very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1233 Another Identity

In the whole Xianren Building, several surveillance cameras are distributed on each floor. From the corridor to the elevator to the $} emergency exit, there are surveillance cameras in operation. The whole building adds up to at least a few hundred cameras working!

However, the size of the monitoring screen in the security room is limited. It is obviously impossible for the picture taken by each surveillance camera to be displayed on the computer screen of the security room at every moment.

Because of the limited size of the computer screen in the security room, only 12 surveillance cameras can be displayed in real time at the same time. That is to say, although dozens of times the number of cameras are working, they are not displayed on the monitoring screen of the security room.

The elevator has a separate set of monitoring screens. The company only has four elevators, so it can be monitored in real time. It is obviously not advisable for Yang Ming to take the elevator to go upstairs. Once he steps into the elevator, he will be found by the people in the security room. If the elevator is cut off halfway, it will be ruined.

Yang Ming has just studied the law of another large screen display in the security room. Each set of pictures is twelve, representing the pictures taken by the surveillance camera at one point of the twelve floors!

There are 36 floors in the building, so that is to say, if you want to fully display the monitoring screen of one of the points on each floor, the computer screen needs to be cut three times to complete a reincarnation. And each set of pictures lasts about 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, switch to the next set of pictures, that is to say, it will take a minute to switch back to different monitoring points on the same floor again.

And this time, although it doesn't seem to be much, it is enough for Yang Ming. In a minute and a half, Yang Ming was enough to run to the stairs! However, this is not the key. Another important problem is that after each reincarnation, it will be rotated to the monitoring stronghold in the middle of the stairs of each floor, and then rotated from the starting monitoring point of each floor.

That is to say, Yang Ming must miss the time shown on the monitoring screen of the stairs to go upstairs quickly, but because Sui Yuejin's office is on the 36th floor, Yang Ming must run from the second floor to the 36th floor in one breath!

This time is a little nervous. Although the monitoring screen of the emergency stairs is only displayed once after a round, it is also quite difficult to run to the 36th floor in this switching time interval.

Yang Ming's endurance and endurance are not strong, but the speed of going up the stairs is also very fast. Although it can be said to be faster than ordinary people, it is far worse than those athletes.

After all, Yang Ming is a killer, not an athlete. Therefore, this is what Yang Ming is most worried about. Now, since he has no choice, Yang Ming can only maximize his time as much as possible.

The camera at the end of the corridor on the first to the twelfth floor began to work, and the computer screen in the security room showed the pictures taken by the twelve cameras.

Yang Ming, start preparing. Because this is the last round of camera work in the corridor, and the next round is the camera of the emergency staircase.

Thirty seconds later, the camera at the end of the corridor from the 13th floor to the 24th floor began to work. Yang Ming also took advantage of the gap and quickly ran to the emergency stairs at the end of the corridor.

The camera at the end of the corridor from the 25th floor to the 36th floor was finished, the camera at the stairway from the first floor to the twelfth floor began to work, and the computer screen in the security room was switched to the emergency staircase.

Thirty seconds later, the camera from the first floor to the stairway on the twelfth floor stopped working and switched to the camera at the stairway from the 13th floor to the 25th floor to start working.

At the same time, Yang Ming also began to move. He quickly ran up the emergency stairs and rushed up. With the previous planned buffer, Yang Ming saved about a minute!

Don't underestimate this minute. This is very valuable for Yang Ming. Whether he can successfully avoid the surveillance of the camera, there will be more time and one more chance.

However, according to Yang Ming's current speed, Yang Ming is completely sure to run up before the next round of camera switching over. Because Yang Ming's endurance was very good, he did not slow down on the road, so Yang Ming successfully ran to the 36th floor, and the camera had not switched to the emergency stairs.

At this moment, Yang Ming certainly can't run out of the emergency stairs, which is bound to be captured by the camera in the corridor. Although every camera in the corridor has a blind spot, it is difficult for Yang Ming to find the position of the absolute blind spot of each camera if there is no accurate 4 measurement. Even if he finds it, Yang Ming can't guarantee that he can find the next one.

That is to say, once the position of Yang Ming Station is slightly off, it will be seen by the people in the security room. That's why Yang Ming won't take such a risk to do such a dangerous thing.

The camera at the end of the corridor from the 25th floor to the 36th floor started again. Yang Ming knew that the opportunity was coming again. When the next set of cameras, that is, the emergency staircase from the first floor to the twelfth floor, was activated, Yang Ming quickly left the emergency staircase and ran to the chairman's office.

Although the monitoring switch of each set of stairs before can also find a minute's space, Yang Ming could not guarantee that the door of Sui Yuejin's chairman's office could be opened smoothly at once without using the lily key, so Yang Ming did not take this risk. Instead, when the monitoring screen switches to the emergency stairs again, it will not start.

