very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1142 Save My Father

Zhou Tianxiang was stunned. He didn't expect Old Charles to be cruel this time, but Zhou Tianxiang was really embarrassed. He didn't want to do anything about Tao's daughter. It was his daughter's own business. Zhou Tianxiang would only support and would not object.

Originally, he felt that he owed his daughter very much. He had not been at home for the years and had not fulfilled the responsibility of a father, so he was even more unqualified to ask his daughter for anything!

However, there is a rather serious problem now, that is, if what Old Charles said to him is true and really let him leave, it will be a little big!

It's not that Zhou Tianxiang is reluctant to give up this job. On the contrary, he is very willing to return to Songjiang to reunite with his family. After all, Zhou's mother's business is also very profitable, and her daughter has grown up. She doesn't need to worry too much. How happy it is for a family of

It's just that Zhou Tianxiang can let him leave like this? What does the Gouls family do and what does it do? Zhou Tianxiang, the housekeeper, knows better than anyone else. He knows too much about the inside story of the Charles family. Can Old Pierce let him go?

What Zhou Tianxiang was afraid of was that once he left, the killer sent by the old Charles found a job and killed himself directly. This is what Zhou Tianxiang is worried about.

So after Zhou Tianxiang was called to talk by old Charles, he sat alone in the room, smoking and didn't know how to solve this problem.

The internal phone in the room suddenly rang, and Zhou Tianxiang was shocked and hurriedly picked up the phone. Old Charles is still calling!

"Housekeeper Zhou, how are you thinking about it?" Old Charles's voice came from the phone, which made Zhou Tianxiang very depressed.

Sir, this matter is a big deal after all. You have to let me think about it more. Zhou Tianxiang knew that what he said now was procrastinating, and he had no good countermeasures at all.

"What's there to do with this? Just say it happily for a period of time. I don't have so much patience!" Lao Yuls snorted, "Well, give me an answer tonight, or you can leave directly!"

"This" all right!" Zhou Tianxiang sighed, and what should come will always come... It seems that he really can't avoid this disaster this time.

Old Charles hung up the phone coldly, so that Zhou Tianxiang had to make a decision as soon as possible. It took less than half a day.

From the first day he followed the Charles family, he knew that he might not be able to finish well, so he rarely mentioned things here to Zhou's mother and Zhou Jiajia, just to work for a big family outside. Although Zhou's mother was not willing to, Zhou Tianxiang could get back a large amount of money every year, and Zhou Tianxiang said that he would not do it for a few years, so Zhou's mother reluctantly agreed.

But she doesn't know her inside story here, so now, Zhou Tianxiang must confess all this to her.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianxiang sighed, picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhou's mother's phone on the other side of the earth.

"Hey, it's me." Zhou Tianxiang's voice was a little low.

"Lao Zhou, what's wrong? Call me all of a sudden?" Zhou's mother was a little surprised. Generally, Zhou Tianxiang called herself for a fixed time, but today is obviously not.

"Something happened to me..." Although Zhou Tianxiang didn't want to say this, there was nothing he could do. Some things had to be explained in advance.

"What's wrong? What do you mean?" Zhou's mother looked tight and asked quickly.

"Actually, I haven't told you and Jiajia the truth about the work I've done here." Zhou Tianxiang sighed helplessly, "Actually, I'm a housekeeper for a killer organization..."

"Ah!" Zhou's mother was shocked, and her tone was a little unnatural, "Lao Zhou, today is not April Fool's Day. Are you kidding?"

"No!" Zhou Tianxiang said affirmatively, "Honey, listen to me, all this is true. If I can retire all the time, maybe they can still let me go, but I'm afraid I can't do it now."

"Lao Zhou, then you can retire. It's okay. I'm not in a hurry. Jiajia and I are waiting for you to come back!" Zhou's mother was shocked and said quickly.

I'm afraid it won't work. Zhou Tianxiang said, "The family manager has just made some very excessive demands on me, and I can't promise him."

"What's the requirement?" Zhou's mother was excited, "Lao Zhou, you can promise him whatever he wants. As long as he is there, he can say anything. Does he want money? I can give him all my money. We don't want anything..."

It's not a matter of money." Zhou Tianxiang smiled bitterly, "They are not short of money... It's not easy to say that it's the master's son. I don't know why he ran to Songjiang and saw Jiajia. It was also a coincidence. I don't know how he recognized Jiajia as my daughter, You just proposed marriage to me"

"Ah?" After hearing this, Zhou's mother only felt that this matter was a little too dramatic, right? Can this be related to work? Your master doesn't use this as an excuse to deal with you, does he?

No wonder Zhou's mother doubted. After all, this is a place where the two eight poles can't reach. The master's son came to Songjiang? This sounds a little weird.

"No..., I'm sure.

