very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1244 Dr. Benjamin

had nothing to do with himself and the assassination of Yang Ming, so Huang Youcai also stood up in time and smiled at the man in black and said to Ally-\}j, "I just drank too much coffee. I went to the bathroom and smoked a cigarette by the way."

The man in black nodded with admiration. Huang Youcai was very shrewd and had nothing to do with him. He didn't want to know. This was also a very happy original man in black to cooperate with him. ■0

The cooperation between the man in black and Huang Youcai is also limited to dealing with Yang Ming, and the other plans of the man in black will naturally not be known to Huang Youcai, but Huang Youcai also ignored it. He felt that it had nothing to do with him. After asking too many questions, it seemed that he had a different plan.

Moreover, Huang Youcai did not think that the man in black was only aimed at targeting Yang Ming. The financial resources and power shown by the man in black were shocked by Huang Youcai. If it was only aimed at Yang Ming as the ultimate goal, then this goal was a little too shallow, so behind the man in black, it must There is a deeper hidden existence.

However, these things are not related to Huang Youcai. Huang Youcai is not stupid. The more he knows, the deeper he is trapped. He just wants to kill Yang Ming and part ways with the man in black.

As for what the man in black is going to be proud of, Huang Youcai is too lazy to ask, and it is impossible to continue to make suggestions. He doesn't want to tie himself to the same chariot as the man in black.

Victoria had been listening to the box next to her. When she heard the sound of opening the door in the box next to her, Victoria's heart suddenly tightened. However, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the people in the next box, Victoria just opened a gap in the door of her box and could just see the scene in the corridor, but Other people's attention.

The door of the next box opened, and a man of about 30 years old came out of it. The man was a little thin and left a straight head. He was not too decent and a little obscene.

Seeing that it was not Alice, Victoria was relieved that this person would not recognize her, so Victoria didn't have to be careful, which was suspicious.

Victoria and the 30-year-old man completely left the box, and after closing the door of the box, Victoria also generously left the box and followed the 30-year-old man who came out of the next box.

The guests in the corridor are not only Huang Youcai and Victoria, but also the waiters and other guests in the box, so Huang Youcai will not doubt anything, let alone think much.

Huang Youcai walked to the bathroom and didn't even look back. Victoria, on the other hand, accelerated her pace, surpassed Huang Youcai and entered the bathroom first.

The Fu women's bathroom in the cafe is distributed on the left and right sides, that is to say, door to door, and in the middle, that is, at the end of the corridor, there is a washstand. When Victoria saw Huang Youcai's direction, she naturally judged that he was going to the bathroom. Because the emergency stairs and elevators are on the other side, there is nothing else here except the bathroom, so it can be inferred that Huang Youcai went to the bathroom.

Victoria entered the women's bathroom first. It's not bad. There was no one in the bathroom. Otherwise, Victoria would swing the camera inside, and it would not be misunderstood.

Huang Youcai naturally would not pay attention to Victoria, and he was a big man, and it was impossible for him to look into the women's toilet. Therefore, Victoria stood slightly inside the women's toilet, adjusted the focal length of the camera, disabled the flash, and came to Huang Youcai. At the end of the corridor, I pressed the camera's photo button.

Victoria bought a card electronic digital camera, which does not have the sound of shutter like an SLR camera. After muteing, the camera can't hear the sound of taking pictures, so Huang Youcai was attracted by Victoria Bai without any notice.

Huang Youcai walked into the bathroom, went to the toilet, and then lit a cigarette at the window. He hasn't appeared in public for a long time, but no one should recognize him now.

Once he avenged Wang Xifan and Wang Zhitao, Huang Youcai will leave the city and go to a remote place to start a new life. However, before revenge, Huang Youcai will not plan for himself. For the Wang family, he must also have a beginning and an end.

Victoria's main purpose is to take photos. After the purpose is achieved, there is no need to stay. Especially when she saw that Huang Youcai was just standing at the window smoking, Victoria gave up her plan to stay here.

Victoria put the camera into the cuff and walked out of the bathroom. However, the moment Victoria stepped out of the bathroom, the door of Alice's box opened!

Victoria was shocked and hurriedly retreated half of her body. Through the mirror on the sink at the end of the corridor, she paid attention to the movement in the corridor.

After Huang Youcai went out, Alice wanted to say something, but the man in black waved his hand; "Alice, go and see what's going on at the door..."

Alice was slightly stunned and understood what her brother meant. She asked her to check whether Huang Youcai was eavesdropping on their conversation outside the door. However, the box was very soundproof, and the possibility should be very small.

