very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1254 Power to solve the case by mn

The reason why Xia Xue is accompanied is that Yang Ming's identity is relatively special, which cannot be disclosed to everyone. If Yang Ming goes to the East China Sea Police Station by himself, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see the senior management of the police station before his identity is indicated, and it will be much easier to be accompanied by Xia Xue. In fact, it is because Yang Ming is not familiar with the East China Sea.

Xia Xue leaned lazily on the back of the car seat and stretched out: "I'm so tired. I've been having a meeting all morning."

"If you study the case, it is inevitable to have a meeting." Yang Ming knows the nature of Xia Xue's work. They meet almost every day to discuss the detection direction of some criminal cases.

"Many times, I always feel that my ability is insufficient. Although I have solved several major cases in this position, it is not my credit~~~" Xia Xue said sadly, "In the final analysis, these contributions were given to me by you, and I didn't do anything~~~~"

Yang Ming was a little surprised after hearing Xia Xue's words. Xia Xue actually began to think about these things? This shows that Xia Xue is mature. She is no longer the little girl who used to think only about science and engineering, and now she has her own ideas.

"You can't say that. If you hadn't assisted me in Wang Xifan's case, I wouldn't have caught them so easily. Moreover, if you hadn't helped me take care of Jiajia's injury later~~~~" Yang Ming said that it was a little gloomy here: "So you don't have to feel that Chen Afu's case was also solved by us staying up late together. Isn't this your credit?

"However, it seems that you are the leader every time, and I am the one who is the one~~~~" Although Xue participated in solving the case twice, she always feels that she doesn't do as much as Yang Ming.

"You are with me, naturally I'm better." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Otherwise, why did your brother invite me to his place?"

"Stinky!" Although the snow said so, it's really like this. If Yang Ming really has no ability, how can his brother recruit him? The car is on the Dongsong Expressway, and Yang Ming is very familiar with this road. All the plans have been smooth so far, but on the other side of the East China Sea, Tian Donghua's clock has no news, and he hasn't even sent a text message. At present, there is only one possibility, that is, Tian Donghua has been under house arrest by Tian Long. But Yang Ming is not very worried. The tiger poison does not eat his children. No matter how crazy Tian Long is, it is impossible to kill his son. Otherwise, what's the use of fighting for the huge property of the Sun family? At Tian Long's age, there are really not many things to plan for himself. His madness can only show one problem, that is, he wants to lay a foundation for his own self-damage.

Although the Tian family also has a youngest son, Tian Dongguang, Tian Dongguang is obviously the material for inheriting the career. He is simply a martial arts idiot to study martial arts all day. In contrast, Tian Donghua is a talented person. In terms of ability and character, he is the best choice to inherit the family business.

Yang Ming can see it, and Tian Long is even more unlikely to see it! In fact, Tian Long has also been training Tian Donghua as a successor.

So, in this way, unless Tian Long is crazy, he will not do anything unfavorable to Tian Donghua, and his son is gone, let alone his grandson. Thinking of this, Yang Ming was slightly at ease. Anyway, what is the outcome of Tian Long this time, Yang Ming will not involve Tian Donghua! At least Tian Donghua tried his best, and Yang Ming accepted his feelings. As for how to deal with Tian Long in the end, it depends on Tian Long's attitude.

The car was driving on the highway and gradually slowed down, because the front was already close to the exit of the Donghai toll station, and all the high-speed cars were parked here to accept payment. Yang Ming picked up the high-speed QC card and slowly loaded the back of a row of vehicles.

However, after two or three cars, it was obvious that the convoy stagnated and did not understand, and at the toll station in front, a person on the sex-given seemed to have an argument with the person at the toll station.

"What's wrong with the front?" Xia Xue also felt that the car was not leaving, so she raised her head and asked.

"I don't know. It seems that the person on a Poussin in front of him had an argument with the people at the toll booth." Yang Ming said.

With the mentality of watching the bustle, Yang Ming looked forward with his power. Sure enough, he saw Pusang's driver frowning and drinking to the people at the toll station: "I lost my QC card. How much do I lose? You just have to say a word. What's the point?" It's not a matter of losing money, which makes us poor the records in the computer. During this period, there is no record of your license plate number at all. We can't be sure from which intersection your car entered. The toll collector said.

