very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1082 Snatch the Gun

A series of bullets crossed, and a bullet mark appeared on the ceiling of the exhibition hall... Yang Ming suddenly frowned. How could this be possible? The case of the exhibition hall is quite strict, and it is impossible for anyone to come in with ** without being noticed!

Moreover, these people can't break in, because there are people guarding every channel. Once they fail, there will be an alarm, so in theory, the appearance of these people is illogical!

If these people are holding pistols, it is still possible, such as the lipstick pistols Yang Ming got from Wang Xiaoyan, and some small guns that can be assembled, or mixed in disguised as other things.

However, these people do use submachine guns, and it is completely impossible for this large Champs-Elys-Elys!

However, at the next moment! Yang Ming immediately understood how these people got through the security check! Although these people are holding submachine guns in their hands. But the wall of the submachine gun is very special! It is made of plexiglass! And bullets are also another kind of plastic material!

So, such a forced to pass the security check is not an organ! This kind of forced is under the metal detector. There will be no obvious reaction, so it is also possible to muddle through.

Yang Ming has to admire the professionalism of these people**. This kind of trait ** can also be available. Their identity is definitely not simple! Generally speaking, in a country with extremely strict ** control in China, it is very good to get a pistol, not to mention this special, customized plexiglass submachine gun!

Yang Ming calmly swept the faces behind the masked faces of these people, and couldn't help but be shocked!

Bank robber! That's right, three of them are officially the perpetrators of the bank robbery! These three people are in the middle of this group!

Are they in the same group? Yang Ming immediately frowned. Yang Ming thought that it was impossible to see these three people in Jinqi, but he didn't expect to see them at the jewelry exhibition so soon.

"Don't move! Squat on the ground obediently, hold your head, and stop the fire if you don't want to **," the leading burly man said in fluent but stiff Chinese.

Most of the tourists were stunned by the situation in front of them! In the past, this kind of scene only appeared in TV series and movies, but now it really happened in their own changes, so for a while, they didn't know what to do!

Many people don't even have the strength to scream. They look stupidly at what happened in front of them and stand there,

"Bun!" There was a gunshot, and a tourist standing closest to the burly hatred responded. His right hand covered his chest tightly, and his face was full of horror.

Blood gushed out of his chest and fingers, which was horrible. At this time, (Computer Novel Station://.) The tourists present were quietly recovered by the terrible scene in front of them, and exclaimed in bursts.

"Hold my head in both hands and squat on the ground, otherwise, he will be the end!" The burly man raised his submachine gun fiercely and aimed at the crowd.

"Ah!" No one dared not to listen to him this time, and they all fought the demands of the burly men one after another. He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

Yang Ming frowned. These people did not feel any fear or guilt about killing. Through the mask of the burly man, you can clearly see his expression!

Yang Ming only looked at indifference and did not have any other expressions. This is the same as what Yang Ming saw in the previous bank robbery! Moreover, the capture of these people is the same!

That is the gesture of shooting first in recent times, and then killing a person's residence to make an upright. Then he ordered everyone to hold their heads and squat on the ground.

Mingyang Security Company listed the enterprise under the police station. Although there were snaps, there were only a few forced expropriations, and only pistols were allowed to be used, so Yang Ming did not ask Li Qiang and others to bring heavy guns.

Although Yang Ming is very popular in Songjiang, and he is not afraid of anything with his current special identity, he can't be too ostentatious. Although Xia Hail has great power, Yang Ming also understands that Xia Hail disease is not omnipotent. It is impossible for him to indulge in everything he does. He has a capital move. As long as he does not exceed this degree and always maintains a balance, so that no one will do anything for a long time. After all, there are still many things that need your own help in Xia Hail.

But others don't use guns, but Yang Ming can use them. With Yang Ming's special status now, it is normal to use a gun, and no one can say anything.

"Smash!" The burly man waved his hand and told the people behind him.

At this time, another big man came from behind, holding an iron platform in his hand, which should have been removed from somewhere in the exhibition hall. This kind of thing definitely can't pass the security check, but it can be used locally and used now.

Although the big man is masked, judging from the projection and wrist of the road, he should be a black man. The black man came to the front of the display cabinet where the man who had already held the blue down jacket smashed the crack and waved the iron table in his hand vigorously.

"Wow", there was a loud noise, and the cracks became a little bigger, but the display cabinet was safe and unbroken.

The black man waved the iron platform in his hand again and hit the showcase for the second time.

"Jessette, go and help!" Seeing that the display cabinet was so difficult to break open, the burly man ordered a militant behind him.

The person known as Jessete is a yellow man, but one of them can't judge his nationality, (Computer Novel Station://.) Instead of opening his mouth, he picked up another iron platform and walked towards the display cabinet.