Alice got up, opened the door of the box, looked left and right, and closed it quickly. There was no Huang Youcai outside the door, and Alice did not notice Victoria.

If Alice's eyesight is good enough, she should be able to see Victoria's talent from the washstand at the end of the corridor. However, it is obvious that Alice didn't pay attention to those details at all. She mainly wants to see if Huang Youcai is standing at the door, as long as Huang Youcai is not standing at the door, and the rest has nothing to do with her.

What's more, Alice is also afraid that Huang You will look at this side from afar. If she sees that she opens the door, she can obviously be able to refine her own intentions, which will make Huang Youcai have distrustful thoughts.

When Alice saw that there was no one in the corridor, she quickly closed the door, returned to her seat and said, "Brother, it's okay. Mr. Huang is not at the door."

The man in black nodded and made a gesture that he could continue to say, "Eli

Sil, what did you want to say before?

"Dr. Benjamin, have you contacted you recently?" Alice asked.

"I've been contacted," the man in black nodded, pointed to his face and said, "My face

It is the latest improvement of Dr. Benjamin..."

"Dr. Benjamin is sure that Shu Ya is the little girl who saw Sun Sikong in those years?" Alice asked doubtfully, "However, I didn't see anything strange on her face through contact with her."

"At first, I didn't think so, but judging from the frequent contact between Fei and Yang Ming, it should be her and there is nothing wrong." The man in black said, "This proves even more that Sun Sikong's mask has a higher scientific and technological content, and even a few years ago, it has far surpassed Dr. Benjamin!"

"If that's the case, that's true." Alice praised: "Shu Ya's face

, it's very real, far more real than your expressionless mask.

"It's not wrong. At first glance, it's nothing. It's just that if you contact it for a long time, you will be suspicious." The man in black nodded and said, "If you want to find the whereabouts of Sun Sikong, you must start from Shu Ya. Keep a good relationship with Shu Ya and don't break it.

"Brother, don't worry, I have a good personal relationship with Shuya," Alice said proudly. As Shuya's hardcore fan, Alice is actually purposeful. Alice doesn't know much about the relationship between Dr. Benjamin and her brother, but one thing is still very clear, that is, her brother has been helping Dr. Benjamin, and Dr. Benjamin asked him to find a person named Sun Sikong. According to the survey, Shu Ya, the red star in the singing world, is Su Ya in those years, but she doesn't know why her face has changed.

After further investigation, it was found that when Sun Sikong settled in Songjiang, he did have frequent contact with a girl named Su Ya. But later, Sun Sikong disappeared, and the girl named Su Ya also disappeared.

Originally, although Shu Ya and Su Ya had only one surname, they would not fall into the sight of the man in black. After all, one is a famous singer in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the other is a little girl in Songjiang. How can they be one person?

However, in the investigation, there was a major discovery that Su Ya was actually Yang Ming's little girlfriend! This discovery surprised the man in black.

However, he didn't see that Yang Ming had contacted Su Ya again. Finding Su Ya became a very difficult task to complete. However, unfortunately, the big star Shu Ya actually came to Songjiang for a concert!

This did not attract much attention from the man in black. What attracted his attention was the frequent contact between Shu Ya and Yang Ming! This makes the man in black suspicious! The two people who were not in contact with each other were related to Yang Ming at the same time, especially the names are very similar! This has to make the man in black think more!

Especially knowing the mask function developed by Sun Sikong, the more the man in black thinks about it, the more he thinks that Shu Ya is likely to be Su Ya in those years, just wearing the mask developed by Sun Sikong.

So, after that, the man in black paid attention to Shuya, but his identity restricted his movement and made it impossible for him to investigate Shuya further. Therefore, the man in black entrusted his sister Alice to investigate Shuya's identity.

After receiving her brother's order, Alice pretended to be Shu Ya's fan and took advantage of her influence in the European upper class to collect Shu Ya's! $ materials are coming.

Shu Ya, who aroused the absolute attention of the man in black, met with Yang Ming and Shu Ya in Macao. A bright star without any gossip actually meets a strange man frequently. It doesn't make sense. To say that they have nothing to do with each other, the man in black will never believe it.

Therefore, the man in black was even more suspicious that Shuya was the Su Ya. Until Yang Ming and Shu Ya met for the third time in Europe, the man in black asked Alice to intervene, hoping to find some clues from it.

"If Sun Sikong can join the organization, he will definitely be a very powerful helper." Man in black

Zi smiled awe-inspiringly: "At that time, I won't have to be afraid of that person!"

Alice didn't know much about these things, so when her brother said these things, she couldn't comment and could only nod silently.

