very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1106 Old Pit

Suddenly, Wang Xiaoyan was stunned! Yang Ming's car turned into a fireball, and at the same time, the other party's car also turned into a sea of fire. Wang Xiaoyan's letter immediately caught... At this moment, Wang Xiaoyan even forgot to think. She was stupid and at a loss.

Fatty Li also raised his heart to his throat. At this moment, Yang Ming is his only hope. If Yang Ming is alive, it's easy to say anything. If Yang Ming dies, even if he is lucky enough to get out of danger, it is unknown whether Fang Tian can let him go or not.

If Yang Ming has an accident in her territory, will Fang Tian not investigate? Once investigated, Li Pangzi is clear about Fang Tian's means. No matter how big the contradiction between Hei Laosan and him is, he can only do it with him, and there is no other way to play.

But Fang Tian is different. If the court wants his life, then maybe Li Pangzi himself doesn't know what's going on, so he will die.

Wang Xiaoyan blamed herself. If she hadn't made the world's number one killer group, Yang Ming would not have followed her to take risks. If something really happened to Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan didn't dare to imagine whether she could face everything Yang Ming left for her alone.

Looking back on the time I met with Yang Ming, I read it quickly on my mobile phone: It's been a year, hasn't it? However, they have only been together for less than a month, and the two have fallen in love with each other from the previous misunderstanding to now.

Wang Xiaoyan is not sure whether Yang Ming loves herself or not, but at this moment, Wang Xiaoyan is sure that she loves Yang Ming. She doesn't want Yang Ming to be in trouble, and she doesn't want Yang Ming to be hurt.

In a short moment, Wang Xiaoyan figured out a lot of things. If Yang Ming comes back safely this time, she will have to face this love bravely in the future. No matter how difficult the road is in the future, she will definitely stick to it.

The family's opposition is no longer so terrible. Wang Xiaoyan believes that she will be able to convince Wangu's father to accept Yang Ming. As for the marriage contract? Just let it go to hell.....

"Damn it, you two can't go forward? Pick me up? I'm exhausted!"

Wang Xiaoyan was immersed in infinite sadness, but she heard a familiar voice sound not far away. Wang Xiaoyan was shocked and quickly raised her head, but she saw Yang Mingzheng turning back and walking towards this side quickly!

"Yang Ming!" Wang Xiaoyan couldn't believe her eyes. After rubbing hard twice, she was sure that the person in front of her was Yang Ming. Wang Xiaoyan couldn't care that there was Li Fatty beside her, so she threw herself directly into Yang Ming's arms, and her voice choked a little: "It's really you. It's great that you're

This is Wang Xiaoyan's second true feelings, the first time when she was drunk. However, at this moment, Wang Xiaoyan is very sober, but she has figured it out and doesn't care about other people's opinions. She wants to vent her recent feelings and thoughts for Yang Ming to her heart's content.

So Fatty Li believes that Wang Xiaoyan's identity is just a cover-up, but now it seems that the two are really like real lovers, and Wang Xiaoyan's previous concern about dark color does not seem to be fake.

Is it true that two people are lovers? So why did Yang Ming take Wang Xiaoyan with him?

If you really want to perform any dangerous task, isn't it inconvenient to take a woman around? However, this is Yang Ming's private business, and Fatty Li can't interfere. He also thinks that Wang Xiaoyan, who is sweet-looking and petite, also has kung fu on her body. He only thinks that she is Yang Ming's little girlfriend.

"Okay, it's okay... Don't hold the ground so tightly..." Yang Ming patted Wang Xiaoyan's fragrant shoulder and comforted him

"Hold..." Wang Xiaoyan shook her head and did not hide her feelings at all

"I hurt my back, and you hugged me so much..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "When the wound is healed, can we go home and hold it? It's so cool to take off your clothes and hold them in **..."

"Hate it!" Wang Xiaoyan suddenly blushed, quickly let go of Yang Ming's body, and said with concern, "Where have you been? Let me see"

"It's nothing. It's just that when the car exploded, the splashed fragments got behind the back," Yang Ming said, "The fighter has some skin injuries."

"That's good." Wang Xiaoyan nodded and asked Fatty Li, "Is there a medicine box in the things you moved down?"

""There are some! Fatty Li hurried to find the medicine box, and a stone in his heart fell to the ground, but although Yang Ming was fine, there may be danger waiting for them in front of him

As a killer, Wang Xiaoyan is naturally a master of medical care. In many cases, the killer fighter is a very awesome surgeon, because often when performing the task, the wound can't be bandaged in the hospital in time, and at this time, you have to do it yourself, but if you get injured behind it, it is more difficult to touch. The position must be completed with the help of his companions, but Yang Ming's small skin trauma, in fact, it won't be a big deal if it is not bandaged. Wang Xiaoyan helped Yang Ming apply the medicine. Even Fatty Li felt that Wang Xiaoyan's technique was very professional, which was comparable to that of a professional doctor. Now, Fatty Li understood that Wang Xiaoyan was a master of medicine. No wonder Yang Ming would stay by his side, but he never thought that Wang Xiaoyan was also a killer

"The people in front of us have been killed, but the transportation has also been destroyed. Now we can only walk on foot." Yang Ming said, "I'm not as familiar as you here, so you have to lead the way."