Li Qiang squatted beside one and gently glanced at Yang Ming. Yang Ming shook his head slightly. He signaled Li Qiang not to act rashly. After all, these guys are fully armed and have weapons of destruction in their hands. Yang Ming did not dare to act rashly before he thought of countermeasures. You can only wait for a suitable opportunity.

The rude behavior of these militants has gone back to some children in the exhibition hall. The cry of "wow" is very sudden and sad. The black man and Jesse had a job at hand. And the burly man's eyes also changed, slowly crossed the crowd, and finally fell on the crying little girl.

That's a little girl under ten years old. Wearing a goose** small windbreaker, she is very cute. However, there is no love in the eyes of the burly man, but a kind of indifference to life.

". H...!" The burly man cursed a foreign language, slowly raised the submachine gun in his hand, and aimed at the little girl.

"Please, don't... Please!"! A ** in his thirties suddenly covered the little girl's mouth and didn't let her make any sound: "The child is ignorant, don't shoot. I beg you..."

** looked at the burly man with praying eyes. ** A man with eyes beside him is also in front of ** and the little girl at this moment. He said very sincerely, "Don't kill them. If you want to kill me, just kill me..."

The burly man's mouth was sneered with a trace of disdain: "It's really different! You all want **! Let's go to hell together!" After saying that, he aimed his gun at the man.

I believe that a series of bullets will be fired out. Not only will the man be beaten into a sieve, but the ** and the little girl behind will also be beaten into a detour. Whether he can hurt the people next to him is up to fate.

Although most of the tourists are full of sympathy with a family of three and are full of disapprent to the cruelty of the gangsters! But no one dares to stand up and speak for them!

Standing up at this time, there is no doubt that it is to send **! In the face of powerful firearms, all truths are nihilistic. In front of these people, there is no reason at all, if you can talk about it. They won't come to rob either.

So, when the burly man's words came out, the crowd around the family of three couldn't help but take the exam and gave them a big vacancy!

Who wants to **? Sympathy is one aspect, but if you can't save your own life, who will sympathize with others?

However, Yang Ming's heart was moved. He knew that now was an opportunity! Although this opportunity is not obvious, it is also a little risky. But if he misses it, he doesn't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future, so Yang Ming dares not take risks. He doesn't want to miss any possibility**!

Without any hesitation, Yang Ming suddenly stood up and rushed to the family of three! Yang Ming is gambling that the burly man will not shoot, but even if he shoots, Yang Ming is confident that he will not hurt himself, but the family of three can't be guaranteed!

That's all Yang Ming can do. Yang Ming is not a savior and has no obligation to defend everyone's lives. If Yang Ming doesn't do it, there is no doubt that these three people will be **. If Yang Ming does it, there is only a chance to let them hurt less or reduce the damage.

"Don't kill them. We are all innocent. If you want to rob jewelry, then grab your jewelry quickly. When the police come, you can't leave! So I hope you don't waste time!" Yang Ming stood in the depth of the family of three and said loudly.

"Oh?" The burly man was obviously surprised and puzzled by Yang Ming's sudden performance. He looked at Yang Ming with great interest: "You? To stand up for them? Aren't you afraid that I'll hit you together?"

"I'm not for anyone. I'm just telling the truth that you waste unnecessary time, which is not good for anyone. What's wrong with them? It doesn't make any sense. When Yang Ming saw that the burly man was willing to talk to him, he was secretly relieved. As long as he talks to himself, there is still a chance.

I'm afraid that he won't talk to himself and shoot me. As you can see, I didn't waste time. My men are still working. I just kill two people as a pastime when I have nothing to do!" The burly man was very curious that Yang Ming could stand up at this time: "Aren't you afraid of **?"

"I'm afraid..." Yang Ming said bluntly, "But I don't think you will kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Ha! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. How do you know I won't kill innocent people? The burly man laughed loudly as if he had heard a big joke: "If you don't kill them, let's play a game!"

"What game?" Yang Ming asked faintly.

"Well, you use your head to hit this showcase. If you knock the showcase open, I won't kill you, but I will let them go. How about it? It's fair, right?" The burly man pointed to a showcase in front of him and said.

"Ga..." There was an uproar in the crowd immediately, and there was sympathy for Yang Ming. The request made by the burly man was no different from self-killing! There are also people who laugh that Yang Ming is stupid 13. Originally, there was nothing wrong with him, but he had to force him to come out. Isn't this stupid? Now it's all right. They even want to kill him together. What should I do?

"Which showcase?" Yang Ming said as he walked to the burly man. Although Yang Ming was very calm, he made a panicked expression on his face.

