very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1204 Rejected Again

"What's a good opportunity?" Jess was confused by Li Zhihao, and he still hasn't figured out what Li Zhihao is going to say. I'm going to transfer the management rights of the iron mine to you!" Li Zhili seemed to be saying a big good thing. He looked up and squeezed his eyes at Jeffs: "Of course, I can also transfer the ownership of that half of the gold mine to you. How about it? Is it interesting?" What? Transfer it to me?" Jeffs was stunned and looked at Li Zhihao in amazment.

"Yes, how's it going? It's amazing, isn't it? And it's the original price! Li Zhihao patted Jeffs on the shoulder and said.

"Original price?" Jeffs looked at the smiling Li Zhiliman and suddenly thought of the rumor he heard last night. Li Zhijin wanted to transfer the management right of the gold mine to Bobby, but Bobby directly refused.

Yesterday, when he heard it, Jeffs didn't believe it very much. After all, it's hard to tell whether this kind of thing is true or not. But today, he believes it. Because Li Zhihao found Jeffs again and wanted to transfer the ownership of the iron ore and gold mines in his hand!

If Li Zhihao really wants to transfer the ownership in his hand, then the best transferor of the ownership of the gold mine is Bobby, because he owns the ownership of the other half of the gold mine, but Li Zhihao found himself, which shows that yesterday's rumor is true!

Only after Bobby refuses, will Li Zhifan find someone else. Otherwise, why didn't he transfer the gold mine to Bobby? The management right of this half of the gold mine is the largest for Bobby. Only in Bobby's hands can the benefits be maximized, and it is obviously not very attractive to others.

Therefore, when Li Zhihao said that he wanted to transfer the management rights of half of the gold mine to himself, Jeffs immediately realized this. How dares Jeffs to take the gold mine that Bobby dares to take next? Obviously, I dare not.

"Yes, the original price, how about it? Isn't that a problem for you?" When Li Zhiligan saw Jeff's surprised expression, he didn't think much about it. He thought he was flattered.

"Isn't this a problem for me in terms of price?" Although Jaidas only runs a small coal mine, the profits of this kind of thing are unimaginable. Therefore, even if there is only one small coal mine, Jeff's family is not weak. It is more than enough for him to pay for the iron ore and half of the gold mine in Li Zhili.

However, Jeffs didn't dare to buy it. Although he is very moved by Li Zhihao's advice, he is not a person who doesn't know the rules. To survive in this land, he must abide by the rules here.

Bobby can't afford to offend anyone. Jeffs can't even think about it. He doesn't want to offend any big man because of a moment's interest, so that he can't even run a coal mine in the end.

So, all Jeffs can think of is to refuse.

He also had to refuse "rui" Since it's not a problem, let's study the specific matters of the transfer?" Before Jeffs finished speaking, Li Zhili interrupted him.

"No, Mr. Li, please listen to me first!" Jeffs waved his hand and said, "I mean, the price is not a problem, but I don't want to buy the management rights of iron and gold mines in your hand." What!? You don't want to buy it?" Li Zhili's eyes widened: "Jeffs, are you making a mistake? Don't you want to buy it? Didn't you tell me before that you want to have more minerals?" Oh, yes, yes, but that was before, not now. Now I have changed my mind and run my small coal mine at ease. I'm satisfied. Yes, I'm satisfied, that's it!" Jeffs said incoherently. After all, he had a good relationship with Li Zhizhen before, but now he refuses directly, which makes him a little sorry.

However, he really can't help Li Zhizhen. At the same time, he also has this hatred in his heart. Obviously, he had offended a big man and had to quickly transfer the minerals in his hand and then leave here, but he just looked like a savior, as if he had given himself a big bargain, which made Jay Dasi very bored!

Jeffs doesn't believe that Li Zhizhi doesn't know this. If he doesn't know that he has offended others, how can he sell his mineral management rights? And the original price? Unless the brain is pierced!

You should know how difficult it is to obtain this mineral management right. Even if it is transferred, it cannot be transferred at the original price, but Li Zhizhen is still transferred at the original price, which has to be thought-provoking!

Originally, Jeffs was going to tell Li Zhili about the rumors outside, but now, Li Zhili seems to be a fool there, which Jeffs can't tolerate, so Jeffs is not going to tell Li Zhili about the rumors he heard outside yesterday. Let this guy stay in the dark.