After switching, it will switch to the monitoring screen of the corridor. The monitoring screen of the corridor is cut from the first floor to the twelfth floor, that is to say, it takes another minute to start the corridor monitoring camera on the 25th to 36th floors, which adds up to two and a half minutes, which is enough for Yang Ming to use

Yang Ming quickly and lightly came to the door of the chairman's office of Sui Yuejin, gently pushed the door, and found that the door was locked, but it was not locked. Yang Ming carefully pressed the door and pushed open the door of Sui Yuejin.

This 3·1, Sui Yuejin is sitting at the computer desk, playing cards boredly.

Yang Ming casually closed the door of the office and locked it back. Yang Ming knew that there was also a secretarial room next to Sui Yuejin's chairman's office. His secretary Xiaoyou was also talking on the phone with his girlfriend in the secretary's office at this moment.

The sound of the door paving still aroused Sui Yuejin's vigilance. No wonder that in this silent fairy building, a little sound will be exaggeratedly amplified.

And the sound of the door is not controlled by Yang Ming's manpower or power. This is the problem of the door lock manufacturer's design. Yang Ming can only do it as light as possible, but the mechanical spring sound cannot be hidden.

"Xiao Yu, have you comforted your girlfriend?" Although Sui Yuejin heard the sound of the door, he subconsciously thought that the secretary was smaller than coming in, and the sound of the back lock of the door was only the sound made when the door was pushed up.

"Mr. Sui is so interested that he is still playing cards in the company at this late hour." Mingming

said lightly.

"Eh?" Sui Yuejin suddenly heard a strange voice, and he was stunned:


Sui Yuejin suddenly raised his head, but saw a strange man standing in front of him, looking at him with an indifferent face. Sui Yuejin was suddenly shocked. How did this guy come up? Do all the security guards downstairs eat F food?

"Introduce yourself. My name is Yang Ming. Maybe you have heard my name." After saying that, Yang Ming sat carelessly on the sofa opposite Sui Yuejin, raised his legs, and looked at Sui Yuejin.

Yang Ming's slow appearance made Sui Yuejin even more uncomfortable. I don't know what day this guy suddenly visited the company late at night. As for the name Yang Ming, Sui Yuejin seems to have heard it vaguely, but because the name is too ordinary, there are no one hundred or eighty in China, so Sui Yuejin really can't remember who this popular name is.

And Yang Ming, since he is ready to put his real identity in front of Sui Yuejin, he is not afraid of his revenge. This time, Yang Ming warned Sui Yuejin to be honest and not to participate in something that has nothing to do with him.

If not, this time it's a warning, and the next time, it's no longer as simple as a warning


"What are you going to do?" Although Sui Yuejin was shocked by how Yang Ming appeared in his office, and he also saw that Yang Ming was not good, but Sui Yuejin was a big shot after all, and he had not experienced the dangerous situation, so he could still maintain his due calmness at this moment.

"What are you doing? Doesn't Mr. Sui understand? Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and grinned, "Didn't you just call?"

"Call? What's the phone call?" Sui Yuejin didn't understand what Yang Ming said. He snorted coldly, "Who the hell are you and what purpose you have? Just say, don't play these virtual things in front of me. Don't blame me for not warning you. In Jingshan, no one dares to play this with me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not a quiet JL person." Yang Ming smiled very indifferently: "However, if I were from Jingshan, I would also speak like this. Sui Yuejin, don't you want to know that the task you released to assassinate Hou Shock and Bao Sanli has not been completed?

"" Sui Yuejin's eyes widened. He thought of countless possibilities and imagined Yang Ming as an enemy on the road or a thief who was short of money to blackmail him, but he never thought that Yang Ming actually came for this matter. So Yang Ming was a member of the butterfly killer group?

"I don't need yours. You're right. I'm a killer." Yang Ming interrupted Sui Yuejin and said coldly. Yang Ming is not a lie to Sui Yuejin. Yang Ming is right. He is indeed a killer, but he is not a killer hired by Sui Yuejin, but it relies on Sui Yuejin to understand and imagine himself.

"Then why don't you come to me if you don't kill them!" Sui Yuejin was originally very calm, but when he heard Yang Ming say that he was a killer, Sui Yuejin was scared! Killer is a strange and horrible profession for most people.

Ordinary ordinary people may be a little worse. After all, killers are too far away from them. But for Sui Yuejin, a person who has taken over the killer and knows the horror of the killer, it is even more terrible!

Sui Yuejin subconsciously reached out to the drawer of his desk, where there was a pistol, which was used by Sui Yuejin to defend himself.

Sui Yuejin is an old and cunning master. At this moment, he will never think that Yang Ming just came to him to explain why he did not assassinate Hou Shock and violent Sanli. Looking at Yang Ming's posture and F6 spirit, it is not like treating his employer, but like facing a target to be assassinated!

Although Yang Ming's appearance is a little strange, this matter is already strange! An assassination mission that was not very complicated was actually solved for so many days. The scarf TJ magazine jumped forward and waited, but the killer found him as a client!

