very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1122 Concerts in Europe

"However, General Carls, please take more care of the Huang family's business here!" After all, Yang Ming still has to return this gold mine to the Huang family and let them run it by themselves. Yang Ming's people can't always stay here, and can only give them some help when they need it. They usually rely more on the help of General Kars.

"No problem, this number says!" General Carls quickly said, "Don't worry in the future. If you have anything to do with the Huang family, you can come to me at any time. If I can't solve it, you can come out!"

"Hehe, it's enough to have your words." Yang Ming smiled. It seems that the Huang family can run rampant here in the future, and there is no need to be careful anymore.

"It's a piece of work, and even without me, Mr. Yang can handle it!" General Kars also laughed. Now it seems that the relationship with Yang Ming has developed well. If it is possible, General Carls naturally wants to maintain it.

However, after all, Yang Ming can't stay in Africa all the time. As long as he has the words of General Kars, Yang Ming is relieved.

The two had a pleasant conversation. In the evening, General Carls hosted Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan and Li Qiang at his presidential palace. Although there was a lack of materials in this warring country, the banquet was still rich.

However, vegetables and fruits are relatively less, not as much as meat. Probably because these things are not easy to grow because of the team, they are all shipped from foreign countries.

"Mr. Yang, I hope our friendship will last forever, and we will have a happy cooperation in the future!" General Kars is full of red light at this moment. He can be said to be the first president in X country to have a deep intersection with powerful foreign aid. If he can always cooperate with Yang Ming and rain, he may be able to sit down in the position of president all the time.

And you may be able to remove the temporary word and become a formal president! When General Carls thought of this, his eyes shone.

General Carls drank a lot of wine, but Yang Ming didn't drink. In such a war-twar country, Yang Ming should keep his mind clear at all times, and General Carls did not force it. After all, he also knew Yang Ming's identity, and probably guessed that Yang Ming would not drink to affect his reaction ability.

However, Yang Ming had no restrictions on Li Qiang. It was also very happy to let him and General Kars drink. Both of them drank very much, especially General Kars, who shouted happily.

The next morning, Li Qiang took people to accept two gold and diamond mines. Yang Ming didn't have to worry about these things, and Li Qiang and others could do it.

At the urging of Old Buffon, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan had to embark on a journey to Europe with Old Buffon. Although Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan have no legal procedures and passports for this trip, it is not a problem to have old Buffon at all.

No one dares to check the old Buffon's guests. Even when Old Buffon's ship entered the port, the staff on the dock stopped their work and stood in a neat line to welcome Old Buffon's ship into the port.

The general manager of the port has already received a notice. He stood at the front end of a row of staff in the port early, holding his big beer belly and saying to his opponent: "In a moment, you will be smart. The ship of the distinguished patriarch of the Buffon family will enter our dock. This is the glory of our dock, Mr. B If you are satisfied, the chairman will also praise us and give you a raise, but if Mr. Buffon is not satisfied with your service, then you... Everyone, including me, should be rolled up and left! Did you hear it?

"I heard it!" The staff at the dock said with one voice. They know more or less about the Buffon family. Although the Buffon family is not their direct leader, the Buffon family is questioned by the majority shareholder of this dock. Even the chairman can only take office with the support of the Buffon family, so the weight of the head of the Buffon family is naturally the top priority.

No one dared to neglect, so they all stood energeticly on the edge of the dock, waiting for Old Buffon's ship to enter the port.

"One more thing, I heard that Mr. Buffon has important guests, and you have to perform better. Don't let Mr. Buffon's guests pick out the problems!" The general manager of the port told him.

As soon as the words fell, the whistle of the ship entering the port came not far from the port. The port manager immediately stopped his mouth and stood seriously in the front.

"Master, master, this is my hometown. How about it? Isn't it beautiful?" Old Buffon said flattery to Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan standing on the deck.

"Well, it's not bad. The air is very good." Yang Ming is telling the truth. The harbor here is indeed much better than that of Country X, one in the sky and one in the ground.

Mr. Buffon, the port sent us a new number, and now we can enter the port. Do you think we should go in now or see more scenery at the sea? Lex saw that Old Buffon was looking at the scenery with Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan, and he didn't dare to make any decisions, so he asked for instructions.

"Master, master, what do you think?" Old Buffon didn't know what Yang Ming meant, so he asked.

"Of course, it has entered the port. Although the scenery here is good, it will not make people forget to eat and sleep." Yang Ming smiled and said.

Lex quickly trotted back and told the sailors to get ready to enter the port.

Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan and Old Buffon left from the VIP channel dedicated to the port, and did not go through the access of other tourists. In the VIP channel, no one came to check Yang Ming or Wang Xiaoyan's documents. It can be seen that Old Buffon's influence. Yang Ming is asking himself that he can never do Old B In this way, it is most to choose to open the shore in Songjiang.

