very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1237 Proud

In the most critical moment, people often think of the people who can protect themselves the most. When I was young, I thought of my parents, and when I became an adult, I thought of my partner around me.

Jing Xiaolu in her girlhood naturally thought of the object of admiration in her heart, and Yang Ming did have enough strength to protect her. Several times when he encountered danger, it was all solved with the help of Yang Ming.

So, naturally, Jing Xiaolu called out Yang Ming's name: "Yang Ming save me one by one:

Yang Ming, who was chasing after Jing Xiaolu, didn't know what trouble Jing Xiaolu had encountered, and why she suddenly ran away. At this time, Yang Ming couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he heard Jing Xiaolu shouting for help and calling Yang Ming's name! Yang Ming didn't know how Jing Xiaolu recognized him. You know, Jing Xiaolu has never looked back. Yang Ming is a little puzzled. Does it mean that Jing Xiaolu also has her own power to see 360 degrees of full perspective?

Yang Ming didn't know what was wrong with Jing Xiaolu. He accelerated his footsteps, caught up with Jing Xiaolu in three or two steps, and grabbed her arm. He thought it would give her enough sense of security, but he didn't expect that Jing Xiaolu's reaction was more intense! Let go of me, help one by one, Yang Ming, come quickly, one by one." Jing Xiaolu desperately tried to shake off Yang Ming and grabbed her arm, screaming loudly.

When Yang Ming heard Jing Xiaolu's cry, he really couldn't laugh or cry. He said to himself, I'm coming, and you still told me to come quickly? And I grabbed your arm, and you told me to let go of you. Why are there any contradictions? Isn't there something wrong with Jing Xiaolu's spirit?

"Jing Xiaolu, what are you doing? You asked me to save you, and then you asked me to let you go. What's going on? Yang Ming couldn't help asking.

"Wow?" After Yang Ming's voice fell, Jing Xiaolu's scream stopped abruptly. She turned to her mind and looked at Yang Ming with an incredible face: "Why is it you?"

"What do you mean by me? Didn't you call me?" Yang Ming was confused by Jing Xiaolu's words.

Jing Xiaolu looked at Yang Ming and then at the car parked not far away. Suddenly, it seemed that she had made a mistake. She thought that Yang Ming was a trailing robber, and she actually called Yang Ming to save her. It was really big.

"You just drove behind me?" Jing Xiaolu asked with an embarrassed face.

"Yes, I didn't recognize you at first. You walked slowly and the road was narrow. I was afraid of meeting you, so I didn't overtake you." Yang Ming said.

"Then why don't you honked your horn?" Jing Xiaolu didn't expect to make such a big mistake, and she blushed a little.

"In the dead of night, honking the horn, isn't it to make everyone in the school quarrel? That's a little unscrate, so I didn't press it. Yang Ming spread out his hands and smiled bitterly, "Did you misunderstand something?"

"Yes, it's so late. You're behind him. I thought you were a bad person. Naturally, I'm afraid!!" Jing Xiaolu said a little aggrieved = "So dark) I can't read the text clearly..."

Yang Ming sweated. No wonder Jing Xiaolu looked back and ran away. Yang Ming thought that Jing Xiaolu had encountered other trouble. He turned around and recognized his car before calling for help. Unexpectedly, Jing Xiaolu regarded herself as a bad person.

Thinking of Jing Xiaolu calling for help, Yang Ming really cried and laughed: "Then you still call me for help? You think I'm Superman. I can appear as soon as I shout..."

"They are subconscious!" Jing Xiaolu's face blushed slightly. This feeling of blushing and heartbeat had never been seen before. I don't know why, when she saw Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu was nervous for no reason, and when she couldn't see it, she would miss her again.

Her ex-boyfriend has also changed a lot, but Jing Xiaolu just regarded them as a free worker or a free ATM that can drive them, and she has never really liked anyone.

Yang Ming is very clear about Jing Xiaolu's thoughts. Last time, Jing Xiaolu let herself take care of her, and then took her to go shopping with her. How could Yang Ming not know that Jing Xiaolu had that kind of thought of him?

But Yang Ming only believes that Jing Xiaolu's idea is not love, but a kind of worship for the strong. Jing Xiaolu, a girl, has been in society for so many years. In order to protect herself from being hurt, Jing Xiaolu exhausted all her strength and tried her best. She was already tired and tired. When When a person who can really protect her appears in front of her, Jing Xiaolu will subconsciously want to take this person as her support, and even be kept at all costs.

However, this and love are two different things. It's just an instinct for the weak to find someone to rely on. Yang Ming did not want to take advantage of Jing Xiaolu. Although Jing Xiaolu, who took off her heavy makeup, was very durable, there was an indescribable charm between her eyebrows, which was very attractive, but Yang Ming did The harem has made him a little overwhelmed, so Yang Ming will not think about what happened with Jing Xiaolu.

Today, after listening to Jing Xiaolu's words, Yang Ming was stunned to find that Jing Xiaolu seemed to be really moved by herself. Only in this way can Jing Xiaolu involuntarily exhale Yang Ming's name in dangerous situations.