"What the hell is going on with you? Jeffs, are you kidding? With such a favorable condition, you didn't pay attention to it. When Ge Zhiyuan saw Jeffs refused, he was a little overwhelmed. Before that he was full of confidence and felt that as long as Jeffs was not a fool, he would definitely buy the management right of iron ore and half of the gold mine from him, but his idea failed at once. That's it!

Just like the contrast between before and after finding Bobby yesterday, Li Zhihao's heart can't stand it.

Jeffs snorted coldly in his heart, saying that it's fake not to be moved, but there should also be capital that can be moved! That kind of rattism between big shots is not something that people at his level can participate in.

And Li Zhili, the victim, can only let his natural sacrifice.

"I'm really not moved, and I don't dare to be interested." Jeffs's expression showed a very indifferent gesture, and he was a little disgusted with Li Zhihao's face.

"I'm not interested, how can this be possible?" Li Zhili looked at Jeffs with a little unyedulner:

"You're not kidding me, are you? It's not funny at all. You know, it's a rare opportunity. I'm the first to find you. If you don't want it, there are a lot of people waiting in line to take over. You know, the relationship between us is very good, so I contacted you first! I don't want others to take advantage of me!" Jeffs had a feeling of vomiting. He looked at Li Zhili's lying face and shook his head silently: "No, it's better for someone else." The first to find your own? Jeffs wanted to laugh out loud on the spot, so how many times did he find Bobby yesterday? The zeroth time? If you can calculate like this, taking advantage of the third is simply harming people! Thanks to my well-informed information, I knew some secret things. Otherwise, I would have foolishly bought the minerals in Li Zhihao's hands. At that time, don't say that the money may be wasted. It's hard to say whether he can continue to stay here!

Thank God, Li Zhili was the first to find himself, otherwise, Jeffs might have been fooled! It's so dangerous! However, after all, it has been a relationship for many years. Before leaving, Jeffs decided to mention Li Zhihao: "Mr. Li, your two minerals are good. Why should you transfer them?" Er, oh, it's like this. In my business in Singapore, the capital turnover is not working well. I want to get rid of the management right of the iron ore and half of the gold mine as soon as possible, so that I can take the money to fill the deficit there!" Li Zhili casually told a lie.

Jeffs shook his head and gave up his last mention of Li Zhihao. This person was not worth his mention. At this time, he was still lying, which annoyed Jeffs.

The mineral contract money I just paid yesterday is in a hurry to use the money today. It's not that I'm out of my head, it's nonsense.

"Good luck. I'm really not interested in your iron ore and half of the gold mine." Jedaz patted Li Zhihao on the shoulder, stepped out of Li Zhihao's room, and put the white porridge in front of him, but he didn't drink a sip.

And Li Zhihao did not keep him. The final reason why he invited Jeffs to have porridge was to transfer the mineral management rights to him. Since he had refused, there was nothing to talk about. As for Jeffs drinking porridge or not, it was not what Li Zhili was concerned about.

"Fuck!" Li Zhixhog scolded secretly, "Why do all of them look like convulsions? How dare you not be interested in such a hot thing? I don't believe it. You two are not interested, and no one is interested?" After Jeffs went out of Li Zhihao's room, he began to publicize everywhere. Li Zhihao had broken his heart, and he decided not to leave any face for Li Zhihao.

"Hey, you know, who came to me just now?" Jeffs came to the restaurant. He didn't eat at all in Li Zhihao's room before, so after coming out, he went straight to the restaurant.

"Who?" The big-mouthed Mike immediately... came over. He liked to inquire about these strange things.

"It's Li Zhili!" Jeffs smiled mysteriously.

"Oh!" Mike immediately... became interested: "It's him. How's it going? What is he looking for you for?" What did you say he asked me to do? Jeffs said so on purpose.

"Um, let me think about it!" Mike nodded: "I know! It must be selling to you the management rights of his two minerals, right? Is that so?" Yes, that's it!" Jeffs affirmed Mike's words: "Do you know what he said? He said that he made it cheaper for me and asked me to find a huge bargain and transfer the management rights of the two minerals to me at the original price! Moreover, he said that he was the first to think of me!" Oh, hahahahaha!" After hearing this, Mike laughed and said, "First, hahaha, I'm laughing to death, so what do you say?",