And Old Buffon just rightly took stowaways ashore, and no one dared to check.

When I left the port, I saw a luxurious Bentley extended version of the nnge Limlline, which is a commemorative car with a limited number of only 20 cars in the world. Although the price is as much as 270,000 pounds, it is enough to own one, which is enough to show the power of old Buffon.

The car started slowly, passed through the downtown area, and then drove to the suburbs. Old Buffon is also a quiet person and does not set up his residence in the city center.

Anyway, his subordinates help him complete all the shopping and other matters. Old Buffon doesn't travel easily, so there is not much difference anywhere, but the air in the suburbs is better, which is suitable for him to practice martial arts.

After passing a farm, the car drove a path. At the intersection, there was a clear sign that it belonged to a private territory and was strictly forbidden to enter without permission.

Around the path, there are wasteland and gardens. Through the window, you can see that there are workers and gardeners working hard. This is already the private territory of the old Buffon family.

Go further ahead, you can see a small farm, thinking that it is to grow some commonly used vegetables and fruits. This kind of pastoral life makes Yang Ming very vexed.

If one day, it would be great to have a private manor like old Buffon. Of course, if you tell old Buffon, old Buffon will definitely help Yang Ming build a manor anyway, but that's not Yang Ming's intention.

Yang Ming wants to achieve all this through his own efforts. The current plan of Africa's country X is naturally the first step. If it goes well, then your wish will not be difficult.

On the periphery of the manor, you can see a lot of employees and staff. When Old Buffon's car passed by, they coincidentally put down their work, stood neatly, and greeted Old Buffon's car passing by.

However, when driving into the villa area in the center of the manor, it is rare to see the employees and staff, which is because the old part likes to be quiet and does not want others to disturb them.

In particular, Old Buffon still has to practice martial arts. He doesn't like to be watched, and he is even more afraid that these servants will steal teachers to learn skills. Therefore, in the villa, only the old housekeeper and a few necessary servants are not allowed to let others enter casually.

"Master, this is my home. The villa in front is for you and your mother, and I plan to turn them into your permanent residence after you leave. You can come to me at any time. Old Buffon said.

"Ha ha, that's not necessary. When we come, just be ready at any time." Yang Ming smiled and refused.

"How can that work? You are my elders, and I should respect you. Besides, there are many free rooms and villas here, and there is no need for this one!" Old Buffon said in a hurry.

"All right." Yang Ming didn't insist any more. Since Old Buffon said so, let it go.

"Old Buffon wanted to hold a family banquet and gather all the members of the Buffon family to attend, but it was rejected by Yang Ming. Yang Ming didn't want to make so much fanfare, so there were only two people left at the dinner.

However, the smaller the dinner, the easier it is to say some words without so much precautions. After Yang Ming said some precautions for practicing martial arts, Old Buffon looked particularly excited.

Although Mrs. Buffon didn't understand what her husband was talking about, she was naturally very happy to see her husband like this, and her body became stronger and stronger. She was the second wife of old Buffon, who died more than ten years ago.

She was only in her early twenties when she married old Buffon, and now she is only in her thirties, but old Buffon is getting old, so the life under the bed of the two is not fun at all.

But as the first lady of the Buffon family, she can't complain about anything, let alone go out of the wall to find her lover, so she can only endure silently.

Unexpectedly, since old Buffon learned martial arts, his body has become extremely strong, more energetic than a young man in his twenties, which made Old Buffon's wife overjoyed.

So, no matter what, she is still very grateful to Yang Ming, so she is also very enthusiastic at the dinner table.

"Well, master, how's the grandfather's company? The information I asked someone to bring is okay. Why don't I contact some more cooperative relations?" Old Buffon said with a red face.

"No need, it's very good now. It's up to you to develop. However, if there is any latest technical information that can be shared, it is naturally unatgable. Yang Ming said shamelessly. It's okay to cooperate. It must be the technological initiative occupied by the other party, but data sharing is cheap.

"Well, this is no problem!" Old Buffon nodded and said, "I'll ask my hands tomorrow to sort out some information that can be shared, but it really involves some military secrets, and I can't help it. Although I am a major shareholder, I also have to abide by the confidentiality regulations.

"Of course, I won't embarrass you with those things." Yang Ming naturally knows this, not to mention old Buffon, it is not easy for a national president to publish some confidential information. Maybe he will be collectively impeached by legislators.

Similarly, even if Old Buffon is a dictator, he can't do something that offends public anger. All he can do is to help Yang Ming to the maximum extent he can.

However, this is enough. For a private enterprise, it does not need those confidential military technology. As long as it takes the lead in civilian technology, it can gain a foothold in the world.

