very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1226 Registration Rejected

Songjiang University of Engineering is one of the famous science and engineering colleges in the country. The Department of Computer Science of Songjiang University of Technology is one of the members of many research groups.

At the beginning of this year, the topic of the Dragon Code wireless protocol, led by the state and developed by Songjiang University of Technology, was invested in research, which is also one of the wireless transmission protocols independently developed in China. Xiao Qing is in charge of this topic, which is one of the reasons why Xiao Qing is busy every day.

Because of the lack of manpower in the computer department, and every time there is a research and development project, the department will recruit some graduate students as assistants. Although graduate students are free labor and the department will not pay him, graduate students are still eager to do this!

Those who can be admitted to graduate school are generally the kind of people who are more advanced and love learning. Those who muddle along are all with the attitude of passing long live, and it is impossible to be admitted to graduate school. Therefore, in this way, they can participate in the research and development of national key projects, whether it is for personal ability training or for the It's all a rare opportunity!

With the experience of participating in the research and development of national key topics, I believe that this is also a very good qualification when looking for a job in the future. This is also the reason why many graduate students will participate in the registration as soon as the recruitment notice is issued.

However, the number of participants is limited. Bi Hui's research and development is not a big class, and it is impossible to get everyone into it.

Zhou Jiajia looked at the latest announcement in the department. After seeing the news, she was immediately ecstatic. As a senior hacker, I have a profound study of any kind of Minluo protocol. However, that's just research. If one day, I can become a rule maker in person, what a proud honor it is!

Originally, Zhou Jiajia faced the computer courses in college with an attitude of listening and not listening. After all, the courses in the university are really a little old, and a lot of knowledge can no longer be used, or even wrong.

However, this does not mean that you can't learn anything in college. Sometimes, some of the extracurricular knowledge taught by the teacher is still very bright. And this time, it was definitely an unexpected opportunity. After Zhou Jiajia saw the notice, she quickly put down her things and rushed to the teaching building of the Computer Department to sign up.

Although there are not as many graduate students in the computer department as undergraduates, even if. There are also as many as one hundred and eighty people gathered in front of the teaching building of the computer department at this moment, which also presents a sea of people.

The registration is under the responsibility of Li Boliang, president of the Computer Association of Songjiang University of Engineering. Although Li Boliang is not a graduate student, he was also admitted to the research group because of his status in the community and his own knowledge ability.

(For Li Boliang, see Chapter 1 for details. I love Xiao Ming.)

The admission of the research group is very strict. Everyone should fill in a form, write down what aspects they are good at, what awards they have won, and what achievements they have achieved. After filling in the form, it is only a preliminary examination. After selecting some potential people from these people, they will conduct an interview. The interview is naturally not as simple as moving your mouth. The awards and achievements you wrote in the preliminary review should be taken out on the spot. The winner will present the award certificate, and the winner will present the work.

"Hello, can you give me a form?" Zhou Jiajia easily pushed away from the crowd, squeezed to the front registration office, and said to Li Boliang, who was distributing the registration form.

Li Boliang heard Zhou Jiajia's voice, like the sound of nature. In this dinosaur-like computer college, Li Boliang has not seen a beautiful woman for a long time. At the beginning of school, I met a beautiful woman from the computer department. She wanted to join the computer community, but there was no news after that, which made Li Boliang regret that he could not get the contact information of the beautiful woman at the beginning.

Now, when he heard such a beautiful female voice, Li Boliang subconsciously stuck his head. As a result, he saw that it was Zhou Jiajia, the girl he saw on the first day of school, and he was suddenly overjoyed: "What a coincidence, it's you!"

Zhou Jiajia was slightly stunned and recognized that the person in front of her was Li Boliang, president of the Computer Association. She smiled and nodded politely to him: "Yes, what a coincidence. It turns out that you are responsible for signing up.

"Yes, generally, this kind of activity is organized by the computer association. After all, the energy of the teachers in the department is limited." Li Boliang said. However, anyone can see the pride in Li Boliang's words. In fact, the computer association is responsible for it, which indirectly proves that the computer association's authoritative position in school should not be underestimated by others.

"Can you give me a registration form? I also want to participate in the research of wireless network protocols. Although Zhou Jiajia is very clear about Li Boliang's thoughts, she has to ask him at this moment, so she has to smile and say a few more words to him.

"Of course... Oh, wait, you're not a graduate student..." Li Boliang just wanted to take out a form and handed it to Zhou Jiajia. Suddenly, he remembered that the target of this project research was a graduate student, not an undergraduate, so he hurriedly said, "This subject research only recruits graduate students in the department, not Undergraduates..."

"Ah? Well..." Zhou Jiajia was a little disappointed after listening to Li Boliang's words. This was a good opportunity she had been looking forward to for a long time. The real opportunity was in front of her, but she could not participate because of her current education.