"Zhou Tianxiang sighed a little. This time, I, Mu Ben Shixi, can't hide. Now I'm telling you that there are still 60 million US dollars in it. This money has been accumulated over the years, because the amount is really huge. I didn't dare to tell you. Now this money is left to you and Jiajia P>

Wait, Zhou's mother is really aware of the seriousness of the matter now. Zhou Tianxiang's tone is already explaining the afterth, "Lao Zhou, have you asked Jiajia about this matter? Is there any hidden feelings and misunderstandings in the meantime?

"No, I'll call Jiajia in a minute." Zhou Tianxiang smiled bitterly and said, "However, there should be no misunderstanding."

"Can we agree to him first, then put it off, and then let's take a long-term plan? Or after you promised him, you said that you would go home to prepare, and then never go back to Europe again? Anyway, in China, he can't do anything to you. Zhou's mother said quickly.

"Oh," Zhou Tianxiang shook his head, "Don't forget what the Charles family does. They are a killer group! I am all over the world. It can be said that if I am on this earth, I am in danger of being assassinated, and I can't say that I will be implicated in you!"

Zhou's mother has no idea about the killer, but after listening to Zhou Tianxiang's words, she was also very frightening and didn't know what to do.

"What should I do if it's like this?" Zhou's mother had no choice, and her voice seemed a little helpless.

"There's nothing we can do." Zhou Tianxiang sighed, "Tonight is the last time limit. Now I'll call Jiajia and contact you again.

"Okay, okay!" Zhou's mother is also in a mess now. I don't know what to do.

Zhou Tianxiang dialed Zhou Jiajia's phone. At this moment, Zhou Jiajia was in the villa, video chatting with Yang Ming through Mingluo, and Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun were beside him.

The phone rang, which was a strange number. Zhou Jiajia was stunned for a moment and hesitated not to answer the phone. After all, Yang Ming finally had a chat with them, and Zhou Jiajia couldn't contain this opportunity.

Yang Ming also saw Zhou Jiajia's embarrassment over there, so he laughed and said, "Jiajia, pick up the phone first. Maybe it's your family. I have nothing to do tonight. Just chat with you all the time.

"Then... I'm going." Zhou Jiajia nodded obediently, went out of the room, and answered the phone.

Jiajia, are you all right? Zhou Tianxiang said with some emotion that her daughter has been so old, and the days when she really stayed with her are not as many as two years.

"Dad?" Zhou Jiajia was stunned. She didn't expect that her father would call at this time, but there was a surprise, "Dad, why did you suddenly call me?"

Nothing, Dad just misses you and wants to hear your voice. Zhou Tianxiang didn't know how to say this. To Zhou's mother, he could say his current situation without scruples, but for Zhou Jiajia, Zhou Tianxiang was afraid that he would say too much and make his daughter worried.

Dad, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Jiajia is also very **. She is already 19 years old. She is not a little girl who knows nothing. Especially after the Wang Zhitao incident, Zhou Jiajia has become much more mature.

Zhou Tianxiang didn't expect Zhou Jiajia to be so **. After just a few words, she noticed something and sighed helplessly, "Jiajia, don't you know a person named Charles?"

"Charles?" Zhou Jiajia was stunned and fell into meditation. The name was very strange. She had never heard of it, but when her father asked, there must be something very important, so Zhou Jiajia thought about it carefully.

You don't know him?" Zhou Tianxiang didn't expect that his daughter seemed to know nothing.

"It seems to remember. I have a little impression that once I had dinner with Yang Ming. There was a guy who called himself the car god Carls. He talked to me, as if he had a good impression on me." Zhou Jiajia finally remembered where Charles was. "What's the matter, Dad, why did you suddenly ask this person? ?"

"Sure enough, he really knows you." Zhou Tianxiang is finally sure, "Jiajia, your mother will rely on you to take care of it in the future..."

"Dad, what the hell are you talking about? Why is it so weird?" Zhou Jiajia listened to the fog. What does it mean that her mother will take care of herself in the future? What about him?

"Nothing" Zhou Tianxiang's most reluctant thing is his precious daughter. He hasn't loved her much since he was a child. Zhou Tianxiang still wants to do his father's duty after a few years of retirement, but now, I'm afraid it won't work"...

"Dad, you must have something to do. Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Zhou Jiajia said urgently.

"Nothing, really nothing. Well, Dad just wants to hear your voice.

"Zhou Tianxiang was afraid that he couldn't help crying, so he quickly said, "Okay, that's it."

"Dad, does mom know? I'm going to call my mother!" How could Zhou Jiajia end like this? She was not stupid and realized that something must have happened.

Okay," Zhou Tianxiang finally nodded. He felt that it was also necessary to let his daughter have the right to know. After all, his daughter would call her mother and ask the truth. It's better to say a few more words to his daughter.