"Master, just understand!" Old Buffon is most afraid that Yang Ming will disagree. If Yang Ming wants him to get some confidential information, old Buffon will be in a dilemma! Old Buffon has also read a lot of martial arts novels. If the apprentice does not obey his teacher's orders, he is a heinous crime, a traitor of the sect, and a scum of martial arts that everyone in the world despises.

So, if Yang Ming really wants him to write materials, old Buffon wants to take risks, or he can only go to Yang Ming, the master. That's why he was nervous. Fortunately, Yang Ming is reasonable and doesn't care about these at all

Old Buffon breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

However, Yang Ming is not as complicated as old Buffon thought. He can't force others, can he? If Yang Ming knew that old Buffon had thought so much just now, he would probably have had to smile bitterly.

After dinner, Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan and Mr. and Mrs. Buffon sat in the living room of the villa and watched TV. The back projection has already been changed in the living room. Yang Ming is very interested in the clarity of this kind of thing. He plans to change one with Wang Xiaoyan after going back.

In the past, Yang Ming heard how clear the back projection was, but it was not popular in China, so Yang Ming didn't care. Now he saw it here at Old Buffon, and I think it's not bad.

"Miss Shuya, the popular Asian diva, will soon hold a four-day concert tour at the city's Grand Theatre." Shu Ya suddenly appeared in the entertainment news on TV.

Yang Ming was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Shu Ya's career had developed to Europe and the United States, which surprised Yang Ming: "Old Buffon, is Shu Ya very famous here?"

"Shu Ya? It seems so, right? Old Buffon didn't expect that Yang Ming would suddenly be interested in a star. Old Buffon was obsessed with martial arts and had little interest in other things such as music, film and sports. Naturally, he was not familiar with entertainment.

"Shu Ya is very famous. She just entered the European and American markets at the beginning of this year, but as soon as she appeared, many young people were conquered by her unique clear voice!" Mrs. Buffon often reads some entertainment news. Seeing that Buffon didn't know, she made an excuse to explain, "Alice's little girl is also a fan of Shuya!"

"Ah, Alice is also Shuya's fan? It's rare. Isn't that little girl very arrogant? Old Buffon suddenly nodded: "It seems that Shu Ya is really famous!"

Yang Ming suddenly heard the name of Alice and felt very familiar, but think about it, isn't there a world famous song called "Dedicated to Alice", probably because of this familiarity.

"Master, are you interested in this Shuya?" Although Old Buffon doesn't care about the entertainment industry, he also knows that some people like to play stars, so he is not sure if Yang Ming is such a person.

"Hehe, I like her very much." Yang Ming said bluntly, "Can I get tickets for the concert?"

"Of course there is no problem with this!" Old Buffon nodded cheerfully, and propionine secretly planned to contact tomorrow to see which company was the organizer of Shu Ya's concert.

If possible, arrange an opportunity for Shuya and the master to meet alone. With moderately handsomeness, it will definitely capture the heart of the beauty.

Yang Ming naturally did not know what Old Buffon thought, otherwise he would definitely be organized to do so. In such a foreign country, especially with Wang Xiaoyan, it is not very convenient to meet Shu Ya. Besides, foreign journalists are pervasive, and Yang Ming is also afraid of causing any trouble to Shu Ya.

Huang Xiaofang returned to his study and took a few breaths of rough breath before he calmed down. He opened the computer in the study with trembling hands and watched the progress bar of the system slowly scrolling on the computer. For the first time, Huang Xiaofang felt that the computer began to be so slow. Finally, he entered the system. After successfully linking to the network, Huang Xiaofang hurriedly opened his online banking and saw that his account had 400 million Portuguese. After the coin, Huang Xiaofang was so excited that he wanted to scream.

The money has finally come into my own hands! Although he cheated his daughter, he had to do so now. He wanted to continue to invest in the gold mine of Country X in Africa. Under the opposition of his children, Huang Xiaofang had to take the risk.

After confirming that the funds had reached his account, Huang Xiaofang dialed Li Zhichen's phone.

"Mr. Huang, how's it going? Are the funds in place? Li Zhichen is also anxious. Huang Xiaofang, don't go back on your word. Then his plan will be ruined.

"It's in place!" Huang Xiaofang said, "What should I do now to transfer the funds to you? Can you write me a receipt?"

Li Zhichen was stunned. He didn't expect that Huang Xiaofang would ask him to write a receipt! If there are some receipts, how can I embezzle his money? So Li Zhichen said, "This fund is not transferred to me, but directly to General Kars's account!" I'll give you the account, and you can transfer it directly!"

"Well, that's good! Then we'd better meet and operate this together!" Huang Xiaofang had to be cautious about himself.