"These things..." Fatty Li took a look at the things on the ground

"If it's a long way, bring some food and water. If it's not far, throw it all away." Yang Ming said, "I don't think it will last long, and the things here will be noticed again. If we want to leave, we have to do it as soon as possible."

Fatty Li also nodded and said, "I have told Lao Keng the location here. He drove back to pick us up. Let's go forward first!"

The three of them only picked up some food and mineral water, and the rest was lost in the jungle nearby. Fortunately, Fatty Li is familiar with the environment in this area and can easily lead the way.

In fact, with Yang Ming's ability of perspective and hyperopia, it is not difficult to get out of this jungle, but even if Yang Ming goes out, he doesn't know where to go

The sky has turned white, and it will be two days. In fact, the jungle in Vietnam is no different from the jungle in the mainland. They are all similar trees and environments, but the feeling in the heart is different.

"There are snakes near here. Be careful." Fatty Li said, "But there are always people passing by this road we are going on, so it will be less."

Mingming nodded. In fact, poisonous snakes can no longer cause any confusion to fame and Wang Xiaoyan. Both of them have undergone strict field training and have a strong insight into some wild beasts and poisonous insects, and will not be easily attacked by these things.

Deep feet and shallow feet move forward in the mud. The damp smell is very uncomfortable. Fatty Li scolds the black third man as he walks. When he sends Yang Ming away, he must have a big fight with him

Yang Ming doesn't want to interfere with these grudges. Although he can easily kill more/new/super/fast 1.c m. What a black old three gang Li Pangzi to solve this problem, Yang Ming's current identity is a killer, not a hero in the world

Besides, it is not clear to Yang Ming whether Li Pangzi and Black Laosan's sword are right or wrong. From the perspective of Li Pangzi's friend, Yang Ming felt that Hei Laosan was the enemy. After all, he targeted Li Pangzi's colleagues, which also affected his own interests.

But if you look at the problem from a fair point of view, then it is unknown who is the positive and who is the opposite. After all, both of them are the snake heads of the smuggling organization. They are doing the same thing, and the conflict is also caused by interests, so it can't be said that whoever is right is wrong.

Next to the Toyota 4500, which has turned into scrap iron, Wang Xiaoyan and Fatty Li are both nervous. You can imagine how dangerous the situation was at that time. If Yang Ming is a little slow...

Wang Xiaoyanxiang's famous side is close to him. He held Yang Ming's hand hard and grasped it tightly, for fear that he could no longer hold it after releasing it. Yang Ming also seemed to have guessed Wang Xiaoyan's idea. He smiled and pinched Wang Xiaoyan's little hand, signaling him not to be afraid.

If it's scary to look at this point, then the scene at the road stop in front of you is shocking!

That military truck has completely turned into scrap metal! A simple fuel tank explosion can't have such a shocking effect, but it can't be installed in the car with rocket launcher ammunition, so the power of the explosion can be imagined.

And several people standing in front of the military truck. They have been blown into pieces, broken hands and feet all over the ground, intestines and stomachs flowed all over the ground, plus blood and n pulp, which is particularly horrible.

Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming are nothing, but Fatty Li almost didn't vomit. People like Fatty Li can rarely see this scene. They look at Yang Ming in their hearts. This kind of killing method, that is, Fang Tian's binm can do it, and Yang Ming released Tian's introduction, I guess it is We are on the same road.

After passing here, Li Pangzi breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was also very refreshed. I'm afraid the loss of Black Laosan this time will be very big, right? Humph. This XX, I guess he never dreamed that he had Yang Ming's help.

"@¥...#...¥#&m;..." I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting in Vietnamese.

After Li Pangzi heard the voice, he was suddenly shocked and shouted loudly. Then the voice said something. Li Pangzi turned around and said excitedly to Yang Ming, "It's an old pit! The old pit is coming to pick us up!"

"The old pit is so powerful that you can find us so quickly." Yang Ming nodded and said.

"Yes, the terrain in this area is more familiar than me."

Li Pangzi said, "Lao Keng is a native here,"

In a short time, a 2020 teacher jeep appeared in front of Yang Ming and others. The old pit sat in the driver's seat, with a calm and serious face.

Fatty Li took the lead in getting into the car and reached the co-pilot's position, while Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan sat in the back row.

The performance of this jeep is obviously much worse than that of the car just now. Yang Ming has never driven a similar car, but it feels like he doesn't even have a shock-absorbing system, and it keeps bumpy.

Fortunately, fame and Wang Xiaoyan are not people who care about the environment. It can't be said that they are as stable as Mount Tai, but at least they don't show any discomfort.