"Uh, please say it quickly." Seeing her father relieved, Zhou Jiajia also breathed a sigh of relief and clenched the phone.

"Actually, my father is abroad, and he is not doing business." Zhou Tianxiang said that the family killed me and the group worked as a housekeeper. They were engaged in this assassination. I am the housekeeper of the family. If it goes well, if it goes well, in a few years, the master of the family will see that I have worked I will be allowed to retire safely, but now, I'm afraid I can't.

"Why? Dad, did you do something wrong?" Zhou Jiajia was shocked. Although she was shocked that her father served as a killer group, Zhou Jiajia's psychological endurance is also much greater now, and she did not raise too many doubts. After all, she didn't think that her father would lie to herself at this time.

Things need to be talked about little by little," Zhou Tianxiang said, "That Lu's is actually the young master of the Charles family I serve. I don't know how he went to Songjiang to meet you... But according to the master, he fell in love with you at first sight, so Lao Ju proposed to me today and wanted you to marry him and I have two choices, let me give him an answer before tonight ~ either let you marry his son Charles, or I will leave the Charles family..."

"Then don't do it. How good it is for you to come back and be with your mother?" Zhou Jiajia doesn't understand why her father is worried. Is this a good thing?

Moreover, it's amazing that Charles is the young master of the family served by his father, isn't it? Zhou Jiajia is a little confused, but it seems that Charles is quite afraid of Yang Ming?

So what is Yang Ming's identity?

Zhou Jiajia has long been suspicious of Yang Ming's other identities, but she has never asked, because she doesn't think it's necessary. She likes Yang Ming. No matter what Yang Ming does or what his identity is, he is still Yang Ming, the person she loves, so Zhou Jiajia didn't ask much.

But now that things are getting more and more complicated, Zhou Jiajia can't unnaturally think of Yang Ming's work.

How can it be so simple!" Zhou Tianxiang sighed and said helplessly, "I know too many secrets of the Pierce family, and this time it is against them, not a stable retirement. I can feel the anger in the master's eyes. I'm afraid that this time I left, and the killer who killed me with the back foot will go out,,,,

Zhou Jiajia frowned. If it's really like what Ai Qin said, it will be a big deal. Isn't there any roundabout ground? Zhou Jiajia didn't like Xingles at all. It was impossible for her to marry Charles, but she was also worried about her father's safety. For a while, Zhou Jiajia was in a dilemma.

"Hehe, don't worry, Jiajia, Dad won't force you to do anything, but Dad may not be able to wait for the day of your wedding and can't watch you wear a wedding dress." At this, Zhou Tianxiang's voice was a little choked. He was afraid that he couldn't control "Okay, Jiajia, Dad, I wish you happiness"

After saying that, Zhou Tianxiang cut off the phone six times.

He is not afraid that Zhou Jiajia will do anything stupid for him, because the headquarters of the Charles family is very secretive, not an industry insider, and can't know where they are at all, so Zhou Jiajia is unlikely to find him. Even if Zhou Jiajia gives up love to save him, it is impossible to find a place.

So Zhou Tianxiang told Zhou Jiajia the original story of the matter, and he was not afraid of the consequences.

"Dad," Zhou Jiajia wanted to say something else, but looking at the mobile phone that had shown the end of the call, she shook her head helplessly. Although you can use technical means to invade the flash grid of the mobile phone operator, then find the relay server of the phone layer by layer, and finally determine the number of the call, it will take a long time! And what my father said "Tonight" is going to give an answer. In such a short time, Zhou Jiajia can't achieve it even if she is a hacker!

Zhou Jiajia sighed and walked back to her room with a lot of trouble. She wanted to call her mother, but she also knew that her father would definitely continue to talk to her mother at this time.

"Jiajia, are you back? Just now, Yang Ming said, why have you been gone for so long? I miss you so much!" When Chen Mengyan saw Zhou Jiajia coming back, she couldn't help teasing.

"Oh, hehe," Zhou Jiajia smiled very reluctantly.

"Jiajia, what's wrong with you?" Chen Mengyan saw Zhou Jiajia's smile very unnatural and asked with some doubts.

"Nothing" Zhou Jiajia doesn't want everyone to be in this happy time, because her emotions affect everyone's chat.

"Jiajia, who just called you? What's going on?" Yang Ming is the best at observing words and colors. Although it is far away, Zhou Jiajia's emotional loss can still be seen from the camera.

"No, it's nothing. Zhou Jiajia smiled unsightly, "I just... I'm just a little uncomfortable..."

Jiajia, you are in a trance now. This lie is really not like that. Yang Ming frowned, "Now that we are all a family, is there anything you can't say to me?"

I" Zhou Jiajia could no longer control her emotions under Yang Ming's questioning, and tears fell involuntarily. "Yang Ming, can you save my father... "Your father? What's wrong with your father? Yang Ming was stunned and then asked.