"Maintain a good relationship with Shuya and try to find out something about Shuya from Yang Ming

Come on." The man in black said, "We don't have much time."

"I understand. I will try my best." Alice answered solemnly.

There was a knock outside the door, and the man in black asked loudly in a hoarse voice, "Who is it?

"It's me." Huang Youcai's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in." The man in black breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Huang Youcai pushed the door in and sat in his seat with a smile: "Have you brothers and sisters finished the old one?"

"Ha ha, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's talk about it. It's nothing." The man in black put it on

waved his hand and said, "If it's okay, let's break up and keep in touch by phone."

After Huang Youcai returned to the box, Victoria also quickly went out of the bathroom, returned to her own box, and continued to attach her ears to the door, listening to the movement outside the door.

When the door opened again in the box next door, Victoria noticed that Alice and two strange men went out of the box together, including the man she had met in the bathroom before.

It is definitely impossible to go out to take photos at this time. It is not only easy to be discovered by these people, but also exposed that the gains outweigh the losses. Especially when Alice knows her, Victoria doesn't need to take risks!

However, Victoria came to the window in the box, opened the window, carefully checked the terrain outside the window, then quickly jumped on the window sill, jumped out, and grabbed the iron shelf of the air conditioner under the window sill.

At this moment, Victoria's body is hanging in mid-air, and this is on the second floor. With the iron frame cushion of the air conditioner, Victoria is not high from the ground downstairs.

So Victoria let go of her hand against the iron frame of the air conditioner and jumped to the ground below easily. At this time, the back of the cafe was sparsely populated, so Victoria was not seen when she jumped down, especially Victoria's movements were very fast, and there was no pause in the middle. After reaching the ground, she quickly ran towards the main entrance of the coffee shop.

Alice, the man in black and Huang Youcai are normal to go downstairs and go to the bar on the first floor to check out, so the action is naturally not as fast as Victoria. After Victoria came to the main door of the coffee shop, she quickly hid in a station billboard. Behind.

After a while, Alice and the two men left the coffee shop together. Alice directly stopped a taxi and left, while the man she had seen in the bathroom before and another man in black got into another taxi.

When Huang Youcai and the man in black went out, Victoria quickly took a few photos with the camera. After Huang Youcai and the man in black got into the taxi, Victoria hesitated for a moment, and then stopped a taxi and followed.

The man in black has a strong anti-tracking ability. Whether there is anyone behind him or not, he will not take a taxi directly to his destination.

In front of a grocery store, the man in black said to the taxi driver, "Stop the car and let's buy a pack of cigarettes."

When the taxi driver heard what the man in black said about "we", he naturally understood that the man in black and Huang Youcai wanted to get off the bus together, so he immediately quit: "How can that be! If you all get out of the car and run away, who can I ask for the car money?

"Don't worry, this is a hundred yuan, bet with you." The man in black took out a hundred yuan and threw it on the cab of the taxi, and then said, "You can wait here for us for a while!"

Seeing that the man in black threw a deposit of 100 yuan, the driver naturally won't say anything. He nodded and let them get out of the car.

Victoria saw the man in black and Huang Youcai's car stopped in the distance, and quickly stopped the driver of his car and asked him to park the car not far away.

When Victoria saw Huang Youcai and the man in black enter a grocery store, but their taxi was waiting outside the grocery store, Victoria calmed down and subconsciously thought that the two must have gone to the grocery store.

So Victoria waited patiently in the car.

I don't know how long he waited. The man in black in front of him and the driver of the taxi in Huang Youcai got out of the car. Maybe he was a little impatient, so he entered the grocery store.

Not long after, the taxi driver came out again and cursed. Although it was a distance from Victoria, the taxi driver was loud and shouted loudly: "Dadamn, these two people are really strange. After depositing 100 yuan, they actually walked away from the back door of the grocery store. I really don't know. What do you think? The fare here is only more than ten yuan!"

After saying that, the taxi driver jumped into his own car, and then started the car and drove away. And Victoria, after listening to the taxi driver's words, she was shocked and scolded herself for being careless.

However, on second thought, what can you do even if you are not careless? Can you still follow these two people into the grocery store? That's a little obvious! Are they all grocery stores that come by taxi at the same time?

Thinking of this, Victoria was also relieved and said to the driver of her car, "Let's go back to Songjiang International Hotel.

The waiting time is also the meter, so the taxi driver will naturally not complain about how long he has been waiting. Hearing Victoria's instructions, he quickly answered, started the car and drove in the direction of Songjiang International Hotel.