Seeing the disappointment of the beauty, Li Boliang suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He thought for a moment and said, "I am also an undergraduate, but because I am the president of the Computer Association, I also participated in the research and development of this topic. Otherwise, I will help you ask the teacher of the computer department to see if you can also participate in the research and development of this project.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhou Jiajia thought there was no hope, but when she heard Li Boliang's words, she was immediately overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

In order to please Zhou Jiajia, Li Boliang, regardless of his work, put down his work and quickly ran to the computer department teacher upstairs.

Li Boliang's computer association is usually led by Sun Demao, deputy director of the Department of Computer Science, and Li Boliang and Sun Demao are also familiar with it. At the door of Deputy Director Sun's office, Li Boliang knocked on the door, and Sun Demao's voice came from inside: "Who is it? Please come in!"

Li Boliang pushed open the door of the office, but found that Xiao Qing, the head of the department, was also there. He quickly shouted respectfully, "Director Xiao, Director Sun!"

"What's the matter?" Sun Demao put down his work and asked Li Boliang.

"Director Sun..." When Li Boliang saw that Xiao Qing, the director, was also there, he was a little embarrassed to open his mouth. He was familiar with Sun Demao, but Xiao Qing was not very familiar with him. Xiao Qing focuses on the overall work in the department, and is also the main person in charge of many scientific research projects, so some trivial matters in the department are managed by Deputy Director Sun.

The Computer Association is a non-governmental organization of students. Naturally, Xiao Shi did not lose much management - and it was also managed by Sun Demao. However, Li Boliang and Xiao Jing still know each other. He is one of the more famous students in the department and has also won the award of the national computer competition.

"If you need anything, just tell me. I'm discussing the wireless topic with Director Xiao!" When Sun Demao saw that Li Boliang didn't say anything when he came in, he scolded unhappily.

"Director Sun, it's like this. There is an undergraduate student who also wants to join our research group..." Li Boyang said this, carefully observing Sun Demao's reaction to see if he was angry, and then after that.

"Undergraduate students? Do you also want to participate in the undergraduate course? Sun Demao frowned, but felt a little funny. Generally speaking, the school has made it clear that it is to recruit graduate students. Undergraduates will not come to join in the fun, and the knowledge level of undergraduates is limited, so it is useless to participate. Therefore, over the years, even if there is a project recruitment, there has never been an undergraduate

"Yes, this undergraduate is a computer enthusiast and a member of our computer association!" Li Boliang said quickly. Zhou Jiajia intended to join the Computer Association at the beginning, but she didn't report it later, but Li Boliang said so, which was not a lie.

"Ha ha, are there really undergraduates interested in this? What's the number of students?" Xiao Qing was also interested and asked in a question.

"I'm a freshman." When Li Boliang heard Xiao Jing's question, he quickly replied respectfully, "A quiet girl's name is Zhou Jiajia."

"What? A freshman?" After listening to Li Boliang's answer, Sun Demao was stunned, and then frowned and said, "You don't want to join in the fun, do you? This doesn't work. This is a national key project. It's not nonsense! Do you have a fancy to him and want to be attentive to him!"

After Sun Demao said this, he suddenly remembered that Xiao Qing was also listening, and suddenly a cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He is usually very familiar with Li Boliang, and it is normal to make jokes, but today the head of the department is here, and he still makes such jokes with students, which is a little too much.

Li Boliang blushed when Sun Demao said, and said shyly, "How can it be, Director Sun, look at what you said. I just saw that she was more concerned about our topic, so I came to ask you for instructions. Besides, undergraduates have to sign up for project research. This is something that has happened for many years!"

"All that's it, you go back. Ba. I have something else to do!" Sun Demao just made a slip of the tongue. He was afraid that Xiao Jing would have an opinion of him, so he quickly sent Li Bozhai away.

"Then I'll go, Director Sun." As soon as Li Boliang saw that it was no work, he lowered his head and left the office angrily, but he didn't forget to say, "Goodbye, Director Xiao."

Xiao Qing really doesn't care much about Sun Demao's joke, but she is a little familiar with the name Zhou Jiajia. I seem to have heard it somewhere, but I forgot it. Recently, he was so busy that Xiao Jing was also confused in his head, so this matter flashed by and took it seriously. He put it aside for the time being.

Li Boliang's plan was ruined, and he could not show his ability in front of the beauty, which made Li Boliang very distressed. As the president of a computer association, she can't handle this matter. How can Zhou Jiajia fall in love with herself?

It's not the right time to go. Director Xiao Qing of the college is also in the office of Deputy Director Sun Demao. It is estimated that Sun Demao does not dare to take the initiative. Maybe at other moments, Deputy Director Sun will agree! Because Deputy Director Sun is still relatively understanding, he once cared about Li Boliang's private life and asked him if he had a girlfriend or something.

When he learned that Li Boliang did not have a girlfriend, Deputy Director Sun also urged him to find one quickly. He could not delay his private life just because of technology. But today, it is obvious that I found the wrong opportunity.

Seeing Li Boliang's face, Zhou Jiajia's expectant eyes suddenly darkened. It seemed that there was no hope. In fact, after Li Boliang left, Zhou Jiajia probably guessed that she had little hope when she saw the registration of this large-person graduate student.

