very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1191 Victoria

2nd floor

"It's quite cost-effective to buy a killing machine at this price." Yang Ming still said without any expression, "She helped you win a lot of games, didn't she?" Sir, do you know how to box? When Bobby saw that Yang Ming knew how to do it, he immediately showed a surprised expression, but Yang Ming shook his head: "I don't understand."

"Don't understand?" Bobby was stunned. He didn't expect Yang Ming to say such an answer. However, he just wanted to say something more, but he heard Yang Ming speak again.

"I don't know how to fight, but I know how to kill.

" Yang Ming smiled and said, "I think your female boxer is not a boxer. She is more like a killer. If she fights in real terms, she will not be her opponent of these people on the stage, but when it comes to killing, none of these people is her opponent.

After listening to Yang Ming's words, Bobby suddenly showed admiration in his eyes. Yang Ming was absolutely right. Asian female boxers were not good at boxing, but killing people. Others are ultimately based on knocking down others, but her ultimate goal is to kill her opponent.

"Sir, you are very knowledgeable, and I admire you very much." Bobby said. He did not intentionally compliment Yang Ming, but praised from the bottom of his heart. It was not that there were many people who could see the essence of him as a female boxer, but there were very few. Yang Ming's words broke the sky, which made Bobby very excited.

Yang Ming waved his hand: "However, the Muay Thai woman over there is not an easy-to-angle."

Yang Ming naturally referred to Li Lexin. Following Yang Ming's eyes, Bobby didn't see anything. After all, he didn't understand this. He also said that it was a complete accident that he bought this Asian female boxer. Muay Thai? I've always been unintentioned by that thing. Bobby shrugged his shoulders and said in the way he thought he was quiet.

"Mexay Thai. It's nothing..." Yang Ming shook his head slightly: "I'm from her. I also smelled a trace of danger, not just Muay Thai, maybe Muay Thai is just a cover-up..." "Ha ha, it doesn't matter. No matter how powerful she is, can she be more powerful than a human machine?" Bobby smiled indifferently.

"It's hard for me to say this. Sometimes, people who have been strictly trained are more terrible than this thoughtless killing machine." Yang Ming didn't say anything to Bobby. The female killer who broke into Wang Xiaoyan's villa is an example. No matter how powerful she is, she is not Yang Ming's opponent.

"Maybe? However, this can only be known after trying!" Bobby obviously didn't agree with Yang Ming's words, but it was not easy to refute Yang Ming, so he had to say so.

Yang Ming doesn't care either. In the final analysis, Bobby is just a layman. What he knows is just some superficial things. He can't see the essence of some things. For example, he doesn't understand why this Asian female boxer is so powerful. What he knows is that this Asian female boxer can help him defeat his opponent, which is enough. What's her name?" Yang Ming changed the topic and didn't want to entangle with Bobby in terms of technology. Yang Ming didn't want to say most of the things, so as not to expose his identity. Victoria." Bobby smiled and said, "Well, the name is beautiful, the name of the ancient lady." Did you get up?" Yang Ming felt that it was a little strange for an Asian to call an English name.

"Yes, she didn't have a name. Her original owner called her No. 3!" Bobby spread out his hands: "Maybe he has trained a lot of such people. Victoria is the third, so he is called No. 3.

"Compared with No. 3, it's better to call Victoria." Yang Ming sighed. Victoria is Victoria. It doesn't matter. Anyway, it has nothing to do with yourself: "Hang, you have more share." Thank you!" Bobby nodded happily.'s.

The game began, and Yang Ming also turned around, but his eyes stayed on Li Lexin for a long time. This woman gives Yang Ming a familiar feeling, as if she had met somewhere and seemed to have known each other before. Who does the woman in the Thai boxing suit represent? Yang Ming turned his head and asked Li Qiang. Brother Yang, that person was brought by Li Zhili, representing Li Zhili's family. Seeing Yang Ming's questioning, Li Qiang quickly left General Carls, who was talking, and said to Yang Ming sideways.

Yang Ming nodded, Li Zhixen, it turned out to be him. Did you meet this woman when you were in Singapore? Yang Ming shook his head and didn't have much impression. It's very vague. It seems that the impression is very steamy, and I can't catch a clue.

