude of the demolition company can also be seen. Lin Zhiyun knew that the residents of the community were not opponents of Dekang Real Estate at all, so he felt a little uncomfortable at this time: "Yang Ming, I don't know what's going on with my family. I didn' The demolition has begun.

"Don't worry. Direct access to the mobile phone station. Seeing Lin Zhiyun's worried appearance, Yang Ming did smile and comfort him.

Of course, Lin Zhiyun didn't think much about it. He thought that Yang Ming was just comforting her. He accelerated his pace slightly and wanted to see the situation at home as soon as possible.

However, when he got home and saw the result of the demolition, Lin Zhiyun was stunned: "What? After the demolition of our house, can we change to a duplex?

Lin Zhiyun feels a little incredible. Isn't this developer a psychopath? It's good to exchange your own dilapidated house for an ordinary economic house after reconstruction. How can you give your family a duplex house of more than 200 square meters?

My family is less than 200 square meters now. Isn't this a joke? If it goes on like this, won't the developer lose money?

Shen Yueping's face was full of smile: "Yun'er, I really want to thank Xiao Yang this time. The demolition company took special care of our family. As soon as the demolition company heard that we were your parents, they said that Yang Ming had said hello and gave us a discount.

"Ah! Then other people's family..." Lin Zhiyun thought that it was true that although her own family was good, other people's family would still be slaughtered. Why does it look like other people's family is also very happy now?

"Other families have also received enough compensation to be implemented according to the maximum standard limit. So everyone is very satisfied. Shen Yueping explained.

This is also what Yang Ming means. He is not the savior. It is impossible for everyone to take care of them. Doing business is doing business. If you take special care of them because of this nihilistic interpersonal relationship, you don't have to make money.

What Yang Ming can do is to give them the maximum they deserve. But even so, everyone is already very satisfied, because this compensation is enough for them to buy a small house in a less busy area.

If there is no compensation, after the house is built, the area of the house will be the same as the current housing area. Although it is a future house, many people also choose to ask for a house. After all, after the house here is completed, whether it is the appreciation space or the total value, it is more cost-effective than taking money directly.

"The demolition company has been replaced by a friend's company. It's just a matter of saying hello. Yang Ming smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing, but during this period of demolition and reconstruction, Aunt Shen and Uncle Lin have decided what to do?"

"We plan to rent a house first. It is said that construction will start at the beginning of spring. In the first phase, there will be economic residential buildings, which will let the residents of the community move back first." Shen Yueping said.

"Zh Yun, didn't you make a lot of money in the company? Just buy a house, don't rent it. Yang Ming glanced at Lin Zhiyun and said.

This was discussed by the two of them before, so Lin Zhiyun nodded "Oh".

"The house will be built here soon. Why do you buy another one?" Shen Yueping asked doubtfully, "It's still a waste of money, Yun'er, just save your money. Don't spend it indiscriminately."

"Mom," Lin Zhiyun smiled and said, "How can this be a waste? Buying a house is actually a kind of investment. After buying it, we will live first. After it is built here, we will move back. The newly bought house can be rented out. It is a property, and we won't lose money."

Shen Yueping didn't expect that her daughter still had these economic minds now, but now Lin Zhiyun is a manager in the company. Naturally, it is not what it used to be. Since she said it was an investment, and Yang Ming did not object. That must be it, so I no longer objected: "Then do as you say, I don't care."

After Lin Changqing returned to Songjiang during this period, he was also busy studying a little business. He hasn't come back yet, because school will start tomorrow, so Yang Ming didn't wait here. I said hello to Shen Yueping and left.

Zhou Jiajia is still waiting in the car outside. So after Yang Ming came out of the Lin family, he quickly walked in the direction of the car. When Yang Ming came to the car, he was stunned. Seeing several people in the uniform of the demolition company beating several young men, Yang Ming immediately frowned.

I have emphasized it again and again at the beginning. Don't use any violent means to demolish the house. Why did you start to fight under your own eyes?

Although several security guards from famous companies were sent here to maintain order in order to maintain the normal operation of the demolition, they were not asked to beat people, right?

"What's going on? More/new/most/fast http://w/a|p.1|6|k|x|s.c|o|)" Yang Ming walked to the front. He shouted at several demolition workers.

When one of the leading people saw Yang Ming's question, he quickly smiled and said, "Brother Yang!" This man has seen Yang Ming before. These little brothers who came out late in those years have now become small leaders, but they all know that Yang Ming has a strong relationship with Bao Sanli.

You can see this from the use of this BMW in Yang Ming's hand. This is Brother Leopard's seat!

"What's going on?" Yang Ming pointed to several staff who were beating people over there, as well as a few young people who were beaten black and blue on the ground.

"Brother Yang, these people are gangsters nearby. You were not here just now, and my sister-in-law went to the grocery store to buy water. Being entangled by them and doing anything, we..." The leader seemed to be afraid that Yang Ming would misunderstand, so he quickly explained.

Sister-in-law? Yang Ming was stunned, and then thought of Zhou Jiajia. He opened the car door and looked at Zhou Jiajia holding a bottle of drink in his hand. He thought it would be right. It seems that he misunderstood. Yang Ming shook his head with a smile and then said, "Good fight, you can continue."

Zhou Jiajia is really cool. When she was away just now, Zhou Jiajia was a little thirsty, so she got out of the car to buy water. These gangsters are actually scum nearby. For the residents here, they usually don't provoke, so they just flirt with them. Zhou Jiajia may have ignored them. Instead, they thought I was scared, so I chased after him and thought of being tampered with. I happened to be seen by several safety staff in the demolition company.

They have already noticed Yang Ming's car. At this time, I saw that Zhou Jiajia was entangled by several little hooligans. Is that okay? They were the ancestors of hooligans in those years. How could they tolerate a few small garbage to be arrogant?

If they really want to be fierce, they are much more ruthless than the horse lunatics, but they just don't use their ruthlessness on the residents, but these gangsters are different. They dare to pester a woman who raises a woman, don't they want to live?

So they rushed out to catch a few gangsters and started to fight, so that they couldn't find the southeast and northwest.