Although Zhou Jiajia can proudly say that she is not inferior to everyone present at all, the school will not care about this. The school only focuses on your academic qualifications. Why does Zhou Jiajia, a freshman student, participate in the research of graduate students?

"I'm sorry, beauty, I tried my best." Li Boliang spread out his hands helplessly: "The leader of the department said that there is no such precedent."

"Well, thank you as well." Although Zhou Jiajia knew that Li Boliang's purpose seemed to be impure, she did help herself, and it was impossible for Zhou Jiajia not to say anything. At least Li Boliang did not show his face to face that he wanted to pursue himself, and Zhou Jiajia thought he didn't know. "I have a good relationship with Deputy Director Sun in the department, but today Director Xiao Qing arranged his work in Deputy Director Sun's office, so maybe for this reason, Deputy Director Sun refused me." Li Boliang defended himself. He didn't want to lose face in front of beautiful women, so he pushed all the blame.

"Director Xiao Qing? Our dean's name is Xiao Qing?" Zhou Jiajia listened to Li Boliang's words and suddenly asked.

"Yes, there is only one Director Xiao in our department. Who else can there be?" Li Boliang smiled and said, "Director Xiao is young, but learning is not simple! She is involved in many key topics in China. She is a strong woman! The study is also very rigorous!"

Generally, after students go to college, they are not as familiar with the names of the dean and principal of the school as when they were in junior high school and senior high school. Because the university is too big, these high-level leaders have no intersection with them. Usually, the most people who deal with are the instructor and the teacher.

And it's not surprising that Zhou Jiajia doesn't know the name of the dean, especially her freshman, so Li Boliang was not surprised.

The reason why Li Boliang said so, Xiao Qing is very powerful, the more it can prove that Xiao Qing is a master in the academic world. In this way, the stricter the screening of assistants can be. Zhou Jiajia is not selected, so she can't blame herself.

"That's it!" Zhou Jiajia nodded thoughtfully. She remembered that Yang Ming's god sister seemed to be called Xiao Qing. Zhou Jiajia also faintly heard Yang Ming mention it. She was not sure whether there was such a thing. It seems that the last time we went out for dinner together, the beautiful woman I saw was Xiao Qing.

It's just that it's not known whether Xiao Qing and the dean Xiao Qing are the same person. Zhou Jiajia plans to ask Yang Ming when she goes back.

"It doesn't matter. The wireless topic is only in the preliminary stage of data collection. It has not officially started research yet, and it will take some time to start, so there is still a chance. When I find a private time, I will talk to Deputy Director Sun. Maybe I can.

"Yes, please help me ask about this from time to time." Zhou Jiajiayu, I'm not sure whether Yang Ming's god sister is the head of the department, so we can only place hope on Li Boliang first.

"Don't worry, it's up to me. Come on, what's your phone number? If I have news, I'll call you." In order to establish a long-term relationship with Zhou Jiajia, Li Boliang beat around the bush in the end to get Zhou Jiajia's phone number.

Zhou Jiajia hesitated and told Li Bozhai the phone. Originally, the phone number is public, and it can't be regarded as private. It's okay to tell Li Boliang.

Got Zhou Jiajia's phone number "Li Boliang was overjoyed, but he was afraid that Zhou Jiajia would see that he hated him. On the surface, Li Boliang still pretended to be very calm and put away Zhou Jiajia's phone number.

Zhou Jiajia didn't say much to Li Boliang. Since she couldn't sign up, Zhou Jiajia had to leave. She had no leisure to chat with Li Boliang. Yang Ming came back yesterday, and Zhou Jiajia is now full of thoughts on the scene of meeting Yang Ming in the evening.

My father has returned to the East China Sea safely. Although he has not met him, he has also called. It is said that he is going to do some business in the East China Sea with his mother.

Father's safe return is all thanks to Yang Ming. Zhou Jiajia doesn't know how to thank him. However, when chatting with Chen Mengyan and Lin Zhiyun, Chen Mengyan once joked that Zhou Jiajia should repay Yang Ming's gratitude for saving his father! If you want to put it in ancient times, that's a good story.

made Zhou Jiajia blush, but psychologically, she also agreed with Chen Mengyan's words. It's just that she is a girl, and she doesn't dare to say something. Sometimes, Zhou Jiajia feels that she is a little funny and becomes timid!

At the beginning, when I pursued Yang Ming, I was so bold that I dared to send such hot text messages. Now, if I say a few words to Yang Ming, I will blush.

Perhaps, it is only now that Zhou Jiajia has regained the girl's unique reserve.

When the phone rang, Zhou Jiajia took a look at the caller ID. It was Chen Mengyan, so she answered the phone: "Sister Mengyan, where are you?"

It's exactly noon now. At this time, Chen Mengyan called Zhou Jiajia and basically asked her to have lunch together.

"Jiajia, Zhiyun and I are in the third canteen. Where are you? Didn't you say we would meet here?" Chen Mengyan asked.

Zhou Jiajia looked at the time on the watch and found that it was already 11:30. Unconsciously, it took a lot of time to sign up in the teaching building of the computer department, so that Chen Mengyan and the others were anxious.