And this small detail also fell into Bobby's eyes, which strengthened his mind. Yang Ming's identity and status are absolutely extraordinary, and it is very likely that it is above Li Qiang and General Kars.

The first competition is a diamond mine. This diamond mine has just been discovered and has not been mined, so the competition is extremely fierce, and almost some powerful miners have voted for the diamond mine. Therefore, there are as many as twelve players participating in the first competition.

Of course, twelve people can't mix big fights. The competition adopts a group qualifying system. In the first round of the group stage, six players will be eliminated.

Li Zhiyun was very smart and did not invest in this diamond mine. He knew his strength and knew how many people would grab the diamond mine, so Li Zhiyun didn't move his mind at all.

He understands that even if he captures this diamond mine, he will make a lot of enemies. Now the situation in the country is very unclear. Yang Ming's identity is complicated and confusing, and it is a very unwise choice to have a feud with other mine owners.

Victoria's opponent is a very burly-looking black female boxer, with muscles all over her body. Yang Ming is confident that if she punches her body, even Yang Ming will break a few.

However, although Victoria looks very thin, she is extremely dexterous. The black female boxer punched very fast, but none of them punched Victoria, and they were cleverly dodged by Victoria.

At the beginning, the black female boxer was excited that she could choose such a weak opponent, but soon, she was a little impatient!

The feeling of empty fists, no one will feel good! Sure enough, the black female boxer began to be a little irritable. As soon as a person was irritable, he would be in a mess. In the end, as Yang Ming expected, at the moment when the black female boxer made a mistake, Victoria suddenly got up and hit the big vertebra hole on the back of the black female boxer's neck He bulged and hummed and fell on the concubine. According to Yang Ming's judgment, this black female boxer is not dead, and she is also a vegetable.

One of the mine owners in the stands let out an angry roar. Obviously, the black female boxer was his, and he lost. He not only lost the diamond mine, but also looked at the appearance of the black female boxer. He could never continue to participate in the competition! Sir, your boxer..." The staff walked to the angry miner and asked in a low voice. Throw it away! Throw it into the sea to feed the sharks! Unexpectedly, it ruined my big deal. I usually gave her so many cattle and sheep for nothing!" The mine owner said viciously. The workman nodded, and the black female boxer was carried down.

Although Yang Ming can't bear it, there is no way. Every game has the rules of each game. The black female boxer lost, so the fate of waiting for her is to be abandoned by the owner.

What's worse, she doesn't have the need to be rescued. Yang Ming saw clearly that Victoria's black female boxer's big vertebra is extremely powerful. Even if this black female boxer doesn't die now, it will happen sooner or later Y o

The black female boxer was lifted to the ring, and Victoria's originally murderous eyes returned to calm, like a clear lake, without the slightest emotional color.

Bobby smiled softly, which was the result he had expected for a long time. If the price of this group knockout is not smooth, he will spend so much money to buy Victoria in vain.

The remaining six people are still qualified in the group stage, and Victoria still wins easily, but under her, there is no way to stand up again.

Almost all of those who were knocked down by Victoria were immortal or seriously injured, and their bosses complained and regretted one after another.

Victoria, who is very similar to Yang Ming, often does not take action. As soon as he takes action, he must defeat the enemy. At other times, he has been dormant, like a hungry wolf watching his prey.

This is a typical killer style. Yang Ming, I have a little interest in this Victoria. In what environment was it trained?

The last game is the game that determines the outcome. Victoria is an Italian blonde. The girl's figure is not burly, but her muscles are very developed. At first glance, she is the kind of person who has experienced many battles, not the so-called useless fancy.

Italian girls also had a preliminary understanding of Victoria and knew her style. Therefore, at the beginning of the game, the Italian girls were not in a hurry to attack, but took attack as a defense and firmly protected some of her important parts. Before Victoria took further action, she also kept It's sinking.

"Drink!" The Italian girl made a fake move. Victoria didn't move for a long time, which made her a little anxious, but she was not stupid and did not dare to attack rashly, so she made a tentative fake move to see how Victoria reacted.

However, to her disappointment, Victoria was not confused by her fake movements and still stood quietly in the ring, motionless. Unlike Italian girls, Victoria didn't even take any defensive action, just standing there, just standing. This kind of numb action makes people feel that she is provoking.