With this analysis, Yang Ming can also have a general understanding of Jing Xiaolu's idea, but what if he understands it? Yang Ming can only pretend not to know. None of the women who are with her have an unusual coincidence. They are not simply together for the sake of lust, and Yang Ming is not the kind of man with pure desire.

"Dare you really think of me as Superman and Ultraman. Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and changed the topic. Why did he come back so late?

"There is something wrong with the company. Two vice presidents have absconded with money. Our various departments are in an emergency meeting to calculate the deficit..." Jing Xiaolu did not hide Yang Ming. On the one hand, she entered the company through Yang Ming, and on the other hand, she is very clear that Yang Ming should be the actual mastermind of the company You should already know, right?"

Yang Ming nodded: "In the morning, Rong went to the company. It turned out that you went to check the accounts."

"Yes, I'm so tired that I want it all." Jing Xiaolu stretched out lazily and said, "How about not rewarding me?"

"I? Retweet you? Where is this? What does it have to do with me?" Yang Ming was puzzled when he heard Jing Xiaolu's words.

"I work for the company, of course you reward me!" Jing Xiaolu said proudly.

"..." Yang Ming was speechless. Jing Xiaolu could really borrow a donkey down the slope, which could be connected. He was about to say something, but he heard a loud shout, and then a few beams of strong light came over.

"Don't move! We are from the Campus Security Office!"

Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu were stunned at the same time. Why did the Campus Security Office come at this time? Yang Ming is nothing, but Jing Xiaolu is a little annoyed. "The people in this campus security office are full of food and have nothing to do, right? I ran around the school at night.

It's not easy to have a romantic opportunity to be alone on campus at night with Yang Ming, which was destroyed. It's really disappointing! Although it is a chance encounter, girls naturally like fantasy and romance. Although the current season has not blossomed, it is also the moon! What are you doing!" Jing Xiaolu shouted angrily.

"We just heard someone calling for help, isn't it you?" Someone from the campus security office asked.

"It's me...but there's nothing to do now..." Jing Xiaolu heard that these people were attracted by her own cry for help, and her anger subsided. Anyway, she also came for herself: "I'm sorry for quarreling with my boyfriend. I'm sorry...

After listening to Jing Xiaolu's explanation, Yang Ming was angry and funny, but it would be more troublesome to explain at this time. He had to explain more with these security guards, so Yang Ming didn't want to explain, but just stared at Jing Xiaolu.

However, Jing Xiaolu was proud and ignored Yang Ming's white eyes at all.

"Boyfriend? It's awkward? Are you all from this school? The people of the campus security office took a look at the BMW parked by Yang Ming not far away and asked suspiciously.

Jing Xiaolu is dressed as a student. Yang Ming drives a BMW, but he doesn't look like a student. In particular, after the experience of Vietnam and Africa, Yang Ming looks more mature and steady, and he is indeed not as angry as before.

"Yes, I'm from the art department. "I live in the dormitory building over there." After Jing Xiaolu finished explaining, she pointed to Yang Ming and said, "He is from the computer department!"

"Student-Student's card, let me have a look.

"The people in the campus security office obviously still don't believe it. After all, it's late in the middle of the night and the bedroom door is locked. At this time, don't you run out to fall in love. Isn't it sick?

If it's summer, it's still reasonable. When the people in the campus security office patrol on summer nights, it's not that they haven't seen students fighting in the field. Although they think it's a little inappropriate, they also turn a blind eye. It's just that the weather in early spring is still very cold. Isn't it looking for trouble to have a date outside at this time?

And Yang Ming is still driving a BMW. When he comes to the school, it's not a social worker who comes to the school to find help, right? Although there is no objection to the couple love school between students, the school does not allow social workers to come to the school to find help students.

These are two concepts, one is free love, and the other is illegal.

Jing Xiaolu took out her student ID card from her bag and handed it to the campus security office. The people in the security office opened it and made sure that Jing Xiaolu was indeed a student of the school's art department. She clicked and returned the student ID card to Jing Xiaolu, and said to Yang Ming, "Where is your student ID card?"

"My... didn't bring it." Yang Ming Khan, his student ID card is in the villa of Huashang Community, because he just went to Africa before, so he can't take his student ID card with him, can he? After coming back, I didn't go back to the villa. Naturally, I didn't bring my student ID card.

"Aren't you a student of the school?" Seeing that Yang Ming did not have a student ID card, the people in the campus security office were even more suspicious of Yang Ming's identity.

"Wait... My identity is written on the back of the pass in my car!" Yang Ming suddenly remembered that he had his own class information on the pass on his car! Show it to us." The people of the campus security office nodded to Yang Ming, and it was okay to have the information on the pass. It is not as easy to apply for students' passes as those of faculty and staff.

The pass of the faculty and staff can not require the owner and the faculty and staff who apply for the pass to be the same person, and their spouses and relatives. However, the student's vehicle pass is very strict. It must be a motor vehicle registered in the student's name to apply for a vehicle pass, which also prevents students from applying for passes for social personnel in their own identity.

Therefore, Yang Ming can show the information on the pass, which is also recognized by the Campus Security Office.