Yang Ming can't make himself very calm. That's too fake. The burly man will definitely doubt it, but now, Yang Ming's tone is calm, but his expression is flustered, which is completely in line with the image of a "stupid" and easy to trust others.

Sure enough, the burly man did not have any embankment, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with Yang Ming. Yang Ming's dress is not the dress of security guards and staff, but the dress of a student. It seems that he is only in his twenties, and that can't be

The police, so the burly man just regarded Yang Ming as a passionate college student and was ready to tease him.

"This showcase, you can hit it. If you can open it, I will save trouble! Ha ha ha!" The burly man laughed happily as if he had found a funny pleasure.

"This?" Yang Ming looked at the cabinet with a little "timid" expression in his eyes: "I..."

"Hurry up!" Seeing that Yang Ming was timid. The burly man had no fun, and suddenly became a little impatient and clicked. He pointed the gun in his hand at Yang Ming's head and said, "Crash or not? If you don't hit it, I'll kill you directly!"

Yang Ming despised the cruelty of this guy in his heart, but his face was still very hesitant and slowly said, "Okay... I bumped into..." After listening to Yang Ming's words, the burly man smiled at the corners of his mouth, and the gun in his hand was also moved, indicating that Yang Ming could hit it.

Yang Ming slowly bent down and lowered his head. He made a move to bump into the display cabinet, but he was a little hesitant. However, Yang Ming's eyes kept staring at his rear with his power. Seeing that the burly man looked at him with a smile, his spirit was also in an extremely relaxed state. Yang Ming smiled faintly and suddenly stretched out his left hand to grab the submachine gun in Tube! At the moment when Yang Ming grabbed the gun, the burly man also realized that it was inappropriate and subconsciously grasped the submachine gun in his hand. He wanted to point the muzzle of the gun at Yang Ming, but found that he could not do it anymore, because the barrel was controlled by Yang Ming, which made him unable to change his direction for a while.

The next moment, Yang Ming's right hand pressed on the back of the burly man's head. One stood up and pushed the burly man's head to the showcase with the explosive force generated by the whole abdominal muscles.

With a loud bang, the burly man's face bumped firmly into the display cabinet. The mask on his face was stained red with the spilled blood. Obviously, his nasal bone became shattered under the powerful impact.

At this moment, the burly man's hand holding the handle of the gun was also in a short state of force, and Yang Ming directly grabbed the submachine gun in his hand.

"Bun, bang!" With two shots, Yang Ming quickly killed the black man and Jeff, who were busy trying to smash the display cabinet, and then pointed the gun at the forehead of the burly man and pulled him around to face the remaining four robbers!

All this happened between the fire, photoelectric stone. Yang Ming completed the action of shooting and killing in an instant, but he could not take care of the other four robbers behind him!

Yang Ming is a man, not a god. He can kill the two unexpected guys in front of him, but he can't turn around to kill the other four robbers! I don't have that much time, really not. Therefore, Yang Ming put the muzzle of the gun directly on the head of the burly man, trying to take him as a hostage.

While Yang Ming turned around, the other four robbers had raised their guns at Yang Ming.

"Put down the gun in your hand, or I'll shoot your boss in the head." Yang Ming changed his previous panicked look and said very calmly. He didn't pay attention to the muzzle of the four people at all. The four did not listen to Yang Ming's order, and the muzzle of the gun still pointed at Yang Ming. Let them put the gun down. Yang Ming hit the burly man with the muzzle of the gun. The burly man was hit to death. He never thought that Yang Ming would be in trouble in an instant, and then control him. The most incredible thing was that Yang Ming's strength was amazing. At this time, he almost knocked him to death. Of course, if Yang Ming wanted to kill him, he was dead just now, and Yang Ming did not If he wants to kill him, Yang Ming wants to keep him as a hostage, so he can't die.

If Yang Ming wants to kill him, there are many ways. At least you don't have to take risks to stand up. When you were in the crowd just now, you can kill him unconsciously with a flying needle!

However, that's not what Yang Ming expected. Yang Ming can kill one or two with a flying needle in an instant, but he must not kill three or four. When the person killed by Yang Ming with a flying needle falls down, maybe the rest of the people will crazily vent their anger in the crowd, including Yang Ming inside! If they shoot wildly with machine guns, the consequences will be unimaginable. Yang Ming has not practiced any evil cup, and it is impossible to be invulnerable.

If that's true, it's over.

Therefore, Yang Ming did not use the means of assassination, but took the robbery! Yang Ming killed the burly man with a flying needle, which did not pose any threat to these robbers. Only by catching their leaders alive will they be able to cast rats.

"Put down the gun..." The burly man ordered the helpless opponent. He had no doubt that Yang Ming could kill him immediately. Judging from some of Yang Ming's actions just now, this person is definitely not simple.