Can Sui Yuejin not be alert? The only thing he can do now is to find a weapon that can defend himself and win unexpectedly when Yang Ming was not aware of it.

Of course, Sui Yuejin's intention was not hidden from Yang Ming's eyes, and his gun in the drawer completely fell into Yang Ming's eyes.

"Don't act rashly, which will give me the impulse to kill you." Yang Ming's face was expressionless

said, "Originally, I didn't want to do anything to you, but don't force me."

Sui Yuejin usually lies too much, so he won't believe Yang Ming's words at all! Won't you do anything to him? It won't happen. So what are you doing here? Therefore, Sui Yuejin subconsciously thought that Yang Ming was lying, so his hand touching the drawer did not stop!

Because he saw that Feng Yang Ming did not have any weapons in his hand, and Yang Ming was at least two meters away from him. At this time, it should be no problem to take out the pistol from the drawer.

The current situation is that whoever dominates is powerful, so how can Sui Yuejin lose this opportunity? After listening to Yang Ming's words, Sui Yuejin only stopped slightly, and his hand still touched the drawer.

Yang Ming's sleeve emblem moved, followed by a scream from Sui Yuejin. A very thin transparent flying needle shot into the acupuncture point of Sui's right hand, making his whole palm unable to move, and the pain made him tremble constantly.

"I've warned you that I don't want anyone to go against me." Yang Ming was very indifferent to the pain of Sui Yuejin: "This is just a lesson to make you remember a little.

Although he didn't see it clearly, something shot into his palm. Sui Yuejin could still feel it, especially a needle in the palm of his hand, which was particularly obvious! However, according to the situation a few days ago, this thing has gone into his own hands, which makes Sui Yuejin painful and very worried. I don't know if it will have any impact on him.

"Don't look at it. It's a chronic poison needle. I can't die for the time being." Yang Ming saw Sui Yuejin's watch

Love, how can I not know what he is thinking. I deliberately teased him.

Sure enough, after Sui Yuejin listened, the cold sweat on his forehead came out and flowed down! Sui Yuejin's shock to Yang Ming has become from the bottom of his heart at this time!

He completely collapsed! Yang Ming's shot was too fast, and he had no room for resistance at all. What if he had a gun in his hand? Maybe he hadn't shot yet, and another flying needle had disappeared into his head.

Sui Yuejin saw what a killer was for the first time! I also understand that the killer is not a false name, but really very powerful.

Yang Ming just wanted to give Sui Yuejin a warning. He never thought about killing Sui Yuejin. After all, the conflict between Sui Yuejin and him is not big, and even if Yang Ming kills Sui Yuejin, it is not good for Yang Ming.

So Yang Ming's purpose this time is to warn Sui Yuejin not to make do with Tian Long and others again, otherwise he will die miserably.

When the flying needle in Sui's palm acupuncture point melted, Sui Yuejin's hand also returned to normal. Except for a little discomfort at the wound, there was no strong sense of pain.

"Okay, have you recovered?" Yang Ming frowned. According to the time estimate, the flying needle should be

has melted.

Sui Yuejin was still strange. How could his hand slowly become painless? However, he was not happy. The palm did not hurt, and it could not mean that it was okay. Didn't Yang Ming say that it was a chronic poison. It was normal for the poison to attack and his palm to be numb.

Hearing Yang Ming's reminder, Sui Yuejin really felt that his palm did not have too many abnormalities at this moment, but returned to normal. However, he still hesitated: "My hand...are you all right?"

"This little poison can't die." Yang Ming looked at Sui Yuejin coldly: "Well, the topic of the successor just now, my name is Yang Ming. I'm a junior high school classmate of Sui Xianqi. Bao Sanli and Hou Shock are my subordinates. Now I know why I'm looking for you?"

"What!" Sui Yuejin listened to Yang Ming's words and was shocked. He did not expect that Yang Ming was actually Sui Yuejin and Hou Shock's subordinates! Originally, Sui Yuejin thought that Yang Ming was a professional killer, but now it seems that Yang Ming seems to be a native of Songjiang? In particular, Yang Ming was still a classmate of his son Sui Guangqi, which made Sui Yuejin even more surprised.

"However, I have another identity, which is a killer." Yang Mingche and Sui Yuejin asked questions,

added: "Now, do you know why Rong came to you?"

At this moment, no matter how stupid people listen to Yang Ming's words, they also know why Yang Ming came, not to mention that Sui Yuejin is not stupid? Although he was shocked, he could only accept this unfortunate reality.

According to his understanding, he invited a killer and asked the killer to kill the two men of the killer! What will be the result then? He can only come out with his toes... Unfortunately, he jumped in!

"Say, why do you hire a murderous marquis for shock and violence?" Yang Ming asked, "What is your motive and purpose? Do these two have a grudge against you?