"If you can't find it, don't check it. Why don't you charge according to the longest route?" The driver stared impatiently and said, "I have something else to do. Don't waste my time. How much is it? Say something, buddy is not short of money!"

"Why is this woman so ink? Don't pay more money! No, I have to get rid of her as soon as possible, otherwise there will be many dreams at night, and the time will be delayed for a long time. Maybe something will happen! This is a head job!"

Yang Ming suddenly heard a voice! Yes, the sound came from the driver who drove the black Poussin, and Yang Ming can be sure.

The driver of Kipsan must be in a very panic situation at this moment. Looking at what he thinks, he can also judge this point. There must be something unstingy about him. Yang Ming's inadvertent discovery shocked her spirit slightly. Yang Ming is not the kind of person who has multiple displays, but he is not the kind of person who doesn't care about himself and doesn't even see the bad guys who are afraid of the cold society.

Seeing that the old man who sells glasses was bullied, Yang Ming stepped forward, which also shows that Yang Ming is a very fair-hearted and righteous person. So when Yang Ming found that this Pusan driver was very good, Yang Ming knew that it was not easy! This man is in such a hurry to escape, and he is very afraid of staying here. It means that there may be some unusual secrets in her that others can't find!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming used his power and began to search around the Poussin driver. Yang Ming looked at the trunk first, because the place where things can be placed in the car is the trunk.

However, although Yang Ming found something suspicious in the trunk, it was not too deliberate. A pair of southern license plates and a pair of military vehicle license plates are obviously fake, but these things were found by the traffic police. At most, they were confiscated and fined. What's wrong with it?

So Yang Ming subconsciously felt that this person must have other problems. It's not so simple that there are two fake signs in the trunk! A fake sign won't make him lose his head!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming continued to search on Poussin with his power. If it is really something that can lose its head, then it is unlikely to be put in such an obvious place as the trunk! So Yang Ming began to look at the zoom in the car. These places that are easy to be ignored have become good places to hide things.

Suddenly, Yang Ming's eyes stopped under the cushion in the back seat of the Poussin car!

That's a bag of things held in black plastic, flat under the cushion. Although there are not many things, Yang Ming only took a look and understood what it was!

White powder! These two words jumped into Yang Ming's alarm clock. Although Yang Ming has not been exposed to these things, he also strictly ordered Bao Sanli not to be contaminated with these illegal businesses, so Yang Ming has never seen what real white powder looks like. But you don't need to really see this thing. You can know what it is just by looking at it.

"Well, I'll give you a thousand yuan. I'm really in a hurry. Just let me go there." The Pusan driver casually took out a pile of money from the co-pilot's hand and handed it to the toll collector.

"Sir, we can't accept this money. You'd better park the car aside first and wait for the traffic police to investigate clearly." The toll collector was not moved by the money handed over by the driver of Poussin, and he was also sad. There are surveillance videos in this toll station. Who dares to collect the money casually?

"Damn it, this woman may be really soft and hard to eat. If the things in the back seat of the car are to be searched by the police, they will die!"

"So what do you want to do? What about your leader? Who can make the decision?" The driver of Poussin is in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, please go to the police office in front of you for investigation." The toll collector pointed to the traffic police duty room not far from the right, and repeated what he had said before to Poussin's driver.

"Damn it! It seems that I can't get through it!"

And the police in the traffic police duty room over there obviously saw the dispute here, and also came out of the duty room and walked in the direction of Poussin.

"Why is it so troublesome!" Poussin's driver looked at the door, cursed and complained, and started the car, but just when everyone thought that he wanted to guide the car to the duty room to accept the threshold, the accident happened!

Because there was a fence in front of him, the non-paying car chain could not be passed, so Psang could only turn right to the police room next to the investigation, but Psang turned right, but it was not wrong, but he turned a big corner, directly turned the front of the car, then increased the accelerator, and ran unusually on .

This incident happened on the shoulder of the fire photoelectric stone. Everyone was stunned, including the toll collector over there and the traffic policeman who came out of the police room. However, when Poussin made a turn, Yang Ming had already said his intention. Because Yang Ming just saw the idea of the Pusan driver!