For the normal label of fame, Fatty Li is not very surprised, but there is no adverse reaction to Wang Xiaoyan. Fatty Li is quite inhaling. It seems that Wang Xiaoyan should be Yang Ming's girlfriend and part-time doctor. He must have also followed Yang Ming around and has adapted to this harsh environment.

Because of the car, he quickly drove out of the jungle and came to the highway. It was not far from the city. Fatty Li breathed a sigh of relief. When he arrived here, even if the third man wanted to do it, they would converge a lot and would not be as unscrupulous as at the border.

However, all the way to a small town, I didn't see the black three again.

On the way, Fatty Li and Lao Keng were not talking about something in Vietnamese, but Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan didn't understand Vietnamese and couldn't understand what they were talking about.

Vietnamese is not a common language. Yang Ming can't spend a lot of time studying this. After all, in addition to English, Yang Ming is not proficient in those big languages such as German and French.

The car's slow surname stopped in front of a convenience store.

"I'll go down to buy a pack of cigarettes and some food." Fatty Li turned around and said to Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan. After saying that, he got out of the car: "What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, anything is fine." Yang Ming doesn't know what to eat in Vietnam. And I also ate some cookies on the road before, so I was not very hungry.

Li Pangzi got out of the car and walked to the convenience store on the roadside. Lao Keng also got out of the car with him and followed Fatty Li. It can be seen that Lao Keng is a good bodyguard.

The convenience store in Vietnam is similar to that of the grocery store in the 1990s in China. It doesn't have the size of a supermarket. Fatty Li talked to the owner of the convenience store, who brought a few breads and cigarettes from the shelf.

Just as Li Fatty was about to pay, there were a lot of changes. The boss of Zhijian suddenly took out a machete from under the shelf and waved it to Li Pangzi.

Yang Ming sat in the car. When he saw this scene, it was too late. He had no time to get out of the car to save Li Pangzi, but the old pit did react very quickly. At the moment when the convenience store owner raised it, Kuan Sude retreated Li Pangzi, blocked it with his arm, and was immediately cut out A long wound.

And when the owner of the convenience store saw that he missed a blow and did not fall in love with the war, he directly threw away the forehead in his hand and saw it. He quickly took out the convenience store and ran to the back of Yang Ming's car.

Yang Ming frowned. It was easy for Yang Ming to kill this person at this moment, but it was not too much to kill the owner of the convenience store.

This person's death has no impact on the hatred between the black third and Li Pangzi, and Yang Ming also has the obligation to take action.

Fatty Li got into the car with a lingering fear. Fatty Li's face turned white. After knowing that he got on the car, he loudly scolded the black third man for nothing. It was too poisonous.

But the old pit was not good at words. After being cut, he didn't say anything. Twenty quickly wrapped the wound with a piece of cloth, and there was no wrinkle. It seemed that he was not the one who was injured.

Fatty Li said something to Lao Keng very gratefully, and then said to Yang Ming, "Lao Keng saved me again, but he is like this, and he doesn't ask for credit for doing anything."

Yang Ming smiled and didn't say anything.

The injury of the old pit is on the left arm, so there is no need to straddle it, which does not have a great impact on driving.

The car has been parked in front of a small hotel. Fatty Li got out of the car, and Lao Keng also got out of the car.

"This is my place, and it's safe for the time being. Take a break here now, and then I'll mobile people over. Fatty Li said fiercely, "When I send you on the plane first, I will have a good fight with the black three."

The environment of the hotel is very poor. It is a two-story residential house, but in such a small town. It's already good.

The boss here is obviously very familiar with Fatty Li. He respectfully came over to ask for warmth, but Fatty Li had been very annoyed by the matter of the black third brother, and never had a smiling face.

The four people went up to the second floor under the leadership of the boss. After coming to the door of a relatively large room, the boss's engine waited for everyone to enter the room. I just went downstairs to prepare food and hot water.

Fatty Li took out his mobile phone and didn't know who he was calling. He said something that Yang Ming couldn't understand.

And Lao Keng stood up, said a few words to Fatty Li, and went out of the room.

When Fatty Li hung up the phone, Yang Ming asked, "What did the old pit do?"

"Go downstairs to treat the wound." Fatty Li said, "I just simply bandaged it. The wound is relatively deep, and it is easy to get infected without washing it."

"Can't Lao Keng speak Chinese?" Yang Ming asked.

"No, I taught him several times, but it didn't work. But he can probably understand it. Fatty Li said, "He is relativelymu�, has no intentions, and is not very smart, but he is really loyal, which is why I keep asking him to follow me."

"How long has he been with you?" Yang Ming asked.

"Calculate, it can be ten years!" Fatty Li sighed and said, "It's rare. He didn't get married. He doesn't want anything with me. It's enough to eat enough and wear warm clothes. He doesn't need much money to give him, as long as it's enough."