Yang Ming took the pass and gave it to the people of the campus security office to check.

The people at the campus security office took a look at the registration information behind the pass, saw that it was registered in the name of the student, looked at the photo of Yang Ming's driver's license JL, and verified Yang Ming's identity, then nodded and returned the pass to Yang Ming. However, when the pass was about to be handed back to Yang But it separated from the middle and became two passes! It turned out that the two passes had been folded together for a long time and glued together.

"What?" The people in the security office were stunned and found that the following one was also a campus vehicle pass, and the car number on it was the same. Suddenly, they were stunned. They thought it was fake, but when they saw that the anti-counterfeiting signs on it were there, they couldn't help wondering: "Where did this come from? Why do you have two?

Only then did Yang Ming remember that one of them was handled by Liu Weishan, because last year's pass was handled by Liu Weishan for Zhang Bin's car, in order to be able to enter and exit the family area with Lan Ling. This year, he also applied for himself by the way.

However, at the same time as Liu Weishan Zhuo and Yang Ming, Yang Ming himself applied for one with his student ID card. Yang Ming also folded the two passes together casually. Later, he forgot them, and now he suddenly remembered.

"My godfather helped me with this one. He is a professor in the school." Yang Ming quickly explained.

The person in the security office looked through the information behind the other pass and found that the applicant was indeed a person from the school, and he was also a celebrity! Unexpectedly, it was Vice President Liu Weishan. He was immediately shocked and no longer doubted. He quickly returned the pass to Yang Ming and said, "I'm sorry to waste your time." It's nothing." Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "You are also serious and responsible!"

"However, the bedroom is locked now. You can't get in. You'd better think about how to rest later." When the people in the security office knew Yang Ming's identity, they naturally became calm and said for Yang Ming, "Why don't we still have a room in the security office to clean up a room for you?"

He subconsciously determined that Jing Xiaolu was Yang Ming's girlfriend, and since the two returned to school after going out on a date, they obviously had never opened a room outside, otherwise they would not have returned to school so late.

If he hasn't opened a room, it proves that Yang Ming has not yet done it, and the security guards are all young people. Naturally, he knows the thoughts of young student couples, so he also wants to create a chance to push Yang Ming down.

In fact, the security guard also knows that as Yang Ming, he can naturally knock on the door of the dormitory, and this is also to create an opportunity for Yang Ming.

Yang Ming has no doubt about it. His dormitory belongs to the graduate school apartment. At night, the door is not locked and the electricity is constant, but the dormitory of other undergraduates is not like this. I'm afraid that the dormitory where Jing Xiaolu lives now has already locked the door, so the security guard's reminder is not wrong.

"Ah? The door has been locked..." Although Jing Xiaolu was a little disappointed, she was already happy in her heart. Can't she be in ten rooms with Yang Ming in a moment?

"Yes, the door must be locked now." The security guard nodded firmly: "You can only stay in the security building or find a hotel...

Yang Ming can enter the door by himself, but he can't leave Jing Xiaolu alone! Let Jing Xiaolu, a girl, live in the security building by herself and stay with a group of big men. How dare Jing Xiaolu go by herself?

And let Jing Xiaolu go out to find a hotel by herself. It doesn't seem to make sense. At least she came back late to work for her company! Thinking of this, Yang Ming sighed helplessly and looked at Jing Xiaolu and said, "What do you think we should do?"

The security guard is really speechless about Yang Ming's question! Is this still called a man? Seeing that he is very handsome in a luxury car, why does he not know how to pick up girls? At this time, you should take the initiative to cheat your girlfriend into the hotel. Why do you ask the girl's opinion? How can you let others say it?

Indeed, although Jing Xiaolu is eager to be with Yang Ming, she is really embarrassed in front of so many security guards now.

If she is alone with Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu is not afraid of anything. What she says when she thinks of something is chasing backwards, what she is afraid of! I'm not used to living in the security room..." But Jing Xiaolu is smart. In a word, she also said her own ideas in disguise, and she still keeps a reserve and does not let others look down on her.

"Then stay in a hotel." Yang Ming naturally felt that it was not easy to throw Jing Xiaolu into the security room, so Yang Ming decided to help Jing Xiaolu find a hotel to settle down for her before going back to the school dormitory.

Under the strange eyes of the security guard, Yang Ming took Jing Xiaolu out of school.

"Hey, what kind of big man is your godfather? How come the security guard made a 180-degree turn to you as soon as he saw it? As soon as Jing Xiaolu got on the car, she asked impatiently.

"What a big turn, no, don't always look at others with colored glasses." Yang Ming stared at her: "My godfather is Liu Weishan."

Jing Xiaolu blinked her eyes: "Why not? He also came to me for you, trying to help you create a chance to have sex with me. Don't think I can't see it!"

Yang Ming sweated a lot. After listening to Jing Xiaolu's words, he almost pulled out the steering wheel and opened his eyes wide: "When did he help me soak you? Not to mention the upload...

"Why not?" Jing Xiaolu hummed proudly, "In school, although the dormitory building manager locks the door every night, it is not absolutely impossible to knock on it. Think about it, in case of an emergency, how can you not open the door?"